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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/14/19 in Posts

  1. Broughton Fong'd to Texas.
    17 points
  2. With this tweet from their leader, the GOP is officially, explicitly, and unapologetically a white nationalist party.
    15 points
  3. Wiltfong CB'd Broughton to Texas.
    13 points
  4. Especially when some in the electorate are quick to equivocate, amirite?
    12 points
  5. /applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />
    10 points
  6. The fucking President of the United States being a racist shitknuckle who doesn’t understand how Congress works isn’t “politics”. It’s a gotdamned national disgrace every American should be denouncing. Your bullshit enabling attitude is just as bad. Fuck off with “unplugging”. Ignoring evil doesn’t make evil go away, it empowers it.
    9 points
  7. I can hardly wait until CNN reports the tweet and the fallout. Then there will be five one-hour programs where a panel of people (they'll bring the negroes for this!) discuss if the tweet is racist. They will give equal time to a GOP apparatchik who laughs at the notion that it's racist, and this will give balance to the tiresome analysis designed to help us poor dumb idiots better understand the story. The black members of the panel can wonder what the fuck is going on. The political analysts can talk about how this might hurt the president in the polls. The newsperson who lives out his/her wet dream of having an opinion show can soberly declare that they've covered both sides of a story with really only one side. It's a fucking template. The president has issued a written statement telling members of Congress and citizens of the United States to go back to their shit hole countries. Somebody claiming that's okay doesn't get an equal voice with someone willing to call this what it is. The news channels covering this administration as though it is akin to the administrations that preceded it (no matter the party) are promoting a lie. They won't see it that way. This is how we do it. Here's the template. Next time there is a mass murder they will break out this template: What kind of gun was used and how was it acquired? What does this mean for gun control? The visuals will be cops leaving the scene with their gear and two people hugging each other while they weep. It's always the same. The uniqueness of stories is lost due to laziness of the TV press. The TV news media are not the enemy of the people (except of one notable distinction); they're just not that good at what they do.
    9 points
  8. Take that Indian cricket shit somewhere else, bro.
    9 points
  9. Or he’s just a racist fuck with dementia.
    8 points
  10. We’re gonna need a smaller glove...,
    8 points
  11. “Vic is diversifying “
    8 points
  12. I should buy a tenth Chevy Suburban. Sent from my LM-X210CM using Tapatalk
    7 points
  13. Can we keep the aggy screenshots in the aggy thread? Thanks.
    7 points
  14. Except in one of those places, you're routinely harassed, discriminated against, and denied opportunities if you're a religious minority.
    7 points
  15. I give it 30 days before a homeless dude smothers another homeless person to death with one of those bags.
    6 points
  16. Each day makes me increasingly tempted to cut every Trump supporter I know from my life. Unfortunately, that list includes my parents and several life-long friends.
    5 points
  17. ah yes, the Slorches and the FCHorns of the world. its funny that these dudes think anyone actually believes them for a minute when they say "I don't support Trump" and "I didn't/won't vote for Trump" what they are really saying is, "I totally support Trump, but realize that I should be embarrassed to admit that publicly because it exposes me a complete and utter piece of shit"
    5 points
  18. The crisis referred to now is NOT about some large scale invasion coming. That was bullshit. The crisis being recognized by the left is the current humanitarian shitfest. Bonus points: Manufactured, when used to refer to the current situation = caused by the orange mushroom dicked DOTUS.
    5 points
  19. 5 points
  20. Hey now. By 90s standards, Goldeneye was pretty good.
    5 points
  21. 5 points
  22. The President of the United States is a piece of shit racist.
    5 points
  23. He's just the scum of the fucking earth
    5 points
  24. This cannot be overstated. If you support this president, you support racism, ergo, you are a racist.
    4 points
  25. Trumpkins loooooooooove the - ‘go back to your country’ blasts. Hates loves hate from their leader This has been a racists motto for ages. Anyone non white is not wanted in Trump’s America, plain and simple. The racism he’s allowed to get away is damn frightening. The growth of hate in his America is just sad. It is not up to the orange Cheeto and Stephen Miller to decide who does and does not belong in this country. Fuck them both, fuck them both for also benefiting from immigration. And fuck fox and friends for saying it’s a ‘joke’. Also a very old tactic of racists, ‘I was just joking!’ https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/empathy-and-relationships/201703/go-back-your-country?amp https://amp.inkstonenews.com/opinion/mei-fong-ban-chinese-researchers-will-harm-us/article/2146706 https://fusion.tv/video/189236/donald-trump-supporter-jorge-ramos-go-back-to-your-country/
    4 points
  26. 247 is probably the most aesthetically pleasing of all the recruiting sites, but I wouldn't really call it beautiful.
    4 points
  27. If VB commits to Texas, it would be a CRUSHING KNOCKOUT BLOW to the Ags. Power move. Real. Recruiting.
    4 points
  28. "Texas A&M has also offered but they're not recruiting me too hard," he noted.  Of course they aren't. He's not a Guard.
    4 points
  29. "what about that one time a Democrat said something racist in the 1950s? Democrats are the real racists here" -FCHorn and OnBoard
    4 points
  30. that's the worst penthouse forum letter I've ever read.
    4 points
  31. Let’s tell him we want him at DT, that’ll get him to decommit. Oh shit he’s cool with it.
    4 points
  32. What's the appeal for Tapa? Why not just use your phone's browser?
    4 points
  33. Pssst. His supporters--which is apparently every registered GOP voter--absolutely LOVE his vitriolic, race-baiting rhetoric. "He talks just like us blah blah blah." I'm convinced that if Mark Burnett ever released the tapes of Trump (reportedly) dropping the n-bomb off camera on The Apprentice his approval ratings would go up amongst Rs.
    4 points
  34. Given your name, I'll say 4:20.
    4 points
  35. "Browns" are classified as "white," by the census numbers you're looking at, dumbass.
    4 points
  36. Pics aren't showing up. Please re-upload.
    3 points
  37. Ugh that's a pain. It badly clutters up the board and makes it take a year to load when I do that since everyone responding ends up quoting all the images. But, for the greater good and all - one sec.
    3 points
  38. @Jameslaw121 sorry your wife is such a bitch.
    3 points
  39. Well, Sharice Davids was born in that shithole known as West Germany. GO BACK HOME, KRAUTAHONTAS!
    3 points
  40. He’s actually in hydraulics
    3 points
  41. Dear CDC, You can ignore fat ketch sincerely The world
    3 points
  42. “Have no fear m’lady, I will defend thee on this 247 recruiting board. Gig em *tips fedora*”- lmart05
    3 points
  43. Ok please no negative reps I'm new here and trying to figure out how to post a tweet lol Edit: got it!
    3 points
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