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  1. But in good news...with Chelsea losing today we still have hope If we win our 2 games in hand we will be 1pt behind with 2 games left. Gotta get those 3 tomorrow...GO Reds! YNWA!!!!!
  2. it sets up nice for us to have TCU eke out a win. Then we go all gas no brakes first half against TCU without their top defender....call it 35 - 10 us at halftime, win 38 - 31.
  3. When I have reason to expect an easy Texas win, about half the time it isn't. Is this one of those games we win "easily" but not by a huge margin? I'll go with that and say Texas 27-10. Ewers finishes with 204.
  4. Pep Guardiola on Player of the Year award: “The winner will be from Liverpool. When we won the Premier League the Liverpool players won. When they win the League, I'm pretty sure they are going to win the Player of the Season. These awards are always for Liverpool.”
  5. Some kids are going to like what aggy has to offer, whether they're winning or not. Same for our side. History seems to show that unless aggy is spending freely, we'll win more of those battles than we lose.
  6. I mean, the joke is on us really...now that they've decided they're going to start winning, we'll just have to respect them. Guess we should be happy that they've never thought to try, you know, winning...before...
  7. I think this is right. I just don’t really see anymore than MAX 8 wins and that’s if we win every game we should plus every toss up which isn’t going to happen. I think 5-7 or 6-6 is our most likely finish.
  8. Ok st isn't out, but it needs ksu to lose and us to lose. If ksu wins, it goes. If ksu loses and we win, we go (three way tie break). Actually, I guess in the scenario it loses to ksu. So, yeah OSU is out. Don't get throttled by 40+ is the lesson.
  9. Can we win a national championship with choir boys? I’m not saying we go full scum bag like joe mixon but there’s gotta be a line where our staff can take phenomenal athletes that are slightly troubled and keep a lid on them long enough to win a fuck ton of games.
  10. Great job having Balls vs Georgia in playcalling to set up the Run Game by passing early. Herman told his Team that we are going to do everything we can to help you WIN..... Time to take the Fuckin' Restrictor Plates Off Longhorn Fans..... PLAY TO WIN 🤘
  11. Supposedly going into yesterday the home team was 6-14 in the last 20 game 5’s. We can round that to assume the home team only wins 1 out of 3. Road team won both yesterday so we should win to maintain the 1 out of 3 ratio.
  12. I’ll take it but I don’t like this a win is a win attitude. We need to go in for the kill and stop letting these shitty teams hang close. I guess we don’t have the depth yet, I’ll use that excuse. Ready for another methhead fan base next week. Hook em!
  13. The analysis is simple: root for Alabama, Oregon, Iowa, and Louisville. Assuming Texas wins: 1. Louisville wins, we in; 2. Iowa wins, we in and Big 10 left out; (not going to happen unfortunately) 3. Oregon and Bama win; becomes a 3 team beauty contest that we have some pretty compelling arguments on, 2 of the 3 get in. I think Texas and Bama has a higher chance than the other configurations in this scenario, but only marginally so. Absent chaos, a non-champ isn't getting in. And there aren't going to be 2 teams from the same conference, especially since all the teams up for that will have already played each other and sorted out who deserves to go.
  14. Same as when we played OU. And Herman played for OT instead of the win. As the weaker team, you should always go for the win. Just like Kansas did against us. There was no chance in hell Auburn was winning that game by keep prolonging it and hoping Bama makes a mistake. Go for the jugular. You are 6-5 for fucks sake. You were a 21 point underdog.
  15. The more hours go by, the more I feel like we're still gonna win this series. I have no reasonable basis to think this: we don't hit on the road, they look like a team of destiny, all of that. And maybe I'm being a delusional fan who expected to win and can't let it go. Who knows. But I think we're gonna win this thing, somehow.
  16. Can’t it just be a combination of A and B? The way I look at it, it’s safe to assume most (if not all) winning programs and winning coaches are doing scummy shit. It’s built into college football. Hell, it’s probably safe to assume that Herman is currently doing scummy shit. It is what it is. I’m not going to bury my head in the sand and pretend like that isn’t going to be the case with any winning coach we find.
