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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/25/18 in all areas

  1. The female officer is an old partner of mine and one of my best friends. I'm not going to get into specifics of her condition, but she is critical but stable. Her partner is worse off. Please keep both in your prayers if that is your thing.
    12 points
  2. 11 points
  3. Just got back from the hospital. She is hanging tough and hitting all the benchmarks so far. She has a long road ahead, but there is light at the end. Please wish her strength over these next few challenging days. And RIP to my other brother.
    6 points
  4. I went back and re-watched part of the spring game. -While our OL definitely sucked, most of the worst offenders likely either wont' see the field or won't have to play that position. Pretty much every drive with Urquidez was a lost cause. Omenihu and Hager absolutely ate him up almost every time he was in. I know they wanted to try Kerstetter at C and move guys around but they made the offensive drives with him in there more or less pointless for the rest of the guys on the field. He was that bad. Imade didn't get flat out beat a ton, but he gave up way too much space in pass pro for a guy with his strength and missed some assignments in the run game. Okafor can't hold up on the edge. He gave up a sack or two and had a holding penalty. Urquidez and Imade almost definitely wont see the field, while Okafor will (fingers crossed) not have to take any snaps at OT this year. If we suffer any injuries at OT this year, it will get bad like last year. -For some of the guys who will be starting, Vahe is the same guy as always, amazing on the move. Decent in zone running. Not great blocking a DT straight up, below average at straight pass blocking and you can beat him on a stunt or delayed blitz almost everytime (see the third gif in this post). Shack and Rodriguez are similar. They won't straight up blow an assignment but they won't execute it well, either. They don't get good push in the run game and can often get beat and they both get pushed back too far in pass pro. We need one of Hudson, Grandy, or Okafor to win the RG spot if we want to have much of a running game this year. Putting Rodriguez and Shack next to each other will mean we can't run to A or B gap on the right side much at all. Rodriguez is fine as depth all along the OL, but he shouldn't be starting. -The drives where our OL most closely resembled a starting OL, they held up ok and Sam and Shane made some nice throws when they had time. Gives me a little bit of hope for the offense this year. Crazy how even average OL play makes the rest of the offense look way better. Sam especially made some really good throws, like the deep bomb to Duvernay and the post route to LJH near the north endzone. He still had some bad reads where he missed open guys and that fumbled snap can't keep happening, but he is progressing. Sam also missed a couple easy throws. On one drive, he missed LJH down the sideline, Leitao open down the seam and an out to LJH. This is one example of a throw Sam absolutely has to make, no excuses: -One play calling aspect I did like a lot was how much we motioned RBs in to the backfield. It can confuse the defense and give the threat of running to either side when we're in shotgun. Also, with guys like LJH, Duvernay, and Heard, you want the ball in their hands as much as possible. -Shane doens't seem to be progressing much. He's good at outside routes where he can release the ball quick and not think, but he gets scared at the first sign of pressure and makes some really dumb throws. Both of his missed to Burt were utterly inexcusable. Burt was wide open. On the first one (16:16), Shane had a bit of pressure in his face but not so much that he should be excused from missing such an open throw. Also note Vahe getting beat on a delayed blitz. Fourth year, same guy. On that drive, Shane completed lots of quick passes where he put the ball in exactly the right spot. You can still build an offense around Shane if he is your QB, but it's pretty limited and I don't trust Beck to stick to the stuff Shane can execute. Shane also did a good job of throwing jump balls to CJ when he was in 1 on 1 coverage, even if the DB was there, like at 27:15. -While Wheeler did better, he's still going to get exposed in space by B12 offenses. He and Adeoye don't have the speed to cover RBs in space or track down fast QBs, like Murray or Robinson at TCU. I think the optimal B12 defense for this team will be a dime package with one true LB--Gary Johnson-- and a big safety. Not sure who the best bet for that would be, maybe Foster? Regardless, I think the D will be very solid, unless it gets some unfortunate injuries at spots where we're thin. -BJ Foster just oozes potential. Insane to think he didn't even play S last year in HS. Him and Sterns are going to be really, really good. It's a shame we didn't get to see Sterns in this game.
