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  1. We are going to win them all... (...that we don't lose) We will not lose a single game... (...That we win) I'm hoping this loss cut deep when they watched the tape. Hopefully they see the shit show they put on for the entire nation (and world) to see and it embarrassed them... Then maybe it will drive them off enough to pull their heads out of their ass and start playing to their potential instead of the other team's. I'll have some koolaid and go with it had a profound affect that leads to some deep soul searching as a team who squandered a season that would have been a playoff berth if they had played each game with the intensity they played the first 3 quarters against OU. It has the positive effect of pissing this team off and they put their foot on the pedal and don't let up until after the B12 title is theirs and they have wrecked whichever poor SEC soul gets offered up to appease an angry longhorn We finish it!
  2. Just, you know, so I could say I told you so. I'll leave the reasoning to finer and wordier minds, like CTJ. But bet the house, it's a stone cold lock. OK just one short word on why. The rest of the league is down. TCU, OU, WVU, need I say more? Go look it up. Now, I'm not predicting anything crazy, like an NC. Just a return to the natural order. Look I know you may disagree with this hot take. I'm sorry your mother didn't hug you enough when you were small. I'm sorry your balls never descended. I'm sorry the shadows are so scary and you need Viagra to get a boner. Really I am. But you know, facts and shit. A haiku: Longhorns are the shit. Offense. Defense. Special Teams. We are going to win. Texas today. Texas always. Texas forever. Let's roll. Amen and OU sucks.
  3. It means we shouldn't place swaying Manchin right now at the top of our list. "We are moving towards justice. We will get it sooner or later. If you stand in the way, it will come later. And if you stand in the way, we will destroy any concept of a legacy you ever dreamed of having. We are going to win either way. We can disagree on tax rates. We can disagree on a lot of other issues. But when it comes to the voting rights of Americans, we act with one voice and disloyalty is not tolerated. If you stand in the way of black voting rights you are a supporter of white supremacy and we will say that about you loudly, repeatedly, and without hesitation. Choose." Again, tunnel vision. The ballot box isn't really where this stuff is going to shift. The reality of this today is the same as it's always been; things will change through the public expression of the power of the masses. A serious effort to break down the causes of Democratic weakness does not include whining about Jill Stein voters. You're a troll.
  4. I have no doubt Tom Herman is a very very intelligent guy. Why do I not have that doubt? Because he is falling victim to the same trap so many highly highly intelligent people fall victim to. They are always always always playing chess and they are overly certain of their plan. Analyzing things like "well I've said we need to win the game by doing a,b, and c. But today it looks like we could win the game doing d. Will the press and fanbase doubt me because I didn't do it the way I said I would? Will I be viewed as less of a genius because my plan wasn't foolproog? No, No calm down Tom I'm sure the way I had it planned will work .Ok so let's keep doing a,b and c because I KNOW that's how we are going to win." Grinding every little decision like that out over and over and missing the forest for the trees of....just win. Sometimes you need a checkers player who will jump a motherfucker.
  5. I agree with this. We have to run the play, because goddamit, it's the right thing to do. You remember To Kill a Mockingbird. Atticus Finch tried one HELL of a case. He was right. Tom Robinson was innocent. He deserved acquittal, and justice. But Atticus knew -- like we know now -- that the jury would never do justice. He knew the whole time. He knew from opening statement to closing argument. He knew that the facts and evidence didn't matter. The jury was going to do what it was going to do. The reader knows that it's a great wrong. The reader wants Atticus to win, but knows all along that he surely won't. Atticus offered some wisdom that fits the current circumstances: We the People are going to take the L on this one.....because the party in power has something between them and reason (power, greed, venality). And they couldn't be fair if they tried. We aren't going to win. But we're going to write the book. Because maybe someday, there will be people who read it and are as disgusted by wrongdoing as they should be. And shit, write the book for no other reason than that it's more wrong than to just go along and allow an unjust result without even putting up a fight.
