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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/24/20 in Posts

  1. That’s what an adult stutter sounds like. I have a stammer and a lisp I worked hard to overcome and my daughter also has a speech impediment. She does professional musicial theater and I basically make speeches for a living. What sets us apart from you is that you have the ability to speak unimpeded, and we aren’t trying to make ourselves clear with dicks in our mouths. If anything, we’re the lucky ones. Be best.
    20 points
  2. The Eyes of Texas are upon you,All the livelong day.The Eyes of Texas are upon you,You cannot get away.Do not think you can escape themAt night or early in the morn --The Eyes of Texas are upon youTil Gabriel blows his horn. 🤘
    19 points
  3. I don’t like doing this type of thing, but what the hell. I don’t have any sources within the program etc..., but do talk to various sports media folks with different pro/college connections that’ll give me nuggets about various different things from time to time, and I was given some info. Mostly “duh!” type stuff we’ve already heard and speculated, but sharing because I trust the guy, so just another log added to the fire. TIFWIW: 1. Herman has “fallen out of favor.” with admin. 2. Urban “wants it.” 3. Paraphrasing, but UM doesn’t like Herman. Thinks it all went to his head. Got lazy. I took that as not only now, but also while still coaching under UM. 4. UM loves all of his other assistants. (Me: Tom seems to be the exception) 5. I won’t give the direct quote, but according to PJ Fleck himself, in a casual setting, straight to my guy: he’d jump at the job. Related: No info or speculation on Fleck or any other secondary options from the Texas side. Outside of the Fleck stuff, I know it’s nothing we haven’t speculated/heard, but like I said, another log on the fire and from a guy I trust, and know has connections. I’m guessing he lucked into the Fleck encounter, but he puts in some work.
    17 points
  4. You're really a piece of shit. That's the only thing that can be learned from your post. It's not negative or hurting Biden in any way. It's just a piece of shit hack (that's you dumbfuck) giggling at someone who has a stutter. Fuck off. You add nothing of substance to this website.
    16 points
  5. I swear, if you'd have told me 10 years ago that I would miss a Longhorn football game to go be a poll watcher for the Democrats, . . . . Of course, if you quickly followed that revelation with ". . . because the Republicans nominated and elected Donald Trump president on a platform of white Christian nationalism," I might have believed you and asked you to tell me the next ten Super Bowl winners.
    16 points
  6. Buncha losers with no killer instinct up in this bitchhhhhhhhhh I'm drunk as fuck.
    15 points
  7. my sister lives in atlanta. my nephew got up at 7am today to go through training to become an official poll worker. he's 17. he can't even vote. but he's in it now. let's fucking go.
    15 points
  8. Send me a DM we are hiring like crazy.
    15 points
  9. So this is the thread for the Texas game today?
    13 points
  10. Economy is great eh? Cause I got laid off last week. Fucking die.
    13 points
  11. Beautiful sunrise this morning over Big Bend. I’m not surprised
    13 points
  12. First submission. Shredded pheasant crunch wrap with japs and onions in the meat mixture, couple scoops of hot pico inside. Finished with queso and sour cream on top. Absolutely delicious. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    12 points
  13. Why do we need this fool to lose 1 more game to get fired??? Fuck him. He is a shitty coach. if Urban wants it you fire this dipshit on the spot.
    11 points
  14. Dude you’re the last person on earth that would know anything about scoring
    11 points
  15. Most of his dogs weren't afforded the luxury of a comeback. Fuck that guy.
    11 points
  16. Look those were two terrible teams duking it out today at DKR. That game was irrelevant and should have no impact on the Fire Herman train.
    10 points
  17. This Baylor “win” should do nothing to make anyone feel like Herman has a single fucking clue as to what he’s doing.
    9 points
  18. people are really pissed he went down instead of scoring the TD? we've reached the point where folks are just searching for reasons to be pissed at the players..
    9 points
  19. 9 points
  20. 8 points
  21. Women make up 51% of the country so........ Listen, I’m fairly smart - I have a master’s, got a perfect score on the logic section of the GRE, and graduated with a 4.0. And I’m a fucking empty headed troglodyte when it comes to cardinal directions. That shit don’t just make sense, man.
    8 points
  22. Such a gut punch. I listened to his music pretty much my entire life. How could you not if you grew up in Texas? One of the coolest things that I ever got to experience was cruising out to Luckenbach on a beautiful Sunday afternoon some time in the 90s, strolling up to the Post Office/Bar and buying a cold Lone Star from Marge(RIP), then turning around to the big oak tree and seeing Jerry Jeff just sitting there on a picnic table bench strumming his guitar and singing for about 15 people. That was back when they still had beer tabs all over the ground. What a moment. RIP Jerry Jeff Walker.
