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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/27/23 in Posts

  1. i think addazio just needs a little more time to get his guys in there
    26 points
  2. 19 points
  3. Jesus Christ on a fucking Cracker. People are not recommending El Arroyo or Chuy's or Salt Lick because the food is amazing. We all fucking live / lived in Austin. We know it's not amazing. You are not special for knowing that the food in those places is not great. But you're giving advice for someone from fucking Utah who will probably never visit Austin again. And you're acting like they need to go to the roach-infested strip mall on East 7th because it totally has the actual best Tex-Mex. Or better yet, let's send him to the BBQ place that has a line wrapping around 3 city blocks next to I-35 because that's a great dining experience. Stop being autistic Austin weirdos. We're recommending tourist traps to the tourists because they're fun and people like them. Chuy's on Barton Spring is the original Chuy's so when they go home and go to some shitty off-brand franchise in Nevada they can tell their friends they've been to the real Chuy's in Austin. It has fun shit on the walls and Elvis everywhere. Stop hating fun. El Arroyo is literally famous for the bill board shit. Salt Lick is great because of the drive and the "tailgate" while you wait in line. The food is fine. You all know this. Stop being autistic.
    17 points
  4. This NY bro was not having it (someone tearing down flyers of kidnapped Israeli children)
    17 points
  5. Fuck these assholes for making me agree with Frank Drebin on anything. Seriously. I am told over and over and over that the Palestinians are not Hamas, that Palestinians do not support Hamas.....and over and over, the groups that speak for Palestinians make it very plain and clear that they sure as shit support Hamas and what they did. I'd love to sympathize with the Palestinian people and their cause (broadly, at least -- all people should live without fear, and with an opportunity for a safe and good life).....but I can't get there. I just can't. Not with this shit over and over and over and over. If your cause is inextricably entwined with being in favor of committing purposeful crimes against humanity, and celebrating/glorifying (the word "glory" is right there on the building, guys) those crimes.....nope. I'm out. Doesn't mean I'll excuse any war crimes committed by Israel. But it means that I have little sympathy or support for the Palestinian people or cause. I'm trying. I really am. But nope. Can't do it.
    17 points
  6. They are trying to affect the field side safety circled below. It's an RPO. If he comes up then Ewers pulls and throws it behind him. This is a staple play in Sark's offense. Ewers is looking to see if the guy is biting on the play fake. He is starting to so Ewers is about to pull it. A couple things go awry. 1st, the DT that is shaded to the A-gap between Campbell and the Center slants right into that gap. The center, who is a freshman, blocks no one and fires right past him. Campbell does what he can but no way you can reach a guy who was shaded inside of you and is firing away from you. Quinn and Sark have what they want. Their X receiver one on one vs a db. However, Mitchell runs another shitty ass route here and creates zero separation. Quinn, having already thrown one pick just like this, decides to pull it down and look at the backside route that Worthy(who runs great routes) has won. However, we failed to block the DT and when Quinn turns he is sacked. This was a money play call by Sark. He got the look he wanted but because two people failed to execute on the play we ended up with a negative. If one of the two guys does his job this play works and we win the RRS. Just an example of how a coach can call an excellent play but look like an idiot when it fails due to faulty execution. I see this far too much with AD. Lazy route running. Lazy blocking in the run or screen game. He needs to do better. If you watch the play again watch Worthy. Guy is pressing him but with inside leverage. Worthy, with a couple moves, immediately wins getting an inside release, solid route stem, and wins on the break.
    17 points
  7. The deaths aren't just acceptable to Republicans. They're desired. Mass shootings have become an essential element of modern Republican politics. They galvanize their own supporters by reigniting fear of the left taking their guns, they scare wayward Christians back into churches, they scare people into taking their kids out of public schools, and they scare people into avoiding secular public spaces more generally. It's the same goals as any religiously-based terrorist organization.
    16 points
  8. From scanning other boards, sounds like McKinley has reached out to the staff.
    14 points
  9. Incorrect. For fuck's sake, I spent several hours on Sunday sitting shiva with some jewish friends of ours (friend's elderly mother passed). THEY are critical of Israel's treatment of Palestinians, and have been since I've known them. There is PLENTY of criticism of the actions of Israel, including criticism among Israelis and jews themselves. I'm sorry, but so long as the Palestinian cause waves a fucking "glory to martyrs" flag celebrating the purposeful and gleeful slaughter of innocents, I cannot stand with them. I can't do it. No. It's not because of Hamas. It's because the Palestinian cause and those who support it are consistently and repeatedly SUPPORTIVE OF AND ALIGNED WITH HAMAS AND WHAT THEY DID. Glory to fucking martyrs. Glory to people who were gleefully slaughtering innocents, with full intention and purpose. Nope. Sorry. I don't care what your fucking circumstance is or was, when you gleefully slaughter innocents and glorify it because it's what you WANT to do, you lose all support and sympathy. There's a line. It is being crossed, repeatedly. Nope. Not gonna do it. A Palestinian cause that says "we're ripshit pissed, we think Israel has fucked us, but we don't support the gleeful slaughter of innocents?" Sign me up. People keep telling me that cause exists....but it sure seems like every time we go looking for that cause, it turns into "and glory to the martyrs," or "sure, Hamas did some stuff, but have I told you about how bad the jews are?" If you wanted to put on a clinic on how to take a facially sympathetic cause and piss all sympathy away, today's supporters of the Palestinian cause should be given a professorship in that clinic.