    6 points
  5. Looks like the guy that owns Eskimo Hut.
    6 points
  6. Kevin Morgan? Looks like they already got him.
    5 points
  7. I've been trying to fix a problem with my power washer intermittently losing pressure and needed to run it for awhile to see if I fixed it. Normally she takes her car to the car wash but I told her to just park it in the driveway so I could test the power washer on it. She pulls in at 5pm, sun blazing down on the driveway and wants to wash it now. I told her "bad idea to wash in the sun, you'll end up with water spots and that defies the purpose of doing it. We'll do it after dinner." "NOPE, I want to do it now. I don't want to wait" "Whatever, its your car, you get to live with the results." So power washer shits out after a couple minutes and she has to finish washing with the hose while I pull the POS apart and figure out why its still not working. Her car is 3/4 dry from the sun because shes taking too long to wash each section. I told her to grab the towels I keep for drying my truck and wipe it all down to get rid of the water spots. "But then I'll have streaks all over the windows. It can air dry." "FML what do I know about washing cars? I've only hand washed mine for the last 15 years. You're gonna end up with water spots. Make sure you rinse out the bucket and sponge and put it in the garage." I go out an hour later, the sponge and bucket are not in the garage and have both blown into the flower bed, covered in dirt. I go to rinse them off but instead of neatly hanging the hose up, shes basically tossed it on the hook knotted up like a pretzel. Now I have to untangle her mess so I can clean up her other mess. Then I get a text this morning that she's going to the car wash on her lunch break because there's "stuff on all the windows." I tell her to wait until tomorrow because we're expecting rain today. She responds that they'll rewash it if it rains within 24 hours. I didn't even bother explaining to her what a waste of time it would be to take there knowing its going to have to go back tomorrow.
    5 points
  8. A shit stain on the universe. Hypocrites. Liars. Helped create the instability in the Big 12, and then tried to pin the blame on someone else while they ran off to a paycheck and irrelevancy. Stabbed their historic partners in the back and acts like they were forced into it. Did nothing to help stabilize the Big 12 prior to leaving. Their fans, and really the entire culture of the state, sans for some fun parts of Omaha and Lincoln, are stuck in 1995. They think they're a blue blood and a true nationally relevant program. They worship Tom Osborne. They still wear fanny packs and t-shirts from Wal Mart. They think Runza is really fucking good. They play Keno. Attending a game at Memorial Stadium is like walking into a church service of a different religion and being completely befuddled as to what's going on. They suck at tailgating. They like to refer to themselves as the "Greatest Fans in College Football". Lots of people will thank you for coming to Lincoln, but only when they win. They act nice, but it's so obviously disingenuous. They think they really are the best people that watch this game. I've enjoyed watching them become completely irrelevant in the cum dumpster that is the Big 10 West. Iowa is the only road trip within 6 hours of Lincoln. They have no history with anyone in the Big 10, and they rarely play Michigan, Ohio State, or Pedo. But they have that check and they told Texas to fuck off, or something like that. Fuck Nebraska.
    5 points
  9. Last night while watching a cooking show: I was trying to watch and wife was babbling on about something. Wife: Hey, rewind that so I can hear what ingredients he was adding (she was talking through the entire segment). I rewind the DVR to the ingredients add point and hit play. Wife immediately starts talking again and misses what the chef says, again.
    5 points
  10. I’m not sure if your mom is single or not but she’d make a great head coach.
    4 points
  11. Asserting da fif in a civil case is a rear-guard action. It's a tactical retreat, AT BEST. If you're in a position where the BEST course of action for you is to invoke da fif in a civil case....you're in a bad position.
    4 points
  12. Explained for the non-horse crowd: Reining is 1 of 6 events that determine the overall National Champion and aggy won 1 of the 6...the reining event. Meanwhile, Auburn won 4 of the other 5 events and the overall National Championship. But, aggy gonna aggy...
