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  1. They don't care If a tape is out with him dropping n-bombs it will galvanize the slorches. They couldn't care less about his pathological lying or if he says nigger cunt bitch fuck pussy. The first baptist chrurch of Dallas will stand up and say, it's just God's will. They have moved beyond rational, and they're not coming back.
  2. I don't know anybody who is angry about NFL players taking a knee. I don't know anybody who has used the word "nigger" recently. I know many who have reduced their NFL viewing. My viewing went from about 30 games per year to about 3.
  3. LOL. I'd believe this whole 'protecting the unborn' shit if the R party (of today) didn't treat poor colored folk like complete garbage. I'm not sure what circles you run in but there's plenty of people doing quite well in the R world that have zero problem making jokes about poor black people - in front of me, a brown dude. I mean the worst shit you can imagine - BUT they don't say nigger. So welcome to the new R party. Because everyone knows if you don't actually say nigger, you can't be racist. But I digress, you really believe these people care about unborn colored babies, but somehow magically give ZERO fucks about BORN colored babies? WTF drugs are you on?
  4. aggy gotta aggy. They defended Manziel was he was arrested, along with his buddy "Nate," after the two of them got into a fight near Northgate with a man whose only offense was objecting to the two of them yelling "nigger" at the man. But Kellen Mond, whose only offense was not being born of pure Aryan blood. Once an aggy, always an aggy....
  5. Not really. I mean if you think it’s not cool to yell nigger anymore or you are a homophobe, sure. Otherwise there’s plenty of ‘fiscally responsible’ idiots like me who are there…we are far from democrats but desperate times call for desperate measures. When 30% of the population thinks it’s ok to marginalize you based on looks/sexual preference etc…those are desperate times.
  6. Have you studied history? You can play dumb all you want, but you know good and well you could have typed "Japan" or "Japanese" yet you typed "niggers nips". It's equally offensive. It ain't flying here. It's derogatory slang, and it's rooted in racial bias. You know this. You're not an idiot. You are apparently a racist. Lovely.
  7. Beat me to it. To compare Strzok to fucking Fuhrman, a guy who was caught gleefully bragging on tape how he "framed/beat up niggers," gloated about some pretty horrific incidents on his record, including a few dozen claims of brutality, is just flat out dishonest. I'm not even going to say "intellectually dishonest," it's just flat out fucking lying.
  8. Don't be a bitch now. My beef is with her logic. So answer the question: How would being called a nigger by a supervisor after the supervisor learned he filed an EEOC case NOT alter his work experience. I don't think you can. Her opinion ignores what any reasonable person would feel upon being called this racial slur.
  9. This would make way more sense if the top plane said 'fuck niggers' and maybe throw in 'muh peepee room!' And for those of us who are less literate, paint a tiny orange hand grabbing some vag - on the tail, of course. Don't get me wrong, I like the concept, and what they did with the Dems plane but we sure as shit can't leave the R plane unmarked.
  10. Holee S you want to hear what a lot of your white Dallas brethren think about it. Flip over to wbap. I flipped over on my drive home and it was one racist caller after another. Including the host, he is the worst. They did everything except call all the blacks in Dallas stupid niggers. And I only say that, because trust me they were close.
  11. If you think Key and Peele or Always Sunny push the envelope more than comedy in the 70s, you really have no idea what you're talking about. Chevy Chase said "nigger" to Richard Pryor on live tv in like 1975, and Richard threatened to kill him, and it was funny as hell. Compare that to SNL today. And I don't know why you keep bringing up Django. Completely different genre.
  12. Gladly. You’re wrong. As stated, post the study, not the article. Articles are commonly written with a slanted interpretation of the data to fit the author’s viewpoint. A lot like 99% of the sensationalist headline tweets that get you riled up enough to post here. Then answer me this question: Would it be socially acceptable for me, a white guy, to yell “Nigger!” on a crowded street in 2018? Let me rephrase that: In a crowded street of white people?
  13. This. She doesn’t believe that type of claim should be allowed (she’s not a fan of the statute that allows it), so she doesn’t invalidate the statute (she can’t do that)...she just effectively writes out any possibility of bringing a claim under it (because nobody ever says “I’m going to run you out of this job because you’re a nigger.”) Conservatives call that sort of usurpation of legislative choices “judicial activism.”
  14. Back in the early seventies, I once heard my dad refer to a brazil nut as a "nigger toe". We were in the tv/ping pong room, and I think we were watching wide wide world of sports or Mutual of Omaha, and dad liked to crack nuts and hand them out. Sometimes if we promised not to spill, we could have Handy Andy soda waters. All this talk is making me think that the next time I'm down visiting him, I need to bring this up, and let him know that even though I was a child when he said it, it really kind of upset me. He's got some serious memory issues now, but I'm convinced if all of us kids gather around him, and repeat, over and over, "remember when you called the brazil nut a nigger toe?", he'd eventually remember, and we can all have a teaching moment.
