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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/26/18 in Posts

  1. I tell ya, if Trump somehow skates & manages to live his entire life as a vile, cartoon character-like shit heel without any repercussion it will be the ultimate spitting in the face of decency. He's the ultimate "fuck you" to anyone who has simply tried to work hard, be a good person, & live a life of simple dignity. Of all the amazing accomplishments chalked up to this beautiful country, Trump is the ultimate turd in the punchbowl.
    9 points
  2. Longhorn Frenzy has a lot of tweets up from aggy boards of them saying Tyler Johnson isn't a 5* and that Jimbo didn't really go after him lulz.
    6 points
  3. Ramos is an absolute cunt. JNip supports mega clubs because it's easy and he's as cunty as most of the players. Bale's goal was legit and everything else was randomness.
    5 points
  4. I didn’t see, is draymond not playing or what?
    5 points
  5. Nice point. Firearms aren’t going to prevent tyranny. This isn’t colonial times. You aren’t going to reverse a zoning board decision with your AR. You aren’t going to pistol whip the tax man because you feel your taxes are too high. The rule-of-law, a free and honest press, an informed and educated electorate, and our democratic processes are our protection against tyranny. Firearms don’t have a role in that
    5 points
  6. you're a fucking idiot.
    5 points
  7. I would say the first step is to stop calling each other assholes. CodeNext has winners and losers and people are fighting for their best interests. The people who mostly do not live in the affected neighborhoods want it passed. Developers want it passed because they can buy an older house in central Austin, knock it down, and build 2-4 small houses on that lot and sell them at downtown condo level prices and make money. Affordable housing advocates like it because they have studies that say that these smaller houses will be less expensive, or they are trying to get language into CodeNext so that developers would be required to build some cheaper units along with the more expensive ones. People that want to live central in a smaller home but currently can't afford what is on the market (think young single folks or a couple without kids) are in favor of it because they want to live central. The people who mostly do live in the affected neighborhoods do not want it passed. They moved into the neighborhood because they liked it, some a long time ago, and they do not want the family house next to them replaced with 2-4 houses with 4-10 adults living on the property. The new code requires only one parking space per unit and it's likely that this new form of living would put more cars on the street. Existing residents do not the area in front of their houses turned into perpetual parking by their neighbors. There are concerns that doing this will increase the cost of land for those that choose not to redevelop their lots, which may mean higher property taxes. Many of the existing residents worked on neighborhood plans at the urging of the city just a few years ago and they want the neighborhood plans enforced. If you tried this in any neighborhood in the region, you would get push-back from the people already living there and support from those that will profit from the change. In my opinion, the people that want this change did not work at all with the people affected by the change to see what they would support. Both sides are now entrenched. The process of creating the maps was not transparent and did not involve the people living in the affected areas. Many people felt that some unseen committee was redrawing their neighborhood without their consent. If I was in charge, I would stop the current proposal and see if we can create more communities like the West Campus overlay. Find areas of town that would welcome high rise density and then densify the heck out of that. The Domain area development could be redeveloped into a West Campus like neighborhood all the way from Mopac to Metric, with existing rail service. The Dell campus area around Parmer and IH-35 is about the size of downtown and it could be redeveloped into a high density area, with bus service to connect it to downtown. Most of the Robinson Ranch area is undeveloped and it already has a rail line running through it, it could be a "ribbon" shaped downtown with 3-4 frequent rail stops connecting West Campus like neighborhoods. Highland Mall is being redeveloped on the same rail line and the Texas DPS owns a large property nearby that could be a mid-rise or high-rise neighborhood, with bus service on Lamar and a short walk to rail service. I think we should focus on development like West Campus and downtown, and not try to disrupt our single family neighborhoods. We can create dense, connected neighborhoods without CodeNext. But doing that has different winners and losers than CodeNext, so you will find people opposed to my ideas. They are not assholes, just people with an interest in the outcome.
    5 points
  8. Obama didn't use the IRS to go after his political enemies. Fox News repeating a lie over and over doesn't make it true. Only one IRS office was involved in the vetting of the numerous applications for tax free status and both liberal and conservative groups were looked at. It is true there were more conservative organizations asking for tax free status so more of them were investigated. This lie bothers me more than most of the other Republican bullshit.
