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  1. Maybe… I do think Biden would be greatly served by the debates we were hearing about last month— he got a huge bump in confidence and appeal when he showed fire and wherewithal at the SOTU. Every few months he needs to remind folks he’s got some timbre in his voice and connecting thoughts to words quickly, because videos make him look like weekend at Bernie’s. And that’s not shade, the dude is old as can be, I hope I’m moving around half as good at that age…
  2. You know some pins tomorrow will be just because they wanna be dicks. Cool. Wanna win? Manage adversity and do it.
  3. He actually traded for Dubon, but also got Montero along in the Graveman deal and brought in Stanek and Neris in FA. Click was a very good GM, because he did something Luhnow never really did, prioritized building an excellent bullpen. The real reason we won the 2022 WS. Click was also stupidly vetoed on traded fucking Jose Urquidy for Contreras, and then we had to reach for Vazuqez and it cost us 1 player that would be on our 26 man roster right now that is currently carrying a .800+ OPS and actually has a strong OF arm.
  4. That's kind of par for the course when you're team is up 3-0. No one cares if you win. Plus, it's accepted that Boston is much less heliocentric than Luka or LeBron teams. Celtics lose again on Monday, and the critics will be ready to pounce.
  5. Yes, from pit bosses I've talked to as long as others at the table are losing more than the counter is winning they don't really care too much. When they are winning more than the table is losing and it's into the thousands then they really start to care. If you haven't already you should watch this https://www.amazon.com/Inside-Edge-Professional-Blackjack-Adventure/dp/B07QMS68TC
  6. Smart home says hi. I just don't see this going the way many anticipate.
  7. Here I found it. And not posting it with any agenda and to get negged to Bolivia but because it’s something going around right now and just speaks to @immamacpoint that we have ancient human beings as our two options, and both that might not be all there upstairs:
  8. We did first week Dec annually from 2013-2018 when the kids were little. Gloriously light attendance. Some attractions and services would be out of commission, but that tradeoff was totally worth it. Just got back from Tuesday-Thursday this week. Was very busy Thursday. Tuesday was lighter. Genie+ is a must have. Its just fastpass on an app. App is a bit wonky and glitched a couple times.
  9. Can't we use the fact that Lamborghini started started out as a maker of tractors and other farm equipment to help put these country bumpkins at ease?
  10. If you gave me 10 years of royalty checks, unlimited internet, tv and marijuana, unrestrained by the responsibilities of my family and professional career, I would be worse. Compare him to some of the shit we watched on Austin public access from 1995-2005 and he’s average to boring. Maybe we should applaud him for being somewhat more sensible than Britney Spears. I mean, his clothes are on and he’s not dancing with knives.
  11. Only when we lose. When we win suddenly its "show me a loss!"
  12. So getting back to the school board stuff, our Christian Nationalist CFISD board leader has been pushing for cuts to school counselors. The cuts are necessary because all Public School budgets have been frozen at 2019 spending levels because Abbott has said he won't allow any increases until School Vouchers are approved. This has been seen as an opportunity for these nutjobs to add School Chaplains in their place, who will of course, push their Christianity on kids as part of their "counseling." It's a backdoor way of injecting religion into schools without having to get it explicitly approved like you would with textbooks or programs. The lady spearheading this in CFISD sent this email to her supporters back when she started running for office here. Her intent is very clear. She lost a few times before winning a couple years ago, and is up for reelection in 2025. There will be a huge push to get her replaced next year, but it will be an uphill battle given the make-up of our district. Even if you don't have kids in school, please please please look at your local board elections and go vote. It's so important when the voter turnout for these things is often in the 10-20% range. Our last election has 4 seats up and they were all decided by 3000 or less votes out of about ~50k. It was 3-1 crazy people elected 😔