  6. Another Tulane assistant not joining Willie Fritz at Houston Gerald Chatman is returning to Tulane as defensive line coach, per a report. ZACH BARNETT 27 MINUTES AGO After it was previously reported that he would join Willie Fritz at Tulane, defensive line coach Gerald Chatman will instead remain at Tulane as part of Jon Sumrall's new staff, according to a report Thursday from 247Sports. Chatman is the second assistant previously reported to be following Fritz to Houston to ultimately make a proverbial U-turn at the Texas-Louisiana border. Offensive coordinator Slade Nagle did the same earlier this week, though not to return to Tulane. Chatman helped Tulane D-linemen Darius Hodges and Patrick Jenkins both earn First Team All-AAC honors this fall. The former Wisconsin-Oshkosh defensive linemen has coached previously at LSU, Colorado, the Cincinnati Bengals, Tennessee State, and Butler, and as a GA at Texas A&M and Ball State. New Tulane head coach Jon Sumrall pledged to bring a national championship to New Orleans. "I'm telling you right now, I'm speaking it into existence, we are going to make the College Football Playoffs, and we are going to win it," Sumrall said.
  7. Go back and read my first post on this thread where I said we were going to win 98 games and cruise to the division while being short on bats that will be a major fucking problem in the playoffs. So, you know, just about exactly what will happen for this team. more- how about when I said it’s a real fucking problem to rely on Brantley and Yuli bc they are old and likely to get dinged and not be productive. or, calling the Odorizi things the second he signed while also saying he wasn’t trash and was just a league average dude but we wouldn’t want to pay him because he’s unnecessary. or- how about the thing I’ve said over and over and over again that Dusty continues to make sub optimal lineups and sometimes they will work because this is a game of probability and not certainty. you get real chesty whenever Maldonado or Dubon or whatever other weird thing Dusty does with the lineup (hitting Goodrum 3rd, refusing to play Chas against LHP- whatever) works out and ignore the times that the law of large numbers goes to work fucking this suboptimal strategy up the ass, all while ascribing bullshit straw men arguments to anyone who disagrees with you.
  8. Accurately predicting who is going to win this game rarely happens. Especially this time, I feel it is all bluster and hot air on either side if they do. The teams are to closely matched and there are a ton of factors that will decide how this game goes outside of X and O's and talent. In 2005 one just knew Texas was going to win and that is the only year this century there was no doubt. We will not know how it is going to go until we find out the following: 1) Who comes out with the higher sense of urgency? 2) Is their in obvious team that is coming out with a much bigger chip on their shoulder and hitting the other harder in the mouth? 3) Who wants it more on that day? 4) Are there unforced errors that just change the whole game? Both teams have staffs that can put together a game plan and make the adjustments that can win. Both teams have the talent and pressure to win. My gut tells me with a great deal of certainty that we are going to win. I have not felt this way since 2009 but it is just a feeling. Logically, I just need to sit back and watch as the game starts getting settled on the field. If 1, 2 and 3 are on the side of Texas all we have to do is avoid #4 and we come away with a victory.
  9. You serious clark? We definitely won't be the same at PG. That is for sure, but it doesn't take a NPOY PG to make the elite 8 or final four. If I had to guess our depth chart I would put it something like this: 1: Moore/Dotson/Garrett 2: Grimes/Garrett 3: Garrett/D. Lawson/Grimes 4. KJ Lawson/SDS/Lightfoot 5. Azubukie/KJ/SDS/Mccormack This doesn't include if we return Vick (once again I doubt it happens but he is obviously a fit at the 2/3 spot and gives even more depth). I am not going to crown us national champs because shit happens. But we are going to win the league and we are going to be damn good. This team isn't duke's roster of 5* talent that is all young. This is a collection of experienced and proven talent mixed with a few great freshmen that won't have to carry a load on their shoulders. We might not have a bunch of future lottery picks here but we have the best combination of talent and developed players in the entire NCAA. There is a reason we have been ranked #1 since the day after the natty was decided. And that was before we knew that Azubukie was coming back and that vick might be back.
