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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/31/2020 in Posts

  1. Just got my results back. IgG positive. Meaning I had it. Wife was negative too. So that means I likely had it after being with NYC people 4 straight weekends starting in early Feb. She was in Europe 3 weeks in MidFeb to early March. It also means the theory you don't shed much virus if you're asymptomatic seems true. I see a metric shitton of old people and they would have been dropping like flies in our facilities.
    32 points
  2. Winner: Shaka Smart Losers: Us
    24 points
  3. I'm actually not a trained expert in epidemiology, therefore I have kept my mouth shut about policy for the most part and leave that to those who are. Radical concept for you to digest, apparently.
    20 points
  4. I mean, I guess it’s good that some of his historical asslickers are finally seeing the light but I still think he’s a myopic selfish piece of crap. Kids have been dying in cages for years. Our most vulnerable citizens have been targets of hate attacks and run over by neo-nazis. Opposition politicians have been under credible threat of attack and murder. Women’s rights have been eroded. Our natural resources have been slowly raped. The fact that it took folks in Mike’s corner of the world to finally feel the hurt to open his eyes speaks more to his callous ignorance of the death and destruction and erosion of our society up until now. It shouldn’t take Benny down the street dying on a vent to wake you up, Mike. Good for you that your wealth and privilege have allowed you to plug your eyes and ears to the shit some of us have been screaming about since 2017. Welcome to The Resistance, I guess. But consider yourself a probationary member assigned to latrine duty for the foreseeable future. And if you cast a single vote for ANY republican, you can GTFO.
    13 points
  5. Oh for sure, I'm walking around like I won the damn lotto. "Suck my dick, I have COVID antibodies."
    12 points
  6. 12 points
  7. Ohio has a higher death rate measured against their population than Texas (double Texas), as well as a higher infection rate. That's true with Texas reporting numbers through this morning and Ohio's haven't come in yet. It is a bizarre infatuation some of you guys have with constantly running down this state on this thread.
    12 points
  8. I’m seeing some pretty scar numbers of deaths from Coronavirus in Mexico. I’ll post later, but it seems like one side effect they are seeing down there is that a lot of the infected are from rival cartels and their heads are falling off
    11 points
  9. It took people dying in your neighborhood to speak up against Donald Trump? This is on you too Mike, as well as every person who supported him. Donald Trump is handling covid-19 exactly like you'd expect if you've been paying attention. Christ, he bragged about his own skyscraper's height soon after the towers fell on 9-11-01. That's who he is and you knew it.
    10 points
  10. Oh, and a real gem was buried in today's order from the Governor. He has a LIMITED power to suspend some regulatory statues and regulations (that is, regulatory statutes, like licensing of nurses, that sort of thing). So what did he do? He purportedly suspended Government Code Section 418.108. What does THAT statute do? Well, it sure as hell ain't a regulatory statute. It's the statute that grants counties and cities the authority to 1) declare local disasters and 2) restrict movement etc. (so, the basis of all of the recent "shelter in place" orders). The governor has -- PURPORTEDLY -- in one fell swoop, voided every single local government "shelter at home" order. He didn't. He can't. It is not within his power. This is a foolish power grab to LESSEN our protections, not strengthen them. His order is merely advisory when it comes to people - hey, minimize your gatherings and stuff. But going to church is totally cool, for sure. From a public health perspective, this order is dangerous as hell.
    9 points
  11. This is why there isn't going to be a college football season.
    9 points
  12. The losers are the businesses that responsibly maintained healthy balance sheets with enough cash on hand to survive a revenue interruption, as they'll be spending their own money over the next 2-3 months. The winners are the businesses that irresponsibly pushed every ounce of liquidity out to their investors and executives. They'll be spending taxpayer money over the next 2-3 months.