  15. Give me a fucking break. It took the GOP to pass the Civil Rights Act. The only reason LBJ pushed the CRA was this statement “I'll have them niggers voting Democratic for the next two hundred years”. [Said to two governors regarding the Civil Rights Act of 1964, according to then-Air Force One steward Robert MacMillan] LBJ was a fucking, corupt, racist pig and the fact you idolize that POS speaks volumes about your ignorance
  16. HAHAHAHAHA Good one sack. I suppose that joke about the black dude, the priest and the church leader wasn’t a “racial slur” to you, but I guess you held your ears shut tight. I suppose whenever you heard the word “nigger” you heard “bigger.” Glad you’re back though. How’s the world of rat fucking watching going? Still costing 10k a shot? Because that still seems high to me.
  17. This is 100% Trump’s America. When they say “we can say ‘Merry Christmas!’ again!” (which, uh, they always could, both legally and culturally), what they MEAN is “we can say ‘you fucking nigger!’ again” (which, of course, was not previously allowed in polite society). Trumpkin denials on this point are entirely laughable. This is what they are - everyone in America should be required to watch all of these interactions on a loop. It would be hours before they looped back to the beginning, of course, but still.
  18. Sometimes comedy has to be viewed in the time in which it was created. Considering the time Blazing Saddles was created it was hilarious. It made fun of the whole Hollywood western genre. Would John Wayne, Alan Ladd or Clint Eastwood have ever made a movie where the word "nigger" was spoken? Of course not. But, they all where thinking it every time a black actor came on the screen . Gene Wilder and Cleavon Little shoved it in their faces in a way that they couldn't deny it. That was the brilliance of Blazing Saddles. And it was funny too.
  19. But once he was "placed," he was white enough for a cop to casually drop an N-bomb in front of him....I forgot, while we were sitting back there, another cop came up to our cop and was talking about another innocent suspect, this one happening to be black..."Fucking nigger got lippy with me," Cop 2 said. "Shoulda shot him," said Cop 1. Laughter all around. (Except for Bob and me, nervous in the backseat)
  20. The President of the United State's is attempting to intimidate non-Caucasian US citizens that are lawfully participating in American politics to: Not participate in our shared democracy Go back to their country of racial/ethnic ancestry The lack of any racial/ethnic epithet in the first direct quote of Trump does not change this. This is "GO THE FUCK BACK TO AFRICA" which is just as racist as "GO THE FUCK BACK TO AFRICA, NIGGER". That you cannot understand this simply highlights that you, like our President, are a particularly noxious piece of shit.
  21. Couple of weeks ago, he calls in about the apollo theater with "heh heh heh...they fixed it up now that they ran all the niggers off". Remember the show he did with Angry Black? Black and Black or something. It was mostly King yelling at other callers about how his possessions are better than theirs. "You got a Lexus? Which model? Gary said that KOAB goofed on him so much for driving a 3 series that he traded it in on a 5.
  22. And that's the excuse I'm already hearing from the Trumpers I know personally...that these people were "destroying" or "vandalizing" federal property (they've yet to produce evidence for this) and that DHS/ICE/CBP/ETC were all justified in performing these actions. It's truly sickening how low these people have stooped. 12 years ago, if you'd told me that the worst things to come out of these degenerates' mouths were "I ain't votin' for no nigger," I would have been appalled. Now? That would be an improvement.
  23. I didn’t answer your question because my thoughts have nothing to do with anything. You can yell what you want. That’s apparent in the year 2018. If you want to yell nigger on a crowded street, that is your life. God bless. Socially acceptable? Of course not. Would anyone do anything to you or say anything to you? Probably not, unless you yelled this on East Kiest Blvd in Souf Oak Cliff. I’m not sure what rule I’m constantly changing as I’ve never stated a “rule.”
  24. In the interview with the mother and daughter they refer to "the N word" and then they say the teacher called her a negro. Has anyone heard the actual, unedited audio? I wouldn't equate "negro" with "the N word." You tell me she used the N word and I assume she said "nigger." While neither is appropriate, one is more wildly inappropriate than the other. If the teacher just used "negro," as outdated and inappropriate as that is, then I'd say the article is misleading. There's no reason to censor that word and by doing so you invite a wrong assumption.
  25. " So as most of you know, I worked at The Pho Shack for over two years. I was there since they opened. I was the General Manager at both locations The Pho Shack - Sugar Land, Texas The Pho Shack Katy but I was mostly at Sugarland. Last night I decided to say goodbye to the establishment. I called the owner and told him that I was quitting but I would finish the week out for him, on the phone everything it's fine but when updating the other owner about me quitting.... This is how he responds. By calling me a "Nigger" and a "bitch." I won't lie and say I wasn't surprised by his reaction. I was. It was a rude awakening that the stereotypes between black and Asians are still true. New generation or not. Regardless of how long you known them, how well you work, how trustworthy you were, if the family knows you, etc. You're still a nigger in their eyes. I guess my first sign should have been when the owners would casually say "nigga" until I told them it made me uncomfortable then they just tried not to say it around me. When I wanted to have a meeting about others saying it, it wasn't viewed as important. I should have just believed my gut feeling. I don't know if he meant for me to be apart of the group message with him calling me a nigger, or it that was the universe looking out for your girl. But I accept it either way. The Pho Shack is officially a closed chapter in my life. Oh, and to Danh... No, I won't "get on my knees and say sorry" because you dont deserve it. *Flips another table* Peace✌🏾 — with Olivia Bloxton,Tanasha Scott, Misterj Well and Jazzmin Jade Readeaux."
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