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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/19/19 in Posts

  1. One thing is certain... whomever aggy selects will have some big shoes to fill....
    19 points
  2. So here are facts: Trump’s campaign manager shared internal polling data *and strategy to win midwestern states* with a Russian intelligence officer. Trump’s campaign manager, son, and son in law took an in person meeting with Russian officials with the intent to obtain non public information on Clinton. Trump’s son coordinated and disseminated Russian talking points and information as communicated through Wikileaks. Trump’s son even used a stolen password to research a potentially damaging political action committee. Trump directed his National Security Advisor to obtain information illegally stolen by Russian intelligence. Trump ordered subordinates to commit federal crimes. At least on 10 separate instances Trump attempted to impede or stop the investigation into his conduct. In violation of federal law, Trump paid money *from the White House* to his lawyer for successfully burying a scandal before the election about how Trump cheated on his 3rd wife with a porn star, while his wife was home with a newborn baby. Here’s my take: If this conduct isn’t impeachable, then nothing is. I simply don’t agree that the American people are willing to tolerate all of this behavior or that there is any world where he will be re-elected. A majority of people didn’t support Nixon’s impeachment until the trial began and evidence was revealed to the American people. The dems need balls and to draft articles of impeachment. Not to mention how foreign money paid to the President is influencing US foreign policy. Fuck every fucking Republican politician or voter who ever expressed concerns about corruption in government.
    18 points
  3. Well, if I were married to a Kellyanne, I would certainly hate sex.
    10 points
  4. I haven't ignored it. best case - The Trump campaign knew our sworn enemy was waist deep trying to impact the electoral process and because the campaign thought it would benefit them they chose to profit instead of calling the FBI. That my friends might not be jail time criminal, but it is clearly a political wrong that warrants political action. Wait, so you are the POTUS and you knew the Russians were attacking the most sacred of our institutions - our electoral process - and all you did was wink and nod? worst case - like other sophisticated organized crime bosses - the Russians and the Trump campaign knew exactly where the line was for conspiracy, they walked right up to it and in classic mob boss fashion knew exactly how to ensure there was no evidence. and if you read the report line by line and the hundred plus pages describing with painstaking detail the interconnections between Russia and Trump campaign folks, including business dealings in the Ukraine, violations of the Foreign Agent laws (Trump campaign officials were the foreign agents), meetings all over the globe, channeling through intermediaries to Putin, Junior actually trying to find out what dirt the Russians had on HRC, a systematic scheme of lying from the biggest players on the Trump side, and on and on you would have to at least be concerned. But Mueller states very clearly, his conclusions are directly tied to a prosecutor's ability to successfully obtain a conviction. and in many cases, organized crime knows exactly how to avoid creating that evidence. Obstruction - then you have damning, absolutely damning evidence of obstruction. it's shocking how consistent and persistent Trump was in trying to block, interfere and stop this investigation. That's best and worst for Trump. There is not a better view of this.
    8 points
  5. Hey, Racist Derka, why don't you shut the fuck up for a few minutes.
    8 points
  6. I think my favorite is the guy who says aggy will be up on LSU by more than three touchdowns at halftime. Newsflash: Ed Orgeron may be dumber than a stuffed skunk, but LSU is going in dry on aggy in Red Stick this year. After what happened at dead dog stadium last fall? Don't think for one moment that anybody on that LSU sideline will be satisfied with anything other than an ass whippin' of redneck cajun proportions.
    7 points
  7. I want to bump this page and throw some gratitude out in the world. Thank you ladies and gentlemen for being around and willing to share on this board. It has given me great strength at times, much to meditate on when I've needed it, and an outlet to vent when I get sketchy. The world is a crazy fuckin place, but the peace that comes from alcoholics sharing their stories and reaching out their hand to help those still suffering, is like nothing I knew in the throws of my disease. I wish I never had to experience the hopelessness I endured to qualify for this conversation, but damn if I don't realize how lucky I am to be a part of it. The noise, chaos, fear, anxiety, and depression of the world of which I inhabited for many years has been replaced by a soft and gentle existence, so long as I choose to enter it each morning. Thank you for showing me how to get there and reminding me of where I once toiled. Much love, I'm truly grateful today. If you are hurting, you never have to feel like that again. There is hope.
