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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/03/20 in Posts

  1. * Making fun of a handicapped person is the best way to demonstrate my depth of care for others.
    21 points
  2. So she is willing to put things in her mouth for cash, now we're just haggling on price?
    15 points
  3. There is so much wrong with this I don't even know where to start. First - If you don't equate the economy to affecting peoples lives, then I would ask you to do a research project on the great depression. The economy will effect numerous more lives than a virus. Second - Sure I am white collar and should come out of this fine. But I know white collar people that used to work at the same company as me, that no longer do as a result of my company's reaction to this thing. My life and my kids lives aren't ruined, but a lot of things that they should have been able to take part in have been terminated and they will never get that opportunity back. Third - You are a fucking idiot if you think that the people leaning toward getting back to somewhat normal are doing it so they can travel for "funsies" and smile when they check their 401k. Are you a fifth grader?
    14 points
  4. Wife and I took a little driving tour of some of the local boat ramps and lake recreation areas. We've put a moratorium on taking the boat out at this point, but just trying to gauge how busy the lake is. At one of the more popular spots, it was pretty uncomfortable for us to watch a complete disregard of any safety measures whatsoever. This was one of the more tame gatherings, and still zero distancing. I know the picture looks like a redneck Monet, but we were keeping our distance.
    14 points
  5. He's obviously moved on from Two Corinthians to the book of Revaluations. "And the plague did riseth, aurantiaco and festering, and did destroy the minds of countrymen, the lives of those previously disenfranchised, while yet the wealthy did prosper amidst their gluttony. And a cry arose from the nations, 'But her emails...'."
    14 points
  6. My Einstein was just eating turds in the backyard.
    13 points
  7. I could have perhaps been a bit more clear when talking about the flu and that possibly could have kept you from getting your parties in a wad (probably not) but when I said “less deadly than the flu” I meant- likely kill percentage if I was to actually get this thing- not total deaths by everyone in America. It’s beyond obvious that this sucker spreads bigtime. However- if the actual kill percentage is .1-.2 like a lot of these new studies are suggesting, with the super lethality of killing olds, that makes me less likely to die if I get this vs die if I get the flu as a 41 year old. Like I said though in my original post you quoted- we don’t do respectful disagreement anymore, nor do we do live and let live. If it makes you feel better to name call then go right ahead and do it. I’m pretty confident in my intelligence. I’m pretty confident in my lack of likelihood to die, and I’m pretty sure it pointless to lock myself in a cage for years when I figure at some point in time I’m going to get his virus That’s the biggest difference between us I guess- you seem to think it’s likely you can avoid getting this thing. I don’t think that’s likely. If I’m right then it makes sense to roll the dice right now as opposed to waiting another 6 months/year/2 years looking for a vaccine that’s never coming or a looooong away. That and I bet I’m more comfortable with the idea of dying than you are- of this thing, or heart attack, or cancer, or car crash or whatever come for me.
    12 points
  8. A former president, a former republican president, calls for unity and the current president goes "oh yeah well fuck you!". Also, yes we should have all been unified in impeaching him. Agreed.
    11 points
  9. Wife has a box of small graduation presents she wants to ship to daughter and her friends in Colorado, but doesn't want to go to the post office to get postage. "If I knew what it weighed, I can buy postage online and print it out." My solution: "Just estimate what you think it weighs, then buy postage for more than that weight. Who cares if you put on a couple of bucks extra in postage?" The solution she chose: Ordered a $20 scale from Amazon so that she wouldn't waste money on extra postage.
    11 points
  10. That’s the most jaded, chicken-shit, limp dicked response I’ve read on here in quite a while. You should be proud of your lack of logic, reason, and nuance.
    11 points
  11. These businesses (keeping in mind many are choosing not to open yet) are opening in limited capacity and phasing back in. You don’t agree, great. Feel free to stay holed up inside your home until you feel comfortable returning. There are many of us under 65 with no pre existing conditions and with no symptoms that want to go back to living so we don’t end up broke and homeless in another month or two. That doesn’t make us stupid.
    11 points
  12. Some of them are even posting pictures of them next to a weird looking glazed carrot and crappy potato side in the reopening thread.
