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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/02/18 in Posts

  1. We were getting our dicks knocked into the dirt by Kansas. Today, we're going to the Sugar Bowl. Looks like we may have back-to-back top-5 recruiting classes. Texas has a long way to go, but for the first time in forever it looks like we're on our way out of the valley of darkness. Thanks, Tom.
    36 points
  2. Fuck those pieces of shit. This is for Craig Curry! No piece of shit Big 12 refs for this one either. Fuck the SEC AND FUCK GEORGIA!
    12 points
  3. Kliff will go to Green Bay and cultivate a "close friendship" with Aaron Rodgers
    9 points
  4. I posted this on the old board but I will share it again here. Years ago my wife and I stopped in to the Blockbuster at the corner of Woodway and Chimney Rock. It was Sunday right after church and rainy. Nothing was going on so we decided to pick up a DVD and stay inside. As I walked into the store and my wife stayed in the truck, I noticed some black suburbans wheel into the parking lot and back into the empty spots right by the front door. The maneuvers where done with military precision and out popped several dark blue suit / sunglasses clad fellows replete with earpieces and strapped with firearms under their coats. They walked in and scanned the joint observing only me and two Blockbuster employees in attendance as the place had just opened for the day. I'm thinking "must be 41 dropping in" and sure enough after the "all clear" signal, he slides out of one of the suburbans and stumbles in to Blockbuster. He drops his returns into the return box and heads off to the stacks. I pick up 2 cinema classics and head to the check out. GHWB has already made his selection and hits the checkout before I do. So, I'm standing behind him and 2 bodyguards as the clerk looks up, takes the Prez's DVDs and asks for his Blockbuster card; completely oblivious as to who his customer is. GHWB dutifully and completely unoffended reaches for his George Constanza-like overstuffed wallet and produces the requested documentation. The other employee behind the counter is the manager and he shifts on his feet as suddenly he gets a little uncomfortable with the scene unfolding before him. The clerk runs 41's card, taps a few keys on the keyboard and, while still clueless, blurts out "you have $8.23 worth of late charges." 41 opens up his wallet and fingers out a ten to pay the man. The manager steps in and says, "Mr. President, we will waive the late fees for you. Have a great day." All the while, the other clerk still has no clue. 41 pays for his new rentals and hits the road, thanking both employees for their kindness and bidding them a great day. And then, he were gone. For the record, he rented Best in Show and another title I don't recall. Epilogue: I got back to the truck and recounted the events to my wife. She said "oh, that's nice. Hey, I was looking at this coupon from the newspaper and there's a fondue set on sale at Bed Bath and Beyond. Here, looks at what a great deal it is!" Ugh.
    9 points
  5. Holy shit some of you are acting like Georgia is some juggernaut. They've played 2 teams this year worth a damn and lost them both. Also, who gives a shit what they allow versus the pass when they play 3 yard and a cloud of dust offenses who hardly know what a forward pass resembles Sack the fuck and quit acting like pussies. Fuck Georgia and their dumb ass head coach.
    9 points
  6. He'll have to go back to installing cable for Plaza in NYC
    8 points
  7. Here's a lovely and gentle offering sure to please even the most discriminating palate. It is a fascinating sandwich of egg, sausage and cheese on a delightful sourdough bread. A bouquet of flavors is the belle of the ball this season as the mouth enjoys a cavalcade of flavors - the backwoods sensation of sage, the warmth soothing of sharp cheddar, the tingly delight of farm fresh eggs followed by the Louisville slugger to the jaw of tasty sourdough. Morning, noon and nighttime, too, this sandwich, when paired lovingly and conveniently with a cold Bud Light, is built to satisfy.
    8 points
  8. I'm picking Bama/A&M over OU.
    6 points
  9. Frmr fed prosecutor JOYCE VANCE: "I took this picture this morning after I finished reading the Cohen information & plea agreement because I wanted to make sure I could always remember the moment when it became clear Mueller was preparing to lay down a royal flush."
