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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/08/20 in Posts

  1. Against my better judgment and several beers deep, I have taken you up on this, potentially ending my streak of totally worthless posts. I have done 3 and 7 day averages only on the Worldometer data. Also I have annotated my favorite moments on shaggybevo during this virus. I dont claim that the dates and information is exactly correct but its exactly how I remember it in my tiny head. Hope the file formats correctly CHEERS.
    69 points
  2. Trump- We're just the backup. Johnny Sack- You lunatics won't give Trump any credit!
    31 points
  3. I think my cat may have fucked us. I requested one fucking thing: don't roam the neighborhood and don't play chase-tail with your neighbor cat friends. That's it. Let me go outside. Let me take the risk because I can ramp up and be super OCD about this. Well she disobeyed, got out of the house and went to see two tabbies in their yards over the last 2 weeks and went to the duplex dumpster enclosure twice. Now she's had two days of poor appetite, snooty nose, and overall disheveled coat and diarrhea. I'm scared shitless. I'm seriously considering going today to buy a pistol and ammo so if this thing gets really bad for me I can kill myself before the worst symptoms of the pneumonia distress start. If I'm fortunate and don't get sick very badly I'm dropping her off at the pound. She showed she can't even put my or her own feline health ahead of her selfish cat desires to stealthily pursue small reptiles and birds. That's unforgivable.
    24 points
  4. Hello there. So here's the deal: although I'll be posting much less frequently than before, I want to stop in here to say that I'll try to continue (er, pick back up) posting in here or a few weather threads. Why? Because this is the cold and flu (har dee har) season, and because it's the height of severe weather season in Texas. However, as this spring has been exceptionally great (as in no severe weather and a very mild, more wet than dry pattern), there's been little need. And, this has been a terrific winter-to-spring IMHO.. warm, rather wet, and mild - that is very few days way down below normal or way up above it (today's getting close). Hell, we had an overnight Austin freeze in December, then didn't see one again until late February - and only one more. I'll take that every time. Add to that I think at times I help people with this, and if I don't I allow them to laugh or give them a target of hate rather than their wife or pet Chihuahua. Anyway, like everyone, I make mistakes at times, in this case in weather crapshooting, but if I can help one person avoid a hardship through this I'm happy. Yeah that last sentence was barfingly clicheish but true. The rest of "the stuff" involving myself I'm just gonna leave be, perhaps another time, maybe at some point I'll offer a PM of the past half year. But not now. Moving on... Since it's been so mild the past few months, does that mean a blistering summer? I'll work on that in the other thread. But the answer is no. At least one doesn't happen because of the other, although of course it might happen. Spring trends DO NOT portend similar summers, period. So when it gets to be 100 again every day for 5 months, you can look back on this and laugh. Anyhoo - I will mostly chime in with "significant" weather happenings. A chance of a nice shower or two isn't "significant". Nor is a spot of rain after a hot spell. I'm talking stuff that's worth noting because it's really a big deal or dangerous. As for today, this is a "life shits on me more than anyone else" day. That's because what's forecast to be severe today is unlikely but minimally possible. But if it hits, in a very narrow pocket, it could be really shitty, as in huge hail (tennis balls). Now big hail like that rarely lasts long and is very pinpoint, but still... if it falls on you, your life will absolutely suck (glad I readjusted my homeowner's to the minimal coverage to get much more hail reimbursement for the roof the other day!). My guess is almost no one here will see that hail. But a tiny pocket might. The rest of us might see a nasty brief little storm. Better chances the more southeast of ATX you are. But even since yesterday some of the models have said the moisture conditions aloft have sorta swung to less severe chances. Still, if it happens, it'll start firing up about now W or SW of us, then move over us. Somewhat unusually, this severe possibility area is small - and Austin city is directly in the center of it. Still, not worrying. There's a warm cap above us and the crap has to break through that to get nasty, and it's a tough job. So the deal today is I wouldn't worry much but keep your good car in the garage unless you want to paint it later with TItleist or Top-Flite advertising. Tomorrow looks even less of a chance again unless you're E or S of the ATX area. Then it gets pretty chilly for most of a week again. LOVE this weather right now! More if/when severe is an issue this week, but I doubt it. Love, Frankie the Yanker.
    22 points
  5. I stupidly venture over this forum from time to time. It continually baffles me when I see how delusional some posters are with their constant support for Trump and his administration. A complete disgrace to society, a complete disgrace to humanity. I've voted red and I've voted blue. Any sane person can see we have a moron in charge that has little to no regard for human life and human rights. On the bright side, the majority of people on this forum seem to see what's going on. I just hope it translates in the polls come November. I can't handle another 4 years with this moron in charge. At some point it's best this country fully divides and the reasonable people can live in specific states and the moronic dweebs that follow this orange tub of lard can live in the south and continue to fuck their fat sisters.