  10. I know your are saying that in jest but fundamentally that is true, and has in fact happened in our past when we felt existentially threatened. During WW2, we actually spent 40% of GDP on the war effort, even once it was clear that we were going to win. (As to the amount we've given to Ukraine thus far, it represents .002 of our annual GDP). I remember reading a book on Peloponnesian War many years ago, and if memory serves, it was written by a history professor at the University of Texas. This isn't a direct quote because I am doing this from memory, but it went something along the lines of, "the organizing principal of all governments is make war, be it defensive or otherwise." Basically that everything else is butter on top, i.e. social programs, schools, etc. Anyway, that has always stuck with me (well that and the part where Themistocles tricked people into financing the Navy, which turned out to be huge). As it applies to this situation, for the Ukrainians, they should spend everything they can, anything that anyone will give them, innovate in any way possible, because if they do not, they may well not exist as a country. Choosing not to would sort of like needing life saving surgery but opting not to do it because you think you can't financially afford it.
  11. None of those schools have run the table or are top 10 consistently and they all are loaded with Texas kids, you made my point. Texas HS kids are effing soft as a pillow. Prove me wrong? No Texas college team has sniffed the top 10 consistently since the Southlake Carrolls of the world with their 7 on 7 type culture became en vogue. We have no linemen depth in this state when the top 20 or so kids all go their separate ways and get paired with maulers from the midwest, north and southeast. I go back to demographics; lay the obesity map over the country, then lay the NFL lineman drafted next to it, they all come from the SE US and Texas is just not producing en masse the type of kids that will make UT good again. Until we get a salesman ala Jimbo (and i cant stand his personality) to run our program (Mack was a salesman), we are a 500 club in SEC , at best. Case in point, Jimbo just went and got the #1 DL in the nation. What state is he from? TN. Sark has to go outside the state if we are going to win big again. Too many softies in TX on the lines, we used to call them 'leaners', guys that are just big and that it, not enough athletes being producer here for the size state we have.
  12. You look at Texas schedule and there just isn’t a single bad loss on there. The worst was by 1 at home to a KSU team that we just literally gave away, but that’s a top quartile game- right? we’ve got only two top 20 wins and if you take it down to top 40 that only goes up to 5. This texas team isn’t going to beat itself but I don’t see anything in this schedule that makes me believe we are going to win 2 games in a row in the tournament let alone 4. Very happy (orgasmic when considering where we would have been with Shaka) with the way this season played out, slightly disappointed in going 0-4 a against tech and Baylor and not having quite as much upside as I’d hoped for this off-season. I love the tournament. I don’t measure coaching ability or program health based upon tournament runs, any one game scenario can lie to you. compared to what we would have been without him cleaning up in the transfer portal I will give Beard an A- I hope, in years I come, that this season would be a B- or C+. It’s better than late era Barnes (or any other coach ever at UT) but not as good as peak Barnes, which is where I hope we get back to.
  13. People who think like that aren’t going to vote for a democrat when push comes to shove. Can vote for Bernie, he’s a “socialist”. Can’t vote for Warren, she’s a woman. Can’t vote for Joe, he’s “corrupt like Obama”. Can’t vote for Yang, he’s “oriental”. Seriously, I do NOT like Pete but this handwringing that “moderate olds” might not vote for him because of his sexuality is bullshit because anyone who that would be an issue for is NEVER VOTING FOR A DEMOCRAT NO MATTER WHAT THEY SAY IN PUBLIC. Democrats weird need to try and be all things to all people - even shitty people - needs to stop. Stop trying to convert the unconvertable. Stop trying to persuade the unpersuadeable. We aren’t going to win by bending over backwards for these mythical moderate boomers. We win by turning non-voters into voters. Fuck the “moderates who are sick of Trump”. If they haven’t already quit the Republican Party in disgust then guess what? THEY ARE NOT REALLY MODERATES AND THEY AREN’T REALLY SICK OF TRUMP. And there’s like, 5,000 of those mythical people anyway so they aren’t worth the bother. There the same type of people as posters who drive by post here and say “Oh you Democrats aren’t going to nominate who I like so you’re forcing me to vote for Trump again”! Those people are lying. There’s no one Democrats can nominate to convert them - they just say that to justify their support of a fascist shithead.
