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  1. I’ve told this story once before but I was in a bar near my house a couple months ago and only 2 people are allowed in the bar area at a time. This gregarious talkative old trumpkin dude had way too much wine and asked me if I watched the NFL yesterday. When I said sure why not he replied, “I didn’t because of all those damn niggers kneeling for the flag.” Said it loud enough for most of the restaurant to hear. I actually was anticipating something like that and quickly changed the subject.
  2. Anastatis, you're working as hard to avoid answering the questions as the good judge did in downplaying a supervisor calling an employee a nigger. For anyone interested, the testimony about the case starts around 17:00. (I have no idea if she discussed it with anyone other than Booker.) Her final statement about "making clear that the slur alone could be the basis of a hostile environment claim" seems belied by the incredible efforts she made to show that in the Smith case the slur plus other conduct would not allow a reasonable jury to find a hostile environment.
  3. There's a loophole to say nigger? I thought you could just say it cause it's speech. There is always connotation for the word which can let you ride or die. What if you call a bunch of white supremicist it? That would throw them for a loop calling them something they don't like. Hell even south park had a whole episode on it, no one know got mad at them saying it, did they? It's like fuck, you wouldn't say it in front of polite folks, but at the end of the day it is a word that can have a time and a place.
  4. As a liberal, your default position is sanctimonious and condescending towards others especially POC. You talk a good game, but your politics and actions betray your true motives. Liberals are just as much POS as any racist Trump supporter, they are just too chicken shit to own it. Know what the difference is between a liberal and a racist redneck? The liberal will call the cops, so they can call me a nigger and shoot me. IOW let the cops do their dirty work. Then of course, you’ll tweet protests from your gated/walled off communities.
  5. Abraham Lincoln called MLK, Lyndon Johnson, James Joyce and Robert Byrd a nigger for forcing him into freeing the slaves. Ronald Reagan then outlawed crack but only if it was sold to whites and catalonians. The Great Gatbsy did not approve and killed himself on either the east or west egg, not sure which one, doestn’t really matter too much. I mean you didn’t know that? The Q on Texags told me. Jimbo needs 95 million now since he beat Clemson, get it from the professor eggheads. Since they are worthless. Let it be known.
  6. Thinking about this...this guy needs confirmation from a TV producer that he was never caught on tape saying "nigger"? So, he's NEVER had that word in his vocabulary, and can prove it because according to Mark Burnett, there's no tape of it. I've never called my girlfriend a "cunt", and I don't need anybody else to confirm that fact for me. "BrisketTexan has been reading my posts for 10 years and says he has never seen me call my GF a cunt!" Can you imagine? This motherfucker is deranged. Seriously deranged.
  7. You should go check out Rome sometime, and get a history lesson. Jesus was very clearly the lefty you hate. You are the Romans. Oh, and I shouldn't even reply to somebody so brain dead as to think Trump is exposing Washington's swamp, vs filling that fucker up beyond anything we've ever seen. Have you heard of that shitheel Scott Pruitt? Do we need to get into any other details? At least Trump's not a nigger I suppose. You farmers in buttfuck, America can hang your hat on that.
  8. Go fuck yourself???? Of course it’s more complicated than that. Do not descend to the stupidity of MAGA-ism, where every complex issue is reduced to simple good/bad, black/white dichotomies. The intellectual sophistry that says to use our current science, culture and education and assume that all of it should have been injected into the minds of people born in 1807 - and accepted - is stupid. It is common for Surly posters to discuss older family members who have antiquated ideas - some rather loathsome - with a partial pass given to them because they grew up in the 1930s or 40s. It is often said how loving and nice they are save their attitudes on ____. Now imagine being raised in the 1810s and 20s. The concept of the “United States” as an entity was almost not considered - if primary allegiance to government was concerned. People were defined - by themselves - as citizens of their state. The fact Texans of all people seem to struggle with this baffles me. Mostly, I hate the anti-intellectualism that creates a simplistic modern evaluation of past events using a modern lens. The kind of stupidity that leads to the greatest anti racism American novel being banned because it has pre-civil war Southerners using “nigger” as a common term. Huck’s internal thought struggle (“All right, then, I'll go to hell” ) to turn in Nigger Jim or not is one of the great and freeing lessons of the masterpiece. Saying, “Ban Huckleberry Finn. He used the word nigger - It’s not more complicated than that” is about as accurate as your Lee thought process. It’s lazy revisionist thinking using modern metrics that at best are unfair, or at worst antithetical to the point you are trying to make. Lee was not without much deserved blame, but he was no evil cardboard character. If the men and military leaders he fought against held him in esteem, it might be worth a deeper look. That said, not a fucking statue of him should be in a public square. The UDC can go fuck itself. See again, fuck false revisionist history. UDC is the worst.