  17. Leaving Toronto out of this scenario for simplicity. But say the Mariners go 6-4 (winning 4 out of 7 against Tex and 2 against us), the Rangers 6-4 (sweeping the Angels and losing 4 of 7 to the Ms), and we go 5-4 (Winning 2 against the Royals and DBacks and 1 against the M's). That would leave us all at 90 wins. I think the Mariners would win the division in that scenario and we would win the tie breaker against the Rangers for a wild card spot. Don't even want to think about what happens if all 4 teams (Toronto, Seattle, Texas, and us) finish at 90 wins. Maybe intradivision would come into play there and Toronto would miss out? But, what all that shows is that the wild card magic number of 6 means that we need to win 6 games to guarantee a playoff spot. So, don't count on the wild card magic number dropping by two if we win and another team loses. If we win only 5 games there is a possibility we miss the playoffs. Win less than 5 then we better hope that one of the Ms/Rangers sweep the other (or that the Blue Jays fall apart) I think I need another drink after all that...
  18. They've gone from we have the best unmotivated, overly paid 5 stars who didn't win shit to we have the best underrated dudes no one has ever heard of which Melko is going to coach into 3 stars who still not gonna win shit. Hey but at least they are saving all that money and still not winning shit. Well, except for $75M.
  19. With the talent we're accumulating, 8-9 wins would be a letdown. Top classes shouldn't just win 8-9 games a year. That's for Ole Miss to do. We better be better than that. 10 wins should be mandatory with our talent. We're only behind Bama and Georgia currently in recruiting , and we've shown we can beat Bama. I believe we can beat Georgia as well. I'm sure we'll lose a few games in year 1, but year 2 I expect 10 win seasons. 8-9 ain't going to cut it. Aggy wins 8 games, we should be better than that with Sark. That's when recruits start looking away. We have the talent to win 10 games. If we start dropping off, so do the recruits to Bama, LSU, Georgia, and even Ole Miss.
  20. Yessir. And here's what fans don't get about the WS contender thing. The badass team we had in 2019 was probably one of the better regular season teams ever, basically, and we went in to the playoffs with like what- an 18% chance of wining the world series. Way more likely than not to not win it. Which is what we accomplished in agonizing fashion. IF you are right and we go in as something like 3rd most likely to win the WS we will have like what 10 or 12% odds of making that happen. The playoffs are just a fucking crapshoot. Period. End of story. It's buy a ticket, take a chance type shit more often than not. We should have our ticket and our chance. I'm not really all that worried about it. In some ways- going in as a 95 win team that had a really really good season and as good a chance as anyone to win is preferable for me- b/c man- when you win 109 games and have an all time team and don't get it done it is fucking gutting and agonizing, and as Washington showed the 95 win team is just as likely to win 4 out of 7 as the 109 win team. or the 90 win team is more or less as likely to win 3 out of 5 as the 109 win team in the first round. It's brutal.
  21. We are really good at stranding our players on base! At least we have that going for us. Imagine making the national semifinals last year and coming back hungry to win it all. And you go out like this, 0-2 and cant score runs. Pathetic
  22. yeah i'm honestly thinking that my 22 win prediction is going to be difficult to reach, but everything i saw from the freshmen reaffirmed my feelings that we are going to be stupid good in a year or two if we can add/hold on to Baker and McDaniels. Stupid good.
  23. We haven't faced any real adversity this whole playoffs. We were streaky the entire season. Either we were in the midst of winning a lot of games or losing a lot. It's how we kept going from big division leads to giving it to, got it back and built it back up to blowing it. I'm curious how we perform the first time we lose or get down early in a game. It will happen at some point. Hope we can bounce back and go win the next one. I'm jaded as a DFW sports fan. I'm always waiting for the wheels to come off at any given time. Game 3 is going to be huge. Win that and you get 2 more in a row to close it out at home and move on. Lose game 3 and my nerves will start to kick in and game 4 becomes massive.
  24. i think it's important we get to the bottom of this before the game, because if we do somehow pull out a miracle win you are not going to want to talk about this anymore. but i don't have time to keep going on it right now. the next request would be for you to explain how we are not innocent.
  25. I'm beginning to think we should push in our chips and go get Simmons from Philly. If we are going to win because some white guy from Lipscomb is unstoppable, then we should roll with it. Simmons, Brooks/Green, Mathews, Tate, and Wood. Sengun, Theis, Martin, and Christopher behind them.
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