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Tom "the turtle" Herman [Lame Duck or greatest 5d chess player ever?]


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1 hour ago, tjhooker said:

Don't care about anything really other than football, baseball, basketball. You know that's what matters. Just stop. 

I get it. Was just replying to people basically saying "Swimming is the only thing we have that doesn't suck!" which just isn't true. If I had gone to UT I would still be proud when the tennis or golf or women's soccer team wins something. Shit, I didn't go to UT and don't really care but it's still nice to hear. I went to a school where when we win a conference title in anything it's a big deal (except golf... maybe soccer). That's the reality at most schools. 

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28 minutes ago, LTtxfan said:


From the article:

Who’s got next? Herman had better run the table or go 5-1 down the stretch and go to a big bowl if he wants to save his job. If the meltdown continues and Texas limps home with a 5-5 season, boosters will come up with the minimum $35 million to pay his three-year buyout and his staff and the first year of a new staff. A prominent Longhorns power broker told me Tuesday he isn’t sure Herman is gone. “I think there is a wait-and-see attitude. The thing to watch is whether the team stays on the field after the next game. I think that is a good indicator as to whether he has lost the team or not.” ... The source does not think Texas has lost $25 million in donations and pledges because so many athletic contributions “are locked in,” but the threats to do so are real. ... The suggestions on a potential new coach start and pretty much end with Urban Meyer and 49ers coach/Horn ex Kyle Shanahan second in line. Firing Herman would send a horrible message as a university, which cries poverty at the same time the school has announced furloughs and layoffs. Then again, football is king.

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8 minutes ago, Hiphopopotamos said:

From the article:

Who’s got next? Herman had better run the table or go 5-1 down the stretch and go to a big bowl if he wants to save his job. If the meltdown continues and Texas limps home with a 5-5 season, boosters will come up with the minimum $35 million to pay his three-year buyout and his staff and the first year of a new staff. A prominent Longhorns power broker told me Tuesday he isn’t sure Herman is gone. “I think there is a wait-and-see attitude. The thing to watch is whether the team stays on the field after the next game. I think that is a good indicator as to whether he has lost the team or not.” ... The source does not think Texas has lost $25 million in donations and pledges because so many athletic contributions “are locked in,” but the threats to do so are real. ... The suggestions on a potential new coach start and pretty much end with Urban Meyer and 49ers coach/Horn ex Kyle Shanahan second in line. Firing Herman would send a horrible message as a university, which cries poverty at the same time the school has announced furloughs and layoffs. Then again, football is king.

Is it me or is Bohls a tool? 

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Re: Shanahan

Seems like most have said that they don't think he is interested in going to college - he spent one year as a grad asst at UCLA and then the last 16 years in the NFL including the last 4 as the 49ers head coach.

That said - this year isn't going so smoothly for the 49ers - and if you look as his record there in total he is 3 games under .500 - I wonder if a 5-11 or 6-10 type season would put him on shaky ground or cause just enough uncertainty that he might jump at a chance for big money with Texas.

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1 minute ago, Hiphopopotamos said:

Re: Shanahan

Seems like most have said that they don't think he is interested in going to college - he spent one year as a grad asst at UCLA and then the last 16 years in the NFL including the last 4 as the 49ers head coach.

That said - this year isn't going so smoothly for the 49ers - and if you look as his record there in total he is 3 games under .500 - I wonder if a 5-11 or 6-10 type season would put him on shaky ground or cause just enough uncertainty that he might jump at a chance for big money with Texas.

Depends upon whether he can recruit effectively.  

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Oh... wait and see!

What are waiting to see if he can win a championship?

Waiting to see if given 5 tries can he beat our biggest rival more than once?

Waiting to see if he can go 3 or 4 weeks without making a fool of himself?

Waiting to see if we miss on legacy recruits?

Waiting to see if He pisses off and alienates former players?

Oh no, I get it, we are really waiting to see what he can do with a bunch of rag tag 1stars and walk-on’s. 

Get your popcorn this is going to be a must see.

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11 hours ago, Liquor and Poker said:

That was a worthless read. The only thing that caught my attention is that the EOT is now our fight song. 

