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  1. Fake news. They only take alphadine. No beta cucks. You’re the beta cuck
  2. What a classic beta cuck sheep thing to say.
  3. Well after the alpha-males (non-beta cucks who listen to faggy science) are done shitting themselves almost to death with horse paste...they're gonna need to clean out their vaginas via douche to avoid UTI. But I'm sure their guns will save them. Fucking pussies.
  4. You sound like a beta cuck. Did your pig of a wife refuse to peg you tonight? Estrogen levels running a little high?
  5. I know that and you know that because we are probably the kinds of beta cucks that went to every OB/GYN appointment from the very start but people like Dan Patrick who just takes his wife at face value when she swears it's his baby, don't understand that the clock starts ticking 4 weeks before most women even think to pick up the phone to make an appointment at the OBGYN. What's more, by the time they get into see the doctor and get an accurate idea of how far along they are, it's already well beyond 6 weeks. Which maybe was the whole point all along. Let's get another frightening reality out there...........doctors are sometimes just as bad about letting their religion and politics spill over into their practice as elected officials are. There's gonna be that window between weeks 4-6 when there's some ambiguity. We got pregnant 4 times for sure, possibly 5. Every time, nurse on the phone asked "when was the start of your last period." And that date was stamped in bold on the top of our paperwork when we went in days/weeks later to see the OBGYN. It's a matter of medical course that they ask and record that and then verify against what they see on bloodwork and sonogram. So here's the shitty reality...those doctors that can't keep their religion/politics outta their practice...they're going to have their staff ask that question just as they always have. And if the woman if that woman is not known to the practice (having already had baby with that group)..........her appointment will be throttled down so that she can't come in until after week 6 is complete. Watch. Suddenly half the practices in rural/exurban Texas won't have any appointment availability until 2-3 weeks AFTER the woman's declared date of her last period from her first phone call. By the time she knows what's going on, it'll be too late to go to a Planned Parenthood or free clinic facility.
  6. I get it. You’re a beta cuck pussy that spends his days in the cloak room jerking off Denison but in the real world actions have consequences but the fact that you went so triggered by it tells me your hair is purple and your Facebook badge celebrates your vaccine status.
  7. imagine being such a beta-cuck that you incessantly rail against a politician in your safe space, and the second the thread you've hijacked with politics is moved to the politics board (where you'll be asked to defend your assertions), you scurry off like a cockroach. what's up with that @BabaYaga? why are you such a snowflake?
  8. I ain’t calling in shit. This parent wears this kinda shit as a badge of honor. An arrest probably furthers the martyr status. I feel bad for the teacher. Real fucking fun coming to work each morning having to look over your shoulder from the faculty lot to your classroom. The spouse In question is a real beta cuck, the kind ‘real Texas men’ make fun of even though they all have a wild amount in common. Might be cathartic to shove a mask in his mouth while beating the shit out of him to square up karma.
  9. Oh boy.. this is something. Let's say it were true. TX/OU were so butthurt over the one great season by both of these schools that they ordered Bowlsby to not crown a champion? Doesn't that reflect more on Bowlsby as a beta cuck and as not acting in the interests of the B12 and could therefore be grounds for termination?
  10. What a beta cuck. Am I doing this right?
  11. Lol, that is a perfect beta cuck move for the fighting Texas jimbos Something, something, your mom Gold.
  12. The Memorial Day Gang-Bang. In odd-numbered years with her...it's all ass-to-mouth. And Donald has no idea. You know...like a beta cuck.
  13. Some real beta cuck small-d energy right here
  14. This x1000. These supposed alpha males in the GOP suggest that a group of people whose land was stolen from them and then they were forced to travel around through checkpoints in their land should just “be nice”. If that happened to you @Ag with kids is that what you would do? If so, I’m guessing you won’t mind if I call you a beta cuck?
  15. this was some of the best era of always sunny the callimg everyone soy boy beta cuck
  16. This kid seemed like a beta cuck extremist. Color me shocked he’s being defended
  17. Guest


    So every non-Trumper is a Cuck? Is that the score? I guess that would stink for the husband involved. I'll tell you what else stinks, being a Trumper husband. You guys may not be beta-cucks, but y'all are married to some seriously large tubs of shit. Did I miss a meeting around Texas? Good lord, the female Trump supporters are some fluffy ass women. I mean, we all like a full buttocks and everything, but seriously-how do you Trumpers navigate that? I bet dollars to donuts, the weight of the average wife of the average Surly Trump supporter is 175. And I'm being kind. How do y'all fuck stuff like that?
  18. the kid just doesn't have the fire in his belly. fuck him, a fucking beta cuck pussy
  19. A tear rolls off TTom’s cheek as he thinks of the good times threatening the Surly board - back before the Storm was slightly delayed. He crosses his arms against his damp coat, hugging himself to ward off the bitter wind whipping past the railroad overpass. He wonders if it’s true - would the hobo really have given him an extra dollar for the bj if he’d taken his MAGA hat off first? “No”, he tells himself, “beta-cuck libtards all lie!!” He rearranges the cardboard sheets, and groggily approaches sleep, his mind repetitively changing the name “Dominion” into various numerics - trying to find a way to make them equal 45. Tomorrow’s another day. He has four new dollars, many miles to travel, and the FBI are always watching.
  20. Wait. You went and searched out one of my posts on a different board to neg because I negged you here. Classic beta, cuck behavior. If you want to whine about shit unrelated to football, you're going to get negged.
  21. All that beta cuck bitch ever does is whine.
  22. Pencil pushers at Texas are dumb CDC is a beta cuck
  23. One kind of meta development -- that "Jason Collier is Innocent!" mock-salute page drew in so many weirdo incels angrily defending the Pastor Popo of Poundtown as an alpha who is entitled to all the poontang he can get, and all these people mocking him with memes and shit were beta cucks and so on. So the admin has gone deeper into troll mode by changing the name of the group to Thirsty Submissive Women Looking For Their Daddy Dom. Also I have it on good authority that tales of Collier's deeds and downfall at the hands of los Pinche Rangers have reached San Antonio and the Valley and that his praises will soon be sung in authentic corridos.
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