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  1. Exactly. What a weird self own. Dude goes full Beta cuck to avoid accountability. What red blooded American man gives up flag duty to their wife? Memorial Day, Flag Day, July 4th, and Veterans Day are all DNAguy on a ladder putting up and taking down American flag with my ladder. The house is divided so I respect her enough to not throw up a UT flag on games days… plus I’m lazy so I’ll just go with the first excuse. DNAgal doesn’t know where the ladder is, where I keep the flag, or how to raise an extension ladder. I bet that pussy doesn’t even own a drill.
  2. Whatever. How do they stack up in the most important metrics: "Being Extreme!" and "Being Hardcore!" Yeah, you left those metrics out on purpose, didn't you, you beta cuck soyboy?
  3. Randomly failing to brake is part of "EXTREME HARDCORE" mode. That dude is too much of a beta cuck soyboy to appreciate it.
  4. MAGA/GQP love to throw around the "beta cuck" tag rather indiscriminately and (almost always) incorrectly. DeSantis is the textbook definition of it in this case. I wonder if he offered up Casey to him to sweeten the deal.
  5. Only a Beta cuck soy boy would ask such a silly question. You probably drive a car that doesn't even HAVE a car wash mode, loser!
  6. Mike Greenberg is a soy boy beta cuck.
  7. Right, because you are a soyboy beta cuck. BEGONE THE TRANSACTION IS COMPLETE I SAID BEGONE
  8. Is it the one where they compared it to Jimbo's? You know, the guy who only lost 1 game in his third year (COVID), and then plummeted, but then (I dunno if it's this article that's eye rolling), but ThEn He CaMe BaCk DoWn To EaRtH. The writers are fucking beta cucks. And then at the end of the article I read he slumped into his corner and said...but Jizzbo didn't make the CFP or even win his conference.
  9. Personally, I think it's time to put that notion to bed. For all his flaws, Abbott isn't dumb enough at this point to think Trump would consider him a viable VP candidate. And, at his age, he likely isn't entertaining the thought that Trump would select him for SCOTUS should a position open up. That leaves us with two options: Abbott believes this is a good policy and is promoting a State's Rights stance against the federal government. This option is ideologically consistent with longstanding anti-federalism beliefs among Texas conservatives going back to the Antebellum. Abbott is doing this because he recognizes that his supporters, both voters and financial backers, want this. This option is logically consistent for someone who wants to be re-elected or wants to pad his bank account as he heads into retirement. Let's just face it. Today, the Republican Party of Texas is now the Retrograde Party of Trump. If you want continued support from its base, you have to behave like a reactionary and rancorous xenophobe. And you had better stand up to those effeminate pansies in DC because no red-blooded Texan is gonna take orders from those pointy-headed liberals, RINOs, and various other beta cucks. That's it. Don't just be an asshole; be THE asshole and we'll shower you with praise and money. That's the more straightforward and logical explanation.
  10. Jerking off a mushroom dick as small as his would certainly explain why the blisters are confined to such a tiny area of his hand. The man is just an alpha male leader in every sense of the word, and you beta cucks just can't deal with it.
  11. That's what real men do. Play the victim card. Over, and over, and over again. That's how they assert their dominance over beta cucks and women alike. I'd tell you where they learned the playbook, but I suspect you already know.
  12. #4: beta-cuck nerd whom compensates for low-T by talking non-stop and over-the-top hand gestures in an attempt to seem strong. #5: an actual, kinda tough guy. But once you see him in the photographs in a baseball uniform attempting to "play", America's pastime. You're like, "No thanks, we already have a Rosie O'Donnell."