  13. Have yall seen the clip going around showing Biden seemingly wandering off and lost at G7?
  14. Wrapping up two weeks in Italy (fly out in the morning). It has been a busy couple of weeks. Started in Rome (Trastevere). Saw all the “major” stuff - Vatican City, Pantheon, Trevi Fountain, Spanish Steps, etc. it was busy obviously but thankfully not too hot yet. Next was Sorrento - probably the favorite of the youngers in our group. Charter boat to Capri (couldn’t do Blue Grotto as wave action made it so slow that we would have been waiting for hours). But we got to swim in a few spots and had a good lunch at Panorama on Capri. Also charter boat around to Amalfi and Positano. This was an (expensive) add on, but a lot of fun. Did Pompeii and Herculaneum from here. I liked this more than I thought I would. Again, thankfully not too hot. I can’t imagine doing that with July/August sun beating down on you. We did a quick spin through Naples so probably not representative, but based on our quick run-through, I liked it the least of the big cities. Next was Florence and we stayed right down town in the tourist area, but I thought it was great because it made everything easily walkable. Duomo, Uffizi, Ponte Vecchio, etc. One day train to Lucca and we grabbed bikes and rode to Pisa. This was a ton of fun. Nice bike path along the Arno for the most part. We returned on a more direct path. Cars were conscientious of the bikes. Day trip to Cinque Terre. This made for a long day but the area is beautiful. Would consider a night or two here to hike the trail between. Wrapping up in Milan. Definitely a different vibe here but I like it more than I thought I would. Staying near park where Castello is and that is great. Day trips to Lake Como (weather not great which put a damper on it) and Venice (squeezed it in). I was expecting worse from Venice, but we really buzzed through the St Marks area and then just meandered the streets away from there and we really enjoyed it. Amazing country to visit, and I feel like there’s so much more to see and do.
  15. General rule is if count/(number of decks left) >+1 you should raise your bet. So if the count goes to +4 after the first hand, or is +3 when you are half way through or +1 near the end raise your bet. Really depends where you are at and what stakes you're playing for the amount of the raise. No one will really care if you go 4x your low bet, start getting closer to 10x your low bet and people may start watching. Also depends on stakes. $5-$50 probably won't matter, $25-$250 will. I went to Shreveport one time and ranging from $5 to $25 and the pit boss was staring me down. I brought my girlfriend the following week and would kick her under the table to raise her bet and she was going from $5 to $100 and they never even looked at her. Louisiana can no longer boot you for counting, you're free to range as big as you want. Never got any heat in Vegas last year going from $5 to $50.
  16. click made the maton/diaz deal and signed Dubon. These are the type of deals we need, and haven’t found since he left
  17. Slightly related to topic warning. Family and I drove to Amarillo and back to have lunch with friends at the Big Texan. (My wife and I are both teachers, which is why we can do stupid shit like this in the summer.) Anyway, we just had to stop by the Cadillac Ranch. I'm sorry, but that was one of the most dumbass things I've ever seen. Yay. Cars in the ground. To make matters worse, you're apparently supposed to buy or bring spray paint and paint all over the GD property. I'm no Greta Thornburg, but this just seemed so damaging and wasteful. I don't get it.
  18. If he doesn’t get his act together we could declare a fatwa and be done with him. I rarely recommend that as a solution, but he’s progressively getting more lame.
  19. If that was this morning, we were there at the same time.
  20. I don’t think realtors, or at least the good ones, are expecting 8 day closes. I will offer that as a strategy to win the deal on their offer, but they haven’t come to us with such. The aforementioned 8 day Surly guy/realtor literally posed the DM as “long shot” but hey
  21. I was talking to a friend of mine who grew up in Croatia and she mentioned how this is the final shot for this team to win something before a roster overhaul.
  22. Napoleon

    Euro 2024

    If you go to the ground and roll more than twice, you should receive a yellow card for time wasting.
  23. Yeah, unfortunately it’s hard to sugar-coat this one. When I walked into the room, the speculum that I recognized for ultrasounds during my wife’s pregnancies was there and I thought “nah, they have to have something else.” (Narrator: they don’t). They take twelve cores and evaluate each. Taking the cores is minor as by now they’ve hit you with the anesthetic. I’d liken it to being lightly snapped with a rubber band. It’s not fun, but get it done. As said in a few posts above, this is one you can get at early. Don’t put it off. And the Decipher test may not be offered by your urologist, but they’ll order if you ask. This will tell you how aggressive your lesion is and can help guide treatment. If it helps, I did NOT want radiation therapy unless absolutely necessary. Thankfully, my lesion was well contained in the prostate so surgery was easy choice. We “shopped” for a surgeon we felt good about and came highly recommended, with vast experience with the Da Vinci nerve-sparing procedure. Remember you can always add a dose of RT later if needed, but RT mutates things such that it makes subsequent nerve-sparing surgery extremely difficult if not impossible. I’m not an MD so take my opinion with the appropriate grain of salt, but thought I’d share a brief view of my thought process.
  24. We live just south of Hays City, and have since ‘99. First year Painted Buntings have fed at our feeders.
  25. Rob and Demi seemed like the most, "whatever...why would you let that shit really bother you". of course both of them had bigger issues later than some brat pack label so maybe they had better perspective Estevez probably had his dad in his ear saying you need to get away from that soon if you want to be thought of as serious. McCarthy obviously let it eat him up. It was funny that Blum wasn't going to apologize. All of them were kind of average actors anyway.
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