    5 points
  9. Dear Texags, I have read your website for many years and didn't think that I would ever have occasion to write. All of that changed today, when I met Coach Brew. I was using the bathroom at the MSC when the Brewmeister's glorious manhood suddenly emerged from the glory hole on my right hand side. I was extremely cheese towards him but could not help myself. I told him we were best friends and he didn't know it yet. So the rest of our glory hole session, he called me "Buddy." He didn't have to recruit me, I've been sucking dick in that glory hole in the MSC for years. I can tell you by his long slender cock, that he's good at glory holing. I finished him off and swallowed hard. Long story short, he and I are tight and the Station was completely lit that day! He said that he had been by Weatherford to visit some other glory holes. All he would say is, "There's a kid there who can suck some dick a little bit, he's working hard to get offers and he will get some." He also mentioned some glory holes in Houston he used to visit. Then he took pics of me sucking his dick and sent them to Terry Price. Love and glory holes, Aggiekyle
    5 points
  10. Brewster’s eventual flameout at ATM is going to be really gratifying to observe. This fucking guy.
    4 points
  11. What cracks me up about this whole debate about defending against tyranny of the government is that we are watching this administration push further and further into authoritarianism. And those that support him ARE the gun nuts. Looks like this precious militia is failing us. If the Founders truly meant the 2nd Amendment to be a fail safe against tyranny, then it is obviously a failure. So what’s the point of it anymore? We have constant mass shootings AND the militia is complicit with an authoritarian leaning piece of shit administration. Yeah, it’s a failure.
    4 points
  12. 4 points
  13. I’m going to join his/her site.....so I can steal every single douche aggy article that this dipshit posts. And I’m gonna post em all right here on this thread.
    4 points
  14. Started from the bottom at highland park?
    4 points
  15. It does when those no calls lead to TOs. It was a complete screw job. Green just stands in the restricted area the entire fucking game and gets not 1 call against him.
    3 points
  16. they absolutely did something different on defense, they started grabbing and holding knowing the refs wouldn't do shit about it.
    3 points
  17. And then aggy goes retro—channeling their inner Javorskie Lane. So how many years remaining on that 100 year decision? Big12 aggy ==> sec aggy is Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  18. It's important to stay hydrated on a day this hot.
    3 points
  19. Are you a minor child who used to live in Florida but recently moved to College Station, TX reluctantly?
    3 points
  20. You misunderstand! He’s not marketing, he’s branding! One of the best ways of branding is to select a name that’s already known and in use for something else. Especially if it’s something that the majority of your target demo would be diametrically opposed to.
    3 points
  21. The greatest thing Mike Leach has ever said. Couldn't have said it better myself.
    3 points
  22. Hi Surly. I found your site because I am a fan of American football and I noticed the section here on the politics so I signed to ask question. Sorry my English is bad but why did America want to look like a fool to rest of world? Here in the Netherlands you are thought to be little spoiled child who is fat and lazy and too stupid to handle business like men so you get fat and lazy and stupid president because he is like you. I have never been to America but why has it gotten so bad? Is there a lot of stupid people everywhere now?
    2 points
  23. I am sure it’s true, but it’s not like Tomball is far from cypress.
    2 points
  24. Can we quit responding to this guy? None of us are ever going to pay for his unoriginal site, and this whole “im cool and laugh at hamm jokes too” shit seems fake as hell
    2 points
  25. When a stranger sojourns with you in your land, you shall not do him wrong. You shall treat the stranger who sojourns with you as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God. Cursed be anyone who perverts the justice due to the sojourner, the fatherless, and the widow. The Lord watches over the sojourners; he upholds the widow and the fatherless, but the way of the wicked he brings to ruin.
    2 points
  26. And I still don’t feel bad for their bullpen.
    2 points
  27. Fake, I don't see the SEC logo anywhere.
    2 points
  28. So, just to be clear...cops "legally" protesting is patriotic, but black football players protesting is anti-American and they should leave the country.
    2 points
  29. Hey Joergen, if you are really Dutch, please say something in Dutch. And by "say something in Dutch", I specifically request that you do a translation of this: "Possum up de 'simmon tree Raccoon on de ground Raccoon say to Possum 'Shake dem 'simmons down!' Shake dem 'simmons down, boy Shake dem 'simmons down Possum up de 'simmon tree Raccoon on de ground." Of course, as a true native Dutch speaker, I expect better than an autotranslated attempt here. I'd like rhymes (in Dutch), maybe a little rural Dutch dialect to mirror the feel of the original, als du blieft. Thank you for the time and effort.
    2 points
  30. How exactly would Obama have addressed this political climate? By not being black?
    2 points
  31. Barack Obama was a middling Head of Government and Outstanding Head of State. Donald Trump is a bad Head of Government, and a disgraceful Head of State.
    2 points
  32. I'm going to give her the benefit of a doubt. This case may not be as simple as black and white.
    2 points
  33. The GOP has found the winning combination for its goals. Enact policy for the wealthy, and get non-wealthy whites to support them by blaming minorities for the ills of society. It's a tried and true classic. They've been edging that way for years, but it took abandoning all sense of shame to have the kind of success they now enjoy.
    2 points
  34. Good evening Sir, my name is Steve. I come from a rough area. I used to be addicted to crack but now I am off it and trying to stay clean. That is why I am selling magazine subscriptions.
    2 points
  35. Can I interest you in a Fjord F-250?
    2 points
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