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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/17/24 in all areas

  1. 33 points
  2. Can we change the thread title to - MTG - Bleach Blonde Bad Built Butch Body? I swear this was stolen right from Surly
    26 points
  3. I thought it was common courtesy to let someone play through when you’re holding shit up.
    25 points
  4. 24 points
  5. Tiger sees Scottie in the clubhouse later:
    22 points
  6. Can you imagine Arch throwing to D Moore, Wingo, Cook in 2025?
    22 points
  7. 99% of the time, this board is like “the GOP is running circles around the Dems, they play too nice and too cordial” Now it’s “don’t stoop to their level” That level IS the level of American political discourse, fueled by an electorate that gets their news from memes and TikTok
    20 points
  8. Kobe helicoptered to work and look how that turned out smart guys
    17 points
  9. I’m all for this if “GET IN THE HOLE!” Is replaced with “FUCK THA POLICE”
    17 points
  10. When in doubt assume the cop is lying.
    16 points
  11. Suck shit, loser. This is my house in Jersey…
    16 points
  12. https://www.besthugecocks.com/watch/1164666/emma-butt-pegging-her-male-slave
    15 points
  13. LSU is a backwater school in a shitty town in a hellhole of a state. Dakorien Moore needs to play on a bigger stage with big-time talent like Arch Manning, who most certainly will be on the cover of EA's College Football 26 as well as every magazine and sports website in America. Two years with Arch and Moore will be set for life.
    15 points
  14. 14 points
  15. Comer looks like that asshole kid from one of the Shrek movies.
    13 points
  16. Sound up. Payoff is the very last sentence. The guy's text message response to his friend. Which one of you aholes was that? Got a literal LOL out of me.
    13 points
  17. Aw, poor wifey got upset? Let me pull out the old reliable right wing response. ahem... "Fuck your feelings."
    13 points
  18. I like how two people who I've quite literally never seen posting in a golf thread are bitching about who is posting in a golf thread.
    13 points
  19. Just so we are all clear: The guy who was killed was legally carrying and also a military veteran, and was technically the one standing his ground since the killer drove into the area. The guy who was killed was not texting underaged girls, but the killer was. The guy who was killed was not wanting to go to Dallas to "shoot some looters", but the killer was. The guy who was killed was not saying that it's ‘too bad we can’t get paid for hunting Muslims, but the killer was. Republicans have a weird fucking fetish about defending incredibly shitty people.
    13 points
  20. CR regulars coming in to ruin the fun and make it about them
    13 points
  21. For the bootlickers in this thread, I'll say it again. Fuck all cops.
    13 points
  22. Is jumping on moving cars standard operating procedure for these glorified meter maids? Jesus fucking christ.
    13 points
  23. This little smirk by Jamie Raskin absolutely kills me while James Comer is like, “a what now?”
    13 points
  24. Let me get this right - Him making more money now, at a school that just had two high draft picks at his position, having a future 1st round QB throwing him passes, a 10x better education, in his home state, playing with former teammates, in one of the best cities in America is a choice?
    12 points
  25. Climate change? In the oil and gas capital of the world?? UNPOSSIBLE!!
    12 points
  26. 12 points
  27. Sometimes you have to get into the mud to drown a pig.
    12 points
  28. LSU got a commitment due to Moore’s TB teammate committing there. They’re not a serious player in NIL. They can’t commit to shit on that front for many folks. They really need that top QB. The Moore LSU commitment/decommitment won’t sting them nearly as much as Perrilloux’s antics, but I hope it fucking hurts. I hope they know that people are laughing at them.
    11 points
  29. If I lived across the street from him, he’d long for the days of a simple “Fuck Trump” sign. I’d have a rotating electronic display calling Alito a piece of shit and traitor in 1000 different ways. Traitors deserve unrelenting psychological torture. He helped kill rules and decorum, he doesn’t get to invoke them anymore. FAFO, Alito.
    11 points
  30. What the actual fuck are you talking about?
    11 points
  31. The rough math somebody did on the recent strikes 2x Mig-31 = 110 Mill Su-27 = 30 Mil Mig-29 = 12 Mil S-400 Radar + 2 TELs = 200+ Mil Total = 352+ Mil USD Not bad for about 10 ATACMS about to expire.
    11 points
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