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  1. Correct, unless it comes out they delayed Pierce’s firing for contract or buyout stuff which is unlikely. I still wouldn’t be too upset if we ended up with Bakich.
  2. This is a pretty amazing thread of comments. It's from LSU 247. I'll post the entire thread, so I'm not - even unintentionally - guilty of cherry-picking. Secretariat rooting for a loss? (Note the upvotes) LSUBaller - Aggies have been fakely winning natties since 1939 ... CenLA Tiger despises equivocation. And Aggies. jrustyrich skewers with pithiness. Familiarity breeds contempt. Especially for Ags. dolphinatic76 is the smartest dolphinatic yet! deauxboy2 - tell us about the day you first met Satyanash? hartjb - that's spoken like a real Man,son!! TwistedTiger66 - an Aggie loss, and his cup of joy runneth over. Is cout12 in the bumper-sticker business? We wonder. LsULZ ... Millerball3 is careless with his whispers ... Uh oh ... the Texas boogeyman cometh ... Highroller 99 (aka Ian BOyd's anti-matter) !!! CTJ has a Cajun sock !!! !!! CTJ has TWO Cajun socks !!! The mods are ALWAYS neutral ... lulz.
  3. Tale from the trail...TLDR got a spider bite on Wed when my right wrist brushed into a tall weed/bush on a trail Ive ridden hundreds of times. 30 hours later I'm in CA at an urgent clinic at 10pm getting antibiotic shot in the saddle to battle the likely MRSA infection and a 7 day supply of clindamycin. If you want to keep reading. Coming down a drop. Hit the bush and felt a really painful sting on my wrist/forearm. I wear long sleeves year round. Pulled over to see if ti was a bee stuck in my shirt. Noticed two small marks. Figured they were thorns. Pain subsided. Finsihed my ride. Went home and washed and disinfected. Thurs flygin to CA with my daughter for a showcase in LA area. Wrist is now swollen, hot and really red. Been around long enough to know this is more than thorns or bee sting. ONe of the soccer moms is a nurse. Had her come take a look at and shes like oh man you should go to the urgent like now. First one was closed so I almost went home but she texted me another place because she really wanted me to get meds. After an hour Dr. walks in and is like oh boy you need antibiotics now. He said if I had waited another day or two I'd most likely end up in the hospital battling a massive infection. This morning. HEat is gone. Redness is not going past the pen marks the doc made. Unfortunately I can not shoot webs from my wrist yet.
  4. So they are extending a coach that, by my count, is 2-7 against ranked teams in his two years as head coach and 0-2 in bowl games. He was going into year 3 of a 6 year contract, so it's not like this was hanging over his head. His two years are inarguably the worst two OU seasons since 2015 and trending toward the three worst seasons in the past ten years with the schedule they have this year. However, OU fans insist that he's changed the culture from that sissy Lincoln Riley football that resulted in NY6 games basically every year. This is so awesome.
  5. 2017: Jimbo Fisher hired '18-'20 record: 26-10 2021: Extended Extension dollars/win: $865,384 2021 - Burnt Vegetables hired '22-'23 record: 16-10 2023: Extended Extension dollars/win: $906,250 This extension is basically Herman's 2019 extension minus the Sugar Bowl win justification, yet somehow worse than what aggy did
  6. We sure that isn't an Onion article? He's "always" exercising his 2a rights?
  7. Would diverting funds from those ISDs to fund private schools be political suicide? Because one party is going hard in the paint with that agenda right now.
  8. We had an interim AD doing the hiring, first and foremost, and there was zero evidence of institutional support at the time. That whole endeavor was an unmitigated disaster from start to finish.
  9. Another one that ran out of time? …I know I’m going to hell but you mfers are coming with me.
  10. Very interesting. If a significant part of the drivetrain in future race cars will be electric, there are going to be a number of issues to work through. Not insignificant will be fire management in crashes. Battery fires in EVs are almost impossible to put out, and local authorities everywhere are playing catch-up with EV deployment. In an intense application like a full race, the risk for that kind of fire is significantly increased, along with every other risk. I'm sure it's a solvable problem, but it's not easy to solve.
  11. Should be fine as long as we don't give up.
  12. It may be win or lose. I mean who leaves on the brink of a title? Then do they pull a Stoops and go with the pitching coach Lincoln Riley.