    11 points
  13. If these random samples are true and it’s 40-80 times more prevalent than our testing indicates then the stupidity isn’t in engaging with the world as a heathy ish 41 year old, the stupidity is in locking yourself in a room to avoid getting essentially something less deadly than the flu. Even if those samples aren’t correct and it’s a much higher chance I die or am seriously hospitalized then is suggested by some of the new random sampling tests, if the immunologists are correct and 40-70% of us are going to get it anyway then it’s not worth sheltering in place for a year or two trying to avoid something that’s inevitable The SIP was put in place to flatten the curve and keep the hospitals from being overwhelmed. That’s worked. Mission accomplished. Now let’s get back to life. Or don’t. That’s your call and you can make whatever call you want and I will support you in that.
    11 points
  14. I really like An intelligence guy comes up to me. These are tough guys. They have those, you know, you know what I mean...on their arms like truck drivers. Beautiful truckers...have been very good to me. Now the boaters. You saw that boat with the thing? I could have been in the Navy. Admirals tell me an aircraft carrier vessel ship. I could have commanded one had I accepted the offer from the Navy. I'm very intelligent...so...this intelligence guy, probably a top spy. We didn't have good spies before me. I'm told I've done more for the spying...spies than anybody. Their bosses are losers never Trumpers but the real spies love me. I love them. So, I'm rocking back and forth on my feet whistling and this man comes up to me. "Sir, I have to report that you were right. All along. You were brilliant. We said stuff like, this virus isn't a threat. As a matter of fact, you kicked its ass like a dog." He's crying down his face. He says, "the Fake News is so unfair to you. I have a report that says they've been worse to you than anybody." I tell him that I'm too busy. Too busy to even notice. I work hard and never sleep. Never play golf. So, there. Intelligence told me the truth but the Fake News won't tell you.
    10 points
  15. Tank couldn’t resist jumping in the pool today. Had the shake off while I was taking his pic. Dudes a bowling ball and can’t swim...luckily I’ve got an 8” ledge he owns.
    10 points
  16. He’s married. Why prolong the pain.
    10 points
  17. I see no appreciable difference in the Chinese government’s response and the American government response. Let’s imagine an American lab released this virus through shitty oversight and lax regulations or if it originated in hillbillies eating roadkill. Y’all really think Trump and his administration of lying shitbaskets wouldn’t have lies and covered up and hid the numbers? Come on, man. THEY’RE DOING THAT RIGHT NOW. And Fox News would have played the role of state television. AS THEY ARE DOING RIGHT NOW. The only saving grace is that America still has other media and some government entities to shine a light and call bullshit. For now. The Chinese government started fucking this donkey but Trump and his government are following right along with the same behavior.
    10 points
  18. Maybe unpopular opinion thread: But people baby the fuck out of cast iron. “Oh noes two ml of liquid soap hit my cast iron, better sand blast it down to base metal and spend the next 3 months seasoning before I actually use it for cooking a meal. My mother in law used an aluminum spatula on my comal! Sigh, just going to sell it for scrap and look for another vintage griddle online!” Meanwhile the thing that makes them great is Po Campo banging them down the trail in the wagon with miles of dust slowly sticking to last nights lard before it gets shoved directly onto the coals or WW2 widows cooking morning eggs in last nights grease with a couple charred onions still clinging to the side. Wipe it down throw some Crisco on it for an hour at 375 and it’ll be damn near the same as it was 17 years ago. It is cast iron not Waterford Crystal.
    10 points
  19. Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.
    9 points
  20. Additional cliffs: the lab was working on bat corona viruses and how they infect humans. The video did mention the labs lead researcher Shi Zhengli "bat woman" has been doing gain of function experiments with corona viruses and the s protein. They probably should have mentioned that the bat woman has published papers on a virus she found in 2013 that was highly pathogenic and couldn't be controlled by SARS treatments So what to do with all this? Let's take the parts of this one virus that is highly infectious and combine it with this other one that is deadly. Using the SARS-CoV reverse genetics system2, we generated and characterized a chimeric virus expressing the spike of bat coronavirus SHC014 in a mouse-adapted SARS-CoV backbone. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/11/151110115711.htm They were studying bat corona viruses, and they were recombining bat corona viruses to make new bat corona viruses that specifically infect humans. At ground zero for the outbreak. but there is no way this thing came from the lab, and we know this because scientists who were involved with these experiments and similar types of grant funded work told us it can't have happened. Thats like Phillip Morris and Reynolds determining that it is air pollution and not their cigarettes that cause smokers to get lung cancer.