  9. Fuck, I have to agree. Comedy is subjective though, so I can just say it's not funny to me. Saw it for the first time a couple years ago. Was expecting some comedic masterpiece but it fell well short of that. I also agree that I didn't find it edgy at all. Maybe saying "nigger" and "faggot" was edgy back then, but as a millennial who grew up hearing those words in every other rap song and who's been graphically killing video game characters since the age of 9, it just takes much more to generate shock laughs.
  10. Wasn’t in a frat myself, but roomed with a Delt & an SAE (who I think they wanted specifically because he was a drug dealer). A couple of them were cool/nice people. I’ve told the story before but a few SAEs were chilling in our living room and I asked one how his intramural basketball game went. He said they had lost to “a bunch of fucking niggers”. No one in the room batted an eye. That was 5-6 years ago. One thing I remember is all of their music taste was exclusively bro country and hardcore trap rap music. Nothing else. It was a weird dynamic.
  11. You are missing the point. The argument is the punishment doesn't fit the crime, that similar verbal transgressions aren't similarly penalized, and that being self deprecating about something you're doing is in no way similar to calling someone a nigger. Are you jewish? If so I'm confused how it would be possible to grow up almost wholly unaware of antisemitism if you've learned anything about WWII or even Nixon. I forget at what age I became aware of it but I was very young. As an adult I lived in Slovakia for a short time and learned there are still people in the world who believe jews have horns growing on top of their head.
  12. Gatorubet


    Some issues are easy. The segregation supporting assholes tried to say that they did not enjoy the particular aspect of poll tax and threats and other suppression to keep the niggers down, but they did not ascribe any particular evil towards it either. 'States rights' and all, bigger picture; ignore the fire hoses and German Shepards. US law requires that these alien families enter the U.S. before seeking asylum. Following that law should not result in their kids being torn from them and locked in cages. That you do not see any evil ascribed to it says a whole hell of a lot about you, and none of it good.
  13. Thanks to trump, as a white guy, if I get really pissed off at something I think some black guy did, I now have the right once again to call him a nigger. MAGA! Fuck that black guy. Thanks to trump, as a white guy, if some other white guy does something that pisses me off like getting too close to my personal space or says something remotely anti-trump, I can call them a libtard or whatever else I prefer to call them like a libtard loser. because they have a beard. MAGA!!!
  14. Yes, it was dark skinned man's fault for being so visibly dark skinned in public so often among decent whites that made poor George call him a monkey and then lie about what the word meant. tell me about all the non-racist ways a French North African can call a dark skinned person a monkey, would you? I'm intrigued. Exactly - George Allen's mother was Tunisian, and colonial North African Francophones used the word "macaca" to refer to dark skinned people the way that English colonials would use "nigger". It was offensive then, but now seems almost quaint.
  15. In HS in the late 90s I was getting my hair cut at a good ole boy barber shop when a black kid came in. He worked at the grocery store across the street and came to work with some word or design shaved into his head. They told him it was against the dress code and to go across the street and have it fixed. The barbers refused. Told the kid they didn't have the right clippers for that. After he left the main guy said something like, "You know our customer base. I can't be seen cutting a nigger's hair." To which all the old men in there agreed. It was eye opening.
  16. So - if you don't have a campaign poster that says 'I hate Niggers', you're not racist campaign? Good to know. What is absolutely true is that Trump has outed the racists (who are emboldened and acting out) - and that he has also outed the people, like sandwich here, who are too dim to know that Trump's whole shtick is racist. Which is a really impressive feat, if you think about it. It's like a forever red blinking light in the center of their forehead. In future years, all you have to do is ask "What is your opinion of Trump", and you'll have a person's character pegged in one sentence.
  17. The only times I’ve been called a “nigger” have been in Texas. - 5th grade by a white bro (who, now that I’m older, realized he was on meth) - reffing a basketball game in San Antonio and it came from the Castroville Medina Valley crowd - White bro in Jacksonville - some folks in the small ass town of Panhandle called me “Obama” so I count that. East Texas is just like Mississippi and Louisiana, and so is West Texas. You can love the state of Texas and be proud of it all you want, but you should also recognize you can’t whitewash (no pun) what goes on in this state with your state pride.
