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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/22/22 in Posts

  1. 26 points
  2. To answer, I was pretty blissfully not self aware about why I didn't like my hometown. I was also an athletic kid who played football, soccer, basketball, baseball and swimming so I wasn't a target of bullies. I had no real idea that I was gay, even though I managed to find several other boys that were willing to trade blowjobs from junior high til graduation. I didn't truly understand that I was gay until I saw 2 guys kissing on the front page of the Daily Texan my first week at UT. So, when my tennis coach called me a queer, I didn't see it as an assault on my identity. When my preacher talked about the homosexuals going to hell, I didn't think he was talking about me. But had I been a bit more self aware I might've. And there wasn't a single soul in my hometown I knew of that I could have gone and talked to about that, who would've supported me through that, and who would've done anything at all to reassure me that things would be ok. I can easily imagine a world where I was less athletic and more self aware, where not only was it harder to make friends, but I was getting a barrage of negative actions and words thrown at me by society, by my teachers, by my church, by my friends who don't know about me, by the bullies that have figured out I'm an easy target, by my parents. Imagine all those people just cutting you to pieces over and over again. And there is NO ONE you can go to about it. There is nothing you can do except keep taking it. I can absolutely see where kids can see this as a ride they do not want to be on. So yes, representation matters. Hearing about Tommy's 2 dads or Billy's 2 moms or the teacher's brother marrying another boy are all little toe holds in life that self aware gay kids can use to help them get to the next day and the next until they are in a place where they can actually stand on their own two feet, where they can finally get out of that toxic environment and they can make a new family of friends who can help them overcome the years and years of casual abuse that was heaped on them while they sat in silence. And by the way I call it casual abuse because most people have no idea it was abuse. I'm pretty certain that tennis coach never would've called me a queer if he thought I actually was, but that type of casual name calling, which is a good gotcha for straight kids, is psychologically devastating to the gay ones. And finally, I say all this because every kid needs someone they can trust. And this is true for every gay person I've ever known. At some point they reach an inflection point where it is no longer possible for them to keep this to themselves. In the environment I grew up in, there was no one. I went to an anti-gay church, so I knew my parents agreed with the church and I was an abomination. I had friends and teachers that had no compunction around calling people fags and queers. 18 years of that environment took its toll, and it wasn't until ~10 years later that I finally talked to another person about what I knew about myself my first week at UT. It was another 2 years after that before I told someone that I actually cared if they rejected me. Thinking I would have non-supportive parents delayed my ability to grow up and start being an adult and fully living my life for 10 years, at this point fully 1/5 of my life. And that's someone that didn't have to suffer the slings and arrows as personal attacks. Imagine how much worse it would've been if I had? Would I still be here today? I actually don't know. Sorry to go on about this, I'm late to this thread.
    22 points
  3. After watching what Parkinson did to my Grandpa, I always said I’d never wish it on anyone. Turns out I was wrong about that
    20 points
  4. We used to have fucking rules around here now this place is a got-damned circus of assholes running around doing whatever the fuck they want. This is America Jack! You aren't Putin. You don't get to change the rules to SOOT you whenever the hell you damned feel like it. This thread has everything except those fucking pics. This thread needed those pics. It has shock, awe, sorrow, anger, and a whole bunch of humor by way of one Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. But you know what it doesn't have Brisket? Anything to wake the monster in ones pants, and those pics were supposed to be it. You stole that moment from us! Fuck you Brisket! You.....sir....are an asshole!
    18 points
  5. A short update from the boy in Berlin, where refugees are continuing to pass through in large numbers. 1 – one of his classmates is a dual Russian/Israeli citizen. She has been going down to the Hbf regularly to serve as a translator for the local German volunteer groups. Obviously, she is not a fan of the war or Putin, and has emphasized her Israeli citizenship (and lucky for her to have that option). He’s gotten the scoop from her on the ongoing situation in order to ascertain the need. 2 – his friend crew was happy to volunteer to work a large assembly line, and are doing so with enthusiasm. We sent him a couple hundred euros to fund this round, and they have an assembly line set up making a shitload of tacos (looks like potato egg and cheese, migas, and some sort of meat, egg and cheese are on the menu, per the sample photo below -- not sure how many tacos per tray, but he said they'll get out 6 trays of tacos, 3 with meat and 3 vegetarian). I believe that the plan is to deliver them this evening. And, if this process goes well, to do so a few more times before he has to leave Berlin in May. If they’re going to be continuing this effort, we told him we’d work on raising some funds – we even suggested that while cooking makes the money go farther, something as simple as ordering and delivering 100 hot sandwiches would surely be welcome as well. Will keep y’all posted on that. But thought I’d share something good in this thread of war, death, and destruction.