    13 points
  10. 13 points
  11. sure, but that's a two way street. We've somehow come to accept that it is not only good and proper but essential to the efficient function of a labor market that aggregations of global capital can negotiate at the individual level with benchmarking and visibility across the labor pool, but when labor comes together to negotiate for individuals with the same level of leverage and visibility, we suspect their motives or view it as an attempt to get over. I reject that view.
    12 points
  12. guess it wasn't as anti-mine as they'd hoped
    12 points
  13. 11 points
  14. This is straight up bullshit. Israel was not backed by anyone in 1948 when 5 Arab countries attacked them. They had to illegally smuggle weapons in. Stole some from the Brits. And got the rest from the Czechs with Stalin's approval. Israel was the big underdog in 1948 and had to fight its ass off to survive. We really did not start backing them militarily until the Cold War got going. Soviets backed Arabs. We backed Israel. There never was a "Palestine". It was part of the Ottoman-Turkish empire for 400 years. The Turks allied with Axis powers and lost their holdings in WW1. Then the Arabs in the area cozied up with Hitler in WWII. The West Bank was part of Jordan and Gaza was part of Egypt after the partition. Again, there was no Palestine. When they all attacked Israel multiple times they lost their land in West Bank, Gaza and Golan Heights. Israel would give most of it back if those fucking morons would just agree to the right for the Jews to have their state and leave them alone. But they won't. In sum: Arabs rejected "Partition." They could have had their own nation in 1948, but they said no. Jews accepted "Partition," and on May 14, 1948, Israel was re-birthed. Arabs in the West Bank became part of Jordan, and in Gaza, they became part of Egypt. Arabs declared war on Israel the day after the UN vote. Five Arab nations, plus the local population, attacked the new Jewish state and lost. Again, they could have had peace and their own Arab nation but chose war. Because they do not believe Israel has the right to exist.
    11 points
  15. The market works. Show me a bad union and I’ll show you bad management. Always and forever joined, 100% overlap. Sounds like you have a bad union. Truly, I mean no offense and I understand it’s not easy. I’m not letting them off the hook, but if you haven’t managed to solve for a win-win, that’s exactly as much on you as them.
    11 points
  16. The negative recruiting arrows were being flung from every direction. That's why the bye week was important for the staff to get out there a quell some of that. Drelon Miller‍ decommitting felt like that would open the floodgates. The coaching and recruiting staff have stopped it right there.
    11 points
  17. Agricultural and Mechanical just lost 5[emoji294]️ OT Weston Davis to LSU. #pooraggy
    11 points
  18. Anyone have a time line on when a Tundra will be significantly cheaper than an F150, because Toyota doesn't have to deal with unions? I've been waiting, and will continue to do so....
    10 points
  19. @crash_davis whatever rabbit hole you have gone down... GET OUT!!!
    10 points
  20. They saw us trade a global arms dealer for a wnba player.
    10 points
  21. D'antre Robison will be in this weekend for the game per Gerry. https://247sports.com/player/dantre-robinson-46117058/
    9 points
  22. This is terrible history, the nascent state of Israel won the 1948 war with as small amount of armor purchases in the West, a small Air Force procured with Soviet support from Czechoslovakia (an out of date Czechoslovak version of a Bf 109 that was out of date for European warfare) and most small arms indigenously procured or also shipped in from Czechoslovakia at Soviet direction. Modern Israel exists because of eastern bloc arms.
    9 points
  23. You idiots are acting like I made the rec or claim to make a habit of going. Bottom line is that Salt Lick is a tourist attraction and famous because of it. "30-40 minutes out of town" is seeing more of the Austin area for someone that doesn't visit much or never does, and calling Salt Lick inferior bbq means you're qualifying it against something. What exactly? You think BYU visitors from outside of Texas and likely Utah are pigging out regularly on amazing brisket? No. It's better than anything the state of Utah has to offer. I get it. BBQ foodie-ism is a whole subculture of being a foodie in the first place. No sauce goddammit!! The only real BBQ is brisket smoked with Texas wood, motherfucker! It seems exhausting. I've had all of Austin's finest. They're all great but most folks don't one fuck about the nuances. It's like wine snobs. Is it good or bad? Beyond that, you get into clownish hair splitting.
    9 points
  24. I don't care what any of you bizarrely angry BBQ foodie dorks say, Salt Lick, for tourists who have never been, is a good recommendation.
    9 points
  25. More on the strike https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/eu-calls-humanitarian-pauses-gaza-aid-israel-raids-enclave-2023-10-26/ So they used a couple of precision bombs from a couple of F-16s against a couple of ammo/weapon dumps, and Biden sent a direct message to the Ayatollah and the Pentagon made sure everybody in the world knew that we did it. I'm going to guess that next time, it's not going to be some ammo dumps, and it'll be more than a couple of F-16s dropping a couple of bombs. And it may not be limited to Syria. Since they used drones and missiles (or tried to) against our troops, and this is probably their one warning from us, Putin may want to get on the horn to Iran and tell them to back down, since it would be a real shame if we went after their drone and missile factories that were producing munitions potentially used against American troops and that were keeping Russia in the fight against Ukraine. We didn't deploy F-35s to the Persian Gulf for shits and giggles.
    9 points
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