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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/23/20 in Posts

  1. 23 points
  2. Just like every other thing Trump has tried to do for the past four years, it starts with big talk and bluster, followed by a mind numbing level of incompetence, and concludes with impotent, passive aggressive whimpering.
    21 points
  3. At least this gave me a good CFB-relevant chuckle:
    18 points
  4. Here’s the letter Fuck her. It wasn’t your job to decide the election, just see who the apparent winner was, you know like every other person in the world saw on November 7th. You didn’t need to wait to see 35 lawsuits gets tossed or see if the insanely improbable likelihood that 4 or 5 states went rogue and didn’t certify their results. It’s fucking childish. The worst that would happen in that 1 in a Zillion chance, was that Biden would have to return some money. Sweet jesus you fucking child. By not doing your easy ass job, you gave oxygen to baseless fraud claims, we saw a couple dudes in a hummer with guns drive up to Philly to try to stop legally cast ballots being counted.
    17 points
  5. 40 plus indictments, guilty pleas, convictions, prison sentences, and roughly a dozen fed cases borne of said investigation is slightly more than jack shit.
    16 points
  6. You really love to come guns blazing on people in here all the while acting like we should elevate the dialogue and you're so above all this. You're no better than people you call assholes. Nowhere did I call them stupid and I absolutely understand the fear that jobs will go away. There is odd anger and denial on the right over climate change and we should be leading the world in a quest to fight it, as we do most problems. You might want to look a bit inward since you seem to love to come in here every now and then and take a flamethrower to people. You do it quite frequently.
    15 points
  7. Emily Murphy: i was not pressured by the executive branch Trump: I told that fat bitch to do it
    14 points
  8. Look, fuck Trump obviously, but he's got me listening to a fucking canvassing board meeting in a state I've never even set foot in. My knowledge and participation in the democratic process has increased exponentially over the past four years, which is a good thing.
    12 points
  9. A former Kansas state poster from shaggy days who passed away. He was a good poster. Rip
    12 points
  10. No offense because I fear the power of the Man, but who can spot the irony here? The right's anger is part of the right's hate engine. It is the central problem with our country and second in the World only to addressing climate change. The right's anger was cultivated to preserve the power of the GOP and is based on lies and uncivil discourse. The GOP never planned for a failed, sociopathic bumbler to join them behind the curtain and then trip over his own excessive neckware only to pull the curtain down as he tries to save himself. They got the wrong sociopath, and he stole their reins.
    12 points
  11. Which one of you did this? https://nokellyforaustin.com/about?fbclid=IwAR2BlE5BIEer_4jFMz9a3jvxWfgpVI8NBBYxW_Ha3mVZ4Yr_DbcfTqvp0U8
    12 points
  12. That’s a cute little missive. Of course you’re failing to account for the fact the Republican Party has abandoned the foundations of the reasons they formed as a party in the first place, like fiscal conservatism. Small government. They couldnt even put forth a party platform for trumps second term. It was “more Trump.” That’s the fucking definition of putting party over principles, so when there are no stated goals and the basic tenets of the party’s foundation were jettisoned years ago, by definition you have factionalism for the sake of factionalism, with no goals. You basically proved their fucking point. Bravo. Unless you were cooL and totally onboard with your party’s shitting all over the democracy in which we live as a platform goal. But that’s a different conversation I think.
    11 points
  13. The Turkeys Corn and Cob are not amused by all the anti-pardon rancor.
    11 points
  14. With GA already certified, Michigan just certified and PA being certified in about 2 hours, that fat fuck Emily Murphy has no excuse now. Even if you exclude AZ, NV and WI, which certify later, Biden has 279. Put the fucking fork down and ascertain him the winner and start the transition, you fucking bitch.
    11 points
  15. This. we have a once in a lifetime chance to get a multi national championship winning coach who has had success at every stop in his career. Tom Herman will never be that. Pull the trigger no matter the outcome. Even if Tom wins a Big12 championship, he should be fired. The multiple championship seasons that would follow, the enthusiasm it would generate, and the opening up of the south end zone will all pay for the 15 million we owe him. You want to get out of the COVID cash crunch CDC? Get a coach that can field championship teams and the $’s will follow.
    10 points
  16. It’s not the best or worst letter I’ve ever read but it is yet another example of a Republican making themselves out to be a victim which is annoying as shit since that is what they do 100 percent of the time all day and every day.