    9 points
  13. I went and found the full quote. This might seem novel to you, but I don’t blindly accept things people say as fact just because I agree with their ideology: “On re-evaluation by the National Institute of Health, only 12 per cent of death certificates have shown a direct causality from coronavirus, while 88 per cent of patients who have died have at least one pre-morbidity - many had two or three,” he says. This does not mean that Covid-19 did not contribute to a patient's death, rather it demonstrates that Italy's fatality toll has surged as a large proportion of patients have underlying health conditions. There’s no new information in that quote. We know it fucks up people with health problems. This stat might actually make it scarier, because it means there were roughly 1500 people (so far) in Italy that were basically totally fine until they caught this virus and it killed them. And I know things like research and evidence don’t matter to you, but it’s one guy in Italy saying this. I still can’t find his source. He may be correct, but still I’ve seen no evidence corroborating him.
    8 points
  14. No, it's not very interesting. It's pretty much the opposite of very interesting. It's political bullshit from a professional political bullshitter.
    8 points
  15. Uh can we stop quoting Candace Owens in here? She’s a political media personality, not an expert
    8 points
  16. I typically don't do that when I go to the grocery store, but hey, each to their own, right?
    8 points
  17. 8 points
  18. Umm wait, you don't expect any more maturity and decorum from the president of the united states than a typical message board full of assholes. "Some guy on surly was an asshole, so Trump can be as big an asshole as he wants to be and he can't be called to account for it." Do you realize how moronic that sounds? With respect, that may be the dumbest thing I have ever read on this board. Jesus Christ.
    8 points
  19. https://www.foxnews.com/world/russian-doctor-putin-coronavirus So Russia “only” has two thousand cases or so, but they are building new hospitals just for covid, and Putin happened to shake hands with somebody who has it.
    8 points
  20. Best source of graphs, per capita at state/regional level, as percent of population (super helpful way to look at the data, frankly) : https://twitter.com/isfBob Case density as percent of population, worldwide: Mid-West : South: Northeast: West:
    8 points
  21. I know plenty of surgeons. I wouldn't put them in charge of anything other than surgery. And let's be clear: He's head of HUD because he's black. Trump just assumes all black people understand public housing. The fact that Carson either doesn't get this or is okay with that basic math is insane.
    8 points
  22. 8 points
  23. We haven’t been out in a few weeks but we struggle with the thought that “Dylan” the delivery dude who makes $10 an hour and plays video games with his buds when he gets home while taking a few hits on the community bong, and who coughs all over the groceries, is practicing appropriate hand washing and other healthy practices. So instead, we know that if we stay as far away as possible from other people while picking up groceries, we might actually have a lower probability of catching something.
    7 points
  24. Risked life and lung for these today...
    7 points
  25. My boy is laughing right now because he knows he wins again.
    7 points
  26. Guam !!?? Guam !!? Man if that place gets to the tipping over point we're in deeeeep shit.
    7 points
  27. The barrel costs more than the oil. The oil is just the cheapest thing to put in the barrel to keep anybody from stealing your valuable barrel.
    7 points
  28. I'm in complete agreement with this not being the flu. I'm in complete agreement with our efforts to not overwhelm the hospital system. But they shouldn't even try to report fatality rates unless they want to give it an honest try and not just say "the numbers are the numbers." This flu season, there have been 242,000 positive flu tests. Yet the CDC estimates their have been 39,000,000 flu illnesses and 24,000 deaths. The flu fatality rate is based off of the estimated cases. https://www.cdc.gov/flu/weekly/index.htm That is a complete apples to oranges way of calculating the fatality rate for CV-19. Imagine if the fatality rate for the flu was based off of only positive tests the way CV-19 is? The number would be scary high.
    7 points
  29. I think you accidentally typed a "u" instead of "g"
    7 points
  30. And then she called the cops on the family of 7 that showed up down the street?
    7 points
  31. Props to these people. God bless em. At their wages they could probably sit at home and make the same money but they come every day and work their ass off. My favorite people in most of the places I work. I’m serious.
    7 points
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