    4 points
  13. Nice try. They didn’t hate him because he was black. They didn’t like him because he wanted to increase the deficit by a trillion bucks. Hence the tea party revolt. The republicans in Congress and the White House would never dream of doing such a totally irresponsible thing. A trillion? Are you kidding me? Thank god they stopped obummer in his tracks.
    4 points
  14. Survey complete. If you say you might be interested is when you get the "how much would you donate?" questions. Would you be willing to donate $30,000 to the building fund? - No Would you be willing to donate $15,000 to the building fund? - No Why don't you just tell me the amount you would be willing to donate? - $350 (i couldn't resist)
    4 points
  15. I think Danny Green opts in, unfortunately. Nobody else is paying him $10 million next year. He was terrible this season. He just went 8-30 for the playoffs including 5-20 from three. He's a 3 and D guy on the wrong side of 30 who can't shoot and who they don't trust in the fourth quarters of games anymore. He also got exposed on defense this year because he has always been able to guard the other team's second best wing player with Kawhi in there. Parker is coming back for somewhere around $5 million per, depending on how much they feel he's been underpaid for his career. He's taken a couple of team friendly deals and they will make him whole. People will bitch like crazy because he clearly can't play anymore, but it's the right thing to do and the Spurs thing to do. I selfishly hope Manu comes back, but whatever he decides should be celebrated. I hope Rudy Gay comes back. I don't think this is what he signed up for so he may go ring seeking and I wouldn't blame him one bit for opting out. Kyle Anderson is easy to bag on but he has improved year over year and knows the system. I'd like to see him back on a cap friendly deal. I don't think there will be a lot of suitors for him. He's a solid rotation guy who can eat up minutes in an 82 game season. As far as Kawhi goes, I would be stunned if they offer him the super max this summer. If he wants it, then he needs to come back next season and earn it. The Spurs have all the bargaining power here. The last CBA was all about the small market teams keeping their young stars. Even though the circumstances were much different, they sort of faced the same deal with Aldridge last Summer where they essentially told him that they could trade him, but would only receive pennies on the dollar back for him. Kawhi's situation essentially boils down to that. They aren't going to take lesser value for him. Period. So, they are going to have a come to Jesus meeting with him and tell him that if he comes back and plays, then he will get the super max. If he plays out next season and decides he wants to bolt SA, then he's going to give up tens of millions of dollars. It's pretty much that simple.
    4 points
  16. Texas is lining up for the feeding frenzy as well. If you look at what is happening in that state this cycle, a lot of guys are taking their time to see what happens with LSU on the field and they're all talking about various camps they're heading to this summer. I think LSU is going to suck fucking balls this year. They will open 1-2 after taking a beating from Miami and Auburn. They pick up Georgia as an opponent from the SEC East. They will be bowl eligible because they play SE Louisiana, La Tech, Rice and ATM. If they're a largely panned also-ran with a coach they can't afford to fire that no one understands, who has a history of meddling with all areas of the team and speaking his mind to the team and in public about the decisions of his assistants, then it could be a free-for-all in Louisiana. Texas is doing a good job laying the groundwork with a handful of guys they like there. The Makiya Tongue guy is going to be a fucking bad ass in college and Texas is all over him. He lacks strong allegiances with LSU anyway.
