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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/15/20 in Posts

  1. Just lay back and enjoy it, Claytie.
    15 points
  2. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    10 points
  3. Fusca seems to be recovering well. It is really hard to keep her from not running or jumping. But her incision is healing well and she is putting weight on her leg. Her best friend Gabi is looking out for her.
    9 points
  4. New Orleans is awesome.
    7 points
  5. Walking into the voting booth in November, tears streaming down my face, so grateful that I can vote to put a REAL billionaire in the White House.
    7 points
  6. Over-laid seems like the way to go.
    7 points
  7. Causes of death in London, 1632. It's hard to pick a favorite. I'm sure that some of you perverts will say "fistula," but I'm leaning toward "apoplex, and meagrom," "Rising of the lights" or "Jawfaln."
    6 points
  8. I always take my political advice from people who haven't been registered to vote for almost 40 years.
    6 points
  9. 6 points
  10. Duplantier on to pitch F-8 K with kind of a half hearted swing P5 foul Horns win 4-0
    5 points
  11. He actively recruits for his program and runs his fucking mouth constantly to recruits about other programs. A shit ton of what he and his regime pass on is bullshit and outright falsehoods. He also lies when speaking on the radio locally and when he makes other more regional appearances. Propaganda is evil. Dealing in it for monetary gain is even worse. You can equivocate and say that everybody does it and blah blah blah or that it’s just harming some idiots. In fact, no, not everybody does it and lying is lying. The guy is a sycophant and the college sports version of Joseph Goebbels. He’s the exact kind of guy that would thrive in something like the nazi or pravda machines. Too far for the sake of this discussion? Maybe. But that’s the thing, the most normal, cowardly neighbors experienced some of the most meteoric rises in those environments.
    5 points
  12. Look I know my undergrad from osu isn’t a bachelors from Harvard, Northwestern or Texas (which I was accepted to but didn’t attend for other reasons)...I learned how to adult there, earned a valuable piece of paper, and made lifelong friends. For those reasons I’ll always be a Cowboy. I made up for my underwhelming bachelors with a masters degree from Northwestern. That ‘joke’ school set the foundation for me not just educationally and adulting, enough to later advance my career to a more elite one. Both you and I are fans of decided second-level universities but I bet we love them for similar reasons. So bitch about the refs all you want, be disappointed in the athletic performance of your school all you want...lord knows I’ve been there many times, hell whine about some tradition you feel was stolen decades before you were born...but calling the school that launched me into adulthood a ‘joke’ because of officiating in a game of basketball tells me a whole lot more about you, and ‘your’ college, than it does about those of us who don’t resort to petty insults on an anonymous message board.
    5 points
  13. Time is over for explanations. Nothing good will come from further discussion. Nobody outside the Astros camp wants reconciliation. It's a fool's errand at this point to make an attempt at showing contrition. STFU and let the opponents worry about it. Play fucking ball and let your game speak for itself.
    5 points
  14. Carlos should head up the Astros PR department. He’s fixed his image in one day.
    5 points
  15. Somewhere Molly Ivins is spitting in his drink.
    5 points
  16. Holy shit, he was still alive?
    5 points
  17. Ralph Waldo Emerson is an example of somebody who's done an amazing job and is being recognized more and more.
    5 points
  18. "His policies would never pass in Congress" They absolutely could. Will it be easy? No. But nothing worthwhile ever is. We are going to have to replace many members of Congress over time. We are going to have to push many existing members of Congress to our side. With that done, the initiatives pass. Is it possible to push people out? Yes, with concerted and unified effort. Is it possible to push people to change their votes? Yes. Again, it's not easy, but it's possible. And what we choosing to do is hope for a future in which our collective efforts lead to positive change. We do not want to wait on the sideline and vainly hope that one inspirational individual can do all the work for us while we watch prestige TV and eat brunch. We believe we can make a positive impact on the world, because we know we can make a positive impact. Pundit-headed cynicism is often just an excuse we use to feel better about our laziness and lack of engagement. Look at it another way: How did we get here? - How do we have so little gun regulation when a majority of Americans want stronger gun laws? - How do we have so underfunded a school system when a majority of Americans want better schools? - How do we have so much medical debt when a majority of Americans (an OVERWHELMING majority) want affordable universal healthcare? - How do we have such low wages when we KNOW we deserve more? It is because of concerted and unified political efforts of bad actors. If a Congressperson proposes gun legislation, what happens? They are flooded with calls from old white people. They are hounded by them. These people organize in churches and set up call lists. We need to counter these influences with progressive voices. And we can win. We WILL win. "way too expensive" Compared to what? - How much does a dying planet cost? - How much do tens of thousands of dead Americans for lack of healthcare cost? - How much do lost generations of children cost when they aren't educated and end up in prison? - How much do destroyed families cost when we lock up their fathers and don't provide everything they need to live and thrive? We spend trillions on toys of war. "Too expensive" doesn't exist in America when it comes to anything but helping the people, and we reject this right-wing framing of how we should live and work together. "He’s not a true Democrat." Explain what a "true Democrat" is and why we should even care. "His health is in bad shape." He's going to be in the White House with a team of elite doctors on call, not competing in American Ninja Warrior. He is as mentally sharp as ever so I don't care if he's bedridden. I'd rather a president have a sharp brain in a dying body than a dim brain in a thriving one. He just did 3 huge rallies in 3 states in 1 day and looked fantastic (for an ancient husk of a man). Sharp and funny until the end. Also, he's going to die soon after leaving office so we don't have to deal with a bunch of speculation and bullshit about how the former president feels or thinks about future progressive ideas. "And he’ll probably lose in a landslide by the time Trump gets everyone scared to death that he’ll ruin the country because he’s a socialist." Bernie has whipped Trump's ass in head-to-heads for 4 years now. Only Bernie pulls massive crowds that can compete with Trump. Only Bernie inspires loyalty and dedication that can compete with Trump. Only Bernie can reach independents that we need to keep away from Trump. If you want to win, Bernie is the choice.