  13. Bears berating a dead horse as Lobo is wont to do. But for such the "Man's Man", a real "Alpha Male owning the Beta Cucks" that so many of friends and family jerk off to. Trump is literally the least sportsman/outdoorsy President of my lifetime, by fucking far. Shit, I think even Taft went fishing every now and again. Yeah, he kinda sorta plays golf. At the same fucking three courses, cheats, and can't walk the course. Wears a ladies watch and maxi pad for one tennis match decades ago. And then that random video of him trying to play beach volleyball in mom jeans after Top Gun came out. Never fired a weapon, can't fish, hunt, swim, ride a bike, setup a tent, take a hike, jog, saddle a horse, mend a fence, fix a toilet, repair anything around the house, shoot pool, throw darts, toss a football, carry a tune, drink a beer, spin a yarn, write a poem, charm a woman, handle a donnybrook, earn a smile from his children, drive a car, brew a cup of coffee, or just shut the fuck up and not talk. Every cliche of manhood, he fails at. Totally and completely. The one fucking time I saw a photo of him on a boat, he was about to commit rape. Somebody please, this holiday season. For the love of Baby Christ. Ask your family member, what in the ever living fuck is so damn manly about Donald Trump? If you like his tax plans or judicial appointments, okay. Story for another day. But what the fuck do women find so alluring about him? What in the holy hell do other men see in him that makes them think, "This guy? This guy is my type of guy?" I get the rest of his ruse, with the benefit of hindsight. The populist, hatred filled narrative. But I'll just never get, and 'cause I'm dumb, the other angle of "Projecting Strength & Power." What the fuck am I missing there?
  14. Sure we might freeze to death in our homes this winter but at least that beta cuck Beto isn't governor!
  15. This squid game. Game series is the purest dog shit outside of an aggy game the pussy in episode 2 crying is an absolute beta cuck
  16. if you’re old enough to remember UT basketball in the 80’s and you don’t love rick barnes then i just don’t know what to say. especially after seeing the types of guys we’ve tried to replace him with. his halftime interview just now vs purdue was awesome, vintage rick barnes. he called out the officials (talked a bunch of shit about them really), called out his team for not making shots, praised purdue for being physical while digging at the refs for not letting the teams play, and didn’t even acknowledge the fact that his team held purdue to 6-30 from the field because he’s always pissed. he wins a shit ton of games, he stays on the officials 24/7, his teams are always well built, tough, and deep (just like your mom), he’s never happy during a game (just like you), he's a great story teller, and he’s been scandal free for three decades in the slimiest sport around. he also really really cares about people and it really matters to him to turn his boys into men. after living through that soy boy beta cuck shaka and that drunken, rabid frat boy beard, i appreciate barnes even more now than i did before. the greatest and best coach in the history of both UT’s. man i hope he cuts down the nets one time before he retires. Team Barnes for life.
  17. Highest Paid Actors in 2023. Check out all these beta cucks
  18. 'Narrow Gag' is the name of his homemade movie with Stormy Daniels, no? In all fairness to Commander Dipshit, I could see how no judge/jury could take his threats against prosecutors and witnesses as serious calls for harm. He is a feckless, impotent, beta cuck, incapable of the most basic of physical tasks. His wife has swallowed Balkan cum more times than Trump has fantasized about Ivanka swallowing his cum. He is spineless, cowardly, and in the end will back down when instructed to. I take his threats on individuals about as seriously as I take his hair or any Trump Flag Bearing weakling hiding behind a gun and a hat. They will kill far more of one another in his name, than he could ever possibly unleash on anyone else. His cowardice disregard for anyone but himself knows no bounds. I know you were all craved for strong leadership, I get it. I was too. But to put your faith and love and purse into such an average man of no mettle at all...I have to admit that kinda surprised even me.
  19. Dan Patrick is giving the biggest beta cuck energy I’ve ever seen run any sort of proceeding. This is a fucking circus of a clusterfuck.
  20. Mike B says that guy’s a beta cuck. Got to show the kangaroo who’s boss right up front.
  21. Why the fuck does that gross looking hack have to sit with the ladies? He’s y’all’s beta cuck limped dick whiny baby.
  22. Anymore questions, asshat? Yeah, does Ted Cruz know that you raided his boot rack? YOU JUST BOUGHT YOURSELF ANOTHER TWO WEEKS! I mean, Lobo bullshit aside. Trump is doing to you exactly what he did to beta-cuck Ted Cruz. Insulting you, debasing nicknames, winding up to insult you on stage in the very soon debate, and telegraphing shit about your wife and physical appearance. And your move is to go and buy a pair of boots that look exactly like Ted Cruz? And you're claiming that you're not mentally disabled, Governor?
  23. I never made the Pat=Patrick connection. Never mind the wardrobe. noCR, pos rep. somebody, somebody explain to me why I'm the beta cuck and the guy with feminine birthing hips wearing rouge off camera is idolized by "real Texas men"
  24. That’s the blood of his enemies, you beta cuck.
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