    4 points
  17. The reason he's saying this is because he can. Not one voter among the 85% of Republicans who support Trump right now is going to stay home on election day, much less vote D, because of this, so why not be up front about it and get the cash? Parties are about serving wealthy donors while placating the voting masses. The hard part is that the economic interests of the donors are often at odds with those of the masses, and the party usually has to throw some bones to the people. But the GOP has figured out how to get its masses to openly vote against their own economic interests by exploiting their racial and cultural fears. With a big assist from right-wing radio and FoxNews and the internet. History has proven time and time again that you don't need to actually implement economic solutions when you point the blame at groups of people and say that they're the problem. Not only does the GOP no longer need to throw out any bones to its voters, it can poke them in the eye and the response is "thank you sir, may I have another." It's no wonder the rank-and-file have started projecting their cognitive dissonance with the "cuck" and "snowflake" stuff. The GOP voter has been completely cucked by the guys Mulvaney is talking to. And they love it because it perversely gives them a feeling of power over "the libs" to live vicariously through guys like Trump. Like an aggy who thinks he's sticking it to Texas by being fodder for another SEC team's national championship. Add in a heavy dose of tribalism and the GOP has these voters on lock. Pedophilia and rape wouldn't shake most Penn State and Baylor fans; the same things is at play with lifelong Republicans for whom their party is part of their identity. That's how the Republican base gets led by the nose back and forth on policy. Any doubt about whether they actually opposed Obama on policy grounds, like the deficit, should be laughably erased now. Emoryoid and Swam are the poster boys for this style of "Go fetch!" politics. They'll chase any issue on behalf of their owner and then drop it when they're told. But the real MVPs for the GOP are the "independent" both-siders who normalize this situation and make it palatable to the swing voters who have handed the government to Republicans. Sure, the Trump administration is openly demanding bribes for policy, but Dems reward their donors too, so they're the same! All sense of scale and relativity is lost by making the choice binary: either a party or politician is perfect or not. Since nobody can be perfect, everyone has to be the same, no matter what they do. When the only categories are "criminal" or "not criminal", a serial killer and a petty thief are the same. And that effect is supercharged by the right-wing fake news machine that generates phony scandals by the left in order to justify literally the exact same behavior, only for real, on the right. The situation only changes when the both-siders get some intellectual courage and start voting in shades of gray. But that takes more thought than "they all suck!" so we'll probably need a real disaster to move them.
    4 points
  18. Anybody campaigning in Mississippi with a last name of Hood has a decent shot at winning.
    4 points
  19. They have lost 9 of the last 10 meetings to Texas, 5 on their own field, and trail significantly in the series 4-10 overall. They won their first championship and began their prominence after Texas already had won and started theirs and have yet to win one since Texas won another in 20005.
    3 points
  20. He's just such a fucking beating. I don't even care how he leans. I'm just sick of his shit.
    3 points
  21. Daggah...good series guys. Glad it wasnt a sweep and we played with ya for 55-70% of the time...that other 30% was brutal, but inevitable.
    3 points
  22. We don't claim national titles in quidditch. https://texassports.com/sports/2013/7/29/GEN_0729130655.aspx?id=328 A&M claims national titles in equestrian. https://12thman.com/sports/2015/6/23/GEN_0623151119.aspx I have no issue with A&M supporting club teams and/or emerging sports, but they actually "claim" these as national titles. Texas doesn't do that.
    3 points
  23. I cannot wait for the videos of rednecks and gun nuts blasting apart their $500 coolers with their AR-15s.
    3 points
  24. He grew up in Plainview and went to UNT. And I'm not even going to attempt to post a video.
    3 points
  25. Let's make a list of arguments that aggy does NOT want to get into with us "silly" 'sips... 1 - National reputation of our universities 2 - National perception of our students 3 - Reputation of our alumni 4 - Accomplishments of our alumni 5 - Accomplishments of our athletic programs I could go on for a while here. Congrats to you and the aggy cult for treating the Bush family with kindness and dignity. Hope you didn't break your arm patting yourself on the back for, you know, being human. Back to my lack of a life...
    3 points
  26. And you can throw all the money you want at it and not fix that. We have rehashed it across 3 boards now. You need a social safety net. Call it riot insurance if you’re cynical, but we need it. You have to make it bare bones enough not to be a disincentive for *most* people to work. There will always be scammers and freeloaders working the system I grew up what would be considered poor in this country but not in abject poverty. For all the valid criticisms of our system we don’t have much of that outside of those with mental illness and or substance abuse issues (and of course their children—that is the truly heartbreaking part of this issue and I don’t know how you fix it) I did not have parents who could send me to private schools. We tried the live in an apartment zoned to the “good” school, and that’s when I learned we were poor. Thrift store clothes don’t go over well with the “rich” kids. Wound up graduating from the “worst” high school, but we had plenty of high achievers, kids who wanted out and wanted more. Being really smart helped, but I had classmates not as smart but who busted their asses and are now highly successful. I wonder if I had more shit just given to me if I would have made it this far I do think though if we are going to run up crazy deficits we ought to blow some of it on poor people