    9 points
  17. Just look at what the Golden state warriors did to Mark Jackson. Even though he took the team from the shitters to above average, they still fired him because he couldn't take them to the promised land. He was well loved by the players and it brought a lot of friction between management and the players but guess what, big time leaders have vision and aren't afraid to make decisions that may spark lots of controversy in the short term. 5 years later and they have won it 3x and built one of the scariest dynasties in modern NBA. Fuck optics and make the right move.
    9 points
  18. Eat a fat fucking dick and choke on it. Never seen you tell conservatives to stop blanket claiming democrats as socialists, anti-American, communists, beta males, feminazis, etc “Wahhh be nice to us after we treated you like garbage for 4 years!”
    9 points
  19. You're being a coward again. "You're not in power so fuck your feelings! Wait, what's that? We're out of power? Then those in power should be bringing people together."
    9 points
  20. If they stop being so fucking homophobic, sexist, and racist, maybe they'll stop being called those things? Why are homophobes, sexists, and racists always so sensitive about being called what they are, when they have no problem publicly espousing those beliefs?
    9 points
  21. I believe in a guy who only had 12.....so yeah.
    9 points
  22. Fuck that shit, blast her with the hypocrisy of her own actions. If these people want to burn down the world they can start with their own fucking houses and see what if feels like. I’m getting past the point of her personal pain and society’s “understanding” (to paraphrase Ra’s Al Ghul) justifying the widespread pain they’re attempting to foist on the rest of America. I’d ask her straight up why in an America of freedom and personal liberties and choice how she can justify taking away the ability and freedom of choice shes exercised multiple times for herself. listen, I get it if you don’t do it. Honestly I can’t sit here and say I would do it either. But everyone here needs to at least recognize and understand and weigh that the “pain” these people are working through...threatens to inflict pain on others in the manner in which they’re processing their own guilt. It’s like a drowning man thrashing and dragging down anyone they can with them. And at some point the last remnants of kindness, or civility, or understanding or decorum or whatever you want to call it...is enabling and turning a blind eye on behavior that is hurting others.
    9 points
  23. Do not let her off the hook. That letter changes nothing. She needs to be hammered.
    8 points
  24. My boss is a Republican and a Michigan grad. I just texted that to him. Will report back.
    8 points
  25. When the hell can we start our "NY AG assfucks Trump and family to death" thread?
    8 points
  26. It's also really stupid. You don't make coaching decisions based on a sample size of 3 or 4 games. You make them based on 3 or 4 years. There is enough data to make a move regardless what happens the rest of the season.
    8 points
  27. If Urban won a title with the current coaching staff (sans Herman of course), that would have be some type record in the modern era of NCAA football. It would be truly astounding. Matt Leinart proving that he did indeed graduate from the University of Spoiled Children. Oh woe is me, I can't dine at a restaurant for 3 weeks. Fucking first world problems. Try working offshore on an oil rig for months on end, you Bush Push twat. Shelley seems like a tease, but hope her Twitter activity doesn't cause trouble next season.
    8 points
  28. Nope. She’s projecting her pain. If you need to say something tell her privately that God loves her and that you hope she can forgive herself.
    8 points
  29. That's really the crux of it isn't it? There are people who understand that their decisions have impact on society as a whole and have respect for that, and there are those that don't. The disingenuous argument of "everyone can make their own decisions!" is not made in good faith. It's simply to make them feel better about being shitty selfish people.
    7 points
  30. Lionel Hutz - “Scotch?“ Marge- “But it’s 10:00 in the morning!?? Hutz- “Yeah but I haven’t slept in days.” That’s always been one of my favorite lines.
    7 points
  31. As an attorney, here’s the thing that still scares me about Trump’s legal team: it’s not that they’re so good. It’s that they’re so bad. I HATE going up against really bad, stupid lawyers. They’re impossible to work with, and impossible to predict. I have no idea what an insane, stupid person is going to do next, because I don’t speak that language. I much prefer to face excellent legal counsel. They aren’t erratic. They might spring a surprise at times, but in a clever and (I say this without irony) predictable way. The worst experiences I’ve had as an attorney are the cases where opposing counsel is a moron. I have to clean up so much idiocy. You have to respond to stupid pleadings just like you have to respond to good ones. And sometimes, you don’t even know how to respond. It’s hard to argue against nonsense. Which means that sometimes, nonsense slips through. TLDR: it’s really hard to play chess against someone who thinks that taking a shit on the board is a legit move.
    7 points
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