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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/18/22 in all areas

  1. My buddy was 35 and had intestine surgery in Oct. There were complications and a stint in the ICU and he was in the hospital past Christmas. He was single and his mom was checking on him today. They had a good conversation while she rubbed his back. She stepped out of the room to call her sister and when she came back 15min later he was gone. Just peacefully. Craig was a character but if I had to tell something about him to describe him I’d say he was born and raised in Boston and was a Southie growing up. He liked to let loose and enjoyed the drink but had the character to stand up for the little guy/gal. Hes that guy who watched over the passed out chick on the couch all night because there were some sketchy people sleeping in the house too. he’s the guy who was nice, polite and loved people but knew all the hustles/cons/grifts and had no problem calling your shit out a mile away. He wasn’t scared of anything and could take a punch. so long partner. I’ll see you when I see you
    57 points
  2. So this is basically the same shit that happened in Portland, except less voluntarily from the actual citizens of Ottawa where these truckers landed. But a complete shut down of commerce and road traffic, disruption of some businesses, and the right is universally in favor of it while they were screaming about it when it happened in Portland as a political protest that was peaceful. I'm shocked at the cognitive dissonance and hypocrisy, completely unexpected.
    14 points
  3. He should've stayed in the Metaverse where you're free to molest anyone.
    14 points
  4. If we're airing our grievances against Canada, my list starts with foisting that human shitstain Ted Cruz upon us. Not that OP would agree, as he likely has a Ted Cruz super poster on the ceiling of his jackshack.
    14 points
  5. Canada has been doing "leftist" shit for decades that should have pissed you off long before now, but until you have it spoon-fed to you on Fox News or OAN or NewsMax, you don't care. Seriously, you got played by the media, and there is no shame in admitting that. There is already something being cooked up for next month or the month after that is designed to manipulate and piss people like you off, now that the shine on CRT and fentanyl is wearing off, and the Super Bowl half-time show didn't get enough of a bounce, and once you get bored about caring for truck drivers in another country. You will be outraged like this again in March of April, because that's what the media does to people like you. I know this, because I have relatives who are just like you. They give no shits about stuff that Canada does that normally goes against their beliefs, until the media tells them to be outraged.
    14 points
  6. I mean, I was generalizing. But yes, both responses I have sort of prove the point. While much less serious, with much less seriousness of consequences than the protests in Canada, the situations in both Portland and Seattle were wildly vilified by Fox News and lawless failed city-states with evil communist mayors, and generally met with a complete pants shitting by one political party. The same people look at what is happening in Canada and see it as perfectly fine, and are outraged that the government might, you know, want to take action (non-violent) to start their city back up again. These are also the same people who wanted law enforcement to sweep out the homeless under the freeways on I-35 in Austin. It's the hypocrisy that gets me, but more important than that, the general refusal to do even a modicum of self-evaluation.
    12 points
  7. The leader of a foreign country is using his powers under the laws of that country to restore order in that country. It doesn't matter what you like or don't like about it. If it bugs you, don't go to Canada. In my estimation, freezing assets in bank accounts is far less concerning than using tear gas and bean bag rounds on peaceful protesters, or federal agents out of uniform kidnapping protesters off the street in unmarked vans, Gestapo style.
    12 points
  8. This is a big day for me. Ive popped my vinyl cherry! We had a ship date of May for our self produced album from the manufacturer, so we planned a June release. In this day and age where everything takes forever, we were incredibly shocked and happy to learn they shipped earlier this week and arrived today! The CD's we ordered for promo arrive Tuesday, and we'll set a new release date for everything next week - maybe Friday May 13. If nothing else, I have a new appreciation for all the work that putting a record out. Writing and recording the songs is the easy part. This has been extremely rewarding. Ill probably cross post this in a couple related threads.
