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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/09/18 in all areas

  1. I was fine while it was happening but am freaking out now, about an hour later. I was at my kids' school for a book fair. All of a sudden I heard a lady yelling and a little girl (1st or 2nd grade?) doubled over. She gave up a peppermint candy after the 2nd thrust. Mom was freaked (obviously) but the girl showed no ill effects at all- they even kept shopping. My question is... what happens after? Should we have called 911? Should I have suggested the mom take her to the doctor? The whole thing from beginning to end took no more than 10 seconds, I didn't thrust that hard, and the girl showed zero ill effects.
    19 points
  2. I'd rather they lose to both.
    13 points
  3. Look at our President. Look at this absolute Dipshit.
    10 points
  4. Counting all the votes is not voter fraud. Please FUCK OFF with this narrative that counting outstanding votes is shady/unethical. Suing to STOP votes being counted (looking at you, Arizona GOP) should be illegal. Good men don't win elections just because they worked their ass off and are good men. Beto went to all 254 counties in Texas, harded 100x harder than slimy sack of shit Ted Cruz and lost.
    10 points
  5. "These people are all ivy league coastal elites who can't relate with the average American! How can we expect them to represent us or know what our lives are like?" -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Working class Latina wins election. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "This chick can't even afford an apartment in DC! How can we expect her to represent us?"
    9 points
  6. It's crazy when shit like that happens. I met Mack Brown about 6-7 years ago in Dallas. I got roped into watching my friend's 3 month old daughter while my wife got her hair done. So there I am, sitting in the waiting area of a hair salon with my niece, and who walks in but Mack Brown himself. I was nervous as shit, and just kept looking at him as he read a magazine and waited, but was too scared to say anything to him. Pretty soon the baby started crying, and I'm trying to quiet her down because I didn't want her to bother Coach February, but she wouldn't stop. Pretty soon he gets up and walks over. He started running his hands through her hair and asked what was wrong. I replied that she was probably hungry or something. So Mack put down his magazine, picked up the baby and lifted up his shirt. He breast fed her right there in the middle of the hair salon. Chill guy, really nice about it.
    9 points
  7. I was just at a book fair today when I rounded the corner of the blue case. Some pervert was groping my daughter. As soon as I was ready to swing at him, my wife calmed me down and the pervert was claiming that she was choking. Should I have punched him or even called the cops? Luckily he didn’t thrust that hard. My daughter showed zero ill effects.
    9 points
  8. A month ago on Fox News: "I can tell you Matt Whitaker is a great guy. I mean I know Matt Whitaker." (quoted word for word) Today: "Matt Whitaker is a highly respected man. But, again, I don't know Matt Whitaker." (quoted word for word)
    7 points
  9. This is always one of my favorite threads. Usually, I just kick back and enjoy some schadenfreude while reading other people's stories. But this year is different. My wife and I have been on the outs for a while now. I won't go into too much detail, but it suffices to say that career choices have had a huge impact on our relationship. My wife's career has really taken off and she decided without really consulting me to take a high profile position with an Asian conglomerate based in LA while I stayed back east. I'm in law enforcement, and she complains that I can never "turn it off" and that it seems like I am always on duty. Since she left, my drinking has gotten worse and some say I'm two steps from becoming a full-blown alcoholic. Anyway, she calls me up a couple of days ago and invites me to come out and spend the holidays with her and the kids. She's even invited me to her company's Christmas party. "Come out to the coast, we'll get together, have a few laughs" she says. At least she's sending a limo to pick me up at the airport, so that's cool.
    7 points
  10. In 10 years, the USA will look like Hill Valley when Biff Tannen ran the place in Back to the Future 2.
    6 points
  11. The lame deflections that essentially boil down to “Well, we cannot stop a harm completely so it’s not even worth it to try and stop some of the harm” is becoming so gross and offensive with every number added to the body count. We ALL happily give up some small measures of liberty daily in the name of safety and the greater good. But for some reason when guns get added to the equation, some people act like it’s the end of the republic. One guy ATTEMPTS to bomb a plane with his shoes = we all accept having to remove our shoes and give up some privacy in the name of safety. We don’t want predators around kids so we all accept a background check and invasion of privacy if we want to work in schools. Seatbelts. Helmets. Laws to protect seniors and the mentally incompetent. None of the above stop all harm but they do reduce harm, save lives, and promote the general welfare. Just because banning a certain magazine or this weapon or that accessory won’t stop all mass shootings doesn’t mean they won’t reduce their numbers or reduce the number of victims when they do happen. Writing off all suggestions that could make these incidents less deadly and less frequent as non-starters because they won’t eliminate the incidents is the most lazy type of cowardice.
    6 points
  12. People like this are my favorite. They believe all the hateful, stupid shit that most Republicans do, but they try and put this veneer on it where they are reasonable and aren't a Trumpkin. Then about 10 posts later the true colors come out and they reveal themselves to be just another raving mouth-breathing lunatic eating leaves out of a MAGA hat.