    8 points
  23. I give you credit for at least engaging with a very difficult environment I think if you have some conservative leanings. I have some conservative leanings as well, and am coming from the perspective that in 2016, I would have considered voting for ANYONE over Hillary Clinton. (nothing to do with policy, she gives me a visceral and negative gut feeling that she is just not who I want to entrust the country to at all, and this is far beyond politics, only Ted Cruz has also made me react that way prior...and now Trump gives me that feeling) Trump also was a little more of an unknown in 2016, and there were red flags, but I think I can easily see that some voters would take a chance on Trump versus Clinton. I'd say for myself the three worst things off the top of my head Trump has done (and thus he has lost my vote) are the following: 1) Diminished the dignity of the President as the leader of the country. For many people, this might not matter, but for me, I kind of would like the leader of our country to act in a way where children have an easy time admiring the person, even if they disagree 100% with their politics. I have no problem saying that priors like Obama or George Bush never ever in my mind damaged the actual office even though their politics are very different. People focus on the racial stoking and dog whistles, but I notice a lot more that so many things coming out of his mouth are outright lies. Most politicians lie and stretch the truth and such, but this is quite unique to me. 2) Trying to expand executive power (I have this same problem with Democrats too) in a way I don't like, as I favor a much more limited executive branch for certain functions in our government. I don't mind the idea that nothing happens - even at the expense of short-term gain - if a larger body of elected officials can't get something done versus a smaller concentration of power. 3) The COVID response - A lot of what transpired is just hard to defend -- you really can look at specific moments and what did and didn't happen and just scratch your head. I'll be very transparent and say the issues I am tagged conservative here would be 1) guns 2) business/personal taxes and small business regulation and 3) national defense/military issues. I can admit I am much more a social liberal "country club" type on business/fiscal policies. Definite not conservative leanings would be 1) abortion 2) trying to use religious freedom to discriminate and/or leech it into not separating church and state 3) favor a public health care option (but probably not in favor of a universal plan ONLY without other options) and 4) favor path to citizenship for immigrants given a set of clear rules to do so (no serious crimes and other benchmarks to show they would be a productive citizen)
    8 points
  24. I’m pretty drunk but just need to say fuck this dude and I’m throwing a party when his ass is kicked out of office in January so if anyone wants free booze amd 😋PA-brew beer that’s not that Yuengling swill come visit me in PA. Bring snow shovels and parkas.
    8 points
  25. Do all wives have this gift? My wife dreamed that I went to a coffee shop (she followed me) and met 10 hot women, including one of her hot friends, and they were all talking about all the great sex I was having with them. My wife woke up mad and I got punched in the arm. "What are you doing with your dick?", she asked. What indeed.
    8 points
  26. 7 B12 Championships and 5 National Championships -- Outstanding!!! 🤘
    8 points
  27. Please stop... this is putting a new saddle on a (hopefully)dead horse. The players were all there saluting the fans. Lets not investigate who had their horns up, who was standing , who was smiling or who was farting. The team won. Happy The team supported the fans with the eyes. Happy we still have Tom . Sad Let's enjoy the win and smile. We can prepare our anus for the ass raping that is going to happen next week on Sunday
    7 points
  28. Touchdown is the fucking play there. Even after he goes down. You win the fucking game by scoring fucking touchdowns.
    7 points
  29. Fuck fuck fuckity fuck, Saw this mentioned
    7 points
  30. why do you think the majority of those people would have still died? we have no fucking plan and we are 7 fucking months into a goddamn quarantine. we have no national plan, the president constantly fucking slags the actual fucking scientists, makes a mockery of people wearing masks, and he actually fucking caught it. we have no fucking state plan, the governor constantly tries to undermine local efforts at leadership. we have a rainy day fund here in texas and we've done nothing, despite the fact that this is the fucking rainy time for which that was desgined. the republicans have done fucking NOTHING on covid. we've had one fucking stimulus check of $1200. that's fucking it. no plan like the UK 80% payroll furlough. no protection for front line workers. no protection for people who have lost their jobs. there's been FUCKING NOTHING on a leadership front from anyone with an (R) next to their name. NOTHING. yes, we would have always had some people die from this - that cannot be helped. but we have 20%+ of the total deaths of this thing, and we have 4% of the world population. that math doesn't fucking square with "well, most of those people would have still died." this will be trump's legacy. his great shame. people dying, kids in cages, tax cut that destroyed the economy (trickle down my ass), destroying ally relationships, cozying up to dictators, it's all so much bad. i'm trying to understand what it is that you like about this orange shitstain. honestly. he is our shame.
    7 points
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