    6 points
  10. My bullshit-ass analysis that no one gives a shit about (in no particular order)... * We kept pegging ourselves with penalties. 13 penalties for128 yards is not championship football. * Ehlinger was hurt and could not be the same dual-threat weapon he was in game 1. * Their midget played like a giant. KM had some huge plays at critical times plus no turnovers like in game 1. * Related to the previous point, our pass rush sucked ass. Unless we blitzed, opening up coverage holes downfield, KM had all day to play 7 on 7 football. Their OL played well, our DL played poorly or both. * They made some smart defensive adjustments. The 3 backers coupled with Sam’s injury made our running game a non-factor and our offense one dimensional. Sure CJ hada monster game, but they limited our O enough to win, so who cares? The blitz for the safety was thing of beauty — a great call at a key moment that killed our chance to come back. * Several of our key players played below their standard, didn’t show up or were otherwise nullified. Lil’Jordan, KrisBoyd, Omenihu and Hager being the most noticeable. Well, Hager probably just kinda sucks... * OU seized the moment in their two offensive drives at the end of the first half and start of the second. They flipped the game, put us in a two-score hole and made it to where we would be playing their kind of fast-break game the rest of the way. The officiating wasn’t great, but complaining about calls is a loser’s security blanket. Bottom line, the better team won today.
    5 points
  11. fuck aaron rodgers and those incessant state farm commercials
    5 points
  12. Welp, this is Champ’s wedding week. I’ll be on the helm through Thursday this week, then handing the reins to Jared Jurena starting Friday the 7th. He’ll be running my regular lunch service through Friday the 14th, and I’ll back in action on Saturday the 15th. Y’all go see him and spend money.
    5 points
  13. Plus he can still bang cali dudes.
    5 points
  14. I wish our fans would be less Aggy blaming the loss on the refs. If you want to blame someone, blame our terrible clock management at the end off the first half. Constantly blaming losses on the refs is so Aggy and so tiresome.
    5 points
  15. A&M and being able to beat people they know they won't have to play. Name a more iconic duo.
    5 points
  16. Slow down sugartits....you still haven't told us what you're wearing.
    5 points
  17. BS, after your "OU siezed the moment" we were tied going into the 4th and rightfully should have been in the lead. they don't miss that blatant PI call against LJH because they were scared bitch refs we score a TD and this game is totally different. I refuse to give those cocksuckers any credit. give me one questionable call or non call made by the refs that hurt them. you can't. the refs gave them that game. They suck and Bama will drill them unless the committee does what the committee does and puts them at 3. Fuck those fuckheads and fuck Bob Bowlsby. this is bullshit. we lost because a fucking back judge swallowed his whistle because he is a pussy and didn't want to call 2 PI's on OU on a 3rd down on the same drive. fuck him and his small town bullshit. No holding on OU but of course they see one on our TD kick return. fuck them again.
    5 points
  18. Aggy is the North Korea of college football. A regime that has never done shit, is lead by an impish dictator, and is backed by a fake army.
    5 points
  19. I don't think it's legal for our entire team to wear Oklahoma offensive line jerseys.
    5 points
  20. Hahahahaha. Derka threw a hissy fit and went on a neg rep rampage. You really hated my posts in the Bourbon for sale thread huh? You found my post about smoking duck for Thanksgiving personally offensive somehow? You know what? If doing that helped you blow off some steam and balanced your estrogen levels then I guess I’m happy for you.
    5 points
  21. 4 points
  22. Any player that sits out the bowl game because they are going pro should never be welcome on campus again I do not like OU
    4 points
  23. The greatest college football player of all time is VY.
    4 points
  24. I now just caught this but the lack of handlers/coaches/trainers/uncles in the west coast is refreshing compared to these texas guys that have too many influencers.