    16 points
  6. You're not supposed to be BUYING groceries at all. You should be growing and harvesting all of your own produce. You should also be ranching all of your own cattle and keeping chickens and pigs in your yard. Also, you should not be drinking ANY milk at all, unless you are an infant or toddler. I have learned all of this right here on the surly.
    15 points
  7. Motherfucker sure tweets a lot for someone who owes me $1,200.00
    14 points
  8. Do you even realize that the use of the term “mainstream media” and complaining about it is actually a specific propaganda tactic the Republican Party established years ago to trick rubes into ignoring factual news media? To even have the thought process that there is this vague, massive, coordinated, majority of media that is plotting to undermine conservatism is utterly ridiculous in a world where you have OAN, Fox News, Alex Jones, Rush Limbaugh, the Drudge Report, Brietbart, and other conservative media doing exactly what you are complaining about. And the fact that you can’t even understand that makes you look really uniformed and unintelligent. MSNBC, Huffington Post and other sources do post propaganda for the left, but dude you need to learn to properly evaluate sources before believing something. PBS, Reuters, BBC and other sources are reasonably good factual news sources. Educate yourself and quit looking like an idiot in this world by using terms like mainstream media.
    13 points
  9. Do you not realize that you your words present you as one of the dumbest fuckers on all of Surly? This has nothing to do with politics there are conservative posters here that are clearly intelligent. You are not one of those posters. I really don't mean this as an insult but based on your opinions, you appear to be really fucking stupid.
    12 points
  10. trebek with the headshot! cancer has made him ruthless. https://www.reddit.com/r/WatchPeopleDieInside/comments/fx0qer/nerdy_people/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x
    11 points
  11. I liked this post so you can cross Wulaw Horn off your list of people to kill
    11 points
  12. Ran a trace on junormiller's account and found his reddit account. Sounds like he's still having trouble with his lady.
    10 points
  13. Dedicated to Mrs. Brisketexan.
    9 points
  14. Then you’re an unbelievable fucking moron. The amount of people that buy into these stupid right wing propaganda plays is staggering.
    9 points
  15. This thing was predicted. There was amply fucking notice. China fucking quarantined an area of 75 million to handle it. What the fuck are you talking about? People on this board were discussing it and things we needed to do in fucking January. Random people on an internet message board dedicated to a college football team predicted it. Seriously, what a fucking dumb narrative.
    9 points
  16. Did they just slide that last line in there to see if anyone is paying attention?
    9 points
  17. I think that people who call scientists "eggheads" don't understand what a model is.
    9 points
  18. Yes - state lockdowns and social distancing is working. Banning air travel from China - but allowing so many exceptions that 400k + made it into the US did fuck-all. Also - pretending like it wasn't going to come here and then doing nothing to prepare the country is the opposite of 'knowing what he's doing'. The actual adults in charge of their individual states (or Mayors in Texas' case) are the ones who turned this around.
    9 points
  19. Hey buddy. I don’t know how to tell you this...and I know you’re frequently confused by this very simple thing, but...this isn’t the cloak room. While it’s normal there to threaten to murder public figures and other posters regularly there for not agreeing with your tunnel’d up worldview, but shit like threatening to kill your wife is frowned up on the rest of shaggy. Publicly at least. Maybe you should head back over there where you can bask in the arms of sympathetic well wishers and a few of those like minded psychopaths. also, you’re a huge pussy for talking about offing yourself before even trying to go to a hospital to seek treatment. But that’s like, just my opinion man. Why don’t you ask real nice to bum some of the hydrochloronique or whatever it is triplehorn scammed off a pharmacist first?
    9 points
  20. The last 40 years of republican neoliberal rule have gotten us to this point and have in one single generation destroyed the richest and greatest country that ever existed. And they did it in 40 years. Private prisons, jail time for pot, the crappiest food in the world, epidemic obesity levels, shitty health care, a service based economy based on servitude. And for what? So the rich could run off to bunkers when things go bad. What kind of life and country is that? Time for a change.
    8 points
  21. A joint press conference from the living presidents endorsing Biden might stroke him out and save us a lot of time.
    8 points
  22. Double. Enjoy this perfect illustration of my mood until November.
    8 points
  23. In other Corona related news, I just arrived in NYC to help out a bit. If I’m not working, I’m stuck in the hotel, so I took the bass and a Vox headphone amp. Not the most exciting rig rundown, but will hopefully keep me sane. If I don’t make it, I’m gonna need one of you to run by the house and thin the guitar herd. My wife is gonna be pissed if she sees how many there actually are.