  14. 101-61. We gonna be really good in the regular season as we have 7 or 8 or 9 arms in the organization that can be a 2-4 starter, and enough bullpen to definitely be servicable. We will be a top 3 run scored and top 7 runs allowed team. We will lose in the round where it's exposed that we don't have enough top end stating pitching and lack that hammer in the bullpen to compete with some of the other teams in top end talent- but if we don't have to face the Yanks or Rays or Dodgers or Padres we might be able to avoid that kind of thing. This team is built to win in 162 games. If we are going to win in the sprint as opposed to marathon we will need some real clutch performances from Correa or Altuve or Bregman. I'd put our organization from 4-18 up against anyone's. I'm worried about no cy young type and no regular that you say- yeah that guys going to put up MVP numbers for sure. Correa, Altuve, Yordan, Bregman- they've all got some blemishes to them health wise or coming off bad seasons or looking for stuff. I don't know that I trust our best against another teams best- but I know I like our 4th starter, 3rd best high leverage reliever or 6th best hitter up against whoever we are playing almost any day.
  15. I mean- I said we are going to win 102 games and tried to talk @Hank Chinaski off the ledge repeatedly. I call an idiot move an idiot move. Not addressing catcher was dogshit stupid. Giving Brantley 12M was absurd. Even worse though is the roster spot. I think Crane talks a lot of shit but is coasting off Luhnow greatness. I like Dana Brown though so I think we are ok. If all Crane does well is hire good GM’s we are fine and dandy. This off-season just kinda sucked. They made one good decision and that was Abreu. That was a really good decision. It’s probably enough to make us the favorite. I said we should have traded Yuli, Brantley and Maton before last year and got out of that 25M and gotten a real long term solution for Lf. We survived the playoffs with Lf/DH being dogshit (wherever Yordan didn’t play) so to repeat that same mistake was D U M dumb. Like I said- I bet the over hard (for me) at 97.5 so I’m not a doomsayer. I just recognize stupid when I see it and we had some of that the last 2 off seasons. but again- I said 0-10 to start the year wouldn’t phase me and I meant it. I do wish Dubon was a co-passenger on the rocket I want to put Maton on that I want to launch into the Face of the sun.
  16. Just got back from the game and I never felt we were going to win that game until the FG went through. We didn't seem to have any advantage in the game at all today. Defense was really bad, could barely get pressure, and couldn't get the final stop we needed. The O-line was terrible. To get 4 shots on the 1 yard line and you can't push through was about as bad a series as I've seen out of a Texas OL. OU had no such issues when they needed to get into the endzone inside the 5. Ewers was not good and Sark kept leaning into him. Ewers really seems like a 50/50 player. When he's good, he's great. When he's iffy, he's not going to do enough to get it done. I don't put too much blame on Brooks today. It's hard to get yards when your OL gives up the middle on almost every play that's designed to go that direction. We've been playing with fire all year with these slow starts and not winning all 4 quarters and it finally burned us. This one is going to hurt for a while. I wish we didn't have a bye week. This team needs to respond by destroying everyone else on their schedule and getting to Arlington to avenge this shitty performance. I also think OU deserves a ton of credit. They played us beautifully and picked apart our defense with Gabriel. They did everything they needed to do to win as an underdog.
