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  1. This guy just called you a beta cuck...
  2. 10000000% this. All the very cool and useful features that legacy truck makers (with a century+ experience building trucks) are putting in, like bed storage, tailgate steps, etc, that make a truck even more useful? Those are for beta cucks. Real truck guys want a truck that’s functionally fucking useless as a truck. That’s what a manly man would do, Andrew Tate and Tucker told me!
  3. What’s third place? First is alpha, second is beta….beta cuck?
  4. troph


    I have some flannel and I'm more of the F350 type lezzie who owns exactly one pair of heels and thinks a collection of open toed shoes means flip flops and multiple styles of birkenstocks. Subaru's are no longer lesbian cars, they are now for beta cuck hipster with well trimmed beards to show how manly and woke (at the same time) they are.
  5. i don't know when maxim was founded and i'll take your word for it that it exists for photographing near naked women for men who want to objectify them. My theory is that something has changed since its inception that has made "subscription near-porn delivered by mail" a poor business model while at the same time making it possible to monetize outrage clicks from easily triggered beta cucks.
  6. You didn’t even get to slay the pussy, just had to clean up after. Beta cuck.
  7. Obtaining a bye and getting an extra week of rest after a long season is more than enough reason to want to win the conference. No one remembers regular season champions in basketball but everyone celebrates the conference tourney champion. In conclusion, eat shit with your beta cuck attitude.
  8. The entire goddamn world is your urinal. Beta cuck.
  9. That beta cuck did! Did I do that right?
  10. Steering is for beta cuck soyboys. Real alpha males want a vehicle that just goes where it wants to go - TRUST ELON!
  11. Found the beta cuck boy at the store shopping for his gf
  12. *edit* I'm getting Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon mixed up in this entire post. there was some sort of toxicity/misogyny shit in the workplace with rick and morty as well I think. Hard to find since if you google this shit it's mostly about beta cuck R+M fans doing beta cuck "harass female writers" shit but it was this - https://www.awn.com/news/rick-and-morty-creator-dan-harmon-comes-clean-public-apology The story here seems to be that at Community, Roiland was attracted to one of his writers, did some harassing, and then when firmly rejected did some more abusive shit. In this case it came to light in the midst of 2018 metoo stuff - Roiland vaguely alluded to it, the writer Megan Ganz called him out, he said he hadn't wanted to put her shit on blast but gave a full account and apology, and Ganz tweeted links to his podcast calling it a masterclass on how to apologize. I had vaguely remembered this, but this is a bit more interesting now since I've become more familiar with Ganz as the host of the Always Sunny podcast (where the Always Sunny guys shoot the shit while they theoretically work episode by episode through the series). She's now a writer on the series, not sure for how long. Anyways, interesting - he's very outspoken against the sexism and misogyny that afflicts a lot of the R+M fanbase, he's clearly not been a saint himself but he did a good job of owning up to it in 2018, but here we are with assault allegations from 2020. Curious to learn more about what happened here but uhh, golly geez. Hey guys, if you have reached your mid thirties and you still haven't worked through your stupid shit like this please seek counseling wtf.
  13. Parliament

    Gym Pet Peeves

    Young people playing this crappy new rap on the bluetooth. I know the subject latter of 90's Gangster Rap was bad, and shouldn't be spoken aloud, but it sounds way better than whatever these beta cucks are singing.
  14. Buncha beta cuck soy boys on this thread. Jurassic Bark kills me every time.
  15. I was raised by idiot, wing nut, southern Baptist assholes to believe that being white meant you were better, and education was for pussies. Luckily I got my brain from my grandfather, who was a MD and oil man, so I recognized the bullshit at an early age. I was literally beaten for expressing any opinion which contradicted my biological father. Little did they know the beta cuck hippie id become. I was always moderate even voting republican sometimes, but since G-Dub I've been solid blue.
  16. Elon showing a lot of little dick energy. What a beta, cuck, snowflake he is.
  17. I'm not sure who even found Mike B. I didn't. His page is just public. This board might be too beta cuck for him lol
  18. And to boost donations. Stop the steal ran its course, and glomming on to midterm candidates at a 95/5 split is over. On to 2024 asap. also, what kind of beta cuck soyboys just say ok when they’re told they can’t leave a place they want to leave?
  19. It’s a beta cuck who’s wife dresses him to get likes on social media. It’s really no more complex than that.
  20. Because Sark is a beta cuck bitch that love getting pegged while wearing glamorous suits
  21. dope revisionist history. 2008-09: we spent exactly one week in the top 10 in january/february (it was the first week of january). we were unranked by the second week of february and went into the tour eg unranked. we lost to Duke in a 7 vs 2 game where we outplayed Duke for the majority of the game only to have them get that special Duke officiating down the stretch. here was our mighty "top 10" roster: but yeah, sure, getting boned by the refs in a game where are the 7 seed against 2 seed Duke is such a total flameout, and totally aligns with RickBarnesLover's assertion that we were a top 10 team in february that flamed out in the tourney! 🙄 🙄 🙄 2009-10: as covered in the post of mine which you quoted, this was a total crash and burn. 2010-2011: should i just copy/paste the post you quoted? we got absolutely screwed by the committee (no.3 in kenpom, yet we're a 4 seed that plays the toughest first two opponents of anyone in the tourney), and not only should we have been a 2 seed, Arizona should have been a 3, maybe a 4 seed. then behind getting screwed by the selection committee, J'Covan Brown puts on his best "Travis Mays vs Purdue" impression and straight up wills Texas to a win vs Arizona, only to have it taken away by a referee who couldn't handle the moment. now i ask you: what kind of Texas fan describes that as "three straight years of shitting the bed in the tourney"? what kind of Texas fan (or really anyone with a brain) points yo those seasons as examples of Texas "being in the top 10 in february only to shit the bed in the tournament"? ESEPCIALLY that 2011 team that screwed 10 different ways? what kind of Texas fan talks shit about that team or that loss as if it wasn't one of, if not THE biggest screw jobs in UT Basketball history? No Texas fan does these things. No Texas fan rewrites history like this to shit on our former coaches and players. Only a soy boy beta cuck bitterwhiteguy-wannabe i del would say these things. congratulations; you've made an ass of yourself.
  22. This beta cuck for the O’s is throwing batting practice to everyone except Judge who he hit in the 1st and just walked again. When you give up a homer to Higashioka you probably should go ahead and ask to be pulled from the game.
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