    6 points
  13. I've been pasting the updated participation tracker on the football board, but here it is.
    6 points
  14. Our politicians shouldn't be rich.
    6 points
  15. Maybe she could get a lobbyist to rent her one cheap like Scott Pruitt did.
    6 points
  16. Have you alerted the authorities that your friend is a good man and has received your personal seal of approval?
    6 points
  17. I agree. What that cartoon needs is a rambling, incoherent caption lacking any wit. Nice job!
    6 points
  18. Sorry for all the sad news. On a lighter note... THANK U HOOMAN FOR NU BED I LIEK
    6 points
  19. herman pulled his offer after reading this thread and is giving it to a lineman.
    6 points
  20. All snark aside, good on McSally for letting this play out. I don't have much love for her, but respect her in this situation. She is being an adult, unlike Scott (and the rest of the R's) in FL.
    5 points
  21. Who would have guessed that threatening to abandon an ally to fend for itself would cause said ally to contemplate handling all defense measures on its own and without any US influence? Who?
    5 points
  22. I don't think I've heard a better pitch for campaign finance reform.
    5 points
  23. Ole miss is 4th in the nation in passing yards at 352 a game, one spot ahead of bama and only behind Wash st, Texas Tech and Ohio State. I'm going to go out on a limb here and predict ole miss wins.
    5 points
  24. Good call. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2018/11/09/migrant-caravan-mexico-president-trump-us-southern-border-immigration-asylum-central-americans/1939241002/ "The migrants, who number between 4,000 and 5,000 and include women and children, will be on foot along a heavily traveled highway after they failed to secure buses from United Nations officials to get them to the U.S. southern border. About 200 marched to a local UN office to demand buses to transport them." I don't know anything about you as a person. But you take a pretty callous and shitty view of your fellow humans. That's nice and all that you're afforded the opportunity to brag about not using your kids as a shield. It's very macho of you to take that position. Most of the world, however, was born into shit and squalor. And some of those people are seeking a life that doesn't include being killed if they don't join the local gang. In your super brave point of view, what would you have them do? Accept the fate of their family being murdered? Would that be the honorable choice in your estimation? But hey, those poor fucks aren't contributing to their society, so they got that shit coming, am I right? I am assuming most of us on this thread were born on 3rd base here in America, and some of you assholes seem think you hit a triple. At their current pace and destination of Tijuana, the majority will arrive in ~95 days. Even if some break off to Laredo, they're still more than a month away. Adding to the countless reasons why this is such a stupid move to send the military, the rhetoric has made uneducated Americans even MORE fearful of those of different color/culture/ethnicity. What a sad thing to walk around in fear of someone different than us. Don't get things twisted, that is exactly what this is about. No one wants to admit it, though. If some gang had taken over Winnepeg and we had 5k Canadians walking to Minnesota, this wouldn't even be a blip on anyone's radar.
    5 points
  25. For the record I still maintain that GRHorn is a spineless fuck
    5 points
  26. This. Can you imagine how Trump would have handled this question? Can we even fathom these days that this was considered "slamming" a journalist for a "disrespectful" question? That was a world of sanity, where a president could express anger and still be presidential. Notice how he went on to actually answer the question? How can anyone defend the current fuckstick in office with the shit he pulls? Even if you want to argue that Acosta is a problem, how is Trump's response acceptable from the president of the fucking United States? He spread a doctored video and falsely accused him of "assaulting" a female intern for fuck sake! How is that fucking okay!
    5 points
  27. Fuck that. It’s not “Trump’s show”. It’s a presidential press conference and the press is there to ask questions as a proxy for the American people. If Trump wants it to be his show, go back to “The Apprentice”.
    5 points
  28. Guess I’ll post some of mine too. A few aren’t strictly aircraft but hopefully that’s okay.
    5 points
  29. Concerning Ocasio-Cortez's situation, wouldn't it be easier if all members of Congress were required to live in dormitories? Put the fuckers in a dorm with the basics to live off of while Congress is in session and then send their assets back home when they are out of session.
    5 points
  30. Odd choice for a header, considering Huntsville’s leading industry.
    5 points
  31. and, I'm just spitballing here, but if we had a series of incidents where people mowing down pedestrians in public places, we might take some measures to restrict people's ability to drive vans into places where there are pedestrians. Like putting up concrete barriers around sidewalks or in pavilions. You know, Van Control. But then again, the powerful van lobby would probably block those infrastructure efforts in the name of self defense, because the only thing that can stop a bad guy with a van is a good guy with a van, and that good guy may need to engage in a demolition derby to defend his family.
    4 points
  32. He defiantly burnt down Sheryl’s she shed.
    4 points
  33. You know what might help with counting votes faster? Republicans not purging voter rolls forcing registered voters to vote by provisional ballot.
    4 points
  34. I know some of you dudes are slow on this sort of thing so I'll just let you in on a secret: A47 is a conservative sock pretending to be a liberal. My guess is that incredulity guy.
    4 points
  35. The OL doesn’t need to tackle because they’re on offense, idiots. They only need to guard.
    4 points
  36. Hopefully better than scrub NBA Center Danny Schayes, son of early NBA Hall of Famer center Dolph Schayes. Had greatest NBA draft scouting report ever of six words. “ Looks like father, plays like mother. “
    4 points
  37. 4 points
  38. Tucker Carlson inspires you?!?
    4 points
  39. 4 points
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