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Donald Trump 2018


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14 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:

I caught parts of it before and after my haircut appointment. Pretty stunning stuff. I'll have to go listen to the full interview. 


Yes, listen to it.  The parts about Mercer/Bannon/and Nigel Farage is amazing.  Also, I had no idea about Arron Banks, his Russian wife, Cambridge Analytica and Facebook.  What a clusterfuck.  This Carole Callenwadr is not only a terrific journalist but a brave one. 

If you ask me, Brexit needs to be  re-voted upon.

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1 minute ago, Horn Under a Bad Sign said:


Cruz did not get a mention. I think he was just a customer, not a principle in the whole sordid affair. 

So you believe Cruz, that Mercer spent $12 million dollars on Cruz's behalf to pay Brits and Canadians to interfere in our election and Cruz new nothing about the details?

I don't.

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4 minutes ago, RayDog said:

So you believe Cruz, that Mercer spent $12 million dollars on Cruz's behalf to pay Brits and Canadians to interfere in our election and Cruz new nothing about the details?

I don't.

I think Ted Cruz is smart enough to tell the Mercers, "Hey, do what you gotta do, but don't tell me anything".

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3 minutes ago, Horn Under a Bad Sign said:


Cruz did not get a mention. I think he was just a customer, not a principle in the whole sordid affair. 

If you know the way Cambridge Analytica works with politicians you can easily see that Ted Cruz is a total fraud that campaigns with scripted crowdsourced messaging provided to him by Cambridge Analytica. 

They beta test messaging and narratives to target audiences and determine what plays the best for their guy.

It’s how you get things like “drain the swamp”, “lock her up”, “build the wall”, “deep state”, “George Soros”, and the vilification of the left to resonate so well with voters.

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34 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

I think Ted Cruz is smart enough to tell the Mercers, "Hey, do what you gotta do, but don't tell me anything".

So you think he refused Bannon's calls too? 


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1 hour ago, Horn Under a Bad Sign said:

Holy shit. Did y'all listen to Fresh Air today on NPR?  Carole Cadwalladr, a highly respected British Journalist who writes for the Guardian and the Obeserver, laid out the connections between the Russians, Trump, Brexit, Bannon, and Robert Mercer:



You guys are not going to believe the connections.  


Thanks for posting this. Unfortunately, Terry Gross doesn't get the credit she deserves for her interviews. Fresh Air is one of the best shows out there. And while I didn't learn a whole lot new listening to this interview, it is indeed chock-full of great information tying many of the pieces together. There should be no doubt that the Brexit and Trump campaigns were intimately woven together by forces trying to tear the Western Alliance apart. We're fighting a new kind of war now.

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2 hours ago, SmokeyTheBear said:

As someone who spent way too much time on 4chan years ago, this type of shit frightens me. These will be real, homegrown terrorists and will think of themselves as the real army to Trump. And all capable of doing Austin serial bombing type things.

Imagine if only a couple more cities get hit by the same type of thing Austin recently did. And if Trump fans the flames to the second amendment folks, society could easily start to rip itself apart. 

Arrest them, set bail at $1 million, repeat.


The ruling by Judge Billy Sipe came in response to a defense motion asking him to lower the $25,000 bond for Matthew Wright, 30, in connection with the June 15 incident. His public defenders noted that Wright had no known previous criminal history and could reside with an aunt and uncle in Phoenix and commute to Kingman for hearings while his case is pending.

But Sipe saw things differently, proclaiming Wright a danger to the public and questioning his mental stability.

“I find that $25,000 is an extremely low bond for these type of cases,” Sipe said, making comparisons to the Oct. 1 massacre in Las Vegas last fall and other deadly shootings at schools and churches across the nation.

“I am gravely concerned with his conduct.” The judge also noted handwritten letters that Wright arranged to be sent from jail to President Donald Trump, members of Nevada’s congressional delegation and local, state and federal law enforcement agencies. He told Wright the communications certainly put him on the radar of the Secret Service, if he hadn’t been there already.

Terrorism is a 10 year mandatory minimum.  We'll make room.

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29 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

If you know the way Cambridge Analytica works with politicians you can easily see that Ted Cruz is a total fraud that campaigns with scripted crowdsourced messaging provided to him by Cambridge Analytica. 

 They beta test messaging and narratives to target audiences and determine what plays the best for their guy.

 It’s how you get things like “drain the swamp”, “lock her up”, “build the wall”, “deep state”, “George Soros”, and the vilification of the left to resonate so well with voters.


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1 hour ago, Horn Under a Bad Sign said:

Holy shit. Did y'all listen to Fresh Air today on NPR?  Carole Cadwalladr, a highly respected British Journalist who writes for the Guardian and the Obeserver, laid out the connections between the Russians, Trump, Brexit, Bannon, and Robert Mercer:



You guys are not going to believe the connections.  



