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Great Replacement Theory is no longer fringe, it’s mainstream


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11 minutes ago, Poe It Up said:

I’m a Republican in very Republican county and I’ve never heard anyone discuss this theory. This stuff is still on the fringe. 

Heard 2 mins worth of clips from Democratic leaders on the radio earlier this week. To pretend this has never been discussed is not honest. 

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2 minutes ago, fattyflattie said:

Heard 2 mins worth of clips from Democratic leaders on the radio earlier this week. To pretend this has never been discussed is not honest. 

So, you're trying to suggest that this is a boogey man conjured up by the Democrats and not something that a large number of Republicans around the country are talking about, is that it?

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1 minute ago, TexArcher said:

So, you're trying to suggest that this is a boogey man conjured up by the Democrats and not something that a large number of Republicans around the country are talking about, is that it?

No. I’m saying it’s been a D wet dream doe a long fucking time. 

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2 minutes ago, fattyflattie said:

No. I’m saying it’s been a D wet dream doe a long fucking time. 

Do I need to post the white supremacists marching with torches and chanting, "Jews will not replace us!"

Let me guess, those were undercover liberals just like on January 6th, right?

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3 minutes ago, TexArcher said:

Do I need to post the white supremacists marching with torches and chanting, "Jews will not replace us!"

Let me guess, those were undercover liberals just like on January 6th, right?

You can post whatever crazy people you want. Let me know what they said and did when they were in political office.   

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3 minutes ago, fattyflattie said:

You can post whatever crazy people you want. Let me know what they said and did when they were in political office.   

Well someone just like them got elected President, called them very fine people, and when he lost the next election he tried to stage a violent coup.

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4 hours ago, Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand said:

When me and some of my fellow country boy drivers would be stuck at downtown dairy processing plants with hours-long waits for clean trailers ahead of us, I'd tell them I was going on a hike thru downtown and get a lot of "ooohhh you don't wanna go there" responses.

What they thought most downtowns were like- 



What most gentrified, park-filled downtowns are like-


First option is a lot more fun and has better eats.

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18 minutes ago, fattyflattie said:

Heard 2 mins worth of clips from Democratic leaders on the radio earlier this week. To pretend this has never been discussed is not honest. 

I’ve never heard it in my circle and I know some very right wing individuals. Maybe I’m not right wing enough to where they feel comfortable, but I think it’s more likely this stuff is exaggerated. 

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10 minutes ago, fattyflattie said:

You can post whatever crazy people you want. Let me know what they said and did when they were in political office.   

So you agree the GQP House reps are crazy people?  The third highest ranking GQP in the House is pushing replacement theory.  https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/16/us/politics/elise-stefanik-replacement-theory.html 

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1 minute ago, Poe It Up said:

I’ve never heard it in my circle and I know some very right wing individuals. Maybe I’m not right wing enough to where they feel comfortable, but I think it’s more likely this stuff is exaggerated. 

Your posts on this sound amazingly similar to your posts on abortion.

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22 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

I listened to an actual cop talking about how he hoped to win a rifle in a raffle because it would be good for going foe to the border and shooting wetbacks. I’m 100% certain this cop was not a Biden voter. This shit is absolutely openly discussed in “friendly” crowds, often to laughter and amens. And when right wing mouthpiece after mouthpiece characterizes immigrants as an “existential threat”…I mean, shit, what are you supposed to do about existential threats? The only rational response is to eliminate them. It is the necessary call to action when you characterize something as an existential threat.
So STFU with your denialist bullshit. When you spend years talking about how people with names like mine are destroying Texas, it is a given that someone is gong to hear that and take the Texas-saving action of killing Mexicans in an El Paso Walmart.

You need to hang around better people. No wonder you’re always so angry. 

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1 hour ago, Beau Vine said:

Privately, the president had often talked about fortifying a border wall with a water-filled trench, stocked with snakes or alligators, prompting aides to seek a cost estimate. He wanted the wall electrified, with spikes on top that could pierce human flesh. After publicly suggesting that soldiers shoot migrants if they threw rocks, the president backed off when his staff told him that was illegal. But later in a meeting, aides recalled, he suggested that they shoot migrants in the legs to slow them down. That’s not allowed either, they told him.

POTUS, if he were a 7 year old boy.

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3 hours ago, Hookah Horns said:

There's also a non-racist version of this. For example, my dad isn't the slightest bit racist and couldn't care less about what proportion of the country is white, but does believe that the Dems' policy re: immigration is part of a scheme to make immigrants loyal Dem voters, which will eventually give them an insurmountable advantage ad infinitum. I'm sure he picked this up from Tucker. I tried to explain that while it wouldn't be the worst idea, that's unfortunately just not how the democrats play the game of politics. They're not schemers.