    5 points
  19. I don’t think I’ve ever heard this fucker say “that’s on me.”
    4 points
  20. He got high as hell, but I don't disagree with that. However, Gordon should have won just for this though,
    4 points
  21. I guess the recent boners for Bloomberg in here negates the claim that the CR is a leftist echo chamber. I think it also highlights the class divide the Bros keep bringing up. The whole thing feels gimmicky to me, let's nominate an actual NYC billionaire to shit talk Trump about who really is a successful businessman. It just seems like more Reality TV programming. I also find the general acceptance of his apology regarding "stop and frisk" comical. "Well, he said he was sorry, that's good enough for me." Fuck that shit, you don't get to abuse civil liberties when you are in power only to regret that abuse when you are asking for more power.
    4 points
  22. I rewatched Chernobyl recently. The lead physicist was looking back on the the tragedy and talking into his recorder. He was bemoaning how the truth of what happened was suppressed by Soviet leadership. He said something to the effect of "If you lie to people often enough, and long enough, they will no longer know how to see the truth when it is presented to them." It struck me that's why the Republican Part has snuggled up to the Russians. They've embraced Soviet style propaganda, and are lying to people so often the truth is beyond their grasp. All for power.
    4 points
  23. Not bad, but not the best HEB option in the store
    4 points
  24. It's definitely easier to eat without the cone. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    4 points
  25. So my father-in-law was at the Houston Bloomberg event. My kids Facetimed w/ him the other night and he's wearing a goddamn Bloomberg 2020 t-shirt. Ideologically, he's for Bernie or Warren but he is afraid of Republicans labeling Bernie a socialist and doubts his electability. He also likes Bloomberg's story, which resonates with his own – Jewish kid who grew up and realized the American Dream as a business owner. (Net worths are quite different, however.) I asked him if he supported George W. Bush or the Iraq War. He said no, of course not. I asked him why he supports a candidate who endorsed both. He has no answers for Bloomberg's misogyny, sexual harassment, racist policies, racist comments, or Bloomberg's political interference/bribery; he's just hellbent on Anyone But Trump and thinks Bloomberg represents the best chance at that. This is a guy who voted Trump in the Texas primary because he thought Trump would get smoked in the general, so ya know, stellar political instincts. I told him I wasn't speaking to him if he votes Bloomberg on Super Tuesday, only half-joking.
    4 points
  26. Brisket tacos, Cholula, black coffee.
    4 points
  27. Why is the guy that wants to give everybody healthcare and tax the rich so popular!?
    4 points
  28. 4 points
  29. Where is Sterling Marlin when you need him?
    4 points
  30. Ascots are gay Peter sucked cock Your coverage is shit Hope Wescott gets shot fin
    4 points
  31. What the actual fuck. I'm locking this worthless fucking thread for a week.
    4 points
  32. Just popping in to say that my wife scheduled our Spring Break trip with the kids the week after they actually have Spring Break. I take full responsibility for trusting her crazy ass and not looking the dates up myself, but it's all about the nonrefundable hotel reservations.
    4 points
  33. I don’t understand the love for Bernie. His policies would never pass in Congress outside of also being way too expensive. He’s not a true Democrat. His health is in bad shape. And he’ll probably lose in a landslide by the time Trump gets everyone scared to death that he’ll ruin the country because he’s a socialist. But, if Democrats feel like it’s “Bernie’s turn” can we just get this over with?
    3 points
  34. Nothing to see here, just another piece of shit cop getting away with assault and battery.
    3 points
  35. Do you have insurance? Yeah, but it was through a friend.
    3 points
  36. The first Press conference with Sean Spicer was a very clear indication that things were going to be bat shit crazy for the foreseeable future. The actual inauguration was pretty weird but once Spicer came out talking shit about crowd size any hope of things normalizing went out the window.
    3 points
  37. To be fair, they put a lot of emphasis on how the player will perform in the NFL, so I think it's a good rating. Sure, Mahomes barely made the league, but what else has he done?
    3 points
  38. A person who pays for a seat has the right to use every feature of that purchase including air vent, TV monitor, bathroom, overhead bin, and seat recline. Every person who buys a ticket is well aware of the features of an airplane seat. End of story. If you chose to not recline then that's just a courtesy. If you act like a toddler and throw a tantrum because someone does: then don't fly.
    3 points
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