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17 minutes ago, Hiphopopotamos said:

Firing Herman would send a horrible message as a university, which cries poverty at the same time the school has announced furloughs and layoffs. Then again, football is king.

Texas football fans and Texas employees expect Herman to get fired. So, to whom is it sending a horrible message? Politicians and non-UT football fans? IDGAF

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5 minutes ago, BabaYaga said:

Depends upon whether he can recruit effectively.  

Given the absolute cluster fuck the portal is about to be with players getting a free transfer, I do not want a current NFL coach. We need someone that's proven he can recruit 18 year olds, not game plan in the NFL.

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16 minutes ago, B00M said:

Given the absolute cluster fuck the portal is about to be with players getting a free transfer, I do not want a current NFL coach. We need someone that's proven he can recruit 18 year olds, not game plan in the NFL.

That really depends on the individual, having NFL HC experience and connections could be leveraged.   While we are at it, Pete Carroll would be a good choice, I am not so sure about that Vince Lombardi guy.  

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11 hours ago, markstanco said:



Every single person in the know, coaches and media, knows herman sucks. There are no optics to be concerned with here.


You hit the nail on the head.  Texas is far too concerned about the “optics”.  That’s a big reason the kids don’t perform and the staff are pussies - optics, my ass.  Optics never won a game (unless it was a misdirection play, and those don’t seem to work either)

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33 minutes ago, ImissWallyPryor said:

That was a worthless read. The only thing that caught my attention is that the EOT is now our fight song. 

Yeah, but as I said, the important thing is that the article (especially the headline) exist in the first place and come up on my google news feed. So I am not the only person who saw it.  And it’s not facially from Texags or whornssuck.com or anything like that. So a relative lot of people see a headline like that from a seemingly unbiased source.  That’s not ideal for Tom. 

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8 hours ago, UT Lax said:

Unfortunately, I think it is a simple decision. CDC needs to get pledges from the BMDs to buyout the coaching staff and make a serious run at Urban Meyer to give him an offer he cannot refuse. If Meyer refuses or you don’t raise the $35mn needed, then you have to keep Tom Herman one more year knowing full well he will fail next year after losing his senior class.

After the 2021 season, you have a more clear budget picture, shaved $7-$10mn off the buyout, no longer have the poor optics of laying off and furloughing people to save $13mn, and allow for a full normal year for a coaching candidate to emerge (after first making another maybe more lucrative run at Meyer). Other than Urban Meyer or Kyle Shanahan (no fucking way he leaves the NFL), I just don’t see ANY obvious candidate that you would want to guarantee an additional $25-$35mn over 5 years. That being said, I desperately want UT to sign Urban Meyer NOW!

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Whoever replaces Mensa will get 25-35M over 5 minimum.   We aren’t getting Urban on a 5@5M more like a 5@10M if it happens

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44 minutes ago, B00M said:

Given the absolute cluster fuck the portal is about to be with players getting a free transfer, I do not want a current NFL coach. We need someone that's proven he can recruit 18 year olds, not game plan in the NFL.

"I've coached in the NFL, I can help you get there" is an effective tool for recruiting 18-year-olds who have their sights set on the NFL. 

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3 hours ago, closetojumping said:

Stories like those I posted aren’t being put out there to “move the needle”. It’s a fan board. I figure it’s something to pass time if you don’t take it too seriously until there’s actual news. 

Regarding what went wrong, my personal bias has always been, from the start with this guy, that he’s a narcissist, clinically. He has all the hallmarks of one from everything I’ve ever read, but I’m not a doctor (I know you are), so I know it’s harder to diagnose than just knowing the texts.

That said, I’ve dealt with a few that behave similarly and they caused as much or more damage in their spheres of power, relatively speaking. Narcissists stop learning once it hits them that the world really does revolve around them. They stop taking any responsibility for failings, and therefore stop actually developing to overcome blindspots or experience gaps that will only grow. Every bad thing they encounter can safely be attributed to someone else’s failings or inaction. Every good thing that happens is because it was preordained, given their brilliance and near omnipotence. 