    3 points
  27. 3 points
  28. Taking pics of his mom?
    3 points
  29. Do you know why people watch Jerry Springer? Because they're stupid. They are not very intelligent. You know how you correct that? You don't. 50% of Americans are of below-median intelligence. Telling the not-bright to "be smart and do smart stuff" would be like telling my slow ass to "run faster, and win the marathon!" I can't do it. No matter how much you tell me how to do it, my old, bum-knee, slow, fatass, ain't winning any marathon. Jerry Springer watchers aren't going to be doctors and such. Shit, many of them aren't sharp enough to hold down any real office job, or job that requires critical thought. And blue collar jobs are drying up (yes, they're out there, but not like they were in the manufacturing boom years). Add to that how precarious the situation is for someone on the edge of poverty (get arrested, get sick, have your car break down, and it ALL falls apart -- you lose your job, your place to live, everything), and it's really fucking easy to be poor. It's actually somewhat hard to "not be poor." I'm not making any excuses for anyone -- I'm simply observing the reality on the ground. Sure, folks from the most wretched places end up being rich....but the ODDS are way against them. Give me 100 kids from families that earn $100k plus, and pit them against 100 kids from families that earn under $40k. Which GROUP will be the most successful? Same schools, same city, etc. -- which one are you betting on? Odds matter. Chances matter. Advantages matter. They all figure in to your success. In most cases, they figure in quite significantly. But, it's much easier to pretend that you had no advantages, and tell other folks to "get off their lazy asses and work for your success like I did." That's just fucking asinine. I am quite successful. Some of it is do to innate ability (I was born pretty smart - which is good, because if I was counting on my athletic ability to get me out of the hood, I'd have been fucked). A good bit of it is due to hard work -- wherever I found myself, I worked hard (eventually -- when I was a young school kid, not so much, I coasted on being smart). But a CRAPLOAD of it is due to the fact that I had a middle class family, good nutrition, attentive parents, who sacrificed to send me to private schools, were voracious readers and instilled a love of reading in me, etc. etc. for about 1,000 more qualities. In short, the family I was born into was by far the BIGGEST factor in my success. Pure, dumb luck. My mother's half sister was a worthless junkie. She had a daughter with some other junkie. We helped her with the kid for a while, till we pushed her to put her daughter into the foster care and adoption system. She was adopted at age 6, and grew up in a good, strong family with dedicated parents. That change in circumstance took her from a dysfunctional kid, to a thriving one and then successful adulthood. Family unit matters -- it's the biggest determinant of success, across the board. So, what you're REALLY telling a shitload of people is "choose to be born into a better family." Like I said, asinine.
    3 points
  30. If the penalty for being an asshole was death we wouldn't have much of a website here.
    3 points
  31. so if you were me and you believed abortion was the active murdering of babies and you believed in the sanctity of life, you would murder doctors to stop that from happening? even though you believe in the sanctity of life?
