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  1. I imagine that graduate has a long history of her dad embarrassing her. There's no doubt that she literally has a lifetime of hearing him spew racist crap at home. At least she can look at graduation as a milestone in terms of getting away from him.
  2. Years from now, she'll be debating whether or not she wants him at her wedding. We've all seen this story before.
  3. yeah, I don't know shit about soccer (except that it was invented by European ladies so they would have something to do while their husbands made dinner), but, a buddy of mine had a daughter that got a soccer scholarship, and it was 100% because of the coach of her travel team (or whatever you call it). Her H.S. Coach didn't do dick to help her.
  4. Yeah, if I'm doing a big run I'll use it, but I tend to go daily and only need a hand basket. Butt paper and paper towels change that equation. I need a bidet.
  5. CC's former teammate is having the time of her life in Vegas with the best organization in the league.
  6. To each his own but Wilson's game is tight. More importantly, she's proven it on every level. Multi-time MVP and multi-time WNBA champion, gold medalist and NCAA champ And CC is very nice. Her skill level is not on another level. The one thing she does do that really hasnt been done before is shoot relatively consistently from distance but even that is matched by Ionescu. She doesn't dribble or pass better than Chelsea Gray, Sue Bird or even Ticha Pinechero. She is shooting 35.7% from the floor and 29% from 3 so I'm not even sure where the "super efficient" stuff comes from. She's 42nd in the league in 3P% but has taken the 3rd most 3s/gm in the league. This is what I mean about people who proudly dont watch the W coming and making statements about the W like they know what they are talking about. It's cool that CC is your introduction and who you are interested in but isn't new or better than MANY players current or past.
  7. Yeah but be honest. You and all the other Clark fans(I'm one too) thought the WNBA was a complete joke and she would just come in and dominate from day one. That's not happening and now you have to make a bunch of excuses about other girls being big jealous of her to cope with your take being wrong and that maybe the players that were already playing in that league were better than you thought.
  8. These are not the same, or really close. Wilson is a great player in the WNBA but it is not aesthetically pleasing to watch or any reason to follow. CC's game looks like an And 1 mixtape by comparison. There have been many "better" WNBA players now and in the past, but CC is on another level skill wise than any before her. That is why NBA fans are taking notice. Super efficient layups, jumpers and average athleticism are just not entertaining to watch.
  9. While there certainly was some embarrassment on her face, I saw more of "ah... not this shit again" expression followed by resignment. I am fairly certain my daughter would have beat the shit out of me right there on stage if I rushed the stage at her graduation.
  10. Because CC is like Steph Curry. Before Steph came along, nobody shot the three like he did with that volume and accuracy. He literally changed the way the NBA is played. people liked rooting for a little guy in a game of giants. At his peak he was hugely popular, and incredibly marketable to the general fanbase. He also did a good job of not being the typical NBA dumbfuck like Ja, Kyrie, etc... Just dont be dumb as fuck isnt a huge hurdle, but one that a lot of these dipshits can't clear. https://thesportsrush.com/nba-news-despite-his-157000000-followers-lebron-james-gets-eclipsed-by-stephen-curry-as-he-features-in-27-27-of-the-highest-rated-nba-games-over-past-8-years/ Same thing with CC. Nobody outside the pathetically small WNBA fan base gives a fuck about any of the other players you mentioned because it was always just more of the same style of boring ass layup/bounce-pass shitball. CC comes along doing things that had not been seen before. And like Curry, she takes care to craft her image in a way that is generally not controversial, so marketers were quick to jump on the hype train. To me anyway, she is unique. She is the only player (white, black, tall, short, hot, ugly) that ever made me voluntarily watch a womens basketball game in its entirety. I didnt give a fuck who won or lost, I just wanted to see if she would go for 50. If she fails to continue that magic in the WNBA, this whole stupid "controversy" will disappear and the league can go back to flying Spirit Airlines once the CC "boost" fades away.
  11. In her defense, sometimes those cart returns are 15-20 feet from your car. We're not all Navy Seals capable of such extreme distances.
  12. IMO I don't think Gasso cares about throwing her today because she rested her on Monday. She might try the same thing again that almost bit her. I don't think she wants to risk going down 0-1 to us and not throwing her best. Will be interesting.
  13. Well, you got the assault part correct. I don't think he was humiliated, he was rather composed given the insanity of the situation. One second, you think the Dad is rushing up there to hug the daughter or do a selfie or some other benign prank...next thing you know-you're being shoved around from a MAGA central casting member. Superintendent will bounce back with poise. The Dad is a piece of shit obviously. The whole graduation, especially for grandparents in attendance, is now forever tainted. I have no idea what the daughter's viewpoints are, but I feel bad for her. Because she's likely on to University in a few months time. And she'll simply be known as "Oh, you're that girl whose family attacks black men." It will hang over her for 4-5 years, and it's gonna suck real bad.
  14. Are people obsessed with her? I referenced Trinity because it seems like the writer and director just made a Jedi version of a Matrix-style Trinity fight. I was waiting for her to put one hand behind her back and make the Mae girl start punching in slow motion. Then a Jedi Neo flies in to remove the bullet, I mean knife, from her chest and start her heart back up. I consume all Star Wars content, but I’m not impressed through 2 episodes. Dialogue is lazy, half the actors seem like amateurs, some of the dialogue and context seems very contemporary and Millennial-driven while this was supposed to be set 100 years before Episode I. Did society fall into some kind of Dark Ages on Yoda’s watch where they socially and technologically regressed?
  15. I'd hate to see the woman that is for. Woof
  16. The hard truth is because not many people care about the WNBA (at least not yet), so they/we don't know who any of the people you mentioned are .. aside from Parker but for most of us that was from her days at Tennessee, not the WNBA. People care, as much as that's possible for women's basketball, about Caitlin Clark and they "know" the history between her and Reese from 2 years ago in the NCAA final. I think the WNBA wanted to turn that history between them into a Magic/Bird type rivalry, but Reese decided to become a bond villain instead.
  17. Pork rinds. My former MIL is type 2 and her doctor said that’s a pretty safe snack.
  18. I predict Stewie is going to continue her hot streak and bring pain to the OU balls!
  19. I learned this morning some of the APC buyouts for managers with 15+ years at the company were 7 figures. Jesus, that’s a lot of money to go away. My friend at MRO is taking the severance package. Her department would office in Bartlesville. That’s a pretty easy decision.
  20. She probably just noticed that her dad showed up to her graduation ceremony in an untucked golf shirt, a ball cap, and Oakleys.
  21. You just described Aja Wilson yet she doesn’t get the same attention nor does “everyone” want to root for her. Why not? Same can be said for Candace Parker when she was in the league. I’d also argue your example could apply to Breanna Stewart and Kelsey Plum, neither of which get the same treatment.
  22. The look of utter embarrassment on his daughter's face when it dawned on her what was happening.
  23. Getting social media updates from one of the daughters of our Norwegian friends/exchange family. She's a new member of the Norwegian navy, and she's in Normandy with her ship right now for the ceremonies. So, hey D-Day veterans, to honor you, we brought a ship full of drop-dead gorgeous Norwegians. A pretty nice gesture, I think.
  24. Man, I really had a thing for her back in the day.
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