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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/20/23 in all areas

  1. It’s getting to the point where Pate may be on the aggy payroll
    36 points
  2. Actually, they are 17-1 right now if you go back one more game. 🤘
    30 points
  3. aggy getting called out for their bullshit
    27 points
  4. So it appears we got really lucky that Sweat didn't get seriously injured on the XP block. Nice job considering player safety big 12 refs. Now chop blocks are OK?
    23 points
  5. I have a story about Fisch. And yes he’s a world class asshole. When he was a very lowly coach with the Texans, like 20 years ago, I had mutual friends with him. We are the same age. We were out a bar in a group. He was like an assistant quality control coach on Capers staff. The Texans had no safety who approached decent. My buddies and I started asking him why not move Marcus Coleman to safety. He had size and was older corner who never had the best speed anyway. He made us all feel like we were the biggest idiots in the world. Like we knew nothing about football and were idiots. Marcus Coleman was a corner and could not play safety. The Texans pretty promptly moved him to safety the next season where he played the rest of his career.
    23 points
  6. Only the second night game of the year. Pretty perfect low 50's football weather. Lots of beer if you can afford it, which I think y'all can because the lowest ticket right now is around $200. A Jumbotron that might be audible in Waco. Cannons and livestock and fireworks. Longhorn Band playing the hits you know you love. Cheerleaders and pom girls and a giant Texas flag. Over the top, unnecessary, extra crap dreamed up last summer by folks who overproduce these things who have access to an infinite budget for such stuff. The final Big XII game at DKR. Texas founded the SWC and has been playing in the SWC or the SWC/Big 8 merger since 1914. This is the last one in Austin. A win puts Texas in the Big XII championship game with a chance at a NY6 bowl or possible playoff spot. A win gives Texas their first 11 win season since the dark times began. If you're not excited about this one after beating Iowa St, TCU, Kansas St, BYU and so on ... well .... get it together! If the crowd isn't bringing it like the 1990 UH game, something is wrong with you people. 🙂
    23 points
  7. 21 points
  8. I wonder what happened in 2011 to make them pick 2012 as the cutoff year?
    19 points
  9. The block in the back on the punt is the flag I have the least issue with. That dude had zero chance of affecting the play, but it was still a foul. The absurd PI against Watts for hand fighting while the ball sailed 10 yards out of bounds - not even close to PI and not even close to catchable. Result? 3 points for ISU and a tie ballgame. The ticky-tacky hold on our TD pass... shit, our D linemen get held far worse than that on literally every possession of every game. That took 4 points from us. The "grounding" call where Worthy broke right and Quinn threw it left on a scramble drill and the ball went 35+ yards in the air - that's a judgement call where the officials have to decide whether the QB was trying to complete a touchdown pass, or if he was throwing the ball into the grass to avoid a sack. It's a lot like an ump deciding whether a pitcher intended to hit the batter. And I just literally cannot remember that being flagged when a QB is trying to complete a pass that far down the field, but miscommunicates with the receiver. Never. Not once. That was bullshit. It didn't affect the score, because Auburn hit a very difficult field goal anyway, but it was obvious fuckery, and you KNEW they were gonna flag it when they huddled up together 15 seconds after the play ended. The "procedure" penalty against Whittington... again, that's a reeeeeally soft call that you could probably flag multiple times every game, but it just never gets flagged. But, as others have said, it's not the calls on us as much as it's the failure to flag obvious penalties on our Big 12 opponents that's just so consistently 1-sided. Our ball carriers and receivers got hit a step or two out of bounds all night in Ames. Our D linemen got grabbed, held, and tackled all night with zero holding flags. Worthy and Mitchell had at least two uncalled PI on very, very catchable balls where they were taken to the ground by the DB - one where Worthy is trying to come back for an under thrown deep ball. Pretty good chance we get points there - first down at midfield instead of punting from our side of the field - if we get a flag on the most obvious PI call of the season. That jailbreak "screen" - Iowa State got 33 yards on a critical late drive where they scored 7 points, and it was OBVIOUS in real time that 3 of their linemen were between 7-8 yards downfield hunting for DB to block and the ball was completed past the line of scrimmage. I can't remember down and distance, but there's a very high chance that's a drive-killer with any semblance of fair officiating (would have put them in 2nd and 20+ back on their side of the field instead of 1st down in our red zone). That's also reviewable and was as obvious as can be had they taken a look. It was a 43-yard difference in field position on what turned out to be a 7-point Iowa State drive. And then a snap or two later, if Murphy doesn't get obviously held out in space on the subsequent TD, their QB would have been throwing it with an NFL DT right in his face (or yet again that same drive is stalled by an obvious 10-yard penalty). With any reasonable degree of even-handed officiating, this is a 20- to 24-point game. And as HC pointed out, we are repeatedly getting DEEP in the second half before our opponent gets a single penalty marked against them. Then, just like in basketball, we might get 3 or 4 meaningless calls in the last possession or two (after the outcome is decided), so that the 8-0 penalty disparity ends up more like 8-5, and the league doesn't have to account for a comically 1-sided box score even though it was comically 1-sided officiating for the first 50+ minutes. Our record - and any reasonable eyeball test - says we're the best team with the best players in this Big 12, but - miraculously - our NFL-caliber D line never gets held, and our NFL-caliber receivers never get interfered with. The season-long penalty stats 100% illustrate the league fuckery, and it's happening while our conference commissioners repeatedly mock us and openly cheer for our opponents to beat us. Show me a clip where a league commissioner is giving spirited pep talk to one team for them to beat another team in his own league.