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In an interview that'll be aired tomorrow morning, Trump feigns toughness:


Trump then added: "Getting along with President Putin getting along with Russia is positive not a negative. Now, with that being said if that doesn’t work out I'll be the worst enemy he's ever had – the worst he's ever had."


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1 hour ago, triplehorn said:




And a follow-up remark:

"There is no stopping this. Too big and too far along. Mueller, while a solid patriot and fearsome adversary for #TeamTreason, is just one man of hundreds involved. That ship sailed a long time ago."

I want to believe

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1 minute ago, bolverk said:

In an interview that'll be aired tomorrow morning, Trump feigns toughness:


Sure.  Now.  But the next time they're in the same room, Putin could pull out his dick, slap Trump in the face with it, and calmly sit back down.  And Trump would say it was a very strong dick and a manly slap.

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18 minutes ago, bolverk said:

In an interview that'll be aired tomorrow morning, Trump feigns toughness:

Trump then added: "Getting along with President Putin getting along with Russia is positive not a negative. Now, with that being said if that doesn’t work out I'll be the worst enemy he's ever had – the worst he's ever had."


He misspoke. What he meant was he'll be the worst blowjob Putin ever had. Enemy / blowjob... easily confused.

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29 minutes ago, Xian said:

I am really starting to believe he has early onset dementia or something due to the stress. No way a person can win the presidency and be this obtuse 

It would be really cool if this 72-year-old man got so stressed it compromised his immune system and he got a terrible disease and died.

[fake edit]

When I said "cool" I meant "fucking awesome".

[fake edit 2]

don't ban me bob plz i have a family to feed with my posts

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7 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

is an idiot.

Asha Rangappa
Born United States[1]
1974/1975 (age 42–43)
United States
Residence Connecticut
Education Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University (cum laude); Fulbright scholarship (to study constitutional reform in Bogotá, Colombia); Yale Law School
Occupation FBI Special Agent
Senior lecturer at Yale University


She’s no Kennedy 

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7 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

Bernie still has yet to emphatically reject any assistance from the Kremlin and along with Rand Paul decided to vote against the sanctions on Russia in the 98-2 vote.

Just saying.

He’s soft AF on Russia 

What the hell does this even mean? You get a burr up your ass about Hillary critics, but your thing against Bernie is fucking bizarre. Every accusation a confession.

HR 3364, the act that included Russian sanctions, ALSO involved and compromised the way-more-fucking-important Iran sanctions regime that ensures Iran doesn't develop nuclear weapons.

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7 minutes ago, SmokeyTheBear said:

Wouldn't it be fucked if Russia had Trump and Bernie in its pocket.....and Hillary is completely clean??? Full disclosure: I voted Bernie in the primaries. 

I pray to god Mueller is taking a real hard look at Bernie too.  It may fall within the scope of is mandate looking at the 2016 interference.

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4 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

brain worms

Brah, it’s worth a look.  Bernie was an insurgent populist that divided the Democratic Party.  That’s precisely what Putin would want.

Bernie did endorse Hillary in the end so there’s still good reason to believe he is clean.

Still, follow the money.


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7 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

Bernie isn't in Russia's pocket. There's nothing tying Bernie to Russia. It's Democrat establishment lunacy. These people are deranged.

It's a joke hypothetical, lighten up a bit

However, I wouldn't doubt Russia had money going everywhere, including helping Bernie (with or without his knowledge). And to expand on Hugo's hope, I hope that Mueller finds all the roots of the tree to show our country how easy it is for us to be manipulated by other countries due to the ridiculous laws that allow money to be pumped into candidates privately. 

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24 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:


Not starting the derail on the previous subject, just dropping in to say that woman whose Tweet Hugo quoted and you piggybacked on is an idiot.

"Stupid Bernie not mad on Twitter enough at Trump and is instead *adjusts glasses* angry at massive corporations abusing their workers? Like that matters!"

Someone who said a smart thing later said a dumb thing. Film at 11.

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2 minutes ago, Huckleberry said:

Someone who said a smart thing later said a dumb thing. Film at 11.

Don't you remember, if you've ever said a wrong thing you can never be trusted again. 

Except for DT who always says a wrong thing and should continue to be trusted at every turn. 

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14 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

Brah, it’s worth a look.  Bernie was an insurgent populist that divided the Democratic Party.  That’s precisely what Putin would want.

Bernie has been an insurgent populist for 17,000 years.He was fucking arrested by Chicago PD in the 60s protesting against segregation. What the fuck is wrong with you people?


If you didn't like Hillary, YOU'RE A RUSSIAN STOOGE!

Meanwhile Hillary was a fucking Goldwater girl.





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