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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/13/2019 in Posts

  1. This is the kind of fucking shit that I hate about most football fans. I don’t care how much you don’t like someone, it’s not okay to conjure this kind of evil for the rest of us to witness in a public forum. Fuck you and your big dumb animal mindset.
    23 points
  2. Biannual performance review.
    15 points
  3. Oh sure, a cat does it and it's "cute and needs to go on Instagram". But when I do it I'm "a pervert and need to leave the premises immediately".
    15 points
  4. The only satisfying thing about Cersei’s death is that she had just proclaimed it Infrastructure Week the day before.
    9 points
  5. you guys can bitch and moan about bronn, jaime, and other characters that got royally fucked around the last couple seasons, but allow me to place my vote for tyrion. what the fucking fuck? he went from one of the great characters in modern dramatic television history to a mopey, whiny little shit who sucks at his job. let's recap his role for the night: whine to dany over something he screwed up. mention the bells. mention the bells. mention the bells again. try for the 9th time to convince someone to do something, usually a family member, and then have them not to do for the 9th time. mention the bells again. get someplace high so that you can see the battle. instead of mentioning the bells, stare longingly at the bells. then disappear for the length of the veep finale. there are a lot of ways to give this show a proper happy ending. there are a lot of ways to give this show a proper, twisty, mustache twirl evil ending. i feel like we're on a collision course with neither. see everyone in a week.
    9 points
  6. Almost all of these articles citing likely regression are looking at stats but they are doing so without context. Be sure to cite point differential but ignore Texas getting out to big leads and then doing a poor job of milking the clock in several games. Up 21 on Tulsa, win by 7. Up 19 on KSU, win by 5. Up 21 on OU, win by 3. Up 13 on Baylor (with backup QB), win by 6. Up 17 on Tech, win by 7. Up 17 on Kansas, win by 7. Up 21 on Georgia, win by 7. In all of those games, the score was closer than the play on the field. It's not like Texas was getting lucky bounces at the end of the games to win these. They dominated. Hopefully, a more experienced and explosive offense will turn more of those games into blowouts. Based on what we have coming back, I think that is more likely than Texas losing these types of games. Again, Texas is losing 8 of its most productive defenders. Look how this production is calculated and where he draws his conclusions from: The two biggest drivers are tackles and passes defensed by DBs. This just in: defenses in the Big 12 play 5-6 DB's on almost every snap, make a lot of tackles and defend a lot of passes. Davis, Boyd and Locke logged a ton of snaps and they are gone so of course that number is going to be high as an overall percentage of the defense. Also both Sterns and Jones missed some time with injuries. This guy has a ton of SEC teams (hooray playing base defense with four DB's!) at the top of his list for next year. For comparison, 4 out of LSU's top 10 tacklers and (and 2 out of the top 8 ) were DB's, accounting for 148 total tackles (25%). For Texas 6 out of 10 (and 5 out of the top 8 ) of their leading tacklers were DB's and accounted for 351 tackles which is 57% of their total tackles. Apple meet orange. LSU loses its stud linebacker and leading tackler but it is less impactful that Kris (I never met a pump fake I didn't fall for) Boyd and PJ Locke. Okay, sure. It's going to be astounding in 2020 how much production we return when Brandon Jones is the only member of the secondary to move on. We will be S&P monsters. And sure, the new guys may not be as productive as Boyd, Davis and Locke, but I promise you they are going to log a shitload of tackles because of scheme and competition. Again, there is no context for this: just look at raw data and pull this out of your ass. Ignore how many times any of these guys are targeted as a function of the style of play. Forget how many missed tackles they had. Forget any sort of value over replacement player. Forget injuries. Completely ignore the quality of the future replacements. I may be wrong and our defensive backfield could be a shitshow next year, but I'm putting all of this into the Will Muschamp "Statistics are for losers" category.
    8 points
  7. I'm with closetojumping on this one. Chip's mom died of cancer. I think we can leave her out of the vile we spew at Chip.
    8 points
  8. Her mother died giving birth to her. Her father was murdered, stabbed in the back by his sworm protector, Jamie Lannister Her eldest brother Rhaegar was killed by Robert Baratheon. Rhaegar's wife and children were murdered by the Lannisters during the sack of King's Landing. The Lannisters forced her and her brother to flee across the Narrow sea to Pentos. She was sold to a foreign horse worshipper who basically rapes her on her wedding night. Her baby was stillborn. Her husband died The Lannisters try to kill her again Cersei promises to send troops to help with Night Walkers, doesn't. Cersei/Euron kill one of her dragons with Scorpion arrows. Cersei cuts the head off her best friend Meisandre. Yeah....just flipped the switch there.