What many fail to notice is many of these immigrants don’t affiliate with Democrats once they settle in. This is a big point of discussion at the Barbershop and at the Barbecue. 

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59 minutes ago, Poe It Up said:

I’m a Republican in very Republican county and I’ve never heard anyone discuss this theory. This stuff is still on the fringe. 

When some in your very Republican county express concern over the fact that the majority of American kindergartners are no longer white, this is an acknowledgement of the reality of demographic shifts that may not advantage them long term.

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19 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

The kind of people I’m referring to control my entire state. There’s no getting away from them. Many of them literally have badges. And can pull me over. And maybe beat the everloving shit out of me like one did to my dad.

You don’t give a fuck because you’re not the target when you take a road trip for work or go shopping at Walmart. That’s the fucking problem. You and your entire movement have zero fucking empathy for humans who aren’t exactly like you.

You think you can’t get away and they’re actively hunting you? This is getting more scary by the minute. 

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12 minutes ago, Poe It Up said:

You think you can’t get away and they’re actively hunting you? This is getting more scary by the minute. 


Or, perhaps more accurately, why don't you just fuck all the way off, troll.

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7 hours ago, fattyflattie said:


I mean, fucking hell.  Boobert and Greene (and Gohmert and Gosar and on and on) are more representative of the GQP than Mitt Romney.  Fucking Cawthorn is out only because he crossed bigger powers, not because of his ideology.

So, you want lower taxes bad enough to continue to vote for and support these lunatics?  I sure as fuck don't.

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1 hour ago, Poe It Up said:

I’ve never heard it in my circle and I know some very right wing individuals. Maybe I’m not right wing enough to where they feel comfortable, but I think it’s more likely this stuff is exaggerated. 

You're whistling past the graveyard.  While you vote R for lower taxes, the fucking loonbags are taking over the party while posting on Twitter about "pedo grifters" and lying their asses off about January 6.

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3 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

I mean, fucking hell.  Boobert and Greene (and Gohmert and Gosar and on and on) are more representative of the GQP than Mitt Romney.  Fucking Cawthorn is out only because he crossed bigger powers, not because of his ideology.

So, you want lower taxes bad enough to continue to vote for and support these lunatics?  I sure as fuck don't.

I think he was lol’ing at the other side of what I was saying: that the Democrats are more center right. He’s been conditioned by his chickenshit little cult to believe that all Democrats are full blown communists. For those that are into that kind of shit, that’s the kind of shit they’re into.

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1. Whenever something becomes a thing in the public consciousness somewhat suddenly, a healthy skepticism seems prudent. There’s no doubt a political element to exposing this stuff as well as the perceived sudden rise in it. “Both sides” are trying to use this; of course one side of an issue like this is by definition a bit more malicious. I can see being skeptical, thinking that this is the left’s version of CRT, but…

2. Besides the increase in political types that are pretty openly preaching replacement theory, I’ve run across it for years in the crazier wings of religious circles. It’s real and somewhat mainstream, even if it only gets uttered in safe company.

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I don’t understand why the Great Replacement Theory worries conservatives so much. It doesn’t sound so scary to me. Frankly, I’m a lot more worried about the Not Very Good Replacement Theory. Or even worse: the Pretty Bad Replacement Theory. 

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42 minutes ago, Poe It Up said:

You think you can’t get away and they’re actively hunting you? This is getting more scary by the minute. 

Fuck you all the way to hell.  I hope that minorities do take over this state, are as giant assholes as the dominant class has been, and a minority cop pulls you over and does to you exactly what a redneck cop did to my dad.

Then, I'll come laugh at your fearmongering as you are bruised from head to toe, after being tossed in a jail with no call home so your family thinks you died in a wreck on the way home.  I wish for you nothing more than was visited on me.  

Wait, maybe I wish for mexicans to be as riled up as angry white people are, so one shoots up a store where YOU shop.  Maybe it's the day your family is there.  Maybe it isn't.  Who knows?  But I know one thing -- as you cry over their shattered bodies, I'll just mock you the same way you mock us.  Again, I won't do anything that you aren't doing right here, right now.  I hope you enjoy it.

It's not that you assholes don't think that "conservatives" are happily fomenting stochastic terrorism at the expense of human lives -- hispanic, black, jewish.  You know that they are.  You just deny it, as you grin, satisfied and happy with the results.  You are happy and willing accomplices to murder.  It's what you are, and nothing will ever wash away that stain.