    7 points
  8. You really are a remarkable combination of detestable and stupid, @Iconoclast Texan
    7 points
  9. He's taking the exoneration even harder than the president.
    6 points
  10. So because you "can sleep at night" that means we're absolved of all wrongdoing overseas in meddling with other elections, carry no blame for the rise of Putin, and are therefore justified in "going to war" with the Russians over this? You're right. The stupid. It burns. No one here supports Putin you simple fuck. Just some of us don't have our heads so far up our own asses that we realize this whole situation came about because of the US' actions. We've done shit far and away worse to Russia than Putin has ever done to us. Dude sucks. He's also our fault. Oh, and I've yet to see any of you mention how the Mueller report shows how this entire Russia interference should be laid right at Obama's feet. The Russians started these shenanigans back in 2014. Obama and his crew knew. They chose to do dick all about it. Then, when they finally got around to imposing some sanctions they were literally the least and most ineffective ones they could pass. So Obama knew, did nothing, let it continue, passed some weak ass sanctions which were just symbolic, and then proceeded to gaslight the American people saying shit like "No one can rig an election" and acting like everything was hunky fucking dory. https://www.cnn.com/2019/04/19/opinions/mueller-report-obama-jennings/index.html Learn some history, my ass. You're not even remotely acquainted to recent history. Oh, that's right. Because it conflicts with your own partisan bullshit. Democratic Presidents have completely dropped the ball and fucked us, but MUH TRUMP!!
    6 points
  11. The aggy BOR introducing RC at the press conference today:
    6 points
  12. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    6 points
  13. It actually said there was no collusion (conspiracy or coordination).
    6 points
  14. Yeah, you have the whole burden of proof thing backwards. What the report established, definitively, is: the Russians engaged in a conspiracy to rig the election in favor of Trump; Trump and his campaign knew about that in advance and believed Russia’s efforts would benefit Trump; Trump and his subordinates were at least friendly to the idea of cooperation; high-ranking Trump campaign members met with Russia to discuss one of Russia’s two election rigging operations; Trump and his campaign did nothing to stop or report Russia’s activities; Trump and his administration impeded efforts to investigate Russia’s criminal attack on our democracy by lying, refusing interviews, destroying emails, etc. What the report was unable to establish is that anyone on the Trump team was aware they were aiding a criminal act. That is not tantamount, however, to Mueller establishing, proving, or concluding that Trump did not have the requisite intent. The investigators just could not establish, beyond a reasonable doubt, that Trump DID have that intent. Trump escaped by the skin of his teeth here.
    6 points
  15. Ricky Perry’s gonna be leaving the Energy Dept soon. He’d be perfect AD.
    6 points
  16. I was not in favor of impeachment proceedings but I may be leaning towards it now. Get Mueller to publicly testify. After he affirms what's in the report, you almost have to go for impeachment. It will not pass in the Senate but the House almost has no choice but to start proceedings. You cannot have a president obstruct justice(even just attempting) or directing others to obstruct justice and not go through the impeachment process.
    6 points
  17. Bad mouthing cheese that comes wrapped in cellophane seems inconsistent with the spirit of this thread. Perhaps you and the gentleman from California should have a dinner party to make your fancy tacos on corn tortillas and grated cheddar. We got us a regular Howard Hughes up in here.
    6 points
  18. Wait...are you being serious with this public opinion shit? You, like MANY educated, rational people grossly underestimate the fear based, confirmation biased, racist, science hating ignorant fucksticks that make up ‘Merica.
    6 points
  19. Explain to me what a "superdelegate" is, and contrast the role of "superdelegates" in Democratic party primaries to their absence in the GOP primary. That wasn't her primary flaw. Her primary flaw is a lack of charisma, which is the prime requisite of a politician. Furthermore, she came to power on the coattails of her husband, revealed herself when she stood beside him when any self-respecting woman should have dumped him, making her an Anti-Feminist Icon. This could have been forgiven if she'd displayed competence: She failed spectacularly in both of the major political roles she was given, first when constructing the Healthcare bill in the 1990s and later with the "Reset Button" debacle as SecState. Last, she had health issues that prevented her from campaigning and, worse, failed to even show up to a battleground state. Furthermore, as a founding member of the faction of the Democrats that supported NAFTA, and pro-big-business goals, she was a literal icon of everything blue-collar America had once supported Democrats to fight against. Bernie and Trump both made appeals to that segment; she was the antithesis of that. And those are the voters who put Trump in over Hillary in the Rust Belt. You can spin the narrative all you like and blame random things, but she was a terrible candidate. The Democratic party thought they could simply coronate her and get the First Woman President without regard to whether or not she was the right woman to be President, and made her happen through back-room deals with Superdelegates. Trump is the result of that failure. Furthermore, the Democrats were more than happy to expand the powers of the POTUS while they had the White House for 8 years, without taking into account the possibility that there might someday be a GOP president. The GOP Senate, and Mitch McConnell, are making that same mistake now. She was a shitty candidate.
    5 points
  20. I’m going to accrue so many miles flying around pissing on graves when these old fucks start to croak.
    5 points
  21. I used to be married. The ring didn't interfere with my playing nearly as much as the despicable piece of shit I was married to.