    8 points
  9. Arya kills Dany but doesn’t want to be queen. So she trains Hot Pie to become a faceless man and Hot Pie puts on Dany’s face. Everyone thinks it’s Dany so Hot Pie and John rule the kingdom. The last scene is Jon and Dany going at it, super graphic, and then the spell wears off and it’s Hot Pie.
    8 points
  10. This falls under the category of mind your own business, but those making it a racial issue need to cool their jets.
    8 points
  11. Has she ever done any crab work before? I might be interested in commissioning something.
    7 points
  12. I suspect last night's episode was the one that had the most GRRM input. It just felt more like old school GoT: that feeling of impending doom, the grim reality of war, even the "let's not give the audience the satisfaction of a Cersei kill" felt like a classic GoT rug pull. I suspect GRRM told gave the writers a few plot points of how he envisioned this whole journey ending, and left it up to them to get us there. I think the issue is that the show failed to successfully get us there. Yes, Dany going mad is a logical conclusion. No, I did not quite understand why she felt the need to torch an entire city in the process. Yes, a dragon overpowering an army is a logical conclusion. No, I don't understand why the scorpions were framed as a dragon-neutralizer one episode and then a non-factor the next. Yes, Cersei and Jaime going down in each other's arms while their city crumbles around them is a logical conclusion. No, I did not quite buy the entirety of Jaime's story arc (ESPECIALLY the Brienne romance). Yes, Varys finally getting comeuppance for being a shady ass gossip queen is a logical conclusion. No, I don't feel like they upped the stakes enough to make it feel like THIS breech of trust was worse than any of his other ones. Honestly, and kind of strangely, I feel like Grey Worm was one character whose motivations were pretty fleshed out, and I think that's the reason why he's not really mentioned in the complaints. Because we understand why he went fucking nuts. It makes sense. It was easily my favorite episode of the season and I thought it had a lot of classic Game of Thrones elements that it executed well, and in another universe, with slightly different preceding events, this exact same episode could have been a fantastic penultimate chapter to an all-time great show. Now, though, it just doesn't quite feel like we earned it.
    7 points
  13. You're a frontrunner. That's why you 'support' that team.
    7 points
  14. I watched every episode. When the bells rang and Dany was staring menacingly at the Red Keep, it made complete sense for her to fly over their and burn Cersei into a crisp. There is zero character anecdotal evidence that justifies her calculatingly, row by row, street by street, making sure not to miss a single area of King's Landing, murder innocent women and children. I don't have a problem with the actual result of Dany turning into The Mad Queen. How we got there is the biggest issue.
    7 points
  15. Me and r/freefolk are on the same page.
    6 points
  16. I don't want to have to fuck with my TV settings again.
    6 points
  17. Well, if it's only once a year, then asking for a blow job from your mom doesn't seem too creepy.
    6 points
  18. Will you fuck off with that. Go back to cloak room.
    6 points
  19. He gets in fist fights with his family just like you!
    6 points
  20. Surly - This season has totally sucked. Such horrible writing on a character driven show. [Fire and explosions and shit.] Surly -
    6 points
  21. Warren should start calling him brokeahontas.
    5 points
  22. 5 points
  23. A night attack on the fleet after it leaves Dragonstone would have been visually sensational and actually make sense. Dany's rage is not hard for me to swallow. Besieged cities that do not capitulate have often been looted and put to the sword as punishment. The people who swarmed into the Red Keep arguably had a choice about what to do. They could have fled the city. Dany learns that Westeros is not a shining prize. It's a festering pustule of betrayal and ambition. She saves Westeros from the dead and she gets none of the love she got for freeing the slaves in the East. Gentle Messeindre articulates this when she says dracarys. This place isn't worth saving. Dany had it better and was better loved in the East which is near to Vallerya. I wonder if she will return there and leave someone else to rule in Westeros. Who knows?
    5 points
  24. Let's see.....in the event of war with Iran and instability in the Gulf.... Can Russia make $$$ selling weapons to Iran and other players? Yep. Will the price of oil -- the commodity that makes or breaks Russia's economy -- skyrocket? Yep. Will it improve the chances of a manipulable moron who stokes the fires of nationalism so as to weaken America's historic alliances remaining in power (cuz the people wave the flag and rally 'round a wartime president)? Yep. Does it diminish the trustworthiness of the US as a diplomatic and treaty party? Yep (go from signing a treaty to a shooting war in a few years -- would YOU sign a treaty with the US these days?) A US-Iran shooting war is a win-win-win-win for Russia, the way I see it. There may be more there....but I bet it still falls in the "win" column for Russia.
