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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/19/19 in all areas

  1. I spent a lot of time thinking about this, unfortunately. You have to have so little self-respect that you are ok being lied to over and over. You have to be ok with being told what to do. You have to have an Abbottian spine and be perfectly fine with someone bullying disabled people or a gold star family. You have to believe that owning a gun makes you more of a patriot than someone who is expressing their freedom of speech. You wear an american flag shirt to prove you are a love it or leave it 'murican but would rather be a russian than a democrat. You have absolutely no care whatsoever for the environment. However you do get mad when he hurts "the wrong people". You would rather lose your family farm than vote for someone with a D next to their name. You easily confuse contradiction for persecution. You have to have the foresight of a mayfly. You have to have hate in your heart and marbles in your head.
    18 points
  2. It's amazing to think that the most severe flooding seems to have happened after hundreds of thousands of new homes, and thousands of new roads were built on the north end of a waterflow basin.
    14 points
  3. I mean, right out of the gate. Then a few comments down.
    13 points
  4. Unfortunately the efforts have been greatly slowed by cramps. Quintessential Houston in 3 words.
    10 points
  5. Oh they’re troubled by the violation of the law huh? THEN FUCKING DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT
    10 points
  6. So after my company started sending people home, a coworker of mine who takes the metro in from cypress left to catch the bus. He got to the NW transit center at 610 and old Katy road and they decided to stop metro city wide. He and a bunch of other people were stranded. I decided to wait until a big line of storms rolled through to leave. I figured I would go and pick him up and take him to his car since it was out my way. Google traffic said that taking 10 from downtown would take 1h45m to get to him. Memorial would take 45 minutes. So I hopped on Memorial and as I crossed buffalo bayou it was out of its banks and half way up the police officers monument. As I approached Waugh I saw cars stopped and figured water was on the road so I jumped off on Jackson Hill to zigzag my way through Rice Military. There was a lot of stalled cars and high water. Looked like this: People who don’t drive through that neighborhood are unaware that instead of storm drains there are ditches. So cars drive off into them and we’re stuck. One small dicked jackass did just that in his dually then decided to attach his wench to a power pole. Nope, I wasn’t sticking around for that disaster. Jackass. I finally made it out of Rice Military and knew from Harvey they best way to get to him would be from Washington where it turns into Old Katy. I had forgotten that during Harvey both Old Katy and Old Hempstead under the train bridges were flooded. So I had to turn back, zigzag back through Rice Military up TC jester to Cottage Grove. Here was 10 at TC: And of course Cottage Grove looked like it had during Harvey: But finally I made it to Old Hempstead on the other side of the train tracks. Here is 17-18’ of water under that bridge: Post Oak was completely packed with cars so I parked at Northwest Mall and had my coworker walk over to meet me. He had to go through several spots that were thigh high water and I am sure that was avoiding even deeper water. But I got his old Venezuelan ass home safe. I had my camera with me but I am just so goddamn sick of flooding in Houston and all the bullshit that goes with it that I didn’t attempt to shoot quality shots like I did with Harvey. Fucking over this shit.
    9 points
  7. My God, you are only 33??? I could have swore you were an angry, bitter, get off my lawn 73 year old
    9 points
  8. It's time for the whistleblower to go full Ellsberg.
    9 points
  9. 9 points
  10. Well our “president” dresses in orange face everyday #bothsides
    8 points
  11. Wait, so you're telling me we could possibly get rid of Donald AND Uncle Joe? Got damn, maybe it's not our time to fade away
    7 points
  12. Some senior HUDL clips Card: https://www.hudl.com/video/3/6877959/5d6d02565b3cee0cb0ec5cff https://www.hudl.com/video/3/6877959/5d763d770c544712500e7669 https://www.hudl.com/video/3/6877959/5d7f77bd5b46aa10b0150268 Bijan https://www.hudl.com/video/3/7796018/5d6dcbd232e6650894a667cd https://www.hudl.com/video/3/7796018/5d76613d5ef7160f2836dfa7 Broughton https://www.hudl.com/video/3/10383207/5d725a35b3c81e16a8ab7303 JQJ https://www.hudl.com/video/3/7591645/5d6a858ee97ae605407bddd6 https://www.hudl.com/video/3/7591645/5d734106f31d2f143c135832 https://www.hudl.com/video/3/7591645/5d7dbcf69676500ff07156e8 Johnston https://www.hudl.com/video/3/9254355/5d7cdb1e7bd2a10f7422fda2 Majors https://www.hudl.com/video/3/6509508/5d6a83e9da50d0079c7ef70c https://www.hudl.com/video/3/6509508/5d732e98c119ad11dc326a50 https://www.hudl.com/video/3/6509508/5d7d10d417628b0ccc1b1ead Jerrin Thompson https://www.hudl.com/video/3/8438527/5d6ab89dbd6a210e50faf342 https://www.hudl.com/video/3/8438527/5d7346cd47982315a48ab39c https://www.hudl.com/video/3/8438527/5d7fe22f578dcd07a8bd8889
    7 points
  13. Dear Athletic director of a major university, I scheduled my wedding during football season. Can you please schedule the football game which will be attended by 100,000 people around my wedding. Sincerely, Stupid fucking entitled bitch cunt who must be marrying a spineless douchebag
