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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/17/18 in all areas

  1. Regarding @jimmyjazz's question about the view on this class, I'll throw in my thoughts. QB - They got who they wanted and he looks great on film. He's going to be a guy that presses those above him. TB - I like the Georgia TB more than others, including friends who are closer to recruiting than me and get paid to do it in some form. He looks like a guy that can move the chains, make one cut and get up field, and take a beating. He's not going to be Keontay Ingram, but he's going to be fine if he's spelling Ingram. I hope they land one of the big names, but that doesn't look incredibly promising. I've heard they're less likely to offer a back-up like Glass than they were before the season, and that is good news, IMO. 2020 is a big year for multiple backs. Texas loses Carter, Watson, Porter and Houston, so I expect them to pursue another GT. Slot - This is the best slot haul in Texas history and is the best in the country in this class. Outside WR - If they land Washington, Houston, and Lewis, it's an excellent unit to be bringing in. Depth is going to be an issue after this season at all WR positions, so they need to bring in 5-6 and that's what they're doing. Woodard is drawing strong reviews in practice and is someone that will be a reliable producer for the program. Eagles needs to learn how to separate and use his body and physical advantages. CJ has done this, so it's not something that can't or won't happen, but it's the risk on him as a player in development. TE - This is the best TE haul in Texas history and will rival any in the country. Both guys are underrated. OT - They're going to sign a future star in Johnson. The other guys they bring in will be guys they really like and fit their profile, irrespective of whether they're ranked well or not. This staff has data they're working off of regarding OL rankings and they think they're working with a competitive advantage in their approach. I do not expect Shephard to be a part of this class and he's not a part of my view at OT. Texas is developing outstanding class-by-class depth at OT and this is a spot to be excited about for the future. Interior OL - They're short here and they know it. They're pursuing multiple options. Depth for the future is a concern for me here. We need a solution for the future at C and we need more G depth. This will not be a highly ranked part of the class and will probably include a JUCO and/or GT. DL - Mpagi and Sweat are both excellent takes. Both are excellent evaluations. Is Alabama winning titles with guys like this? No. Our DL recruiting is below that of Bama, Clemson, and Ohio State. This is an area of concern as the roster under Herman continues to develop and grow. They need another couple of guys to keep the depth developing. I wouldn't be surprised by either GT or JUCO help. LB - This is potentially the best LB class Texas has ever signed, provided they can land Johnson. Johnson and Floyd are both impact guys with pro futures. Tillman and Gbenda are excellent developmental guys who will actually have time to develop with this staff. CB - Watson is a stud who will challenge early. He's faster than the guys on the roster and that goes with him being advantaged size-wise. Caldwell is promising for depth. S - These guys are excellent follows to the 2018 class. Owens could wind up at LB or a hybrid and that's perfectly fine. I think they close with Johnson, Washington, Lewis, Powell, 2-3 OLs and a DT. Throw in a wildcard win via McCoy or Cain or something and you're at 25. I don't think they land Sanders, Catalon, or Shephard. As always situation is fluid, new shit can come to light. This should finish as a top 6-8 class though.
    23 points
  2. I think much of the board agrees with me when I say illegal Latin Americans > yankees and Californians
    15 points
  3. Just got a call about 40 minutes ago that our youngest daughter had been in a car accident and West Texas around the Eola coming home from work. Jaws of life were called to cut her out of the car, but apparently no serious injuries as they put her into a room pretty quickly. Have been calling Shannon Hospital over and over and they connect me to her room but there is no answer. Was told by the receptionist says probably cuz a doctor is working with her talking to her examining and her. This poor girl just went through a horrible divorce that was finally finalized on the 11th and was looking forward to getting on with her life. Any warm thoughts prayers or hopes are greatly appreciated. Thank you and God bless.
    11 points
  4. Until Texas actually stops electing so many dipshits, I'm going to hold off on talking shit about WV, Oklahoma and Alabama ...
    11 points
  5. 10 points
  6. What a time to be alive, a fucking mobster is president. Thanks, OnBoard, et al. for saving us from her emails
    10 points
  7. The very fact that your IQ is high enough for you to KNOW he isn't appropriating anything yet you still trot out that fear-mongering right-wing trope tells me you're (a) a true believer who can't use your big brain to get around your own bigotry and (b) you're a racist shitbag.
    8 points
  8. ^ most of us are more jealous about how y'all went to 4 years of college for $87 or just went ahead and bought a house with your job at a factory or unicorn farming or whatever the fuck used to happen straight out of high school. And are going to die before social security runs out and the oceans boil.