    9 points
  21. Is this supposed to be a quote, or does Trump now consider himself some sort of prophet? Has he figured out how to open his third eye? Moreover, does he have any clue how an ellipsis actually works? I'll be honest, introducing Donald the Seer as a new character this late in the series just feels needlessly tacked on.
    9 points
  22. In complete seriousness I thought that pic was a joke picture of a pile of dog shit and a hot dog. I really hope the camera had a problem with the lighting so that the colors are all off. I would laugh if a waiter put that in front of me. Then I would leave paying for everything up to that point, and tip the waiter for the entire meal. I can't believe a chef would be out of work for 6 weeks and that is the one of the first dishes out of the kitchen. "I have a great idea for tonight's special side dish, a single, glazed carrot cut to resemble a hot dog."
    9 points
  23. No, China isn't the primary issue. Every virus is going to come from somewhere. Shutting down potential sources of new viruses is a secondary issue. Your * also shows you know this. Also, before we start dumb trade war part 2 with China, we should actually fix our own internal supply chain first. Also, we need to consider the precedent that would be set by applying sanctions to a country of virus origin. Once we do it, it will become the thing that is done, and while some people like to pretend all viruses come from China, they don't. Either way, the current administration doesn't have the competence, patience, or tact to accomplish anything. We should wait for a Biden presidency so we can discourage wet markets through diplomatic pressure rather than a sanctions war, and so that we can establish a federally regulated supply chain for essential inputs.
    9 points
  24. Yea, it’s a small island the size of Colorado but much more isolated. What’s your fucking point?
    9 points
  25. Can we get him to a fucking play already? I'll also settle for a trip to Dallas.
    8 points
  26. You’re like a child who wanders into the middle of a movie...
    8 points
  27. OK, this just made it all worthwhile. These are without question the best breakfast tacos I've ever eaten. And sitting on my boat enjoying them makes it a grand slam.
    8 points
  28. I'll add, my primary concern with me personally going out again isnt my safety. I'm concerned I'll unknowingly spread the disease to someone more vulnerable. Until I see some societal wide plan to protect the vulnerable (and I think the best way is to keep the total number of active infections relatively low and stable), it feels reckless to reintroduce myself to society. Someone else's death could be on me, and I really really dont like that idea.
    8 points
  29. Whiteness has its privileges.
    8 points
  30. I love the confidence people have that releasing the SIP orders will lead to ultimate destruction and more shut-downs. They are so confident that they feel compelled to throw in insults and name-calling into arguments. This is an unprecedented event and no one knows the end of this thing. That said...if anything, you could say the country overreacted. Hospitals were built that were never used. The hospital bed capacity in Texas is over 28,000 and beds needed is 1,200. ICU bed capacity is over 2,200 and beds needed is 300. Even if we went back to pre-COVID activities I wonder if we would hit the limits? source: https://covid19.healthdata.org/united-states-of-america/texas I understand the fear of reopening given what has been reported from the start, so I don't think anyone is an idiot for wanting to play it safe. By all means, don't do anything that makes you uncomfortable. The people I can't stand are the ones who are calling others idiots/trash for wanting to reopen or for not wearing a mask (if it's optional) and whatever other insults they feel like throwing out there. I don't know what data to trust anymore because the initial models were so far off (in a good way, we never got close to their predicted crisis) but the data seems to support reopening. Yes, cases are still increasing - but that will happen regardless with increased spread and testing. Hospital capacity hasn't been a problem in weeks and it was only ever a problem in 3 parts of the world - Wuhan, Lombardy, and NYC. Given where we are today, it seems impossible for 90% of the US (exception is dense populations) to ever get to the critical points in time those 3 locations experienced. It would be like Nebraska fearing a tsunami...it won't happen. Meanwhile 1/4 of the country is unemployed...which gets back to my original point: if the data supports reopening, why are the people receiving insults the ones who are supported by the data?
    8 points
  31. Looks like the kitchen staff is pissed.
    8 points
  32. Your rants listing off stereotypes and name calling add a lot to this thread.
    8 points
  33. Redneck Monet is the single best thing that this thread has produced in at least 600 pages.
    7 points
  34. 7 months today. I’ll quit giving the monthly updates, but every time the 3rd hits and I’m still sober, it’s pretty amazing. Thanks to you all for being some inspirational.