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11 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

Fuck you all the way to hell.  I hope that minorities do take over this state, are as giant assholes as the dominant class has been, and a minority cop pulls you over and does to you exactly what a redneck cop did to my dad.

Then, I'll come laugh at your fearmongering as you are bruised from head to toe, after being tossed in a jail with no call home so your family thinks you died in a wreck on the way home.  I wish for you nothing more than was visited on me.  

Wait, maybe I wish for mexicans to be as riled up as angry white people are, so one shoots up a store where YOU shop.  Maybe it's the day your family is there.  Maybe it isn't.  Who knows?  But I know one thing -- as you cry over their shattered bodies, I'll just mock you the same way you mock us.  Again, I won't do anything that you aren't doing right here, right now.  I hope you enjoy it.

It's not that you assholes don't think that "conservatives" are happily fomenting stochastic terrorism at the expense of human lives -- hispanic, black, jewish.  You know that they are.  You just deny it, as you grin, satisfied and happy with the results.  You are happy and willing accomplices to murder.  It's what you are, and nothing will ever wash away that stain.

You really are one twisted individual. I have no idea what happened to you or your father, but it’s clear that you haven’t worked your way through it yet. I truly hope you get the help you need. 

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36 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

You're whistling past the graveyard.  While you vote R for lower taxes, the fucking loonbags are taking over the party while posting on Twitter about "pedo grifters" and lying their asses off about January 6.

Then the Dems need to put up some serious candidates here in Texas. I mean Beto? Good lord they’re not even trying. 

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49 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

So, you want lower taxes bad enough to continue to vote for and support these lunatics?  I sure as fuck don't.

And here's the rub, it's not like taxes have been oppressive under Dems.  Actually mine were considerably less under Obama than after dotard pushed his bullshit through.

So higher taxes AND rampant racism with some treason thrown in for good measure.  Shining city my fucking ass.

Edited by Fudge Nuggets
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5 minutes ago, Poe It Up said:

Then the Dems need to put up some serious candidates here in Texas. I mean Beto? Good lord they’re not even trying. 

Beto ain't running for your local school board that's burning books. Fuck outta here like the only offices and politicians to vote for are the fox news boogeymen. There's even less radical republicans you could primary into the ballot if you gave a shit.

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7 minutes ago, Poe It Up said:

You really are one twisted individual. I have no idea what happened to you or your father, but it’s clear that you haven’t worked your way through it yet. I truly hope you get the help you need. 

You argue that the tactics of your team have no consequences.  I simply point out to you that they certainly do -- many of those consequences have names.  Many of those consequences have headstones.

Perhaps you will not deny these things when they are visited upon you.  You are incapable of empathy for the other.  So perhaps someday you will understand when the things that you deny -- the very real things, that happen to very real people who just happen to be different then you -- happen to you and yours.  

I wish nothing on you except the things that you deny.  If these are imaginary, and are not a broad problem, why should you bristle at my posts at all?  Why, I am only wishing upon you fantastical things that don't even happen -- no worries at all, right?

Fuck you to hell.  If you won't stand up against evil wrought against your fellow man, then you are the lowest layer of shit on the bottom of the ocean.  You are worthless scum.

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Just now, Captainant said:

Beto ain't running for your local school board that's burning books. Fuck outta here like the only offices and politicians to vote for are the fox news boogeymen. There's even less radical republicans you could primary into the ballot if you gave a shit.

He doesn't give a shit.  He sees what they stand for.  He knows what they foment.  AND HE LIKES IT.  This is the dirty, awful secret they don't want you to know.  All your "conservative friends?"  The ones who are "good people?"  They support and reward candidates and a movement that foments violence and murder of those who aren't "American enough."  Just because your friends and neighbors have some social graces doesn't mean they aren't monsters.  If you reward and encourage monstrosity, then you are a monster yourself.

Poe will stand on the still-slippery blood-soaked floors of a grocery store in Buffalo, a synagogue in Pittsburgh, or an El Paso Wal-Mart, and tell the shattered family members standing over the broken bodies of their loved ones that "you're damaged.  There's something wrong with you.  Nobody caused this.  There is no such thing as replacement theory and stochastic terrorism, and even if there is, it doesn't have any effect."  And that's not because Poe doesn't believe this happens, or why it happens.  

He knows why.

And he likes it.

He's polite enough not to get his hands dirty.  But he's happy that someone is doing what it takes to save this country, one dead mexican, black, or jew at a time.  He may want to look away, because it's grotesque, but it's the natural result of a movement that he happily supports, and will continue to support.

Dead minorities isn't a bug.  It's a feature.