  17. I'm not trying to pick on you here, but that mentality is part of the problem. You clearly see a problem, you have a choice, get involved or whine about it. Again, that's not a slight directed at you personally, it's a mentality that has permeated left leaning voters for years. We aren't organized, we aren't local efforts are chaotic, etc. You know what, comparatively speaking to the Republicans that's all true, that's been the key to their successes. That having been said, if we do nothing we shouldn't expect a better outcome, if we start working on it, even on small levels we can build to success. Think of it this way, if you are going to play a football game and half your team believes they are going to lose before the game even starts, you probably will. It's worse than that though, in order to really win a football game the work starts months in advance. If you believe in April you aren't going to win in the fall, guess what, you don't put in the work, and then you never give yourself the chance. The bottom line is we have to get out the consistent loser mentality we've been conditioned to accept in the Democratic Party. This narrative has been pushed by the media, obviously the opposition, but worst of all internally by Democrats and left leaning voters themselves. The truth of the matter is we are picking up steam, and it's time to start believing we are going to win and more importantly put in the work to do so. This shit isn't magically going to happen, we have to do work.
  18. not much for the hand sign discussion but tennessee guy in this got me. hilarious. 100% accurate. gmr has nailed exactly why i think you people with floor expectations of ten wins for a team coached by a guy who has never lost fewer than four games and a team that lost one of the most talented football players ever are slightly delusional. bijan (outside of the o.t. against tech) was utterly extraordinary. if he had the 2005-2008 offensive lines (hell, even the 98-04 lines)...people would remember his name forever. you can't derive much info from a bowl game but anyone who watched us in that game against washington should have immediately thought "holy shit, bijan robinson was incredible." nothing brooks has done so far has bolstered any notion that he is even 70% of what bijan was. our pass blocking line last year was very respectable. their true blue run blocking was fucking horrible across the board. they should certainly be better this year but they have a long ass way to go and if we are going to win ten games, the line has got to make that jump. on defense, i remain skeptical about every single element of it until we can stop tech from converting 3rd and 30 and 4th and 25 and put in a little effort in the second half of games. until we can keep punk ass washington from going 13/23 on 3rd and 4th down, i will reserve going beyond hope. really hope anthony hill is a game changer.
  19. Donald Trump and "the Republicans" are not the same thing. That's like conflating Barack Obama with "the Democrats" as Obama's popularity stayed high and Democrats at large lost 1000 seats nationwide. DONALD TRUMP GETS AWAY WITH FUCKING EVERYTHING. Wake up. He's an absolute criminal who couldn't be convicted if he shot someone on 5th avenue. He already said that. He told us already and he's spent 5 years living it out in our faces. We aren't going to win by pulling the god damned mask off at the end of the Scooby Doo episode and surprising the audience with "OH HE WAS A LIAR ALL ALONG!". The audience already knows, he took the mask off himself and is dancing around with it. The court jester isn't insightful because he's respected and noble, he's insightful because he has abandoned his own pretense and he rips away the pretense of his target. Cool, and ... what? It beams into the skulls then ... what? No you've got competing clips of both guys saying they're going to cut SS/Medicare and now Biden is in the mud with Trump where Trump is a 5th dan red belt and Biden doesn't know who his wife is. Biden will need to run a campaign with hard, tangible, simply offers to the types of voters Trump is going to target. Not vague bullshit about decency and getting things done, but "I am going to give you this specific healthcare plan and I am going to take your medical and student debt away". Specific, tangible, and meaningful offers. The people need someone to vote for, not just "this guy is mean you can't vote for him!"