    18 points
  10. Traylor: could be a real issue, would change the culture Dabo: would be a recruiting witch, national media would love it Fisch: would not be great for us ...is there an aggy coaching name you haven't reflexively been scared of?
    18 points
  11. Ah, yes. The only thing better than the open letter - the open "talk." 1) The comments - beginning with the first couple - deliver. 2) Can you imagine how intolerable this guy must be in his personal life? (The comment/response above cracked me up ... 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
    17 points
  12. I really like Sark. I think he is a legitimately good guy, he is very smart and I do believe he can take us where we need to go. Any time I watch video of him talking, I really appreciate that we have him as a coach.
    16 points
  13. That is good stuff. I like the way Sark talks to the media.
    16 points
  14. "You look at Texas Tech over there and it's all about their masturbating bell ringer and the thousands of hot sluts they have walking around campus. And the football team we are going to destroy on Friday."
    16 points
  15. The most annoying thing is the idea that Alabama is a totally different team now and Milroe wasn't good when we played. I walked out of that stadium thinking Milroe was the best player on the field for Bama. He carried them; he just made two costly mistakes. Alabama was good when we beat them. They didn't turn into a different team other than calling more designed runs for Milroe. What really happened was Alabama didn't go on to play anyone nearly as good as Texas the rest of their season.
    16 points
  16. That’s 100% sobriety, 100% self-reflection and self-awareness from sobriety. Many coaches talk accountability, discipline, commitment. Transparency, vulnerability, and love? That’s all from his journey. That was what I hoped would happen, his values having faced that demon and lived to tell about it would rub off on The University of Texas. I’m excited. This 10 win team is legit. And our best Sark team hasn’t even taken the field yet and probably won’t for a few more years.
    15 points
  17. Nothing like eating 3 bowls of Cap’n Crunch at midnight and waking up the next day with a mouth so raw that the skin is hanging from the roof of your mouth.
