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Joe Biden 2022: Enter Dark Brandon

Longboard Horn

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16 hours ago, elfenix said:

inflation's primary cause is the 10% of global oil supply that OPEC agreed to cut in 2020.  when demand rebounded the supply has been slow to respond.

if it was caused by all the spending in 2020 you'd have seen it more in 2020, not in april of 2021 when cars started drying up. 

Also important to look at CPI excluding energy which just printed 6.16%.  All food items printed 9.38%.  So it isn't just energy.  We have broad based inflation, not just energy driven.  And supply issues are a decade in the making driven by underinvestment.


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I heard a radio ad this morning about how this candidate was going to fight back against Biden's socialist agenda. Besides being nonsensical, I decided to collect a list of things that are subsidized by the government that rubes believe are not socialism. 

Your Bank Deposits - FDIC insures your money in a bank up to $250,000 to provide confidence in banks and the stability in the economic system

Fannie/Freddie/USDA/VA Loans - The overwhelming majority of home loans are sponsored, insured, and/or guaranteed by the government. Many Americans would not be able to get a home loan if it wasn't for the government. And before a slow person says, not me, I can afford a 20% down payment thank you very much. The sole fucking reason banks can loan so much is because the government guarantees third party-loans and purchase loans in the secondary market, ensuring liquidity. 

Military - Besides providing for our defense, the US Military is one of the largest jobs program in US history and the one of the main reasons some people can afford college or job training. 

Medicare - The only reason a large majority of old Americans are not dead right now is Medicare. Granny would have died of diabeetus a long time ago if this wasn't passed in 1965

Roads - You think the state pays for all those roads than transport your KY jelly shipments and Let's Go Brandon cups? No, the Federal Government spends 50-100 billion on funds for state roads every year. Those commie Californians are helping Alabama highways get built. 


Oh fuck it, there's too much to list





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1 hour ago, Neonmoon said:

I heard a radio ad this morning about how this candidate was going to fight back against Biden's socialist agenda. Besides being nonsensical, I decided to collect a list of things that are subsidized by the government that rubes believe are not socialism. 

Your Bank Deposits - FDIC insures your money in a bank up to $250,000 to provide confidence in banks and the stability in the economic system

Fannie/Freddie/USDA/VA Loans - The overwhelming majority of home loans are sponsored, insured, and/or guaranteed by the government. Many Americans would not be able to get a home loan if it wasn't for the government. And before a slow person says, not me, I can afford a 20% down payment thank you very much. The sole fucking reason banks can loan so much is because the government guarantees third party-loans and purchase loans in the secondary market, ensuring liquidity. 

Military - Besides providing for our defense, the US Military is one of the largest jobs program in US history and the one of the main reasons some people can afford college or job training. 

Medicare - The only reason a large majority of old Americans are not dead right now is Medicare. Granny would have died of diabeetus a long time ago if this wasn't passed in 1965

Roads - You think the state pays for all those roads than transport your KY jelly shipments and Let's Go Brandon cups? No, the Federal Government spends 50-100 billion on funds for state roads every year. Those commie Californians are helping Alabama highways get built. 


Oh fuck it, there's too much to list





The fastest and easiest is fucking WATER.  Not that Austin does a bang up job of it, but still.

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2 hours ago, David Dennison said:

A lot of things affect demand. Blaming inflation it on reckless government spending is a political talking point.

While i agree that the Fed is primarily to blame, and majority of the inflation we're seeing was put in motion under trump... the wording of this just cracks me up:

"Blaming X on reckless government is a political talking point."

The extended unemployment benefits, stimulus, and rental assistance and had no impact on labor shortages and increased costs to producers? And simultaneously, the stimulus and easy credit had no impact on demand? 

Disagree Office Space GIF by MOODMAN

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1 hour ago, fattyflattie said:

Godamnit you are dense. Biden has done every single fucking thing correct since taking office. Every. Single. Thing.   Not a solitary ounce of this can be laid at his feet. And look, I’m not some Biden fuckboi like those Magats for Trump. I’ll call him out in a heartbeat, if he ever once did anything incorrect.  I used to be a Republican.  

lol you forget about Afghanistan evacuation? 


Or the "righteous" drone strike on an innocent family killing 7 children?




Border crisis...



Here's how those sanctions destroyed Russia's economy... 




These are washington post, ABC, and nyt articles too so it's not exactly "right wing Russian disinformation propaganda" 

You are right though I guess Biden hasn't done anything except poop his pants as the Easter bunny tells him to stop answering questions. He's braindead, so it's actually the people running the WH that are fucking up. 





Bonus Biden's press sec won't condemn the leak from SCOUS or the violent protests outside the judges houses.