    5 points
  25. I've think you've tacked on to something that wasn't her point. Yes, she used banks as an example because of Chase's tweet, but her point wasn't that banks in evaluating extending credit shouldn't consider financial resources. Rather her point was that the common social view that only the irresponsible are poor/struggle with finances is misguided. Her point was that we need to make sure the wealth of the nation actually benefits the whole the nation. She didn't end the tweet saying "banks should loan to everyone no matter what," she ended it by demanding more just wages. Your (in my opinion irrational) dislike of her has blinded you to what she is actually saying.
    5 points
  26. A lot of people that have bitched and moaned for two seasons about gratuitous fan service by the writers are the same people bitching about how Cersei didn't die violently enough.
    5 points
  27. The easiest layup in the history of television was having literally ANYONE kill Cersei. And they blew it. On purpose.
    5 points
  28. I kinda feel bad for all the goth moms who named their daughters khaleesi or Daenerys over the last 7 years .
    5 points
  29. Revelations 6:8 And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him.
    5 points
  30. 5 points
  31. If that person had cancer but didn't admit to having cancer, won't get treatment for cancer and swore up and down that it's really his wife that has cancer and it was Tom Herman who gave him his nonexistent cancer, then yes.
    5 points
  32. But they did bend the knee. That's what the bell ringing was. And the issue is not that there is just a logical distinction between enemy soldiers and women/children civilians. It's that Dany has always shown that women/children civilians are important to her, until now. And she showed no regard for even her own troops, many of whom were undoubtedly roasted along with everyone else. She nearly killed Arya. That is also not in keeping with her history. In fact, her motivation for blowing up the plan in the battle against the NK was that she couldn't bear to see her soldiers slaughtered while she stood idly by. Now she's frying them up herself.
    4 points
  33. First off, most of that had already happened before She got anywhere near Westeros and she didn’t act like this in Essos. She didn’t burn down all of Myreen. Dany has always been ruthless to those she believes deserve it, but cares about the innocent. Last night, that all went out the window with little, if any, real character development to lead her to that point. Killing the surrendered Lannister soldiers and then flying up the Red Keep and killing Cersei would’ve been within her character and accomplished verything they needed to set up Jon turning on her. If anything, it would’ve been way better becuase Jon, Tyrion, and others still might’ve had some internal conflict about the decision to overthrow her. Now it’s just obvious and unquestionable decision with no suspense leading up to it.
    4 points
  34. Well summarized by Sepinwall: It’s that Benioff and Weiss have been a lot less diligent at getting the characters — and the Mother of Dragons in particular — to the planned endpoint. They’ve told us where this is going, but they haven’t really shown the work necessary to bring her from “erratic but ultimately well-meaning” to “will roast thousands of innocent civilians alive just because she feels like it.” A version where she ignored the bells and flew Drogon straight through Cersei’s balcony would have felt of a piece with where the story had taken us to this point. What she did instead required at least another half of a regular-length GoT season to feel earned. But the showrunners needed their queen to get mad in a hurry, and so she did. https://www.rollingstone.com/tv/tv-reviews/game-of-thrones-review-bells-sepinwall-834528/
    4 points
  35. Yeah, they should have used the stones that Jon was able to duck behind constantly when the undead dragon was breathing fire at him. They were indestructible.
    4 points
  36. no. either someone kills her, or she wins. those are the two suitable outcomes. two of the biggest characters on an eight season tv show don’t get to die like extras. not ok.
    4 points
  37. Well, sometimes life just sux (like OU level). Lost my Pop last night. Greatest man I ever knew. Died in his guitar room preparing a lesson for Sunday School this morning. 5th heart attack, we knew that would probably be the way he was going to go. No long illness, no hospitalization. FUCK, he had a beautiful life and a beautiful death. Just got finished with a jamm session. If I live the rest of my life using him as an example, I will have lived a very good life. No complaints. CHIEF
    4 points
  38. I don't think this episode is why those little girls will all end up on stripper poles.
    4 points
  39. whoever said the ballista were gonna go from shooting an impossible target at an insane distance last episode, to becoming stormtroopers in this episode, nailed it. they went from extremely effective to utterly useless. this whole last season is so surreal.
    4 points
  40. 4 points
  41. Because you're an attention whore?
    4 points
  42. Now let’s imagine a world where China decides to dump several hundreds of millions of dollars into a campaign to elect a democrat. And that Democrat openly screams for Beijing’s support. And uses information illegally obtained by Chinese spies to help win the electoral college by 70k votes. When that happens, I’m sure the fucking moron trump sycophants on here will rush to say, no big deal.
    4 points
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