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Dumbass Shit We See On Facebook

Vic Mackey

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If your credit is that bad to where you can't get a car, probably should not be trying to buy a new one and get further into debt.
A lady my wife used to work with would get upside down on a car and just roll the debt into a loan on a new car. Nothing like paying $75K for a 2006 Dodge Journey.
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2 hours ago, Okie State said:
2 hours ago, Vic Mackey said:
If your credit is that bad to where you can't get a car, probably should not be trying to buy a new one and get further into debt.

A lady my wife used to work with would get upside down on a car and just roll the debt into a loan on a new car. Nothing like paying $75K for a 2006 Dodge Journey.

My sister is paying about $650/mo for her new Ford Flex. I think she has 2-3 loans rolled up in that bad boy.

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I would laugh but that is for sure her plan. Never ending cycle of poverty. 

Yeah because she said her two smallest implying that she has more. And they’re all from different esteemed gentlemen correct?

And how dare her mother not be there to provide child care services?
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4 hours ago, Vic Mackey said:





I am going to go out on a limb and guess her boss does not give a shit.....about anything.....it looks like she works in a storage unit that some one raided all the good shit from

2 hours ago, Vic Mackey said:



she is not bad looking at all if she can keep that weight long term

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It’s called expecting everyone else to be well prepared so you can just wake up shower and go to work not worrying about your own kids but now someone else’s schedule adjusts(and btw I bet her mother told her she’d probably be late like 3 times last week) so now she’s up against it because she didn’t prepare for this and now the kids have to go with her however they were dressed right now!

(I intentionally lacked punctuation there for FB effect, sorry for the eye damage)

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