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Biden beat COVID with Trump’s own vaccines to get Americans back to work. Trump lied to his blue collar workers across multiple supply chains and they are no longer working cause they are dead. Dead workers and sick employees contribute to massive losses in productivity. 

Biden single-handedly created 8.3 million jobs in his short tenure. Job creator in Chief. Last guy literally became famous for firing people and many were fired and layed off in his COVID response that wrecked industry and caused people to wait in lines outside grocery stores and empty shelves.

Biden unilaterally caused a 350 billion drop in the deficit, and an expected 1.5 trillion cut this year. Paying down our debt to look better to creditors after some dope put 2 trillion of unbalanced and unpaid tax cuts on the credit card.

So besides getting Americans back to work safely, with new higher paying jobs, and improving the country’s balance sheet in the eyes of our creditors, where does his responsibility for inflation come in at? 100/bbl oil? That’s not new to this country and it’s great for our state.



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9 minutes ago, Zeus said:

lol you forget about Afghanistan evacuation? 


Or the "righteous" drone strike on an innocent family killing 7 children?




Border crisis...



Here's how those sanctions destroyed Russia's economy... 




These are washington post, ABC, and nyt articles too so it's not exactly "right wing Russian disinformation propaganda" 

You are right though I guess Biden hasn't done anything except poop his pants as the Easter bunny tells him to stop answering questions. He's braindead, so it's actually the people running the WH that are fucking up. 





Bonus Biden's press sec won't condemn the leak from SCOUS or the violent protests outside the judges houses.



please post evidence of violent protests. last I saw Alito's neighbors were handing out wine and cheese to protestors. gtfoh with that nonsense

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7 minutes ago, Longhorn_Fan68 said:

please post evidence of violent protests. last I saw Alito's neighbors were handing out wine and cheese to protestors. gtfoh with that nonsense

Was about to post the exact same response - calling those protests violent is rich coming from the party who thinks January 6 was a bunch of tourists who ended up on the wrong tour

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22 minutes ago, B00M said:

While i agree that the Fed is primarily to blame, and majority of the inflation we're seeing was put in motion under trump... the wording of this just cracks me up:

"Blaming X on reckless government is a political talking point."

The extended unemployment benefits, stimulus, and rental assistance and had no impact on labor shortages and increased costs to producers? And simultaneously, the stimulus and easy credit had no impact on demand? 

Disagree Office Space GIF by MOODMAN

Are you saying the defense budget is inflationary?

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12 minutes ago, StassneyHorn said:

Biden beat COVID with Trump’s own vaccines to get Americans back to work. Trump lied to his blue collar workers across multiple supply chains and they are no longer working cause they are dead. Dead workers and sick employees contribute to massive losses in productivity. 

Biden single-handedly created 8.3 million jobs in his short tenure. Job creator in Chief. Last guy literally became famous for firing people and many were fired and layed off in his COVID response that wrecked industry and caused people to wait in lines outside grocery stores and empty shelves.

Biden unilaterally caused a 350 billion drop in the deficit, and an expected 1.5 trillion cut this year. Paying down our debt to look better to creditors after some dope put 2 trillion of unbalanced and unpaid tax cuts on the credit card.

So besides getting Americans back to work safely, with new higher paying jobs, and improving the country’s balance sheet in the eyes of our creditors, where does his responsibility for inflation come in at? 100/bbl oil? That’s not new to this country and it’s great for our state.



Holy shit, people actually believe this shit? WOW. Biden didn't create any jobs. People went back to work from lock downs. Please stop watching CNN, that shit will rot your brain.

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10 minutes ago, Longhorn_Fan68 said:

please post evidence of violent protests. last I saw Alito's neighbors were handing out wine and cheese to protestors. gtfoh with that nonsense

yeah that line alone earns a neg. fucking liar.

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3 hours ago, David Dennison said:

A lot of things affect demand. Blaming inflation it on reckless government spending is a political talking point.

When government spending accounts for more then 1/3 of our GDP I don't think it can be overlooked. Just because it is a political talking point doesn't mean it doesn't matter.

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8 minutes ago, StassneyHorn said:

“Hey we’re having layoffs and youre getting let go. Sorry.”

“Fuck that sucks.”

…….4 months later in @Longhornlove brain

”Hey the company miraculously is in business again and we want you back”

”oh do I! Put it there boss”

*shakes hand ferociously*

Pre-pandemic jobs in USA 152.5 million, as of March 1st this year, Jobs in USA, 149.6 million jobs............People got off unemployment when their benefits ran out and got their lazy asses back to work. This isn't rocket science.

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1 minute ago, MonkeyDoughnut said:

When government spending accounts for more then 1/3 of our GDP I don't think it can be overlooked. Just because it is a political talking point doesn't mean it doesn't matter.


Let's start by slashing the defense budget and eliminating corporate subsidies.