    5 points
  22. Oh just currently banned. No way, no how would a nationalist-run party or government EVER push permanent bans of ethnicities and nationalities. That’s just crazy talk.
    5 points
  23. so vol 1 just goes on and on and on. cohen, papa, manafort and to a lesser extent but with major highlights junior are all up in Russian business. and then Mueller concludes: In sum, the investigation established multiple links between Trump Campaign officials and individuals tied to the Russian government. Those links included Russian offers of assistance to the Campaign. In some instances , the Campaign was receptive to the offer, while in other instances the Campaign officials shied away. Ultimately , the investigation did not establish that the Campaign coordinated or conspired with the Russian government in its election-interference activities. 1275 so offers made to "collude" and the campaign was receptive and in other instances folks closely aligned with the campaign repeatedly tried to get the campaign to bite but it didn't happen. yet massive coordinated efforts by Russian intelligence and military operations occurred to influence the election for Trump - from hacking attempts to social media campaigns to rallies to voter suppression activities and then the cyber warfare and email thefts disclosed through wikileaks. I'm shocked vol 1 gets as close as it does to establishing the connection but then can't do it after 173 pages. it's not that there's no evidence, it's the tinniest sliver of missing evidence, the size of the sliver is so tailor made to fit the hardest piece to prove in a conspiracy that any reasonable person could easily conclude by civil standards its there. no question. and even if not by criminal standards, it's clear the campaign fucked up repeatedly on doing the right thing by our country. not a crime punishable by jail time but no way this guy should be our president. our sworn enemy is waste deep in our election, his campaign knows it and they don't do a damn thing but profit from it. scary as fuck fellas.
    5 points
  24. There is more to unpack in this Galveston aggy picture than I can possibly get into while sober:
    4 points
  25. ^^ One of the biggest "go-team" fucktards on the board.
    4 points
  26. Well, in those days, there was a fundamental but openly discussed disagreement on policy (i.e., whether black people were people or chattel). This would be the equivalent: Lincoln: "There's no war, it's all fake news. The Generals in the south are all loyal to me, they love me, they're all very good people. Very respectful of their president." Crowd Member: "Sir, all the men in my family left several months ago with guns to fight rebels in the south. They have not returned. How can you say there is no war?" Lincoln: "There's no rebellion. Fake news. I played golf with General Lee last week. He's a great person, very smart. We had a great time. He had nothing but great things to say about me." Crowd Member: "But my family members, they left to fight in the war." Lincoln: "The press is the enemy of the people. So unfair. I've created a great economy. Everybody says so." Crowd Member: "But sir..." [crowd member next to her starts throwing punches] Lincoln: "That's right, get that crazy bitch out of here! Fake news!" Crowd: "Lock her up! Lock her up!"
    4 points
  27. I want him to come here and be a Longhorn. He'll be a credit to the University in whatever capacity.
    4 points
  28. 4 points
  29. Man I sure think about Devil Horn a lot. Hope he's ok.
    4 points
  30. It seems Surly is at the bargaining stage of grief.
    4 points
  31. Just what you want to see in an American president
    4 points
  32. Honestly ... Gals like that are keepers and I say that because we didn't have a fancy wedding and we are celebrating our 25th in a few months and having a gal like that by your side when you have to make other financial or critical decisions pays off big time. First, we were fairly limited in our income as I was finishing my undergrad and she had barely entered the job market. And second SHE just didn't see the value in all the bells and whistles that go with ceremonies and all that, so she insisted on doing it as economical as possible, so we had a small church wedding and a reception and we were done. No big dinner, dance and all that jazz and the thousands of dollars of bills to go along with it. I bet if the wedding industry would have been what it is today back, she would have rented her wedding dress. Best wishes to you!
    4 points
  33. Honestly you seem way to worried about what other people think.
    4 points
  34. Injuries, youth, and losing Clemens and the pitchers we did have contributed to our shitiness. Many thought this year was going to be a step back in terms of record. That said, two things are very worrisome and can’t be rationalized away: 1) almost every returning player has seen a decline in their batting average and fielding percentage. These are systemic problems that point to coaching. 2) we seem to be getting worse as the season goes on.
    4 points
  35. The regular posters who bend over backward to defend Trump everyday on here do realize Trump wouldn't let one of his hookers piss on you if you were on fire, right? It's amazing the loyalty some of you have to a guy who would switch parties in a heartbeat and disown all of you in exchange for the ending of every investigation into his family.