    8 points
  9. Here's a little recap of 91
    7 points
  10. What I've come to terms with recently, and I think what a lot of people are missing, is that there is NOTHING Mueller could find that would alter the viewpoints of 40% of the country. He could produce video of Putin handing Trump a wad of cash with a wink, and 40% of the country would say that this was no big deal. Mueller could conclude that Putin and Trump held hands while hacking into voting machines in 2016, and 40% of the country would thank them for keeping the DEMONRATS out of office. We live in two different universes. And it isn't just the crazies that show up to the rallies. Tens of millions of otherwise normal, fully-functioning adults completely shut down when discussing politics, and I have no idea where to go from here. We're broken, and there's nothing this report could say that will change any of it.
    7 points
  11. I’m starting to think that this Trump guy may not be on the up and up.
    7 points
  12. Lol. This is the worst post I've ever read in the recruiting forum.
    6 points
  13. Shut the fuck up, Donnie.
    6 points
  14. I think aggy said something like this when they lost to Clemson
    5 points
  15. I was pretty angry after the Maryland game. I was disgruntled by the Tulsa game. I was pleased and surprised by the USC game. after beating OUSuxs, I am fully on board with our Corch. I am a demanding fan who has been cheering and going to games since 1968. I have shook Earl, The MAN, Campbell’s hand, bought Ricky a couple of beers and have loved every player who ever put on the Burnt Orange. i am happy when we win and pissed when we don’t and the first target of both the love and the anger is the man with the big pay check. So Tom, right now I love you! Beat the ever living crap out of Okie-lite!
    5 points
  16. Great. Just telegraph that shit to Skeletor
    5 points
  17. Herman probably coming to Taylor vs. Mayde Creek. Why do so many people use tapa instead of just their browser? Y'all complain about it constantly.
    5 points
  18. "And I will do whatever I can to help you in your life for that game." Shane's gonna transfer.
    5 points
  19. We have always had barbaric foreign policy with a facade of human dignity. All that's happened under Trump is that we dropped the facade. Obama would've sad-faced on camera and sounded tough. But neither Obama nor Trump would or will do anything serious to the Saudis.
    5 points
  20. MORE BREAKING NEWS: Tom Savage has stolen the Declaration of Independence
    5 points
  21. That fucking link awkwardly asked me to pay to read the article!
    5 points
  22. Texas Mexicans > California Mexicans - no contest.
    5 points
  23. so she admits to speeding in a residential area...... and shes pissed because a resident who is sick and tired of folks speeding through the neighborhood told her speeding ass to slow the fuck down- kids and dogs run in the street all the time? yeah, Im siding with the dyke with the dog in this argument. slow the fuck down.
    5 points
  24. It's just this war and that lying son of a bitch, Johnson.
    5 points
  25. And don't you ever fucking forget that
    5 points
  26. Who the fuck needed snopes to investigate that
    5 points
  27. One of if not the greatest, most-impactful plays by a safety I've ever seen. In the 2nd quarter, Michael Griffin comes from nowhere and snags an interception in the end zone front corner, gets his foot down, prevents USC from extending its lead to 14-3, and gut-punches their cocky confidence. Horns would drive the field for a TD to go up 9-7.
    5 points
  28. This is probably too fabulous for you manly men but it’s hilarious.
    5 points
  29. Gen X. Boomers were assholes. I like to think that we are a slight bit less asshole than our Boomer parents. My experience with my cohort in my circle of friends is that we're the generation of "leave us the fuck alone", which somehow aligns with a somewhat more open-minded and accepting stance than the Boomers before us. We don't really care enough about anyone to care what they do, as long as we are left alone. However very few of us give enough of a shit to do much about anything outside of our own sphere. I vote and try to be kind to my friends and those around me, and that's about it. I wish I cared more, but I don't. Millennials are far less asshole than either of the aforementioned generations. Sure, they're a bit namby pamby and sensitive or whatever, but they care and their hearts are in the right place. They'll be fine. I look forward to seeing what they can do, as long as they stay off my lawn. Their music sucks. They will probably leave the world in a better condition than they found it in, which is more than you can say for boomers, and probably my generation too. I don't know much about anyone after the Millennials. They haven't offended me, though.
    5 points
  30. No but your mom may be able to slim down enough to play OL, given a concentration camp diet and exercise routine and about $100G in lipo.
    5 points
  31. There’s the troll we’ve all come to expect. Can’t even troll without the dig on the HBCU. Well done.
    5 points
  32. There was collusion the moment we all watched Donald ask the Russians to hack Hillary live on national television. What people want is justice for what is already clear to any rational person.
    4 points
  33. If there’s one thing this story will tell us that we can all agree with, Urban Meyer is a morally bankrupt piece of shit with not an ounce of redeeming value.
    4 points
  34. You wouldn’t happen to work in the medical field, perhaps radiology?
    4 points
  35. well, it's a good thing smithville is the home of hope floats:
    4 points
  36. Because in America the driver doesn’t sit in the right seat.
    4 points
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