    18 points
  6. I have a 5 year-old daughter. She refers to people as he/she/they if she doesn't know their preferred pronoun. She knows what it means to be trans. She understands that boys can marry boys, and girls can marry girls. We talk about these topics as well as race and privilege because I want her to be a good, caring and decent human later in life. I would want her teachers to be able to discuss these topics as well in a respectful manner, because I want her to have confidence that her teachers are a trusted source and are free to explain concepts she inquires about. There's zero discussion of sexuality ever, because when we talk about her friend's parents that are gay, we talk about the content of their character and not their lifestyle. For the life of me, I can't understand how the right is hell bent on sexualizing this topic. It's a perverse fascination that occupies an unhealthy amount of their headspace.
    16 points
  7. Latest updates from my brother and father in Poland. Updates from 4/20 and 4/21:
    16 points
  8. This guy will always be one of my favorites. He's had some absolutely heartbreaking things happen to him and he just keeps going. I'll always root for MG
    16 points
  9. So we have Americans teaching Norwegians how to make migas in Berlin for Ukrainians? what a time to be alive. NATO FTW.
    15 points
  10. Doesn't google have some built in algorithm that accounts for previous searches? nttawwt
    14 points
  11. The last times Russia or the Soviet Union fully mobilized and openly sent conscripts abroad to fight: Afghanistan: Soviets lost, the eastern bloc crumbled eight months later, the Union collapsed a few years after that. World War II: Dont need to go into it. Including second Finland war here. Winter War: USSR gets plowed by Finland and combat capacity damaged for later WWII. Polish-Soviet War: Poland wrecks shop and slams the previously feared Red Army’s dick in the dirt. Lenin decides to focus on building socialism at home for a while instead of starting a world revolution. World War I: The Russians lost and the Tsarist Empire collapsed, the world and Russia got the USSR and Bolsheviks. Russo-Japanese War: The Russians lost and it led to the revolution of 1905, Nick II has to create a parliament with parties and everything. TL;DR: Russia has a long record of getting their shit pushed in when they decide to have big foreign wars. More often than not, stuff at home gets borked, too. Putin is aware of this, keenly.
    14 points
  12. I'm know I'm wasting my time here, but what the hell. The reason I neg your bullshit posts (not all of your posts as you know) is because I used to believe the same bullshit you're spouting. So did Brisket, Twice, DDD, GOLL, etc that post on this site. When I really started to look at what was going on and stopped just listening to the crap being spewed by the AM radio crowd, and actually decided to take a real look at the records of both parties it was an eye opening experience. Seriously, if you can, take a genuine look at the actual governing records of both parties. Not what they say they are going to do, but what they actually do. It's out there, if you're willing to take an open minded look. If you can look past your need to be on the right side (a failing we all suffer from) to what is actually being done by each party when actually governing, and you still think the Democratic party is a threat to this country at all, much less more than the Republican party, then I have to think we have no hope. I don't post much because I don't have much time and I like to spend some time defending my thoughts if I can, and since I can't, I don't. I've been reading these sites since Hornfans and I've learned way more than I could have possible imagined from these assholes, left and right. At times the right has dominated the boards, at others the left, but in each case it was more center oriented than fringe. So when all I've seen from one side for the last 10 years is the same tired talking points that have little to no basis in the actual reality of what is going on, I had to question my own beliefs because they didn't match what my eyes were seeing. Then I had to get over my ego and realize that I was being lied to and that I was part of the problem. I often see posters here say "well we aren't going to change each others minds" but I've seen it happen quite a bit. Interestingly enough it always seems to change in one direction. Why, I wonder?
    13 points
  13. The worst thing about this thread is that I'm having to agree with a Sooner and and Aggie.
    13 points
  14. The VAST majority of 4 yos if they hear "some boys like girls and some boys like boys and when people really like each other sometimes they get married" will shrug and think "OK sure cool whatever." It's the parents' projections, biases, and fears that are the issue.
    12 points
  15. Say what you will about these morons, but, when you go to one of their shows, they aren't going to bombard you with the new stuff they've been tinkering with in their garage. They're going to play the mother fucking hits, man!
    12 points
  16. Legit great work by him. well done. that being said.....
    12 points
  17. where can i sign up for that volunteer duty ??
    12 points
  18. How I feel about Brisket right now...... and the obligatory.....
    11 points
  19. Believe? It ain't a matter of belief. It's a matter of fact. It's a thing that actually happened. It was not a "lone wolf nutbar" event. It was a mass movement, led by the motherfucking president of the United States, the actual head of the entire political party. It's not on a whole 'nother level, it's on a whole 'nother fucking PLANET.
