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  1. That’s some bullshit putting Morgane in line of sight… I’m sure the whole time she was staring a hole in his head…”you’re looking in her direction but your keeping eye contact with me this entire song”
  2. Even better. I found stats on the actual Republican primary and she is in a dead heat with one of the other 5 but drops once people are read statements about her.
  3. McCorkle is a Democrat, not her primary opponent.
  4. She'll be out of a job soon, trailing her primary opponent by 14 points in a primary with 6 candidates. I think all her trips to NYC were to try and get a cabinet appointment. https://www.coloradopolitics.com/elections/2024/internal-poll-shows-mccorkle-leads-boebert/article_4fd34bbc-1d03-11ef-aa9d-bb703058a29b.html
  5. The DNC using Superdelegates to give her the nomination, and her ignoring battleground states is what made her a flawed candidate. The republicans and Fox News went after her when she was First Lady and never stopped. She was always the candidate they wanted to run against. They poisoned that well years before that election. I sure as hell voted for her.
  6. Mulch is cheaper than post oak, it's on sale for $2/bag at Lowe's. Cooked 4 butts on the WSMs and eventually pulled those into the oven and started my 6 racks of spares before moving them to the trailer. Sold out of brisket (6), butts, hot dogs (140), it's pop not soda (120), chips (90), and bottled water (140). Had one rack of ribs left over that the wife is going to auction on FB. It was a good night for the PTO but bittersweet for me as it is our last year at the Elementary School. I guess I'll have to see if the HS will take me in for football concessions as my oldest starts there in the fall. Maaaan those briskets were on point. Maybe the best I've ever done. I'll have to see if one of the guys got a picture of a slice of the fatty. My buddy who lives in Austin flew in who frequents Interstellar and Stiles Switch, and even he was raving.
  7. The brisket looks like sloppy shit but I'd be all over that shrimp
  8. Her father’s return has corresponded with her rise from Bolivia back into the Top 50.
  9. Had. Long and frustrating day. Ended with frustrating travel (sitting on the tarmac for 45 mins waiting for a gate, and functionally no cell signal - txts to my wife got out, but none came in. I keep she had a bad day too, and then her frustration with me and my lack of communication made her even more frustrated. We had a dinner reservation. When I finally got off the plane, she messaged that she just wants to stay home, she’s not even hungry, it was such a crappy day. Are you sure? Maybe I could pick you something up? Her: no, I don’t want dinner. So, I cancel the reservation. Get home, walk in the door, she says “we can still go to dinner if you want. I was just venting.” I was able to grab a reservation just 15 mins after the original one, but goddammit. Oh, and then dinner hit me like a brick and I damn near shat myself. Spicy ramen. Full urgle gurgles. Three different times on the drive home, I had to consciously just pinch back with everything I had. A few small gas bubbles slip out, but just gas. We pull up…and I have to walk slowly, clenched, to the house. Immediately hit the guest bathroom….and desecrated it. Sour, putrid, just like my day.
  10. Ridic that you can eat prime steaks for less than brisket these days. It's yardbird or pork butts when I do stuff at home lately.
  11. Yeah she’s been with the program a few years now. Her dad was the one in the helicopter crash with Kobe Bryant. Her dad and Pierce were close.
  12. Had a guy at the gym tell me that democrats support abortion up to the moment of delivery... literally said it was in the democrat political platfrom. I told him I'd give him $10k if he could show me that part of the platform. Crickets.
  13. Peak surly in a 12-4 game, but I'd really like to see someone hit the ball hard.
  14. For those that would rather rotate the location of the WCWS, if you are tuned in today notice the size of the crowd for a loser bracket game. The stadium holds something like 13K and it’s packed! (And neither team is from Oklahoma or Texas right now.) In all of our years coming up here (20+) OKC has become a destination for this sport. The stadium is phenomenal and the city has grown around the event. And the USA Softball staff busts butt to make it a great experience.
  15. I'm not saying Tauson is dogshit, but her WTA ranking is 72 with a high of 30 something. That's a far cry from Kennin's high of #4. Also not in the same stratosphere as Rybakina and Sabalenka. I watched the match and Tauson did not blow Kenin off the court. Kenin had BP or Gp in 6/8 games in the first set. It was weird. She had 40 unforced errors and 8 double faults. Kennin lost, Tauson didn't overpower her. I did not know she had appendicitis, though I suspected her pops got the boot. It was just discordant.
  16. Kenin has been making her way back from her appendicitis and then her team had her ditch her father as a coach and she dropped to 150-250 in the world. She’s now solidly in the Top 50 and has been playing well. But Tauson on her day can hit with Rybakina & Sabalenka and absolutely blow Iga off the court. Tauson is a 6 foot Dane who got 74% of her 1st serves in. Like Ostapenko, if you catch her on a heater, you’re fucked. She just rarely is on a heater and/or can sustain it for a full match. Kenin got 76% of her first serves in and she’s a sneaky good server. Tauson must have been crushing it today. *NOTE: Kenin did have 8 double faults, but that was likely because Tauson was absolutely tee-ing off on her 2nd serves.
  17. You could say that about any prequel to the movies. Why do Old Republic shows either? You know the universe doesn't end, the Jedi aren't extinct yet. I guess you can show how the Sith and Jedi were abundant and fighting each other but you know how it ends. By that account, Andor didn't need to be made. How about we let the show come out before we summarily dismiss it. I'd disagree that a show told from the Sith perspective is actually something more interesting than the typical Jedi based shows. I doubt it leans as heavily into it as I would want but diving more into the Dark Side should be something interesting if done well. Russian Doll was pretty good and she appears to be a fan of Star Wars so I'm hopeful. It's summer. What else do we have to do?
  18. Oh. my bad. I worded that poorly. She was #4 in the world. Weird to see her languishing and losing to clearly lesser players. I know it happens, but her drop and struggles seem...strange.
  19. https://bvmsports.com/2024/05/30/cambria-salmon-drawn-to-intensity-and-competition-at-texas/ During her recruiting process, the talented 5-foot-9 right-handed pitcher took official visits to Florida, Oklahoma State, UCLA and Texas. While each was in the running, the culture at Texas set itself apart, as did the opportunity to learn from White, a former hurler in men’s fastpitch softball. “When it came down to me making my decision on where I was going to go, the two I that I was thinking the most about were Texas and Florida,” Salmon said. “The biggest thing that made me choose Texas was the coaching and the intensity and competition through their program.”
  20. The fact that she’s been mostly absent through all of this is pretty telling. I mean, she could have decided she’d rather spend her time with her Secret Service agents and we shouldn’t judge her for that.
  21. Now this wacko bitch is threatening to disown any of her followers who suggest replacing donald JAIL trump at the convention. You go girl, piss them ALL off. Link here: http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/marjorie-taylor-greene-spurs-flood-of-replace-trump-posts/ar-BB1npMwV?ocid=BingNewsSerp
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