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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/02/22 in Posts

  1. How I want to be when I read this... How I really am...
    42 points
  2. You guys are missing the most important thing. You can get anywhere in the house by only turning left....architectural marvel.
    27 points
  3. Are we sure that's not just a Bass Pro Shop?
    26 points
  4. Just looking at the picture and I would assume it's an Iowa State tailgate.
    24 points
  5. Jesus Christ, if that's all it took I personally would have invaded Ukraine 10 years ago if it meant I didn't have use any Oracle products again.
    22 points
  6. Let’s play a game. Everyone text their girlfriend/wife or both this same message and post response
    22 points
  7. Only if you're an idiot.
    22 points
  8. you had two french college aged girls, and two nordic college aged girls in your living room getting drunk and you expect us to simply accept the hand wave that is "but could hear their conversation" as if you don't have 400,000,000 times the written word record of herodotus providing comprehensive insight into every cavern of your being on this site?
    20 points
  9. Have you read any of Randolph Duke's or Lobo's posts?
    20 points
  10. This is how scared Putin, and his cronies are. Chickenshit
    19 points
  11. Yo @immamac, you think we could get some sort of badge like texags has for all the nerc certified guys? We desperately need some way of separating out the posers.
    19 points
  12. Serious smack talk here. I'm not a war expert, but are both sides usually on the same channel like that? Seems weird. <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">alleged Ukrainian and Russian radio exchanges during combat <a href="https://t.co/47sSCx5L9z">pic.twitter.com/47sSCx5L9z</a></p>&mdash; Mithaldu 🌻🐾🥥🏝️ (@mithaldu) <a href="https://twitter.com/mithaldu/status/1498972663548682244?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">March 2, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
    18 points
  13. In other news, aggy is inviting the KKK and Proud Boys to their anti-racism conference to be held at the Sully statue in May.
    16 points
  14. “I didn’t watch but will give my opinion based on what Fox News told me to say.”
    16 points
  15. Dear Mr. Putin, Attached is a letter we received on March 2, 2022. We feel that you should be aware that some asshole is signing your name to stupid letters. Sincerely, Finland and Sweden
    15 points
  16. True dat, i believe he is using the alias Vlady Freshwater
    15 points
  17. TLDR; dude I know ran over a bird CSB So a couple of weeks ago a guy I know and his friend in were exiting McCullough off 281 to go back home in Alamo Heights. If you’re not from the area, this is the exit to ICU that cuts behind the zoo and sunken gardens. It was around 2am and although they are professionals pushing their mid 40s they were stoned to hell. All of the sudden a turkey buzzard takes off from the side of the road and Guys reaction time was so slowed, well, he hit that bird bullseye center of his windshield- splat. The wing span practically covered the entire view and they pulled over and got out to see if they could get it off. They are using their phone flashlights to inspect the damage while still smoking a j. There is a very Bill and Ted flavor to their problem acquisition then, Guys friend says “hey man… that’s not a buzzard… that looks like a hawk or something.” Sure enough, when they look at the talons it’s definitely a really large raptor. Then Guy sees a copper tag on the birds leg that reads “ ‘Henry’, Highly Endangered Species, Property of SA Zoo”. They look at each other and finally Guy says “Shiiiit… shouldn’t we call 311 or something?” to which his friend replies “Nah, better not. I didn’t tell you but I’ve got a lot of drugs with me right now” So, they decided not to touch Henry and drive back slowly to Guys house 5min away. He had to drive really slowly and peer through the tiny spaces around the dead bird. As he driving his view of the road also has Henrys talon with the tag in direct view. The tag blows and flips over to inform them of all of the Federal penalties they are subject to and coincidentally identifies the penalties for exactly what they were doing which boiled down to something like 10yrs in Federal Prison. They get home and park in the garage. Next day Guy calls the zoo to inform them what happened (sort of) and everything turned out Ok. Henry had escaped his enclosure a couple days before and was staying close to the access road feeding on carrion. The zoo had tried to get him but because there was other food available they were having trouble and had some Ace Ventura bird whisperer on the way from the West Coast to help get him. The bubbly girl on the phone’s voice cracked as she mentioned that she guessed they didn’t need his services anymore. Guy went out to the garage and drank a glass of Bourbon with Henry then peeled him off his car and arranged him in an Amazon box with tissue paper “real nice” (after keeping some feathers because, “shit man, where else you gonna find those?”)
    15 points
  18. Russia is defaulting on 29 billion worth of bonds today. This is something that investors will remember for decades regardless of what happens. The premiums Russia will pay for credit will be painful.
    14 points
  19. It’s tax season
    14 points
  20. From a Russian friend here in Austin: “Thank you! Your support is much appreciated. I feel like a hostage of somebody else's terrible decision right now. And so does everyone I know back in Russia - nobody supports or understands this madness, we all have someone we care about in Ukraine, and this situation is absolutely devastating. I just hope it will end soon. Thanks again for reaching out, it means a lot!”
    13 points
  21. Sometimes war sucks bad for the grunt. My dad took these photos 79 years ago....
    13 points
  22. The amateur traveler believes that Americans are the ugliest abroad, the semi-pro thinks it’s Russians or Chinese, and the pro knows it’s the English at any destination the working class can afford a ticket to.
    13 points
  23. Anyone need their own tank? Shipping might be a bitch.
    12 points
  24. Probably a photoshop but I want to believe it is true.
    12 points
  25. Just look at those two. Those troglodytic cunts should be getting tossed out of a dive bar somewhere and then we should be laughing at their pathetic mascara stained mugshots. Not staining our nation’s capital at the State of the Union. I’d love to whip both their sorry asses.
    11 points
  26. 2 of the most pathetic ignorant so called humans on earth. They’re vapor, worthless. They offer nothing regarding human decency and they have zero intelligence. Every person in their district should be embarrassed to have them represent them.
    11 points
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