  20. Tigersnake


    Are we too soft? Is our fanbase too entitled? Does burnt orange cause erectile dysfunction and lead to the heartbreak of psoriasis? Stop it, you neurotic navel-gazers! Remember who you are! YOU, Surly, are Texas culture, and when Wulaw's whole family was crammed into an RV he did not know how to drive and he had a raging boner with nowhere to go did he just sit there helpless huffing his children's jerky farts? No, he invented the Sex Tent and told Mrs. Wulaw, "Get in there and brace yourself because it's Bizness Time! ". When we stole Slorch's corch from him and suddenly Lubbock seemed to him a dreary, flat, manure-smelling hell-scape where dreams go to die and common antibiotics lose their effectiveness against venereal disease (instead of the paradise it truly is), did he off himself??? No, he bitched and moaned for a few days but now he's in his backyard practicing his tortilla tossing and is happy as shit. I know Slorch is sand aggy but my point is we need to learn from his example. I mean, I can go on: fucking Burnt Ends, F250 inventing Sugar Baby techniques that he experimented first on himself like Jonas Salk, before altruistically sharing his knowledge with the rest of us... That's TEXAS. CULTURE. And Texas is defined by US, not fucking Kirk Herbsreit and fucking pud look-alike Paul Finebaum's senile musings on what Texas needs in order tuh weeyin in thuh big bad S-E-C x3. Fuck that shit. We're perfect just as momma made us, and when Texas gets surly we are going to win.
  21. I am trying to be reasonable as much as possible, but when you look at what is going on around the country, Villanova was going to probably be the only team that could potentially match us in the 3 categories of experience, talent, and depth. They lost more guys than I thought they would though. Duke is going to be a sexy pick and they will win a ton but they are going to start 5 freshmen and I don't think they have much quality depth. We are really the only team that ranks in the top 5 of each of those 3 categories. You look at the roster breakdown I hid in a spoiler in post #234 and we have a ton of guys that do a ton of things well. I honestly have never been this confident in a team before, which probably means we end up losing our first 3 games. Not even 2008 (I thought we were the 4th or 5th best team that year and we only lost 3 games that year (all in conference) and never were ranked above #2 (spending most of the year between 3-6). I'm not saying we are going to win a national championship but there is a reason I was saying all season that if KU doesn't lose the big12 in 2017-18 we aren't losing in 2018-19. This team will have the expectation of a final 4, even among KU fans who are rather cynical about final 4 appearances since we typically bow out in the elite 8. I'm hopeful we aren't disappointed because next winter is going to be one of the best since 2008. I'm hoping I'm right. No doubt me putting this on paper means we finish 5th in conference and have to suspend a ton of guys because the team hates each other.
  22. Number 1. On tapa so can’t copy and paste but the part of 1 year rentals. Really? If those 1 year rentals got you a championship who would care?? Even just to the playoffs. Honestly we’re so down that if we’re being honest one year rentals who could at least win us a big xii championship would be fine. I understand the, where’s the honor, pride, etc.. but come on because that’s what these 18-20 year olds are really thinking. They aren’t at all thinking of the money they could be making right now to help their family or even selfish reasons. Unfortunately I love Texas, but if someone offered me anything close to what these kids are getting. Even the “chump” change Barron could be getting. I would be gone in a heartbeat. Especially with the shit show that texas is at the moment. It would be another story if we were in the conversations for playoffs but to die on the field just to get bowl eligible? No thanks. We saw it before NIL, kids leaving early for the draft and not even getting drafted but the chance to at least make the practice squad and some money. As much as we can argue it isn’t fair, it’s ruining college football,etc…like we’re really gonna stop watching. If that last 10 years didn’t make us, this sure as hell won’t lol. It boils down to money and championships. “ We aren’t going to win championships playing by the rules. I wish we could but that’s not the reality. How much is bama willing to spend? Heck, how much have they spent. Even Georgia. It’s all worth it if it gets you the W’s. Every one is mad at Lincoln Riley but it’s obvious he is trying to win now. Don’t we wish sark is being cut throat like him? TLDR; Scared money don’t make no money.
