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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/18/19 in all areas

  1. You look at Baylor over there and it's just all about the tradition of Coach Rhule looking like he's about to have some dental x-rays done at any moment since he's already wearing the lead apron.
    22 points
  2. First down - player's fault Second down - multiple player's fault Third down - Duv's fault Conclusion: not Tom;s fault.
    16 points
  3. You know what I REALLY like about Trump? How he loves the troops. He loves them SO much, that - against the advice of the Pentagon - he'll pardon war criminals. Because as he tells us, brave soldiers who serve their country should have their crimes forgiven. I mean, unless those soldiers are dirty mexicans who served with honor and distinction, and committed NO war crimes...but they DID commit the crime of illegal entry long ago (or maybe their parents did). In THOSE cases, well, THE LAW IS THE LAW, and it must be enforced. Summary -- be a soldier and illegally kill a brown person? Pardon. Be a soldier who happens to BE a brown person? Deported.
    15 points
  4. First he's gonna shit, then he's gonna kill us!
    13 points
  5. Will be forgotten by many because of the shit show, but that was one of the greatest touchdown catches I've ever seen.
    10 points
  6. Friendly reminder: Dabo Swinney went 6-7 in his third season at Clemson. The next year, be brought in Chad Morris at OC and Brett Venables at DC. And Clemson won the ACC Championship and never looked back. Herman should emulate Swinney's example. Get two new coordinators and let them have real input.
    10 points
  7. "Coach, you won 54% of your games your first season, 71% last year, and 60% this year. Your overall winning percentage is 62%. Do you think that's good enough for the University of Texas, do you think it's good enough for someone earning your salary, and what do you think an appropriate winning percentage IS for Texas football? Leaving aside anything else, at what frequency do you legitimately think Texas should win football games over the course of three years?"
    9 points
  8. They already settled with him. They didn't have to do shit. And Nike wrote him a big ass check to be their woke little symbol of oppression. He doesn't want to play. If he did it would simply prove the owners narrative right that he sucks. He sucked for a year before he quit.... You know... When he was benched on a shitty niners team. This is his only angle. To play the victim. Because he's a helluva lot better at that than he is at playing professional football. He could have raised his issues in a legitimate way. Instead, it was always about him. And his crazy girlfriend. Well, good job. Because you made more money not playing football than you would have made playing it and people are still paying attention to you. Had you simply stuck it out in San Francisco you'd be on a practice squad somewhere and no one would have remembered your name.
    8 points
  9. 100% of the backups in the league don't come with unwanted attention and a media circus.
    8 points
  10. He's already thrown for more TDs in less attempts than last year so everything is up, completion %, QBrtg, YPA, TD% and INT% (which is his only knock). He's going to rush for more yardage and a better YPC but less TDs is simply a function of teams being better prepared for our short yardage packages and usage on the goal line, which is less. He'll play probably 13 games this year, same as last year although he left Baylor early last year. He's actually on pace for about 3800 yards and 35 TDs along with probably 6-7 rushing TDs and about 600 yards on the ground (remember, college rushing stats for QBs are silly). Almost 4500 yards and over 40+ TDs is a pretty good year. He's doing all this with a worse receiving corp as no LJH and CJ has missed 40% of the year. Sam is having a really good year, we're simply a worse team who has a worse defense and have difficulty beating man coverage because of the lack of experience of anyone not named Duvernay or Johnson (when he plays). Folks are disappointed, as am I, so I get it, but this isn't a Sam problem. He's like 35th on the list to be concerned about right now. Also, our play calling and specifically sequencing this year is fucking terrible.
    7 points
  11. The most depressing thing is that literally ONE WEEK AGO, we executed a masterful 13 play, nearly 7 minute drive to end the game. That drive contained 4 completed passes totaling 55 yards, including a first play pass for 14 that put the defense on its heels. It also contained ZERO incomplete passes. This exact same team just showed that they are capable of executing a drive like this, and the Head Coach still chooses to turtle when he has the game on the line. Disgraceful.
    7 points
  12. Playcalling by committee does not fucking work, you goddamn moron !
    7 points
  13. This is becoming an admission that your staff sucks.
    7 points
  14. Sent this Saturday night. Just got a phone call from CDC. Crazy. Guess he got my number from my season ticket profile Said “hello, Mr —— this is CDC with the university of Texas athletics, and I’m trying to earn that extension you were talking about” [emoji1787]
    7 points
  15. “Mr. Fed Chairman, meet Mr. Bed Chairman.”
    7 points
  16. 7 points
  17. I once again confronted that shifty Polack Del Conte outside the ISU stadium. I shouted "Face me Conte, you coward" and I drove my scooter up to him and took off my glove and slapped his wife in the face before security could tackle me. As he ran away, I yelled after him "Run all you like Picante, thanks to Surly I now have your email and phone number, you haven't heard the last from Bob Wheeler!"