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6 minutes ago, Captainant said:

Beto ain't running for your local school board that's burning books. Fuck outta here like the only offices and politicians to vote for are the fox news boogeymen. There's even less radical republicans you could primary into the ballot if you gave a shit.

Actually, I’d have to double check, but I’m not even sure Dems attempt to run in my area. 

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11 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

You argue that the tactics of your team have no consequences.  I simply point out to you that they certainly do -- many of those consequences have names.  Many of those consequences have headstones.

Perhaps you will not deny these things when they are visited upon you.  You are incapable of empathy for the other.  So perhaps someday you will understand when the things that you deny -- the very real things, that happen to very real people who just happen to be different then you -- happen to you and yours.  

I wish nothing on you except the things that you deny.  If these are imaginary, and are not a broad problem, why should you bristle at my posts at all?  Why, I am only wishing upon you fantastical things that don't even happen -- no worries at all, right?

Fuck you to hell.  If you won't stand up against evil wrought against your fellow man, then you are the lowest layer of shit on the bottom of the ocean.  You are worthless scum.

I’m not worried about it and you shouldn’t be either. 

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8 minutes ago, Poe It Up said:

I’m not worried about it and you shouldn’t be either. 


I guess they shouldn't worry about it either.

I guess it's no big deal when a cop cavalierly talks about going to the border to hunt wetbacks.

I guess you're a fucked in the head piece of shit who doesn't care because the stochastic terrorists fomented by your political movement aren't going to hunt you. Correction.  You care.  You like it.

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14 minutes ago, Poe It Up said:

I’m not worried about it and you shouldn’t be either. 

The leader of your party wanted to "beat the fuck out of" and "just shoot" the George Floyd protestors.  Not merely because they were protestors, but because they were either brown or protesting the death of a brown man.

You can try to dismiss Trump and his ilk as some kind of fringey aberration, but their insanity currently forms the basis for the GOP. And not one of them is troubled by police brutality and murder and corruption.

It's closer than you think.  

Edited by TwiceHorn
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5 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:


I guess they shouldn't worry about it either.

I guess it's no big deal when a cop cavalierly talks about going to the border to hunt wetbacks.

I guess you're a fucked in the head piece of shit who doesn't care because the stochastic terrorists fomented by your political movement aren't going to hunt you. Correction.  You care.  You like it.

I have no idea who those people are, I’m sorry. 

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5 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

The leader of your party wanted to "beat the fuck out of" and "just shoot" the George Floyd protestors.  Not merely because they were protestors, but because they were either brown or protesting the death of a brown man.

You can try to dismiss Trump and his ilk as some kind of fringey aberration, but their insanity currently forms the basis for the GOP. And not one of them is troubled by police brutality and murder and corruption.

It's closer than you think.  

Yeah, they’re fringe. This kind of stuff just doesn’t come up in my Republican circles. 

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3 minutes ago, Poe It Up said:

Yeah, they’re fringe. This kind of stuff just doesn’t come up in my Republican circles. 

Yes it does.  And more importantly, your entire circle rewards the people who sow that poison.  Rewarding those who throw gasoline on the fire is arson just the same.

Someone who rewards murderers for their actions is guilty of murder.  Just because you don't get your hands dirty doesn't make you any less of one.  You are one.  And the great thing is, for at least some of the scumbags like you, your kids are going to grow up, learn about the world, and realize what a giant piece of shit their parents are.  I hope that yours do that, on two counts.  First, it will be great for them -- they'll have a chance in this world.  And second, they will disown you, and leave you to die alone and loathed, as you deserve.

You can't sow or support the poison you support without risking the blowback someday.  I hope it comes your way.

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14 minutes ago, Poe It Up said:

Yeah, they’re fringe. This kind of stuff just doesn’t come up in my Republican circles. 

You are lying to yourself, and apparently so are your friends.

It's like you're a German in 1935.  "I don't mind Jews, but I like the stuff Hitler is doing."

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11 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

Yes it does.  And more importantly, your entire circle rewards the people who sow that poison.  Rewarding those who throw gasoline on the fire is arson just the same.

Someone who rewards murderers for their actions is guilty of murder.  Just because you don't get your hands dirty doesn't make you any less of one.  You are one.  And the great thing is, for at least some of the scumbags like you, your kids are going to grow up, learn about the world, and realize what a giant piece of shit their parents are.  I hope that yours do that, on two counts.  First, it will be great for them -- they'll have a chance in this world.  And second, they will disown you, and leave you to die alone and loathed, as you deserve.

You can't sow or support the poison you support without risking the blowback someday.  I hope it comes your way.

I could handle a lot of things, but my children voting Democrat? Woof. 

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