    7 points
  14. FIFY. You would never make it as an aggy 9.95er.
    6 points
  15. 6 points
  16. And happened to have a cooler full of yellow bellies and Dos Equis in the back of my truck. Things are looking up.
    6 points
  17. Seems like the beta cuck vegan soyboys are the winners today.
    6 points
  18. I love collegiate football. I mean, like, I love collegiate football.
    5 points
  19. This is why college shits all over the nfl
    5 points
  20. Sounds kind of snake oily to me also. And you shut your mouth on CBD. My grandpa was 90 and dying of cancer and AIDS. One dose of CBD oil and the doctor said he is indistinguishable from a 25 year old Olympic athlete. The next day he went to a Giants game and the Giants signed him to replace Eli Manning. Shurmur saw him in the stands and said that's our guy. He had never even played a down of football before. The first time that he was 25, he was short and slow. Now he is 6 ft 3 and runs a 4-3 forty.
    5 points
  21. Wife was toddling around the house last weekend looking for things to do when I was trying to watch football. Me: Why don't you hang up all these pictures that have been sitting on the couch since we moved in 5 months ago? Her: OK, but I'm going to need some help. Me: How? Her: I'm going to need your opinion on where to hang them. Me: Literally anywhere you hang them will be better than having them on the couch. That's my opinion. Hang them wherever you want. So she hangs the pictures, and then she pulls out this iron thing that used to be on the wall in the old house. Something like this: Her: Where do you think I should hang this? [My sister-in-law] says it should be hung over a door... Me: Then hang it over the door. You know damn she has a better eye for that stuff than I do. Her: Well I just really want your opinion, because I was thinking about hanging it to the side of the door. [Holds it up above the door] Does this look better [holds it up beside the door] than this? Me: It definitely looks better above the door. Her: Why? Me: Because I think it does, and that's my fucking opinion, which is what you asked for. Later that afternoon, I find that thing hanging in the middle of the wall in the guest bedroom.
    5 points
  22. Couldn't get out for lunch. Got into one of my freezers in the warehouse and pulled out deer sausage which are now on the grill in the warehouse. Problem solved.
    5 points
  23. One of my family members is a huge pro-lifer and used to go around to schools teaching abstinence-only bullshit. Her daughter got knocked up in high school. Oops!
    5 points
  24. National Talk Like a Pirate Day floods it is
    5 points
  25. Everyone leaving my office. Me:
    5 points
  26. Well on the bright side Trump doesn't keep his promises.
    5 points
  27. Sure are A LOT of the usual suspects who seem to care more about JT wearing brown face once than...y'know, an entire political party in the United States being self-admitted white supremacists.
    5 points
  28. There are at least five families, whose daughters sadly fell into a life of ill repute, who would disagree with that statement. Allegedly. Oh, and fuck Art Briles, the institution that enabled him, and the city that enables said university.
    5 points
  29. Women everywhere respond with a collective clitoral shrug.
    5 points
  30. Well, would ya look at this. The Astros have the best record in baseball, they're gonna win the division again, the Rangers are 5 games under .500, and all the Rangers fans have crawled back into their holes. It's our September tradition. See y'all next April with your unrealistically high hopes for your shitty ass franchise.
    5 points
  31. So.... joker movie is coming out eh guys?
    5 points
  32. Littlefield Fountain for anyone who went to the University.
    5 points
  33. Y'all still holding a grudge against Mack need to chill out. He was a net positive for this program, by a huge margin, beyond any doubt. Things went off the rails at the end there and pushing him out was the right and necessary thing to do, but he can't hurt you anymore. It's not like this is Art Briles or Joe Paterno we're talking about, his failings were fielding a mediocre football team and being thin-skinned/egotistical. As far as bad guys among college football coaches, he doesn't even register. How you gonna root against an old man taking one more shot at redemption?
    5 points
  34. "Oh my God. This is terrible. This is the end of my presidency. I'm fucked."
    4 points
  35. If not, we can just ask Israel for their copy
    4 points
  36. Oh. Some of y'all are still operating under the mistaken belief that we still have the Rule of Law in this country. How adorable.
    4 points
  37. FIFprecision. I read it as if your OL were all top-33 players. They're top-220
    4 points
  38. No, she's a politician, and one who went from single digits in this race to second place in a few months while everyone else has stayed static or dropped. She's not in this to teach and lose; that's Bernie's thing. She's in this to win and actually get shit done.
    4 points
  39. The reason she won't say it is that no matter how much context she puts around it, the media headlines will be that Warren says she will raise taxes on the middle class, and Republicans will take the tiny snippet of her saying yes, out of context, to push a false narrative. And she's also refusing to just lie, like many candidates and all Republicans would, so she's in a bind. It's not sustainable, so she's trying to get her context out as much as possible before stating what she must inevitably state.
    4 points
  40. I don't think most people fully comprehend how much poison fox news (and conservative radio) has injected into our society. The amount of division and hatred they've manufactured in this country is depressing to think about b/c when Trump is gone next year all of his deplorables and their telescreen remain.
    4 points
  41. 198.8 this morning. My range is now running 198 - 202. It’s been 15 years since I’ve been under 200. I’m down 42 pounds since Jan of this year. Thank you to the folks here for sharing their struggles and triumphs. It’s kept me going.
    4 points
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