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  1. That’ll suck. We had to circle for 25 minutes to find parking last February.
  2. Shieeeet, how the hell do you think I came across all that info lol? Also, no tiered rate. That's just how SARA rolls... Ahem, DID have a $50 water bill. Now it's a hundo plus. I wouldn't have even looked at the bill had I would've been getting charged roughly the same amount or a little more. That WOULD make sense, but nope. SARA is just going to continue to report to SAWS $55+ each month for sewage until October of NEXT year, so they can get the winter average rate. But spot on for monopolies (shoutout a fuck you to cps energy while we're at it.) And just to be clear, I understand why we pay for sewage and why it's lumped into the water bill each month. I just don't get why the 2 different sewage bureaucracy within the same city and why the drastic differences in price. But whatever, I'm stuck with the bs for 16 months...
  3. First, I can’t guess when these moves will happen. But gas has already reverted to the mean, or close to $4 which is probably more mean. Second, oil is already at its mean which Id say is $70-$75. Guessing $100 isn’t a stretch. Both commodities are going higher. Gas much more so because of its current level. Hard to say exactly when. I’m not a trader or a prognosticator. I’m an investor and I’m sharing my views. Feel free to ignore them or just laugh at them. I’m sure I will be wrong many times in the interim but not directionally over the midterm.
  4. It's actually exactly how conspiracy theory dipshits think, and never budge from their commitment to the conspiracy. See those blinking lights in the sky? It's proof that there are aliens! What's that, we see no lights and there's no other physical evidence! That's proof of the government's shady activities hiding the truth! The absence of evidence is PROOF there are aliens! It's related to how Trump says "these people coming in from mexican are rapists and criminals and are poisoning the blood of our country!" and then another time says "but I love Mexico, great people," and we point out "umm....Trump fucking said that Mexicans are criminals and are poisoning the blood of our country" and they say "LIAR! He said he loves Mexico!" They can hold two opposite beliefs and even FACTS in their head, and BOTH can be used to support their locked-in previously chosen conclusion. It's fucking stupidity, but that's the order of the day now.
  5. Doug going to go down as a legend like craps table milf or port a potty girl?
  6. it was interesting, spending almost four weeks in various European countries (we just got back a few days ago)...after about ten days, even though we had to keep an eye out for pickpockets and scammers in various locations, i slowly realized that i was in general feeling a much more relaxed state of mind wandering around unknown areas of these cities, both crowded and deserted (evenings), specifically bc in the back of my mind i was literally thinking 'none of these people have guns'. it was such a weird feeling...i mentioned it several times in different places once i realized i was feeling it. i don't think we consciously realize how much of that is ingrained in our psyche - finding nearest exits every time you enter a public space, staying alert for any commotion in crowded settings, hell i frequently play the 'where will i run in this restaurant if someone comes in that door blasting? what about that door?' i mean it's not even disruptive or particularly disturbing anymore, it's just part of living in America.
  7. I don't think even our own 9.95ers think he's a can't-miss prospect. As the floor of our DB class he's a nice piece, and he's from a prospect pipeline school we haven't done anything at for years.
  8. Its good. People are a little over enthusiastic because we are starving for any kind of new story. IP exhaustion
  9. Yes, I described it incorrectly. We have found historically that if 90%+ of people like something, we usually really like it a lot. It didn’t happen this time. It didn’t work for us with Once Upon a Time in the West either. Although days later that movie has definitely stuck with me.
  10. Texas doesn't suck. Texas, the idea of Texas, the food in Texas, and the janus-like ethos of 'rugged individualism' meets 'we're in it together' is amazing IMO. The people that run Texas suck. The people who move here, the people who didn't grow up here, the people who don't know Texas history, the people who cosplay Texan are who sucks. [That's an AND function, not an OR function} Just like our founding fathers, I've met some expats that exude Texan. So it ain't like you have to be born here to exude Texan. True Texans I know are great. The rest of y'all can go to hell.
  11. This type of setup is great. It brings a lot of players into the mix because distance isn’t the end all be all. That said Scottie should still win. Good golly.
  12. My god, all of that is one big giant The decision was likely made well before we lost to Louisiana, based on #2, 3, 5 and 6
  13. 11-2 with wins over ND, LSU and Texas with no blowout loses while playing in the SEC sounds like a top 6-7 type team to me.
  14. She can do just like Draymond did and Josh Hart is currently doing this yr (sans being an asshole) during the playoffs and how other players do every yr once they are eliminated. If a media position isnt in her plans I get it but it could be another huge win for the cult of personality that follows her if she shows more of herself while talking about the players and the league.
  15. So wanting a definitive answer on what exactly would happen to the battery (already full well knowing I wouldn't get electrocuted) I hit the google machine. Got as far a "would you get el" when it automatically popped up with "would you get electrocuted if an electric boat sank". LOL The man is a fucking idiot, but he does draw a lot of eyeballs. BTW, I did click a few links and ended up on reddit (as you do when you ask a question on the internet). The question there was "If you were on a sinking ship powered by electricity and you knew there was a shark 10 yards away from the ship, would you stay on the ship and risk electrocution or would you jump off the ship and risk swimming with the shark?". I honestly can't tell if some of those people are really just way funnier than I am or if they really took that question seriously. My favorite answer turned out to be "Am I the slowest swimmer on board? Am I currently bleeding?". The old "don't have to outrun the bear" conundrum. Just with sharks. Now we just need to add lasers.
