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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/26/19 in all areas

  1. So I take care of my Pops now, and his Alzheimer's limits him incredibly at this point now. This disease is so hard to understand. Tonight he pulled out his newspaper and had pen in hand correcting the newspapers mock (like he did for 30 years prior) , and been talking football like he hasn't missed a beat all night. Truly a miracle night, if you knew his condition prior. It is very likely a short lived victory, but we have been having the time of our life this evening. He just went to bed, and handed me the newspaper and pen ha. Enjoy your parents folks.
    18 points
  2. The moment the economy tanks and the Dems are handed the pile of shit to clean up, he'll start complaining about deficit spending and how awful the Dems are for increasing the deficit. The most exhausting thing about discussing politics with Republicans is how fucking dumb and predictable they are. I actually applaud IT for at least making the discussion a little more interesting by reminding us that they're disgustingly horrible people too.
    12 points
  3. Their response to Murray is emblematic of their approach to life: he succeeds, and it's "He's still an aggy" but when he fails it's "He was never good enough to be an aggy." This is why we never need to play them again -- fuck that noise.
    11 points
  4. Interesting. I follow macroeconomic forecasts and reporting pretty closely and I don't think that ever happened or that you can source a quote anything like that. I think that in part because quarterly GDP growth was over 3% about multiple times during the Obama administration, including growth of 5.2% in Q3 of 2014. Of course, as I've said multiple times, the president has almost no impact on quarterly GDP and statements made otherwise are pure suckerbait. Obama deserves credit for managing a holistic policy of holding off a deflationary collapse over a sustained period of risk, and the policy came at an immense price. What the administration is doing now is eating seed corn that we will miss sorely during the next cyclical recession, and is very close to the magic beans bullshit of modern monetary theory embraced by the likes of Sanders and AOC. Sadly, it suprises me zero that you are bought in on this nonsense, or that you are repeating an imaginary quote.
    10 points
  5. Icono - I just want you to know that I’m praying for you... ...to be deported, after you get your ass kicked by some white supremacist maga fuckwits.
    9 points
  6. “Chad Fuck is the best lover in the world with a gigantic penis!” Hottest Instagram Model, Canada!
    9 points
  7. Even better, order some, give them to her and tell her you had some prototypes made up.
    8 points
  8. 7 points
  9. Been travlin' these highways, and doin' things my way. It's been making me lonesome, on'ry, and mean.
    7 points
  10. Fuck phlegm’s tired bit and anyone who likes it.
    6 points
  11. Imagine being so miserable that a great economy is bad news.
    6 points
  12. I just ordered them. Not sure how I'm going to play it yet, but I'll report back with the details.
    6 points
  13. You also admit to blowing dudes for drugs. That’s some great decision making skill. If felons can’t vote, why the fuck can you?
    6 points
  14. They are alive aren't they? jfc, if this is a Christian, its time to bring back the lions.
    6 points
  15. This is our world currently. Seriously, this simulation is the pits.
    6 points
  16. 5 points
  17. I could argue with it. Hurts will mark the 5th year in a row that the Sooners are starting a xfer QB. Riley didn't recruit any of those QBs out of high school, in fact he hasn't had a QB that he recruited start a single game for him at OU (as OC or HC). Hell, Holgorson is the person that identified Carden as a capable QB and talked McNeil into looking at him at ECU. It's easy AF to sell Kingsbury as the man behind identifying both Murray and Mayfield (despite how he handled them, etc). Riley taking on Hurts instead of a QB he has identified and groomed (Austin Kendall) further exacerbates the feeling that he is piggybacking off of other people's work. I'm not saying Riley isn't a good offensive coach or QB coach but I could argue with his impact on the 2 first rounders esp. with the taking of Hurts vs. Kendall (as well as Mordecai and Rattler). You could also point out that Riley was being a fucking bitch cunt trying to block Kendall's transfer to WVU until the whole world shat on him and forced his hypocrite ass to give in. Fuck OU.
    5 points
  18. There are 4 references to "Palestine" in the Old Testament you disgusting ignorant cockgobbler.
    5 points
  19. Torchys. Decent but overrated AF.
    5 points
  20. I've been thinking about this - if I'm here and you're here, doesn't that make this our time? Certainly there's nothing wrong with a little feast on our time.
    5 points
  21. Fuck yeah, this Boss Bitch knows what's up. Ninfa's > El Tiempo
    5 points
  22. No matter who Dallas was going to select Vic was going to come here and call it a terrible selection.
    4 points
  23. A trade is in...The Houston Texans trade the 55th pick for the 54th pick from the Texans.
    4 points
  24. He's tall, white and throws the ball far/hard. NFL scouts don't even on the game tape when those boxes are checked. Except maybe to rub one out. Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
    4 points
  25. This is incredibly uninformed. Almost any lawyer working in the justice department could make substantially more in the private sector with little trouble finding a landing spot. New hires come from the top of their classes at elite law schools and/or off of federal clerkships. Lateral hires come from top firms. This is true for attorneys in other federal agencies too. Say what you will about Rosenstein but he's been committed to public service and isn't desperate to hang on to his job for financial reasons. While we're on the topic, is that really your view of professionals in the federal government? It is badly misinformed.
    4 points
  26. I guess if any thread is going to be full of Republicans concern trolling Democrats over who to nominate, it should be the Biden thread.
    4 points
  27. Yes, same goes for TacoDeli.
    4 points
  28. If a helicopter is flying overhead in the neighborhood, guarantee that within 5 minutes someone will post on Nextdoor asking "DOES ANYONE KNOW WHY THE HELICOPTER IS CIRCLING OUR NEIGHBORHOOD?" Then most people will respond, claiming that no they don't know why, but adding that it is "scarey" (sic). Eventually someone will suggest that perhaps they are looking for someone who committed a crime 75 miles away, and they'll post a link to the news story about the completely unrelated crime. And now more people will immediately jump in to comment about how "scarey" (sic) it all is.
    4 points
  29. That's a pretty rhetorical question, don't you think.
    4 points
  30. Judge Andrew Napolitano goes in dry. https://twitter.com/kylegriffin1/status/1121552006785716224
    4 points
  31. " These guys getting drafted should get off the phone. That's so disrespectful " Me:
    4 points
  32. Cool Ranch Doritos > Nacho Cheese Doritos.
    4 points
  33. Mars ain't the kind of place to raise your kids, in fact it's cold as hell, and there'd be no one there to raise them if you did.
    4 points
  34. I feel like WWE Hall of Famer Mark Henry isn't getting the proper respect around here. That aggression will not stand.
    4 points
  35. She had 4 dogs and a chihuahua And I got this tin mug, that's made out of tin. It's metal. I know that. There are 3 positions in baseball that I just don't play: #1) infield, and #2) pitcher or catcher Easy as peasy I was makin' lettuce wraps, and I made them with.....lettuce. I like podcasts, but I hate the talking. I read that a sandwich was named after the Earl of Sandwich. Seems like it should be because the fixin's are sandwiched between bread. There are really only two types of clowns...the murdering kind and the buggering kind. It tough deciding which one to hire for your kid's birthday party since both are funny in their own way. Scott, I ain't your fuck monkey I was on the shitter and decided to make peace with myself. My only regret in life is not taking enough chances. Tina booked a trip to Vietnam. I hope none of the guys my dad killed are still around. Weird morning. I woke up from a dream. My softball team isn't any good but we're drunk and happy.
    4 points
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