    14 points
  18. Yeah we play Alabama and Michigan OOC but are scared of fucking Tech.
    14 points
  19. 13 points
  20. So, to sum up this season so far.....
    13 points
  21. Is UT scared to keep alive its Texas Tech football rivalry? | Williams (lubbockonline.com) Is UT scared to keep alive its Texas Tech football rivalry? | Don Williams, Lubbock Avalanche-Journal A bunch of entertaining football games are coming up, as always, the week of Thanksgiving. Many will factor into conference races, but not all. You have Georgia-Georgia Tech, Florida-Florida State, South Carolina-Clemson, Kentucky-Louisville, all non-conference games scheduled at the end of the regular season. Maybe someday in the not-too-distant future, you can add Texas Tech football playing Texas to the list of rivalry games between non-conference opponents. All it would take is for the Longhorns to lose a little hubris. UT athletics director Chris Del Conte told the Avalanche-Journal last year he's OK with playing non-conference games against other Texas schools. What he meant was, he's OK with playing other Texas schools the Longhorns don't perceive as a threat. They've played Rice three times in recent years, and they have UT-El Paso and UT-San Antonio scheduled in alternating seasons out through 2031. UT leads the series with Tech 54-18. Not that risky a proposition for the burnt orange, right? The Red Raiders won last year's game, though. And when the Texas A&M-Texas series went dormant a decade ago, Tech athletics director Kirby Hocutt eagerly obliged Texas' wish to keep playing an annual Thanksgiving game. The Red Raiders, playing Texas in Austin on Thanksgiving or the day after in 2013, 2015, 2017 and 2019, took advantage of high-visibility TV windows and won two of those games. That's all it takes for Texas to not want to play the Red Raiders any longer than they have to. Texas Tech officials have made it clear they'll put the Red Raiders up against the Longhorns as non-conference opponents any time, any place, the sooner, the better. The Tech-Texas game this coming Friday night will be the last between the two football programs for the foreseeable future with Texas heading off to the Southeastern Conference at the end of the school year. As the epicenter of college football increasingly narrows to the geography of the SEC and the Big Ten, the Red Raiders need the annual game against UT to drive visibility, the attractiveness of the schedule, ticket sales, credibility in the major polls and recruiting boosts. Not only games against UT. We've focused on Tech's desire to continuing playing the Longhorns, but playing Texas A&M every year would be even better. Renewing that series, with its evenness, with all its close games and fantastic finishes, would be just as meaningful. Back to the Tech-Texas discussion, though. In days gone by, universities would serve up games most attractive to their fans, without regard to the potential danger of losing. In some places, they still do, as we noted at the top. South Carolina and Clemson have faced each other continuously since 1909, as non-conference opponents since 1971. Georgia and Georgia Tech have played continuously since 1925, as non-conference opponents since 1964. Florida and Florida State have squared off every year since 1958, all in non-conference. Kentucky and Louisville have met each year since 1994, also all as non-conference foes. Each of the above series, during the time frames mentioned, was interrupted only by the COVID-19 outbreak in 2020. Virginia and Virginia Tech have played Atlantic Coast Conference games since 2004, but their many meetings between 1937 and 2003 were as non-conference opponents. Texas A&M and LSU have met 57 times, 45 as non-conference rivals. West Virginia and Penn State have met 60 times, not once in a conference game. It's clear in that context there's nothing to keep Texas or Texas A&M from playing li'l ol' Texas Tech. It'd be good for the programs, good for the fans and good for UT brass to come down off their high horse.
    13 points
  22. Lost to a Mississippi school this year, so he fits the bill
    13 points
  23. Gold Jerry, gold. 1. Why is a "top professional leader" posting theoretical aspirational speeches on a football message board at 2:30 a.m.? 2. Talks about the need for leaders to be empathetic, then immediately pivots to insults (flipping burgers at McDonald's) and ad hominem attacks (calling those who responded brats and idiots). 3. Calls one guy out for a spelling gaffe (ackward rather than awkward), yet calls someone else a "simplton". 4. Objects to aggy being called weird, preferring "different". No, you're weird.
    12 points
  24. A story with a happy ending that just warms the heart
    12 points
  25. Sweat's a great reminder to be patient with these big boys. He fumbled around, not looking like it would come together, until it did. Now he's in Casey Hampton-land. Love it.
    12 points
  26. Come on now, It's no time to be shy and remember it in all it's glory:
    12 points
  27. I like Fisch as a coach at a place like Arizona. I think he's going to consistently get a program like that to 8-5/9-4 records and they'll love him for it. Sumlin gutted that program. Watching Arizona games towards the end of his time there was brutal. Fisch's work there has been excellent. The bigger problem here is that ATM cannot handle being an 8-5/9-4 program, even though that is high performance for them, historically. No, instead, they don't just want a national title contending coach - they want a coach doing that year in and year out, and they want all of that right now. Texas A&M is the Veruca Salt of college football. They lack any self-awareness and they are entitled, rich, impatient, myopic, and dumber than a sack of rocks. They've never won a fucking thing, they are as average as unbuttered grits, and they're trapped in a triangle of college blue bloods (Texas, OU) and recent multi-decadal powers (LSU). It's wonderful to witness their complete obliviousness to their predicament and willingness to pull the bookshelf on themselves repeatedly as a result.