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2 minutes ago, Longhornlove said:

Pre-pandemic jobs in USA 152.5 million, as of March 1st this year, Jobs in USA, 149.6 million jobs............People got off unemployment when their benefits ran out and got their lazy asses back to work. This isn't rocket science.

This guys thinks there were not permanent job losses in this country.

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1 minute ago, StassneyHorn said:

This guys thinks there were not permanent job losses in this country.

I never said that but to credit Joe Biden for "single handedly" creating jobs is one of the dumbest things I have ever heard in my entire life. 

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5 hours ago, Neonmoon said:

Most decent people believe it’s in bad taste to make fun of someone’s stutter. 

But we as decent people are allowed to celebrate people dying when we don’t like their political views 

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59 minutes ago, B00M said:

While i agree that the Fed is primarily to blame, and majority of the inflation we're seeing was put in motion under trump... the wording of this just cracks me up:

"Blaming X on reckless government is a political talking point."

The extended unemployment benefits, stimulus, and rental assistance and had no impact on labor shortages and increased costs to producers? And simultaneously, the stimulus and easy credit had no impact on demand? 

Disagree Office Space GIF by MOODMAN

NPR had on a fellow who studied this and his estimation is that the rates of inflation due to labor increase is about 8% of the total inflation.  The mass majority of it is due to corporations seeking higher profits (54%).   This certainly seems like an opportunity for some Teddy Roosevelt like asskickings.

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2 minutes ago, Nivek said:

NPR had on a fellow who studied this and his estimation is that the rates of inflation due to labor increase is about 8% of the total inflation.  The mass majority of it is due to corporations seeking higher profits (54%).   This certainly seems like an opportunity for some Teddy Roosevelt like asskickings.

I’d love to see who this fellow was that NPR featured. 

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3 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

If you're going to claim reckless government spending is a problen, at least be honest enough to acknowledge that Republicans are just as far more drunk on government spending as Democrats.


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1 minute ago, StassneyHorn said:

Reckless government spending by Joey when he cuts deficits by 350 billion and then close to 1.5 trillion the next. The nerve of you Bada Bing conservatives coming in and showing off your single brain cell to us monkeys is as haughty as it gets.

You have been brainwashed and I feel sorry for you.

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24 minutes ago, StassneyHorn said:

It takes two seconds to find the NPR clip/article based on the post


I wouldn't put much stock in NPR since they are funded by the Government and are a mouthpiece for the Democrat party. I don't like fact checkers either but there are plenty of articles blasting the claims that you reference. Most from left leaning outlets.

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3 minutes ago, Longhornlove said:


I wouldn't put much stock in NPR since they are funded by the Government and are a mouthpiece for the Democrat party. I don't like fact checkers either but there is plenty of articles blasting the claims that you reference. Most from left leaning outlets.

oh, so you're patently allergic to the truth. got it. 

btw, might wanna check your facts on where NPR gets their funding.

Edited by Longhorn_Fan68
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35 minutes ago, Nivek said:

NPR had on a fellow who studied this and his estimation is that the rates of inflation due to labor increase is about 8% of the total inflation.  The mass majority of it is due to corporations seeking higher profits (54%).   This certainly seems like an opportunity for some Teddy Roosevelt like asskickings.

I cannot fucking stand it when companies make profit. I hope Warren can clean this mess up. 

53 minutes ago, David Dennison said:


Let's start by slashing the defense budget and eliminating corporate subsidies.

Lucky for Ukraine we build missiles instead of relieving Ashton the barista of her low interest school loans. 

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1 minute ago, Longhorn_Fan68 said:

oh, so you're patently allergic to the truth. got it. 

I never specifically referenced him/her being wrong about reduced deficit, go back and read. I do find it highly suspect that you can spend your way into deficit reduction though, as we all should. Both parties have played their part in spending way too much. The possible reduction as mentioned can be mostly contributed to COVID relief spending coming to an end.

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38 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

If you're going to claim reckless government spending is a problen, at least be honest enough to acknowledge that Republicans are just as drunk on government spending as Democrats.

Reckless spending is a problem and as jimmy edited... Republicans are even more drunk on government spending (subsidies, bailouts included).  Both parties love to throw the prior administration under the bus (fair) but the problem is both parties are driving the bus over a cliff they are just arguing how fast they should drive.

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23 minutes ago, Longhornlove said:


I wouldn't put much stock in NPR since they are funded by the Government and are a mouthpiece for the Democrat party. I don't like fact checkers either but there are plenty of articles blasting the claims that you reference. Most from left leaning outlets.

I’ve had nothing to do with the commentary on an NPR fellow interview, besides give snark to posters who can’t do a simple Google search to find it. You wanting to make some attack on NPR is expected.

Here’s an actual link, with data, from the CBO on the deficit numbers.




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