  23. Holgy using transfer portal at UH.... Holgorsen’s plan to win here starts local. He wants his staff to recruit mostly Houston, at times venturing down the I-10 corridor to New Orleans. His motto: Recruit the best players and build relationships that can extend for years, even after some of them choose other schools. Why? Because they might, one day, come home with eligibility left. “Once they tell us they’re going somewhere else, don’t get pissed off,” Holgorsen tells his assistants. Holgorsen dabbles in the transfer game more than most. In his final five years at West Virginia, the coach used half of his initial scholarship spots on transfers. He’s already got some transfers on board here: cornerback Marcus Jones from Troy, running back Kyle Porter from Texas and, maybe, LSU defensive lineman Dominic Livingston. But his primary recruiting territory is within a 100-mile drive—the opposite of his strategy at West Virginia, where elite high school football talent is limited. Over a 10-cycle period from 2008 to ’17, the state of West Virginia produced 28 players who signed with Power 5 schools. Over that same period, the city of Houston churned out 211 Power 5 signees. It’s why Holgorsen’s flight budget at WVU was $250,000 and why his flight budget at Houston will be close to zero. He suggests it’s also why he couldn’t topple Oklahoma. At West Virginia, he could win the Big East with local products while sprinkling in some transfers and Texas guys. Then, the Mountaineers moved conferences. “We weren’t going to get high school kids at West Virginia that we were going to win the Big 12 with,” he says.
  24. I don't normally respond to your posts like this, but this one is especially bad. It's so bad 6th street repped you. Think about that and then feel bad. @Tech - So let me get this straight. You think Charlie Strong, Tom Herman, and Garrett Gilbert can bumblefuck their way out of Lubbock with wins, but somehow this team with the most explosive offensive skill talent in decades is going to somehow shit the bed against a first year head coach inheriting a terrible roster? K OU - We were smoking their asses last year and the guy who came in off the bench and put on a superman cape to bring them back isn't on the roster anymore, nor are their best coaches, nor are many of their best players. Literally every position is downgraded from last season. It's a rivalry game so anything can happen, but we should go in knowing we are going to win. @OSU & @KSU - OSU will be a legitimate test, but our losses to them over the years has largely been due to us beating ourselves. I feel it is a winnable game, but if we do lose then it is what it is. KSU is the most puzzling fools gold of the offseason. They were the team that stopped our 6 game slide last year at our lowest possible morale moment and we beat them without a QB. We have run over, around, and past them since Kleimann has been there. So now they want to roll out Adrian Martinez and people think they are going to be 5 wins better this season in conference? A guy who has never thrown for more than 2800 yards, has not topped 2000 yards twice, and has thrown for close to 10 interceptions per season? That sounds delightful. @Kansas - This one is going to be a hate fucking. Their fan in the stands will seek shelter at Phogg Allen by the end of the third quarter. Sure we could lose 2 of these games, but we shouldn't. I will be disappointed if we aren't 4-1 against these teams.
  25. Whichever staff handles the distractions better can prepare better. I loved seeing Vince on TV yesterday. I don't know if Vince has 100% access to the team, but he sure can help the players stay focused, I believe. lm sure everyone here remembers Vince "Whoever wants to beat Ohio St. show up at xxx hour". Obviously I don't remember the exact quote but the Ohio St. victory and the Alabama victory this year are comparable. I am not personally in favor of any additions to play packages. I think the team changed when Brooks went down. I remember typing that when he went down we weren't going to win the Big12 without him. Did Sark really discover over the middle passes after Brooks went down? I have seen a few over the middle passes since Brooks. I think Washington will have trouble preparing for all we can do offensively. And Ewers hasn't run the ball, except for the one run yesterday, since getting injured, so with him 100% healthy that is another aspect Wash should prepare for. This team reminds me of possibly only two teams, the 2004 and 2008 teams. No team should ever be compared with the 2009 team, being held together by a dominant QB and one receiver on offense. I believe both the 2004 and '08 teams had a will to win and a next man up philosophy this team has. This team has improved vastly as the season went on much better than any of Mack's teams. I think this team is much more versatile on offense. This team has enough good RBs to run the wishbone, and enough really good receivers to run the run and shoot. Of course none of that matters. At this point, there are only three factors remaining. Luck, injuries, and the football gods. And we all know the football gods owe us big time for January 2010. It is payback time.
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