    3 points
  32. What is it about needing your validation, but not respecting what you say when you say it?? Two occurrences last night: First: Kid comes to my bathroom to use our spa tub because she said he could. I get it going and realize that the handle cartridge is leaking and so I tell him he can't use it because it will pour water everywhere. Kid is fine with it and understands, leaves to go upstairs to his own shower. She runs into the bathroom 30 seconds later, yes runs Her: Why won't you let him use it? Me: I'm the one that tried to turn it on for him, what do you mean? It's not working, the cartridge is bad like it was on your sink a few months ago Her: So you saw a leak? (proceeding to turn the bath on anyway) I don't see a leak Me: It's where all that water that is pouring on your leg right now is... Her: That's not that big a deal (Her leg is literally soaked with water) Me: So now you see the leak at least and I'm not too incompetent to determine if there is one or isn't? Her: Tone Me: And, that's only a little bit of water because it's been on for 10 seconds and it takes multiple minutes to fill the tub. There will be a big puddle if your run a full bath and why on earth does he need to take a bath in our bathroom at 9PM after his bedtime?? Second: Me two weeks ago: I want to go see Infinity Wars the first Friday it is out Her: I have friends coming over and want to see it too Me: You have confirmed people coming over? Her: Well we said we might do it Me: Well check and make sure please because the boys and I both want to go Her: Ok Last night happens Her: Did you get tickets for the movie? Me: No, you had people coming over, why would I have? Her: Well they decided that night when I asked them that it wasn't a good night Me: WTF? Seriously, so you knew two weeks ago and didn't say anything? Tickets are going to be sold out now Her: Let's see if we can still go Me, after 15 minutes of looking (while she sees me doing so): The only time that would work that isn't the front row is 8:25 and there is only the back row open Her: I see a 6, a 7, I see all kinds of showings, let's just go to one of those instead. I don't want to be out that late Me: Really? Her: What? I just don't want to be out that late Me: That's not the issue. The issue is that I just told you this was the ONLY time available that worked. Why would you assume the others ARE available? Her: Well I see them. Me: WTF. Clearly I've looked at those and deemed them untenable to our situation. Did you look and see if tickets were actually available? Her: Well no, but they show the times... Me: I'm going to just stop talking to you for a few...
    3 points
  33. As far as Texas goes, he's a JAG, Bruh Man. That's not being aggie. I've been telling you this for a while, for whatever that is worth. Texas has higher guys on the board and open slots for late risers in the summer and fall for whoever they like across the country. There's apparently data being used that takes a position regarding OL development in HS and college impact, including on a state-by-state basis. Newsflash, the guards in Texas who look great as sophomores and then show nothing different as juniors might not be any different as seniors in college, either, and that isn't a good thing. You want excellent body types with really broad wing spans and excellent agility scores at guard and center. The centers need to be really bright and anyone worth recruiting needs to exhibit a nasty streak, especially in the interior. If a player is extremely polished, as many Texas OLs are, then caveat emptor. Texas will take Johnson, Green, Shephard, and Bragg if they can get them. Same for Wilkins. They will also probably take a guy or two that are not on the radar right now. They'll attempt to keep a guy like EJNO warm if they can, in the improbable scenario in which OU performs poorly on the field and Texas misses on numerous targets. If he would have been all Texas, all the time from the jump, they would have taken him, but otherwise the juice isn't worth the squeeze.
    3 points
  34. Scott Schrader is the best, on TrojanInsider...but it's paid. I'm meeting him at Oaks Christian on Thurs, he is welcomed at every major HS football program and 7 on7 coaches in SoCal. Contrary to popular belief, we're pretty passionate fans, most of us prefer to pay for our insider info because it's a community of knowledgeable fans and insiders that dispense with the click bait BS. this is the best free site, look for posts by HelixTrojan. WeAreSC. https://wearesc.com/forum/index.php
    3 points
  35. The ags are predictable because they are such a product of their environment. That the ags never point to original source documents and instead always repeat fish camp fairy tales demonstrates the quality of their educational experience in real life. The fact is the ags are largely educated through rote learning. They graduate with no knowledge whatsoever of Socrates. They lack both self-awareness and an ability to demonstrate critical thinking. The guy lead off with a hard number, which most aggys do. It is typical of aggys to try to establish a position of authority with initial bluster. Think drill sergeant addressing new recruits. Think fish camp. One foundation of aggy culture is that aggys are taught to know their place. They are taught to willingly submit to authority. They have no concept of others employing critical thinking in response or challenging the underlying premise of their claims. As a primitive culture of roughly 500,000 living in modern society, they are a fascinating study, but their uniformity in thought and behavior makes them very easy to identify. They shun work at all times, be it physical effort or the mental effort necessary to gain knowledge and education. They will do as little work as possible to create the impression they have accomplished any task. When challenged whether they have actually completes a task to the level expected, they resort to bluster, thinking the other person will respond as aggys do and become submissive. College Station sucks because aggys half-ass everything. aggy academics trail far behind major engineering schools (MIT, Stanford, Cal Tech, Berkley, etc) because aggys half-ass everything. aggy athletics suck because aggys half-ass everything. The aggy bonfire fell because aggys half-ass everything. aggy research produces next to nothing because aggys half-ass everything. Buster failed because he half-assed his research and his argument. (see where I am going here?) Dear Buster was sent home to get his shine box because he showed up, demonstrated classic aggy intellectual weakness, and got his ass kicked by Socrates. Buster will probably come back and again act like his typical aggy self and any one of us can refer back to our education and send him on his way. It was just a real life example of the value of two different educations - rote learning vs meaningful learning. Buster failed because the aggy education failed Buster. Fuck aggy. The people of Texas deserve better.