  18. My son and I were down near San Antonio today for a soccer match and stopped in Dripping Springs for a brief queso respite at Flores. Sat in the bar area near a table of lily-white camo'ed fatasses who were loudly complaining about "the caravan" and what they should do about it. I quietly told my son that I thought we were near a table o'Trumpkins, and he said "how can you tell, Dad?" At that moment (I shit you not) one of them started opining on "that nigger Obama and his socialist policies". My son just said "oh". He's 14 and he gets it.
  19. WTF does that mean? The darkies shoot and stab each other on weekends? Do you even "gaydar" bro? I'll be that you're a white, straight guy I anal? OK bro. You're too busy worrying about your precious judges to oppose Trump. You march in lockstep with Trump every minute of every day. I'll concede that you might find him distasteful, but you still kiss his ass. So, there's one gas station open in town and they have a "no niggers" sign in the window. The vacationing black family in the minivan realizes that their gauge reads below 1/4 tank. Chicago burbs is a jewie as it gets. Scary as shit.
  20. Yeah I did. I said both parties act in their own selfish self centered interests. Byrd made comments later in life that counter hIs alleged repentant ways (he called people "white niggers", not sure what that means, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't meant as a compliment). Dude was a hard core KKK type racist and died one. Oh yeah sorry you're right I did say one party has blatantly embraced people who have committed the acts I spoke of. Clinton: sexual assaulting pig, Kennedy: a murderer and sexually assaulting pig and Byrd: a KKK card carrying racist. Again prove me wrong.
  21. And you'll ignore the fact that population genetics is inherent in a crapload of ongoing genetic research without a peep of complaint, because you want to act like an aggrieved pussy, the member of the greatest snowflake generation ever known, mostly because you're pissed off about the fact that society has evolved to a point where you can no longer say "nigger" in polite company. You're a reprehensible toad. The fact that you also abuse the simplest tenets of logical analysis and discourse is merely the diarrhea icing on the turd cake that you serve up wherever you go. Those folks at those meetings oughta give a second look at those "donuts" you're bringing....
  22. What's worse: the guy that doesn't like sports, so there's nothing to talk about; or the guy that knows nothing about sports but wants to talk about it as if he does? My ex-BIL was the latter. He was an ou fan and wanted to talk shit about how great they are, but couldn't name more than one player. He only talked about football, too. Basketball was for "niggers" and even though he wrestled in HS, he wouldn't discuss wrestling because ou can't hold a candle to OSU. Right before the start of Adrian Peterson's freshman year, he asked me if he was "any good? Will he start?". I just said "I dunno" to everything. Those conversations were a beating.
  23. And it is also about snowflake dip shits who are outraged despite being devoid of any context regarding the thing they are outraged about. They will do things like want to ban Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn because of it’s historically correct usage of words now found inappropriate. They want the book banned, even though Huck’s decision on the raft - “I’ll go to Hell then” - instead of a decision not to help his friend - the run-away slave Nigger Jim - is one of the most profound anti-slavery, anti-racist pieces of literature in our history. Yes, people want to ban Huckleberry Finn because of the N word. Fucking idiots! Boys and girls ARE good together. As are girls and girls - and boys and boys. Saying I like vegetables is not saying beef is morally wrong. Jesus.
  24. If you ladies leave my island, if you survive recruit training, you will be a weapon. You will be a minister of death praying for war. But until that day you are pukes. You are the lowest form of life on Earth. You are not even human fucking beings. You are nothing but unorganized grabastic pieces of amphibian shit! Because I am hard, you will not like me. But the more you hate me, the more you will learn. I am hard but I am fair. There is no racial bigotry here. I do not look down on niggers, kikes, wops or greasers. Here you are all equally worthless. And my orders are to weed out all non-hackers who do not pack the gear to serve in my beloved Corps. Do you maggots understand that?
  25. the book is actually not so much about small southern towns. sure, vidor is mentioned as an infamous texas sundown towns, but most apparently were in the north and west. the traditional south just settled on segregation. they were fine with black folks across the tracks most of the time. sundown towns were "don't let the sun set on you in this town nigger" type towns with signs that say exactly that. it's striking because the methods to keep sundown towns white are pretty much in the wheelhouse of this allen story. it's actually about the racist force field that moves black folks into certain cities or suburbs as opposed to others. and it discusses the animus behind the racism, methods involved in going sundown, etc. it's really a fucking good read. allen would be a perfect example what would be a sundown town, except allen is integrated.
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