    8 points
  24. I've been playing it in reverse, but it never quite gets to where I want it to go
    8 points
  25. 8 points
  26. Beating Donald Trump makes me pretty fucking excited to vote.
    8 points
  27. Something like this happens every 50 years, and with more population, will occur more frequently. Epidemiologists have published papers. Governments have plans. There are even popular app games that show how viruses can spread. Most of the characteristics of this virus could be simulated years ago. Back in January when the nature of the disease finally became widely known, some governments responded early and people in our government asked to ramp up preparation (travel restrictions, equipment, testing). I cut slack on elected officials because it takes massive amount of political will to take pro-active measures before the severity of the virus appears in a community. It’s one thing to know a problem exists. It’s another thing to actually do something about it and take actions that are not always going to be popular.
    8 points
  28. As Louis Pasteur once said, "Give me a hospital full of Johns Hopkins graduates, and we'll cure the common cold. Give me a handful of Texas Aggie doctors, and half of the world population will die from dysentery." Or something like that.
    8 points
  29. The president should be there with the team. It gives them an air of legitimacy, gravitas, the confidence of the nation. This is OUR team -- the team of we the people. But what he says should be quite abbreviated. Introduce the various team members with a nod to what they are going to talk about. Offer no more than 5 minutes of empathy, leadership, and calls to action. Be a fucking SERVANT LEADER. "I know these times are hard for so many. From those who are in the hospital, or worrying about their loved ones in the hospital, to people out of work, wondering where their next paycheck, meal, or rent money will come from. I can't offer you any easy or quick solutions. But we can offer each other so much [share an anecdote or two about Americans helping each other]. If you are afraid, I am afraid with you. If you wonder where you will find the strength to go on, I stand next to you -- so do your neighbors, all of your fellow Americans. If you are standing and fighting to help get us through this, my administration stands and fights with you. The greatest periods of American history often meant that we faced some of our greatest challenges. But we faced them together, and we emerged on the other side. We are strong -- because we are strong together. We cannot go around this, or over it -- we must go through it. And we will. The strength of our nation lives not in the White House, not in a military, not in any leader. It lives in the first three words of the Constitution. We the people. WE will go through this together. All of us. May God Bless you all, and may God bless these United States." I pounded that out in three minutes. He hasn't offered a single goddamned thing anything like it. And note how none of it pretends to be an expert on epidemiology, or PPE, or any of that shit? That's because the president isn't supposed to be the expert. He's supposed to be the guy who's smart enough to listen to several experts, discern, and decide. I've never known a single executive at any level as unsuited for the job as this SOB. Not one. And I've known some pretty piss-poor executives over the years.
    7 points
  30. I don’t recognize Bernie’s decision to drop out. I will continue to harass liberals, women, POCs, and everyone else he has commanded me to fight. I’m going to be that Japanese soldier on a deserted island shooting tourists because the war is still going for me.
    7 points
  31. Look man, the idea was to flatten the curve, not invert that mother fucker. Unless we want to be holed up for eternity, some of us have to get out there and maintain infection rates. Pretty fucking simple.
    7 points
  32. Not to derail from Junior Miller’s situation but I have an update on mine. With the warmer weather the cargo shorts are back out and I’m back in the captain’s seat. Today I’m leaning a little left, which is unusual for me, not sure if it’s Scoliosis, spina bifida or just being overall poor posture, but it happened again, this time the left teste slipped out. I’ve been reading about symptoms resurfacing so I think I’m going to try to get tested again. I might have to swing by the pedo and get him to look me over in person
    7 points
  33. Good radiologist at Baylor Scott and White. Patient was mid 40’s. In great shape. Ex all-conference division I QB. Had to be hospitalized but recovered well. Can see it can legit fuck your lungs pretty good even if you’re young and healthy. Please don’t share with JuniorMiller.
    7 points
  34. I feel guilty af for being entertained by this but here we are. I definitely think you’re overreacting there. If people in healthcare were as scared as you we would all be fucked. And I sure as hell am no hero for being in hospitals and nursing homes etc - hell, think of the people that work in grocery stores with all the panic shopping bozos. Your wife fucked up but it’s not worth a damn divorce, much less you putting a hole in her head / yours. If you’ve ever driven hammered, you’ve probably been more irresponsible than your wife during this episode. If you’re really this worried and this isn’t a bit shoot me a PM and maybe I can help. But damn, you definitely need to chill.
    7 points
  35. There is nothign wrong with deploying an unproven treatment in a dire clinical situation where the data is collected and analyzed in a systematic way to inform future practice. That is what is happening in NY and NJ and Washington and even Texas. There is a huge difference between experimental use under these circumstances while we build the evidence base and standing behind the most important podium in teh nation and spewing nonsense.
    7 points
  36. Today's Wisconsin vote will go down as one of the most shameful episodes in the post-civil rights era. And it is 100% on the GOP. This is their baby -- they INSIST on in-person voting in the middle of a pandemic instead of delaying elections like every other jurisdiction has. They are an evil, anti-American conspiracy, and they deserve to be swept from every office for eternity. There is nothing redeemable about the GOP any longer. Nothing.
    7 points
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