  13. to shoot at a stripper he brought home from the club. According to initial reports from the Lansing-based MIRS News, Friske was arrested by the Lansing Police Department with a gun in his possession at 2:25 a.m. near his home, after sources said he allegedly chased an adult dancer from his home. The dancer also supposedly works at the Déjà Vu gentlemen’s club in Lansing, which is located close to Friske’s home. The LPD also confirmed they were responding to a shots fired call. Authorities also declined to name what exactly Friske is being charged with until he is arraigned on either Friday or Saturday. The claims involving a stripper and Friske possessing a gun could not be independently confirmed by press time. Friske’s campaign released a statement on Facebook several hours after his arrest, saying that the representative “is always exercising his 2nd Amendment right.” The campaign also insinuated, without proof, that the arrest is politically motivated, calling it “highly suspect.” Friske, who is vying for reelection in November, posted on X shortly before his arrest on Thursday morning criticizing his opponent Parker Fairbairn for being a RINO (Republican in Name Only) and making it “clear that he will work with the Democrats.” Friske has represented the state’s 107th District since January 2023, and he is regarded as a far-right member of the body. Shortly after being sworn in, Michigan’s House Freedom Caucus announced that Friske would be joining their ranks and serving as its secretary. On June 5, Friske spoke at a press conference to introduce a set of bills sponsored by the Freedom Caucus aimed at combating “rampant illegal immigration.” “If the federal government won’t close the border and begin mass deportations, the burden falls on us to do everything we can to protect our communities,” Friske said in a statement. “The only way people will start using the legal pathways again is if we deport illegal immigrants and make it crystal clear that the legal option is the only option.” Friske is currently being held in the Lansing’s city jail until his arraignment. He is on the Republican primary ballot and will face Fairbairn after previously defeating him in 2022 by 1,061 votes.
  14. If only we could do something about all these drag queens grooming the youth.
  15. I think you're right and value is the complaint here because these teams timelines are completely different. It also sounds like Caruso is getting 4 for 80 this summer, and I could can understand how that doesn't make sense for the Bulls if they are tanking. Teams that don't want to win don't need glue guys. If the Bulls aren't tanking, it makes no sense.
  16. Why didn't we get one these guys before? Aggies say they turned us down flat, but we know how credible that is. I don't want to derail the thread, but some explanation would be most welcome.
  17. That date has already passed for 'regular' students. Obviously exemptions are made for student-athletes in transfer portals, varying by sport. But yeah, if we're done with the portal, and the NBA draft deadlines, I guess we're complete. 24 July is typically when Belmont sends over the money to the registrar for scholarship athletes' tuition. not sure if that makes a difference. I used to know all these details before the COVID/portal situation because we had some academic/named scholarships that would supplement a few student-athletes that weren't on full rides but were also really smart. But I have no clue anymore (as usual). So anybody wanna compile the full roster for us?
  18. If there's a grievance filed, Bauer's never going to play again, either. The result of a lawsuit won't be an arbitrator mandating that someone sign him; it will be a great big check.
  19. They were getting roasted on XM84 for this today. I view this as glorious news. There was no reason to give this rube a raise, but, hey, fuck it, go for it.
  20. I would give anything to go back to the 80’s. It fucking rocked.
  21. It just wouldn't be the same if they were in tune. And I was wrong about not listening to old music. I do go back and listen to Trompe le Monde occasionally, like couple of years.
  22. I believe this is probably directed at me, so I will say, as I think I've said before, that it wasn't the best season, but it certainly wasn't the worst either. They can't all be winners I guess, but it brings me back to a question from upthread: Do y'all think the overall talent of the chefs has gone down because the show isn't attracting the best anymore? Was it ever really attracting the best? I know it's a time commitment and some chefs can't or don't want to make that sacrifice, but it seems to me the media exposure alone and being able to say you were on Top Chef at all would be worth tens of thousands of dollars, if not more. Not to mention the overall grand prize is $250k compared to 100k when it first started. If I get bored this weekend, I may go through the seasons and see which ones stand out to me as majority inferior talent and see if the trend is really downward or not. Would be an interesting experiment.
  23. Yep. Bonhoeffer was a legit badass and his story should be told. But this movie is definitely not going to do that. I'm not a Christian, but The Cost of Discipleship is an incredible book. If Christians today did their best to follow Bonhoeffer's example, the world would be a better place.
  24. In a normal world, having him rant on why he should have complete immunity to commit all crimes would be helpful closer to the election to prove how utterly incompetent he is for the job, but 80 million people will just nod along and go to the polls for him, so it won't make a shit.
  25. Meh, got married at the Mansion in Austin, rented out Aquarelle (now closed) for the reception, flew out to the Caribbean a few days later. It wasn’t cheap, put a little into the rings, and the photographer was really A+. We have great memories and pictures. This was important to my wife so it was important to me. I did suggest that we get ripped/dirty tux and wedding dress and take pictures in an alley/dumpster or burned out building, and that was near the end of my input. I was given toddler decision tree from then on.
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