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  1. Its some sort of insult given by fans of thedonald. I really don't get it. Its the same people that regularly throw out cuck, beta, LOL, etc.
  2. hahah this fucking beta cuck bitch is taking his ball and going home. a no-show at the swearing in of his successor. what a bitchmade cunt. that's your boy, @Johnny Sack!
  3. Guest

    Let's go Brandon

    That's funny because one of the two dudes in Austin I know for a fact have plowed her is named Brandon. Ted could not be a more perfect Beta Cuck if he tried.
  4. You thought this was a good idea to post, did you? I feel like there's great odds we're about to see someone use Beta or Cuck or both on this thread unironically.
  5. All the beta cucks in his inner circle tell themselves at least I'm not that guy, while looking at Pence. 'Thank you Mr. President' Narrator: <vomits>
  6. Beta cuck? Keep it original fuckstick. Is fuckstick a word? Can I call you that? Keep carrying my water you poor bitch. This Maybach doesn’t drive itself.
  7. Was wondering where all the beta cucks had gone. if y’all had to rank the top 3 things in this world that have caused y’all to be self-loathing failures in life, what would those be?
  8. Problematic traditions were never an issue until 8 months ago. Take the L loser and go sit with Tom Herman on his throne of shit you beta cuck cloakroom troll.
  9. So now I have to shit can my costume idea of a lynching victim in black face? Beta cuck snowflakes took christmas from us, and now they want Halloween too!
  10. lulz. what a bunch of sad stupid fucks all of you are. dumbass beta cuck pussies. fuck all of you and don’t ever forget who has the real inside info. futureman, out.
  11. Fuck you bro. Don't be a beta cuck nerd with that 'math' bullshit. Grab life by the pussy, put your money in the market, and make some fucking money. You feel that? That's your balls descending.
  12. Its some sort of "insult" that kinda proves the ignorance of the one saying it. They learn a new term like beta, cuck, soy boy, etc. and just parrot it over and over. But they are like totally smart.
  13. Whatever. How do they stack up in the most important metrics: "Being Extreme!" and "Being Hardcore!" Yeah, you left those metrics out on purpose, didn't you, you beta cuck soyboy?
  14. Jesus fucking christ. For a bunch of wannabe "alphas" who are obsessed with calling their opponents "cucks," their leader is the biggest fucking gaping vagina beta cuck who just got totally dominated by a dictator and is now crawling back from the safety of being back across the ocean from a scary dictator. This is your hero GOP.
  15. MAGA/GQP love to throw around the "beta cuck" tag rather indiscriminately and (almost always) incorrectly. DeSantis is the textbook definition of it in this case. I wonder if he offered up Casey to him to sweeten the deal.
  16. something something beta cucks: https://www.washingtonpost.com/amphtml/news/monkey-cage/wp/2018/11/29/how-donald-trump-appeals-to-men-secretly-insecure-about-their-manhood/?fbclid=IwAR15fPqeDcLPe9-HXOfgCxC6A8rXYvMlVAxCrb8K1n0S5oO812rBIn63ApU
  17. probably won't like it because = beta cuck alt country shit (really not trying to just follow you around today) but for general dad rock, Ryan Adams full album cover of 1989 is great
  18. Parliament

    Gym Pet Peeves

    Young people playing this crappy new rap on the bluetooth. I know the subject latter of 90's Gangster Rap was bad, and shouldn't be spoken aloud, but it sounds way better than whatever these beta cucks are singing.
  19. This is gonna sound like a joke but I’ve seen that a lot of them are doing it for free, a group known as “beta cucks 4 lyfe”, working at the direction of online “mistresses” that feed their humiliation fetishes in exchange for going out and creating chaos.
  20. Oh, how convenient. Biden's in office and they happen to catch a MAGA believer who "allegedly" tried to burn down Democratic Headquarters. But the lib beta cuck that tried to burn down Republican Rick Perry's mansion was never caught.
  21. Lincoln Riley is a beta pussy. Jimbo Fisher is a beta pussy. Tom Herman is a beta pussy.
  22. Lol you are such a basic bitch. Good luck calling me racist when I lived in South America you cuck drunk beta. Suck a fart and stay in the sand box. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. That's what real men do. Play the victim card. Over, and over, and over again. That's how they assert their dominance over beta cucks and women alike. I'd tell you where they learned the playbook, but I suspect you already know.
  24. Jerking off a mushroom dick as small as his would certainly explain why the blisters are confined to such a tiny area of his hand. The man is just an alpha male leader in every sense of the word, and you beta cucks just can't deal with it.
  25. Cucked by his wife, and cucked by Jameis
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