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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/11/22 in all areas

  1. Hahahaha. Ketchum threatened him with his lawyers and @blacklab just laughed. I would be open to a $9.95er history thread. Hell, some of that shit will die with some of us and already has with a few, but there are some really comical and otherwise interesting tails. Regarding Ketchum and Shaggy, a mysterious handle appeared on a thread on BarkingCarnival, Pandora’s Box, and posted on the thread where Ketchum had shown up and was arguing with people. Ol’PB posted the story of Ketchum hosting the Swing 44 golf tournament for Cole Pittman’s family after his death. He had a young gf/wife and kid left behind, if I remember correctly. Anyway, story goes, Ketchum took the proceeds from the charitable cause and paid off back taxes to the IRS and never held another tourney. Ketchum came unhinged and then accused PB of being me, which was always curious to me, because how would I know? Unless, of course, I was friends with someone who watched him do it and brag about it, which would have had to have ended up with that person quitting their job for Ketchum in protest. But no, fuck that. That’s too crazy. Anyway, crossover posting from someone like @Red Five/Nordberg, or one of the other regulars on both BC and Shaggy, happened. Next thing you know, the Shaggy thread is fucking bonkers and then that’s when Fat Chet showed up and attempted to throw his weight around. Instead, he had the cyber shit kicked out of him and he ran back to his safe haven to fire shots behind circled wagons. If memory serves, that was Pandora’s Box’s first and last post on any of the boards. Weird.
    41 points
  2. 25 points
  3. 25 points
  4. And I am glad you don't. I haven't shed one tear for the Russians. Ukraine has every right to kick them in the ass. I don't expect them to surrender one teaspoon of dirt to them. As far as bidness wanting back in when this is really over perhaps they will have forgotten about the planes that were seized. Perhaps they won't mind knowing that at any moment all their investment will go up in smoke. But, I doubt it. The indications continue to be that they have no fucking clue how to conduct themselves in a modern war. They have no logistics capable of sustaining an offensive. No communication between the front and rear. Unresponsive and callous leaders willing to keep throwing meat into a grinder. Wagner is recruiting violent criminals right out of the prisons and I am supposed to feel some compassion for them? Yeah, FUCK THAT. Concede nothing Ukraine. Take it all back.
    24 points
  5. Every indication is that Ukrainians want to fight. How patronizing is it to suggest that they are our puppets and just need us to stop helping them so they can come to their senses and sign a bad treaty?
    22 points
  6. Joke’s on you, Dan. He doesn’t know shit about real estate either!
    21 points
  7. I'm sure he's been getting all sorts of help. I've been reading up on mental health interventions and there's a new technique that falls under the subset of cognitive behavioral therapy where you repeatedly scream at someone at the top of your lungs and call them a pussy. It's called the Addazio method, and the results speak for themselves.
    21 points
  8. Those hurricanes weren’t going to nuke themselves, you ungrateful bastards
    19 points
  9. Posted in the 995er thread but it’s to great to leave out… in response to ketch talking shit about some on3 rankings 😂
    19 points
  10. Dear Mack Brown, This is what killing yourself recruiting in Florida actually looks like. Sincerely, Texas fans
    19 points
  11. Below is the best response so far. Which of you surly assholes is Bill?
    18 points
  12. "Everyone needs to calm down before I start blocking accounts. Remember, this is a Texas team that hasn't beaten us in over a decade." - Billy Liucci
    18 points
  13. I sure hope it was Melania. He should really be undone by a foreigner or a hooker, and she's both.
    17 points
  14. Beto will be in Gainesville this Friday, and he’s speaking/rallying at the church I grew up in and where my parents are still members (and higher ups of some sort). They are very, very excited and have been doing cleaning and touchups for over a week. This church is one of the oldest Black churches in Gainesville and Cooke County.
    17 points
  15. Everyone has a plan until they can’t get through bullet proof glass. - Mike Tyson
    16 points
  16. alrighty...i haven't wanted to jinx anything so i've been pretty quiet... but we just closed on our new home in Denver this morning so i can now officially say YEAH! 😃 in a nutshell - we sold our central Austin home at what appears to have been the price peak, closed in mid-June, shipped all our earthly belongings to a PackRat storage facility in Aurora and headed to Denver July 4th weekend. moved in to our friends' basement in pretty central Denver area. hooked up in person with our Denver RE agent, recommended by @Chewbacca, who turned out to be a helluva nice guy and a was great to work with, even if he is a sooner 😋 we were mostly looking in the burbs, but there was ONE property close to our friends, great neighborhood IN the city, in our price range, ticked almost every box (only thing missing was a hot tub). five days and about 25 houses later...we went back for a second look and made an offer that was accepted without even a counter. i mean what are the chances?? 😄 we are THRILLED! nicer, much bigger, newer, inspections were all A+...and only a little bit more per month b/c the property tax difference is NUTS! it's amazing lol. anyway...Thad and @UTPhil2006 easily beat the local lenders (we were up front with them from the get-go that we were also talking to our Texas connections)...we are now a 5x repeat customer (and probably not our last...if/when rates drop again, heh). we don't start moving in until 8/16...but assuming our pods didn't fall off a truck or train and everything break...this whole process has been about as easy as it could be. i mean i just moved out of Texas for the first time in my life! i am super happy...thanks to everybody at Prodigy/REI for helping make this as easy as it was. Thad did a great job encouraging us to hold steady on our listing price in Austin even when i was starting to get antsy...and he was right 😎 tl/dr: surly connections are gold, Prodigy folks are awesome, and i now live by the mountains!! 🤘
    16 points
  17. Show this to every WR recruit, and then have them come watch Quinn at practice
    15 points
  18. 14 points
  19. He technically does have more guts than anyone in the industry.
    14 points
  20. Great way to get people to not sit next to you on Southwest.
    14 points
  21. This makes no sense. Geoff Ketchum owns the oldest and biggest Texas site around and this is a Texas board. He's not talked about any more often than Gerry Hamilton, Bobby Burton, Chip Brown, Eric Nahlin, EJ Holland when he covered Texas, Kirk Bohls, etc. You know, pretty much every other Texas media personality. What's actually amazing is professed Texas Longhorn fans continuing to enrich a person who took money from a charity golf tournament in honor of a deceased Longhorn football player to settle personal debts instead of sending all proceeds to the deceased player's family.
    13 points
  22. We're not pushing them to the front line. They asked us for support. We are giving it. If they want to throw on the brakes that's up to them. But, the opposite is true. They want more from us.
    13 points
  23. DOJ doesn’t owe anyone anything. It’s Trump who made this public. If Trump wants to release a copy of the search warrant, he can. But reality is that we all know he’s committed crimes and the raid was justified.
    13 points
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