    7 points
  18. 1) Buy the fucking building 2) Warn the neighbors in advance with a hard end time 3) ???? 4) Profit Seriously, after my divorce I couldn't afford to buy in San Francisco so I've been renting an apartment. When the building my friend owns a bar in went up for sale we decided to partner up and buy it. I got a 2 BR apartment on Mission Street in San Francisco out of it, and she now controls her own rent for eternity. We celebrated with a party for the neighborhood before I moved in. I'd loaned my friend the Telecaster for his bands Halloween Burrito Brothers tribute set. I missed that show so I asked if they'd play it again at my party and they agreed. I had a fucking full band complete with fiddle and pedal steel in my fucking bedroom! They opened because they had a paying gig to get to after, but they were incredible for a Grampire like myself. [/url]
    6 points
  19. Right or wrong, I was actually on Kaep's side for the most part throughout this whole ordeal....I thought it was ridiculous that he didn't have a job in the NFL over a lot of the trash ass QBs in the league right now. I thought he should have had a spot on an NFL roster but after the shit he pulled this weekend, I'll admit I was wrong to ever give him the benefit of the doubt. The dude is a straight up fraud in every sense and I hope his stupid ass never sniffs an NFL field again. The NFL bended over backwards to provide NFL teams the cover of scouting him and giving him a chance and did it in a way that they have NEVER done for any other player before, by giving him concession after concession and yielding to his demands. He gets the chance that he has been whining about for the last 3 years....and not 5 days before when he first found out about it, not 4 days before, etc. etc., but the day of, decides to make a stink and move it to some high school field because the NFL finally refuses to yield to his overgrowing list of demands. He had exactly what he wanted presented to him, to shut up and show that your committed to being a QB in this league and he showed exactly why no team/owner wants him, because even a damn workout, he will find a way to turn into a giant distraction.
    6 points
  20. He's making moves in the background #KillersMoveInSilence
    6 points
  21. I can actually understand why they wouldn't ask it, but the right question to ask in response to this (trying hard not to do so in a mocking tone) would be something like: "Coach Herman, do you think that when Iowa State's defensive staff saw your players come out for that drive in 11 personnel and a power run formation that they were worried or happy?" Also, that's bullshit that Duvernay dropping the pass was the issue on 3rd and 10. Here's a look at the situation when he would have completed a catch:
    6 points
  22. "we have to run the ball to end the game" he should be fired just for saying that.
    6 points
  23. Yes. But Hillary's emails.
    6 points
  24. Miami Dolphins right now:
    6 points
  25. 5 points
  26. All the coaches, starting with Herman, deserve the blame. And who said we have first round picks? We don't have any mainly because we've had shit development for the last 10 years. Still, we have light years more talent than Iowa State. Talent is not the issue. I guess by your logic the players just need to man up and stop: 1) calling all out blitzes on 3rd and long from 15 yards off the LOS 2) playing soft coverage on obvious passing downs 3) designing our run game with zero misdirection 4) calling QB power on 4th down when it hasn't worked in ages 5) keeping our shitty TE's on the field when everyone knows they are shitty etc etc etc. If we gave these guys real coaches, instead of grabass group of 5 clowns, we'd likely be 9-1.
    5 points
  27. "Read The X-Ray!!!!!!"
    5 points
  28. Damn, sending up the bat signal to RandolphDuke is negworthy.
    5 points
  29. Really cool article from The Athletic on Pop from guys who didn't spend very much time on the team "Keith Langford (2007-08, 2 games): I’m not a Spurs fan by any means. But I’ll defend them tooth and nail like I am a fan. That’s how impactful my experience and time was."
    5 points
  30. Donald Trump is a drug addict and today his schedule will be peaking out of a crack in the blinds and going to war on social media with enemies that might or might not even exist. The sound of a doorbell or a knock on the door is currently causing him to squirt jutting streams of liquid feces out of his cloaca.
    5 points
  31. She launched a clutch of eggs in a creek. Pepe the Frog fertilized them. That kind of amphibious spawn are called groypers. It's not scary. It's nature.
    5 points
  32. Is he? Who is "y'all?" Are you talking about the far left wing of the party? Yep, he is. Where's the voice of reason on the right, telling y'all to stop hanging out with fucking nazis? Telling y'all to stop making white nationalists chief advisers to the president? Telling y'all that Hillary ain't running this year? Shouldn't you be charging into a pizza parlor somewhere?
    5 points
  33. I can’t tell if you’re dumb or just confused. Feel free to argue those points all you want. But you quoted a post by @Tex Pete telling someone who made a blatantly political post to take the political talk to the politics board...which is pretty much the only rule this place has. Why are you having trouble with that? I only know of one other poster who consistently can’t figure that out, and he’s the worst poster on this board. This ain’t rocket surgery.