    4 points
  25. Psa: 3 tackles so far.
    4 points
  26. don't sleep on that one....sleep during it instead
    4 points
  27. You’re kidding, right? Im ecstatic. We had a family trip planned in San Antonio that day. ISU will bring 30K easy.
    4 points
  28. Who cares about Big XII? Why the fuck would you root for OU?
    4 points
  29. I normally can avoid weekend work, but I have an arbitration this week (which obviously can't keep me off Surly). Wasn't even really focused on the bowl this morning, and my wife texts me with the playoff results, asks if I want to go to the Sugar Bowl, and promptly takes care of game tickets, flights, and hotel. I think she's a keeper.
    4 points
  30. Here’s a brilliant idea. The conference championship game is essentially the first round of the playoffs. You lose, you’re out. No consideration beyond that should be given.
    4 points
  31. She looks like someone who sees the big picture. Celebrating that the President of the United States, elected by the people of the United States is about to go down on treasonous criminal charges seems sort of inappropriate. We're just proving what we already were pretty sure was true. The big picture: What's wrong with this country? I'll be delighted to see a criminal get his due. I'm mortified at what we've found out about ourselves and the shame brought down on the USA. The next president (non Trump GOP) will have another "apology tour" trying to right things and the same morons who voted Trump will call him/her weak and a laughing stock. I'm glad we're about to see the emetic to remove Trump. I have no idea where we go from here.
    4 points
  32. I’m sick & tired of that lame ass turkey every Thanksgiving. Hardly ever touch it and go for the ham instead. Gotta have the dressing & gravy though. Am going to buy a prime standing rib roast and have my son smoke it for the family Christmas dinner.
    4 points
  33. Damn, it is true that propaganda actually does work. Let me help some of you with what apparently you are incapable of doing yourselves. Texas would be just fine playing Georgia, or any other team for that matter. Look at it objectively and you will see that unlike other conferences. The Big 12 has a pretty damn solid collection of offensive teams. And to win this conference it takes a hell of an effort on defense. Coverages that are simple and basic are the norm in college football, but not in ours. The media tells you that we don’t, or can’t play defense. But that is untrue. The truth is we all play pretty decent offense. And in turn it taxes our defensive backs and safeties who are constantly being asked to do far more then just play the run. Because their QB is of no threat to establish and maintain anything resembling an effective passing game. So don’t fear. If Texas meets up with Georgia we would not only be competitive. We would have a solid chance of beating them. Their offensive game plan is far more easier to dissect then anything we see on a weekly basis in the Big12. More importantly is the health of Sam. That is the only real question.
    4 points
  34. Who else is going to play Bama that close? I don’t know but let’s give teams that haven’t lost to them already a chance.
    4 points
  35. ....And then mix it with some sausage.
    4 points
  36. Hey Derka. Show me ONE fucking neg I’ve given your loony toon ass. Guess what, you fucking can’t. I’ve NEVER negged anyone on here. Anyone want to take a guess at where all 12 of mine came from?
    4 points
  37. * This offer not valid in Puerto Rico.
    4 points
  38. They were allowed to mug our receivers and their OL is allowed to hold every play. We didn't play well but, fuck, that's a hard uphill road.
    3 points
  39. Why should OU get home field advantage, though?
    3 points
  40. 3 points
  41. Go back and read the original post, numb nuts. Where did I advocate that Shaka deserves patience or more time? Where did I say that there was a lot to be discovered? I said that the decision to keep him or fire him will be based on conference play and the tournament and not the bad loss to Radford. That’s it. I don’t think Shaka is going to make it here. He’s deep in the failure curve and hitting the wall like a motherfucker. It’s unlikely that he’s going to be able to push through, but the rest of the season is going to play out before anything happens. CDC’s decision won’t be made on the basis of any one game, and certainly not a non conference game at the end of November. Reading comprehension, how does it work? Also, as you can clearly see from this exchange, I’m perfectly capable of “handling” your ranting and raving. You are nothing more than a blowhard with a personality disorder and a keyboard. I’ve chosen not to invest any of my personal time dealing with it because it just fuels your manic fire.
    3 points
  42. The lack of self awareness is astounding. Do you proof read what you're getting ready to post and say to yourself, "yep sounds good to me." This ^^^^^ is painful to read.
    3 points
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