    12 points
  28. It’s probably their most likely path to the trophy
    12 points
  29. I was out of town. Wife saw a bird perched on the neighbor's roof. She usually lets the cat sit outside on the patio in the morning, nice and cool in the Phoenix metro. She made sure that the cat was back in the house. She sent me the video, and asked me if I could tell what kind of bird it was. iPhone video to my Samsung phone sucks, so it was hard to tell. She knew it wasn't an owl. She's afraid of the cat getting taken by an owl or similar. I saw the better video on her phone today. I told her it looked like a falcon or hawk. She asked me in all seriousness, if I was sure that it wasn't a phoenix. ???? I looked at her like huh?? I asked her if she knew what a phoenix was? She said that she thought so. I straight up told her that a phoenix is a mythological creature of rebirth. She says "Oh" Then she looks at me and says, "you're going to put this on Surly?" I nod and say "Yep" No pics you degenerates.
    12 points
  30. Well, here it is, the final edition of the scheduled regular season tour where we shove it up the asses of the irate 8 who got left behind Texas currently has scoreboard on every single team in the conference (that’s staying here) other than Texas Tech and Oklahoma State. We get the chance to avenge last years loss on the way out the door and leave this series exactly where it belongs for all time, with us wiping our shit smeared dick on their face after we finish fucking them up the ass. The last couple weeks I’ve had a hard time working up any animosity toward TCU and Iowa State because they are so irrelevant to us, who we are as a program and college football in general. Tech, however, has earned a lifetime of hatred and scorn from me. They blew our chance to win the big 12 in Ricky’s senior season, then another chance in 2002, and finally wrecked our national championship dreams in 2008. We cannot go out like bitches and let them screw up important stuff on our agenda. All those scenarios happened in Lubbock and most of them when Tech had a better team than they do this year. We always take care of them in Austin when we have the slightest bit of an inclination to play hard and focused. I’d say we have more than that going on in our favor this week. Tech is a second rate program in a third rate town with a loudmouth high school coach with a low IQ and a propensity for drunk driving. So, sure, he’d fit in around here just fine, I guess, but let’s go ahead and monkey stomp them and then never have to see, hear, play or think of them again. Y’all were cool when you had Mike Leach and then fucked that up in the dumbest way possible only to go back to your historical norm of being uninterested, uninspiring and unsurprisingly mediocre. Game Week notes here fellas. Hook ‘Em High like an Eagle soars and have a happy thanksgiving.
    11 points
  31. Aggy all time winning percentage is 60% so really it’s more like a 7-5 job.
    11 points
  32. Found a photo of StassneyHorn.
    11 points
  33. Sark back then was in the middle of a divorce from his first wife. Things are different in his life now. His children are grown and he is married to Loreal. When you’re in a great place in your personal life, it enhances the success of your professional life. We’re lucky to have a guy as genuine as Sark in a NIL world full of used car salesman like Jimbo was.
    11 points
  34. I'm impressed that someone at the B12 office only took until Monday to figure out that 2 to the 7th power is 128.
    11 points
  35. 11 points
  36. I had a miserable year. My mom passed away this year, and for a while, I found myself homeless after I missed out on an enormous grant program and my landlord jacked up my rent by 200%. For the first time in my entire life, I seriously considered suicide. I felt like an enormous failure and felt very alone. One of the very few things that picked me up this year and kept me going was the promise that Texas Football would be great again, and Sark came through. No matter what happens going forward, Sark is living proof that when you hit rock bottom, all you can do is look upward. When your life is shattered and it feels like nothing is going right, simply putting your head down, doing work, and pushing through it can bring you out of the darkness. I'm in a better place now, I'm not homeless and I've been working through my emotions. I'm still on the look for a permanent job but I have a source of income at the moment. I feel much better than I did 4 months ago. Not completely healed but on the right path. I can't say enough how much of model Sark has been for me this last year. I love my university so much, and when Texas is doing well, I feel like I can do well, too. Thanks so much Sark for making Texas football fun again. It matters more than just having something to watch on Saturdays. That's all I got to say.
    11 points
  37. I don't recall the players as cohesive as they are in regards to the last three coaches. Things changed immediately after year one with Sark, i.e. Bo Davis rant. Bo Davis going off like he did would have been a bad look on the head coach in years past. Sark is different and I believe he genuinely holds his "second chance" to heart. For everyone that doubts him, or hates him/dislikes him playcalling, well, look at the team perform. This team does not fold when faced with adversity. They just keep on. So....any parents that are contemplating sending their children to the University of Texas to play football and get an education, should watch this. This is our coach, folks.
    11 points
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