    11 points
  20. We have gone over this 5,000 times. If you want to pass a law saying that you can't discuss explicit sexual practices, obviously, go ahead. The bullshit of "can't discuss gender identity or sexual preferences" means that any discussion about heterosexuality, any books that mention/discuss heterosexuality or have heterosexual characters are all fine because that's "standard" or "normal" but if you have a book about a bunch of sixth graders, and two of the boys are holding hands, all of a sudden now that is "discussing gender identity or sexual preferences" even though it wouldn't be if it was a boy and a girl. THAT is exactly how and why this law is bigoted bullshit and you and yours will be looked upon by history as equal to those cumstains that turned fire hoses on little black girls for trying to go to school. NOT OK: "Hey teacher, how do men have sex?" "Well, Billy, sometimes they just put their penises in each other's mouth or other times in the butt. Let's discuss some tips for safe anal sex...." "Hey Billy, you seem kind of femme to me, don't you think maybe you should be going to the girls' bathroom instead?" Alright kids, we are gonna read the Kama Sutra, your assignment is to describe how the positions would be different in man/man sex as opposed to man/woman. OBV OK: "Hey teacher, why does Sally have two mommies?" " Well, Billy, some girls like boys, some girls like girls, and some like both. No matter what, they can still get married and have kids." "Hey teacher, I really feel like I like girls even though I'm supposed to like boys. Is something wrong with me?" "No Jennifer, it's common for people to have feelings like that, sometimes just for a little bit, sometimes for their whole life." Alright kids, we are gonna read Book X (that happens to have a relationship between same sex characters, without any explicit sex). The fucks lumping the second category into the first or acting like the first is happening on some meaningful level are the problem.
    11 points
  21. Drizzly and a bit cool here on the hill
    11 points
  22. Aren't you the one who famously reminds us that school shootings don't happen that often, so gun regulations and active shooter drills aren't necessary? But some nutjob with an agenda digs up a few videos, and you're all over this massive, widespread problem of teachers grooming our kids! You are a mark. A sad little man.
    11 points
  23. You mean like the last few hundred years of education? I'm not even that old, and I have early elementary memories of teachers telling me the we didn't evolve from "no damn ape" and that men laying together is immoral. One teachers tolerance, the other intolerance. So, yes, my reaction would be different. That said, no, I'm not "cool" with the extremists in the teaching community--small as the group may be--tailoring lesson plans about gender neutrality to kindergartners. If that is indeed happening somewhere, parents and the school should step in. But not a fucking law with overreaching, ambiguous language from a governor trying to draw attention to his 2024 run. You'll just have to excuse my skepticism given the right's penchant for creating their own bogeymen, and rallying around it.
    10 points
  24. Suggest the thread title be changed to “Mallory McMorrow’s Well Reasoned and Passionate Response”
    10 points
  25. I'm not defending anything. I'm saying expand your information circles beyond a batshit crazy realtor feeding you all the outrage porn you so desperately need.
    10 points
  26. What accusations are "levied towards me"? YOU FUCKING SAID IT DIPSHIT. YOU SAID WRITE DOWN THEIR NATAL SEX. Now you have changed your story to "oh, I said write a note that says "hey parent explain natal sex vs gender to Little Johnny" which is not what you originally said. I can read just fine, per my Texas Law degree fuckface.
    9 points
  27. Maybe the Norwegians can teach him how to tie his shoes?
    9 points
  28. And the other side only failed in its effort to decapitate our government by murdering congressional leaders by dumb luck and bravery of Capitol police. They literally intended to overthrow our government by tools including murder. And you are comparing the random act of a single nutbar to the concerted attack by literally thousands, egged on by the actual leader of the party. Enough. Basta. The rubicon was crossed, and the GOP will forever be a violent terrorist party that is willing to impose its political will on the rest of us by force. Fuck that. Forever.
    9 points
  29. Stop being such an easy fucking mark, my man.
    9 points
  30. Pork chops fried then smothered in a garlic sundried tomato gravy.
    8 points
  31. The only benefit that salary caps have in pro sports are to ensure that billionaire owners keep a higher percentage of profits than they otherwise would, thus ensuring some level of parity. Otherwise, some schmuck like Jerry Jones would gladly spend $10 billion of his own money if it would guarantee a Super Bowl victory. Other owners, like Woody Johnson or Jimmy Haslam would no longer field competitive teams, because they are more interested in milking profits than wins. In the current college landscape, there's nothing preventing the billionaire from spending ungodly amounts of money to see his favorite team win. It probably "ends well" for the players, and the for teams that have extremely rich patrons willing to spend it to win. It probably doesn't end well for teams that don't. And as for parity? There hasn't been anything remotely resembling parity in College Football in a long, long, time.
    8 points
  32. 8 points
  33. 8 points
  34. Who knew there wasn’t a market for Jemele Hill and Rex Chapman?
    8 points
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