If you look at Herman, over and over these things come to light. He blames others constantly for anything going wrong and is incredulous that they’d dare let it happen to him and his regime. He preens and lauds his own performance at the first hint of success. On and on. 

Narcissists stop learning at the onset of the disorder in puberty, and whatever actual talent and magic made them think they were special once upon a time, gets passed by the hard work and learnings of others as they and their peer set hit the late 30’s into the 40’s. It’s like the star athletes who get by, and dominate, on supreme talent until they hit the level in which that’s no longer enough and it’s too ingrained at that point for them to adjust.

I’d much prefer a sociopath. They learn and evolve. They’re just emotionally detached robots who can become dangerous and don’t know where to draw lines. Give me one with a motivating mechanism of power or achievement (vs gluttony, sloth, or something like bloodlust), and I can show you a football program winning championships. Urban Meyer trends that direction. Saban flat out is one. Some of us have good friends way inside his regime and they’ll never admit it, but their stories and his public behaviors show it in spades. Art Briles is exemplary of an unchecked sociopath in power insouciantly letting things spin wildly out of control, which is always your risk with that type. 

My first graduate adviser was a narcissistic, he had hero worship (Apollo astronauts) and he could be both extremely charismatic and horrible and you never knew which version you would get.  He was brilliant in his work, gave back to the university, believed in charity, and advised a student to go to seminary school instead of continuing his graduate studies when the student was torn between his life pursuit.    He got off the phone one day after apologizing to a colleague about failing to include him as a co-author- then told me "I would have fucking sued his ass if he did that to me."   He saw what he wanted to see,  he would pick a student to shit on and would be merciless in his criticism, and then move on to a new one.  He stated to me that he needed to 'break students down and then to rebuild them' and he always saw himself as the victim, as if everyone else was trying to get one over on him.   

At one conference we walked up to a group of people he knew, and they had that "oh shit, look at who is coming" and as he approached several broke off and simply walked away.   I also remember this pissed off look on his face when I called for a taxi to take another student and myself to the airport and a limo showed up.  He had this fucking shocked and hateful look in his eyes as he loaded into his rental car.     

But I suppose there are degrees of this disorder.   Now back to our regularly scheduled programming.



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3 minutes ago, Nivek said:

My first graduate adviser was a narcissistic, he had hero worship (Apollo astronauts) and he could be both extremely charismatic and horrible and you never knew which version you would get.  He was brilliant in his work, gave back to the university, believed in charity, and advised a student to go to seminary school instead of continuing his graduate studies when the student was torn between his life pursuit.    He got off the phone one day after apologizing to a colleague about failing to include him as a co-author- then told me "I would have fucking sued his ass if he did that to me."   He saw what he wanted to see,  he would pick a student to shit on and would be merciless in his criticism, and then move on to a new one.  He stated to me that he needed to 'break students down and then to rebuild them' and he always saw himself as the victim, as if everyone else was trying to get one over on him.   

At one conference we walked up to a group of people he knew, and they had that "oh shit, look at who is coming" and as he approached several broke off and simply walked away.   I also remember this pissed off look on his face when I called for a taxi to take another student and myself to the airport and a limo showed up.  He had this fucking shocked and hateful look in his eyes as he loaded into his rental car.     

But I suppose there are degrees of this disorder.   Now back to our regularly scheduled programming.



The more I've read and then related things back to my work and experiences, the more I've come to believe that we're all trending towards some sort of disorder. The human brain is still very poorly understood and very powerful, so who knows what's right. The stats I see thrown about regularly as though they're irrefutable from the psychology writers in articles, white papers, and even books are that something akin to 5-7% of the population has a true disorder - narcissism, sociopathy, genius, bipolar, histrionic.

Sociopaths are viewed as the most common, something like 2-4% of the population are the estimates I've seen. It's pretty scary but also not entirely unbelievable to consider that 1 out of every 25-50 people is literally walking around without a conscience. True versions of the rest are rare to super rare (genius). Sounds like your guy was on the narcissism spectrum, no doubt. 

I'll stop the non sequitur rambling. Back to the discussion about how Hermanta Claus is planning a new gift for each of us at the next PC or Baylor game. 

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