    4 points
  36. Well they used to have them. Ya know, because Bill Clinton literally bought and paid to keep Yeltsin as the Russian president. Dude's numbers were completely in the tank. Everyone knew he was going to get crushed. Then ol' Slick Willy stepped in with a boatload of cash so Yeltsin could start paying people off and, wow, he magically won by a narrow margin! That's not a foreign intelligence agency spreading shit on the internet for the rubes to lap up and maybe change their opinion. That's the leader of a foreign power outright buying off your election. But we should "go to war" over this shit when the Russians didn't over that shit back in '96? In fact, it can easily be argued that our current predicament with Russia is just yet another consequence of our awful foreign policy of meddling everywhere we can stick our dirty fingers. The list of democracies where we've come in, fucked shit up, installed a dictator, and then bailed is long as fuck. Russia probably falls into that camp. We broke them in the Cold War, then we started fucking around in their elections, but instead of getting our guy in there and keeping him there we opened the door for a ruthless fuck like Putin to take over. He, naturally, doesn't have many fond feelings for us and our hypocrisy. So tit for fucking tat. If we were in his position we'd be doing the exact same fucking thing. Acting aggrieved and indignant is fucking stupid. This is how the game is played. We're fucking morons who are glued to our phones 24/7 and believe any crap spewed in the media or online that justifies our own warped ideologies and prejudices. It bit us in the ass. The only proper response is to nail Zuckerberg and his ilk to the wall and to be more vigilant about this type of shit. I'd say we should also learn to stop giving a fuck about what we see in the media and online and not let it work us into a frenzy, but yeah, we all know that ain't gonna happen. The problem is us, not Russia. Those crazy fucks are sitting on an ever shrinking economic island, have zero pull on the globe at large, and are rapidly killing themselves through alcohol poisoning, injecting gasoline into their veins, and falling off of tall buildings. They're probably stunned their little stunt worked as well as it did. Just like Osama was probably stunned he was able to pull off the largest terrorist attack in history with a few dumb fucks with box cutters because pilots didn't bother to lock the cockpit door. If our country wasn't such a dysfunctional mess filled with easily led simpletons this "informational warfare" would have been a laughable joke.
    4 points
  37. Well, it might have been the best weekend of my life. There's too much to type so I'll just copy and paste my post from FB: "I can't truly put into works the experience of attending the Masters. Walking through the gates, seeing the emblematic scoreboard on the first fairway, the serene tee box on two, the elevation drop on six, the magnolia tree on 10 that Bubba curved his approach around to win in 2012, the pine straw that Lefty hit out of on 13 to win in 2010, and the Sunday hole location on 16 that has shaped so many wins and losses throughout the years. On top of that, I got to witness arguably the most iconic athlete since Jordan winning his 5th Masters 22 years after his first, after so many people had written him off. The atmosphere at Augusta National with Tiger in contention is indescribable. No matter where you are on the 345-acre course, you know when Tiger hit a remarkable shot as the roars echo through the pines like thunder. This weekend was one I'll never forget and one I'll be talking about until the day I die. Just bury me in this hat" :wearing Masters hat in pic: That pretty much sums it up. I lucked into weekend passes so we saw the 3rd and final rounds. The first day we took our time, hit the gift shop on the way in, so by the time we walked out to the course it was after 9AM, so all the good chair spots were taken. We ended up setting up on the 17th tee box and then walked the course. I followed Jordan for the second nine. Spent some time in the bleachers on 12, fairway on 13, and bleachers on 15. On Sunday, we got up earlier, and were able to get about 5th row on the 16th green with a great vantage point. They don't serve beer until 11AM on Sunday, but fortunately we had some suite passes with a full bar. Had a Tito's in hand by 8AM and walked the course. We spent a lot of time on the 2nd tee box and that might be my new favorite spot on the front nine. We were on the side with the wall and you're so close to the players that you can reach out and touch them. On the groupings with no notable players, we were literally the only patrons at the tee box. We could heard all the player-caddie and player-player convos. Got to hear them cut up, make fun of each other's drives, and drop F bombs. Definitely a different experience than on TV, and it was surreal that we were at the Masters and were the only people on a given hole. We ended up back at our chairs on 16 right after Justin Thomas' ace, so we missed both that day. Ended up watching the last 7 groups come through. The Tiger effect is real. The electricity in the air when he is on a hole is unreal. And to top it off his shot on 16 sealed the victory for him. 10/10. Would experience again.
    4 points
  38. The politics board is not your personal safe space to proudly display what a habitually dishonest, racist piece of garbage you are without internet “consequence.” You’re going to have to learn to live with the blowback you rightfully get here for being a low life racist and party over country traitor. Constantly whining about it exposes you further as being a gigantic pussy on top of the rest of it.
    4 points
  39. It warrants impeachment and removal. There's no way to spin this active and ongoing betrayal of our country.
    3 points
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