    5 points
  34. This is where I'm at. I used to love following recruiting but honestly who gives a fuck anymore? Until things change with the coaching staff and the sad-sack program culture we've been stuck with for the last 10 years, it doesn't matter if we stockpile a roster full of 5-stars, or 3-stars. The "who's-getting-drafted-where" conversation is asinine, too. My rule of thumb is to add 4 rounds to whatever our fans are saying about any of our players. Works like clockwork every year. LOL at Duvernay in the 1st. Love the guy, great player for us, but he's a 4th-5th rounder at best. CJ might sneak into the 6th or 7th based on physical attributes and nothing else. Brandon Jones is a stone cold lock for UDFA. Remember when Caden Sterns looked like a future 1st rounder? God our program is fucking depressing right now.
    5 points
  35. What? This entire site has like 1 total rule...no political talk outside the cloakroom (that's the "Politics - Enter at your own risk" board, in case you don't know the reference from TOS). It isn't that hard.
    5 points
  36. Make no mistake, this team is talented. When your offense barely functions most game in the first half, that is coaching. When your defense gives up TDS on the first series of every game, that’s coaching. When you make stupid decisions in 4th downs, that’s coaching. When your team is one of the worst penalized teams in the country, that’s coaching. When you’re dead last in special teams, that’s coaching. We have 3 years worth of results to sample. Notice a trend that Texas only wins close games regardless of competition? It’s because of our idiotic moron of a head coach only runs his stupid 11 personnel as soon as we get a lead regardless of it’s working or not. We had 8 three and outs against Iowa state trying to run plays out of that formation. We switch to 4 WRs sets and all of the sudden we are passing all over them. We get a lead.... what does Herman do, goes back to 11 personnel for another 3 and out backed up in our own end zone. That is coaching.... This is the same moron that started garret gray all fall camp his first year here not being able to see that he shouldn’t even be playing D1 football. Losses to Maryland twice (once when they didn’t even have a fucking head coach) Losses to Iowa State, TCU, Okie State, Tech, and soon to be Baylor since he has been here. A game winning FG to save his ass from losing to Kansas at home. We got EMBARRASSED by ou this year. Don’t let the score fool you. That was an ass beating. We hired a arrogant HC that thinks he’s the smartest guy in the room. Other coaches hate him. His players don’t really give a shit for him either. Trust me, no player will miss him when he’s fired except maybe Sam. Losing record to our rival. Barely scrapes by teams with lesser resources and recruits we wouldn’t even let walk-on in our program. That is coaching folks. I will ride it out but fuck this coach. He is a fraud and I’m not going to waste my efforts and time going to any more games until CDC fires him. CDC can go fuck himself too if you he’s going to be another AD that only cares about money.
    5 points
  37. Wasn’t the whole idea to show you are ready to play? Massive media presence or not, he had a tryout in front of all 32 teams. What other player do you recall EVER getting this kind of special treatment? If he impressed one of them he get a second tryout and possibly make a team. If the team wanted his workout in private, would that be unacceptable? If he was truly interested in playing he would have jumped at the chance, instead he decided to make the situation about his victim hood instead of football. “They are still running”. Yeah, quoting your new commercial while explaining why you didn’t go to the tryout seems legit. Kap was only interested in creating a media event to show off his personal injustice. He was able to get some publicity photos in his Kunta Kinte T Shirt highlighting the comparison to his million dollar paycheck and slave chains.
    5 points
  38. So many coaching mistakes are just killing this team. Poor gameplans each week Horrible starts Stupid blitzes Not utilizing personel properly One of worst special teams nationally One of most penalized teams nationally Mistakes on 4th downs not taking FGs Inability to run the ball effectively Lack of play designs to free up WR/TE/RB Terrible blocking by TEs and WRs Problems with technique at LB and DB Player development issues in many areas Talented young players regressing & unhappy Poor playcalling at critical times Unwillingness to change (Last Texas offensive series against Iowa State) Lack of accountability from coaching staff
    5 points
  39. Maybe, but this game wasn't on Sam. TCU was, but this wasn't. Is he perfect? Nope, but 300 yds, 3 TDs and no turnovers with an unbelievably dumb game plan and god awful sequencing of play calls in which we went from run, run, pass, punt to pass, pass, pass from the first 35 minutes to the last 25, was good enough to win. Tonight's loss was on the coaches, plain and simple and saying one wants Case McCoy instead of tonight's Sam is a clusterfuck opinion. Being disappointed and frustrated is understandable. Opinionated shitting your pants is fucking dumb in itself.
    5 points
  40. I was waiting with my kids for the bus this morning. My 7 year old son was asking when Thanksgiving was and I was explaining that it falls on the 4th Thursday of November every year. My 11 year old daughter starts telling us that 2020 is going to be awesome because Halloween, Christmas, and New Years all fall on a Friday. Then she adds "Also, hopefully Trump won't be President anymore".
    4 points
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