  16. We’ve always been corrupt, but not on the level that we are now - way too much money is flowing into politics, and some of it is still easy to hide. You don’t have to go to a bank and cash out thousands (or more) in cash and risk being seen when you can electronically transfer it, and along with that, it’s easy to move campaign funds around with just a few mouse clicks. And the Republicans scream from the rooftops about Democrats doing this or that, and it’s because the Republicans believe that because they are corrupt, the Democrats are just as corrupt - Republicans can’t fathom somebody trying to act honorably when given the chance to rake in a shitload of money.
  17. 1.) How TF do you have a $50 SAWS water bill? Do you live in a condo? Is your yard just a dirt patch? Are you a camel with a family of Bedouins? 2.) During the winter, your water usage is the lowest. That's why they use it. Therefore, the 'load' you put on the system is also the lowest. Outside of Black Friday and the day after Christmas of course.....Sewer load has to spike on those days IMO. Being in city limits has nothing to do with it. You're now in SARA sewer's footprint. My guess is that b/c your water provider and your sewer provider is different, SARA has to get your 'average usage' from SAWS. There's no meter for usage on the shit that comes from your house. Considering that SARA and SAWS are government monopolies, they don't give a shit about speed or anything like that. So it likely takes them a year to talk to one another. And just like the camel comment, the $50 is probably an average across their system. Likely those with large yards that they irrigate make out, while you desert people get the short end of the camel whip. FYI: Sewer charges are based on your incoming water with the assumption of 'what comes in must go out.' That's why you always call your sewer provider if you're filling a large pool or pond or something with potable water. You give a day / time window and they wave the sewer portion for it.
  18. I guess maybe suicide is on a spectrum? Someone who puts a gun to their head and blows their brains out is on one side of the spectrum. Someone who only goes outside in a hazmat suit made up of bubble wrap would be on the other. I'd say the guy was hellbent on making a name for himself, had limited resources to do it, was running out of time and funds to make his dream a reality, and was willing to go through with risks other reasonable people would have balked at. He was also willing to take other people's money and put them at risk as well. Reading the article it becomes obvious everyone understood deep sea diving involved tremendous risks, and that things could go wrong for any of them. It wasn't the idea that people could possibly die while in a deep sea submersible vehicle that concerned them. They had already gotten past that objection a long time ago. Their concern was how Rush's negligence and hell bent attitude for realizing his vision was going to set back the industry when the inevitable occurred, and it was discovered how reckless he had been the whole time. I don't know that I would classify that as suicidal, in terms of seeking out his own preferred method of killing himself, as much as just a complete disregard for any risks he was taking because his identity was wholly connected with the success of his venture, and he didn't have the money to spend to make it safer. But again, I'd say these things are somewhat on a spectrum.
  19. We need a Gary Peterson training seminar for everyone.
  20. It’s going to be firm and fast. Even par might win it. Let the whinefest begin. Perfect course for Scottie.
  21. shit, didn't notice that. Was going for more optical alliteration. Hey man, the fucking Koala started it.
  22. Wouldn't the shark, assuming it was closing in range from 10 yards, also get electrocuted by the battery sinking underwater? Or does it have like X-SharkMan superpowers like "Elektrokenisis" where it can absorb and manipulate electricity. and not only remain uninjured but able to burst the electricity back at some other target? And wouldn't that presuppose then, there are other shark mutants with powers? Like, is another shark that can manipulate the metal of the boat/battery to make it sink in the first place? Is there another shark, using its fins---can hurl cards through the water and slash through scuba divers suits? I think we could have a comic book out about this within a week. Keep Eric engrossed in it until the end of the decade, and probably have movie rights within 18 months. X-Men meets Jaws. I'd watch that movie, especially the part where the President realizes his conundrum of doom like the other actual X-men movies.
  23. Rant incoming-- We moved within San Antonio back in March. Our water bill would be ~$40-50 a month which, I always thought was a tad bit high for water, but whatever. We move 10 minutes down the road to a slightly bigger home, and now our water bill is averaging a little over a hundred for these past couple of months. Both residences are connected for water via SAWS (San Antonio Water System) but the previous address' sewage is connected to SAWS, and my new address is connected to SARA. Again, we're still living within San Antonio city limits. Now with the new sewage provider in SARA, we're paying over $55 in sewage fees (not actual water usage) because the company has not calculated our "winterized average sewer rate," whatever the fuck that means and why the fuck those months, in particular, are so important to determine such a rate. So we're paying this "unaveraged" rate until the months of December, January and February passes, at which point SARA will "average" those sewer rates (specific to my household), and the new price will be reflected in my bill in, wait for it... October of 2025! This process will also continue every year and no rebate/refund will be received should the rate be decreased. So my question is, well, like, wtf man? No recourse or anything.
  24. Yeah, it was a mess. To be fair, they are a foreign family, but that doesn't indemnify them on gauging time & distance. I know that stretch of road, and if you don't gas up at least in Amarillo, it's your ass. Same with everyone going down into Chaco Canyon
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