    7 points
  35. The issue is not all at-risk people can isolate themselves 100%. We don't have a giant bio-dome that we can move all of our at risk people into. We already see what has happened in nursing homes which are defacto isolated groups of high risk old people; it's still tearing its way through despite staff efforts to prevent it. You also have immunocompromised people who still need food/groceries and have to go out to healthcare facilities for treatments who now have an increased chance of coming across someone infected. I have a high school friend that is wrapping up a round of chemo from a diagnoses late last year. Under normal circumstances, his cancer type is not that serious but now his risk isn't the cancer but instead going into a healthcare facility that has covid patients. Even if we don't overwhelm hospitals by reopening everything, we're still increasing chances of exposure of those high risk groups. This is a highly infectious disease. It's just a numbers game at this point. By increasing foot traffic in restaurants, this increases the chance the staff contract it, which then increases the chance they contaminate the food of someone like AB who is trying to play it smart and just get curbside. Same for retail/gyms/movie theaters. You more you expose people and infections increase, the chance goes up that at risk people get exposed in their limited interactions when people. That's how this increases the risk for people like AB and my high school friend who has no choice in not being 100% SIP. You're not just rolling the dice for yourself. I agree healthcare needs to open back up if they have a sufficient PPE but the rest is nonsense under current conditions. People/groups have already shown their ass about refusing to wear masks and our state govt unwilling to have a backbone and require they be worn. That alone would curb a lot of spread but because of the "but muh freedom!" crowd, it lessens the chance of success of trying to open things back up. Let's be real though, even if we decided to open everything back up 100% tomorrow, lots of people are still going to stay at home and even more are curbing their discretionary spending in case shit gets worse so IMO, I doubt we see any meaningful economic impact doing this right now at the cost of increasing risk factors. States still have enough money to float unemployment for a while and the fed has shown no restraint in their ability to make the money printers for brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr so I don't see why we're so fucking giddy to do this now while we have incomplete/inaccurate data instead of giving the scientific community a little more time to formulate a plan/get testing in order/find more treatment options (like Remdesivir). With all that said, I still stand firm in saying whoever thinks going to dine-in at restaurants right now when curbside is an option has a room temp IQ. Take it as a personal attack, I don't care. People get made fun of for doing dumb shit all the time so I don't see why this is any different. Just because something is legal, doesn't mean it's the right thing to do. You're within your legal right to go stick your dick in a beehive but now instead of just your dick getting stung, you're possibly affecting others by doing so. This is worst case scenario of stupidity being literally contagious.
    7 points
  36. So, for you guys that think it’s too soon to open back up, what’s your plan? When is it ok to open back up? What’s the difference in opening back up now vs in 30-60 days? There isn’t going to be a fucking cure for it by then. It appears in most cities anyone who wants to be tested can. The hospitals have plenty of capacity. If you want to stay home, if you are at risk stay home, but let the rest of the country start living again, if they want to.
    7 points
  37. I can assure you if you went back to bars, clubs, conventions, festivals, full stadiums etc today, your healthcare system would 100% be overwhelmed.
    7 points
  38. Fuck allowing cars on beaches. Proper beach enjoyment for anyone not staying in a beach front hotel/beach house requires a painful trek to the beach from inland parking, followed by, upon arrival, remembering what you left in the car.
    7 points
  39. Had an arrestee that needed ICU care tonight and we have to stay with them, so I made my first trip into ICU since covid blew up. I already respected the hell out of the nursing profession, but damned if I didn’t find a higher level without even knowing it was possible. Pretty surreal experience; felt like I was in a movie. Watching them work in concert with each other was incredible. Once again, hats off to the medical professionals working in these environments every day. My asshole was tighter than Mack Brown’s walking down the Cotton Bowl tunnel.
    7 points
  40. Ha ha. Since aggy joined the SEC 6 teams have winning records at Kyle field against P5 teams and aggy isn’t one of them.
    7 points
  41. This needs to go in the steel shank thread. You paid money for this?!?
    7 points
  42. There’s a metric fuckton of testing now vs 2 weeks ago. Of course ‘reported cases’ are shooting up. IL definitely isn’t going towards some new peak as we speak. If they open up in some orderly fashion starting now it should be fine.
    7 points
  43. I wear one when I’m in public, indoors, and I keep distancing protocol. I’m not fucking wearing a mask taking my dog for a 5 mile walk, nor on the river when I’m fishing. That’s as fucking regarded as babies wearing crawling helmets.
    6 points
  44. Knew that Yankees fans can't spell.
    6 points
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