    3 points
  36. Our kindergartners woke up stoked because their school is hosting a dinosaur exhibit today. As we walk about to the car, they are walking like little T-Rex’s and then Boy1: lets talk like dinosaurs ROAR Boy2: ROAR Boy3: I’m going to be quiet because dinosaurs are extinct. #hesnotwrong
    3 points
  37. well in case yall want a highlight from last nights game: (and yes I am white)
    3 points
  38. If people actually thought abortion was murder or a genocide or whatever I'd think they would do something drastic like kill the abortion doctors and stone the sluts. I'd be pretty pissed if doctors were murdering a few million 2yr olds every year. How can you sit back and do nothing to stop the genocide? But they don't do anything because deep down they know there is a difference between a fetus and a baby. We can wrap this thread up now
    3 points
  39. Guess the nice lesson that 2008 gave us about what happens when you let these greedy fucks police themselves is easily erased by more piles of money. As with every other grave mistake this administration is making with regards to the country's financial wellbeing this will also end very badly. We have a day of financial reckoning coming.
    3 points
  40. First contribution in the Surly stupid wives thread... Superheroine will drive halfway across town to return a $2 item that she bought then decided she didn’t need. But a check for $1200? She tossed it out because she wanted to clean the house before the cleaning lady came. And of course it’s all my fault for leaving it by the stack of mail - where we keep checks to be deposited. Fuck!
    3 points
  41. This is almost the exact template for the fall of the Roman empire. Excessive and widespread open corruption, constant infighting, and a lazy, bloodthirsty populace.
    3 points
  42. You rednecks are hilarious. You make up numbers that can never be authenticated, and then insist those who disagree offer substantiated numbers. We know that between 1876 and 1918, 1,233 former A&M students had, at some time, served as U.S. military officers (only 668 of these individuals were actual graduates of A&M). Walk me through where I can verify your claims of the other 78,000+. I know of the whole Sr. Military College structure. It was essentially started in 1910 to identify different levels of military instruction at various colleges and universities. I am sure I understand the SMC structure far better than you understand the University Affiliated Research Center struture Now, some numbers about WWII: According to Henry Dethloff, TAMU historian (and yes, I have personally spoken to Henry about this), the figure of 14,123 TAMU 'alumni' who served as officers is equally divided between those 'alumni' who were graduates and were then commissioned as reserve officers and those who dropped out and received commissions through other channels. Supposedly, the total number of TAMU 'alumni' who served in all branches in all ranks was 20,229. According to the Annapolis Special Collections librarian, the number of USNA graduates who served as officers during WWII is 12,976 (call up to Annapolis and ask for the Spec Collect. Librarian. Ask for Adam. Tell him the folder is in the vertical files under Graduates - Graduates by class who died during WWII). The Association of Graduates at West Point reports 9,802 West Point graduates served as officers during WWII (The oldest USMA graduates to serve as officers in WWII were from the Class of 1900. There were 487 USMA graduates who died in battle during WWII). If you call to confirm that number, either ask for Suzanne or Elaine. You claim "West Point has over twice as many as USNA." You are an idiot. USNA had 30% more officers serve in WWII than did West Point. Add the numbers and you get more USMA and USNA GRADUATES as officers, than aggys of all ranks, officers and enlisted (both school graduates and drop-outs). You are a dishonest sack of shit who offers up lies with practiced ease to perpetuate fraudulent military claims. You are a disgusting individual.
    3 points
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