    11 points
  9. I don't think you're giving Germany its due credit for the role it has played here. It's like Britain at the beginning of World War I. Britain didn't have a formal alliance with France, but it did have an Entente Cordial. So if Germany declared war on France, would Britain declare war on Germany? Who knows? Britain certainly didn't do anything to make its intentions clear (either to the French or to the Germans). I think it is pretty clear now that had Britain declared unequivocally that it would declare war in support of France, World War I would've remained purely an Eastern European affair. So Britain didn't start the war. But Britain, perhaps more than any of the other players, had the ability to prevent it. And it didn't. That's where I think Germany is today. Germany didn't start this. But Germany probably has more ability than anyone else to prevent it. But throughout this entire sad episode, Germany has once again decided not to play a constructive role. Germany's position on the consequences of Russian aggression has been ambiguous--and I'm probably being charitable in that description. The result is that the Russian decisionmakers likely believe that Germany will not scuttle NS2, will not enforce any meaningful sanctions, and will not countenance any meaningful Nato response. And maybe they're right. I don't know. But if the Germans had made clear that they're wrong on all fronts, I strongly suspect that Russia would not today be about to invade Ukraine. And that's a real failure of statescraft, because Germany is going to reap a lot of the ill consequences of Russia's aggression. They're going to have to scuttle NS2, because bottom-line their relationship with the United States is more important than they're relationship with Russia. They're going to have to implement sanctions, which are going to be harmful to their economy. Worse, the sanctions that they're going to have to implement are now so unexpected in Russia that there is the very real possibility that Russia will retaliate by cutting off gas supplies, damaging the economy further. And, on top of it all, Germany will get to deal with a refugee crisis when a million screaming Ukrainians stream through Poland heading for those sweet, sweet jobs in Sachsen and Thüringen. So, really nice fucking job, Germany--in thinking only of preserving your own prosperity, you've only ensured misery. It's the same reason the Nazis set up a false-flag operation at Gleiwitz. It's not to convince the British and French that they were somehow justified for invading Poland. It was entirely to convince the German populace that the invasion wasn't just a naked act of aggression. People need to think "we're the good guys." And at the same time, they're pretty easy to convince that they're the good guys. So an aggressor has to go through the step of creating some sort of pretext for an invasion. But it's not a particularly hard task.
    11 points
  10. Klepper: so you think this protest will inspire the dickheads in America? *looks at thread*
    11 points
  11. I’d be down to Fuck Trudeau. And I ain’t the only one……
    11 points
  12. I'll state it plainly. I am not speculating. Tre Mitchell did not leave the team because he is pissy or had a conflict with the coaches or anything like that. It is not my place to divulge details and I won't, but I don't want the kid to be unfairly tarnished. Screw Justin Wells for saying otherwise.
    10 points
  13. I would like nothing more than him getting to meet Jesus... in fact, include the whole damn family
    10 points
  14. The football only fans don't give a fuck about us man. The LHN has been nothing but awesome for the baseball program.
    9 points
  15. It wouldn't be just for this reason, but this kind of shit is why I feel my time in Texas is coming to an end. Texas is rapidly becoming the biggest ideological shithole in the country, and that's saying something. A 268,597 mi² Mar-a-Lago.
    9 points
  16. Also the reason behind the civil disobedience matters. The truckers are engaging in civil disobedience over mask mandates and vaccines against a disease that's killed millions in the last two years during a pandemic, taking the position that a shot or a face mask are huge impositions on their freedumbs. And then whining like babies over there being consequences to civil disobedience. It's civil disobedience protesting police murdering citizens that the right believes should result in running people over and state sanctioned murder.
    9 points
  17. Looks like he’s getting more comfortable with the team
    9 points
  18. Such a coincidence that Ukraine is gonna attack at just the moment Moscow has massed an invasion force on their borders! Right place, right time for the Russians I guess!
    9 points
  19. Gato montes tomas taking down a full grown doe right next to blind this afternoon. (Pic and video by another camp member). IMG_3987.MOV
    8 points
  20. Thank fucking god Horns baseball is back.
    8 points
  21. Boris Johnson has entered the chat.
    8 points
  22. Not when your hair is as full and majestic as his is at 50. You flaunt that mane for as long as you can.
    8 points
  23. This whole “Did they die of COVID or with COVID?” is another bullshit deflection and distraction. Our pulmonologists and critical care docs have lately been talking about what they’re calling the “COVID tip”. We all know COVID is particularly dangerous to people with underlying conditions. So let me give one example of an actual patient we had last week. 55 year old male with HBP and kidney disease. He was in the early stages - on a diuretic and BP meds and special diet. Still working full time and living a normal life. He got a mild case of COVID. Within a week he was in the ICU with kidney failure. It killed him. Cause of death was kidney failure. His disease was controlled and manageable but COVID accelerated and worsened his kidney disease and “tipped” him into kidney failure. So he would be classified as dying WITH COVID. But if he never caught COVID, his disease wouldn’t have progressed so that it got so bad it killed him in a week’s time. Use whatever semantics you like if it makes you feel better or you think it gives you a winning talking point but that man doesn’t leave behind a wife, three kids, and two grandkids if he didn’t catch COVID. COVID is “tipping” stable diabetic patients, stable patients with heart disease and high blood pressure, stable patients with many other conditions into crisis, hospitalization, and death. Someone who gets shot, ends up in the hospital, pops COVID positive on a routine test on admission, but ultimately dies from their injuries from the accident is a patient that died WITH COVID. Someone with controlled diabetes who catches COVID and subsequently deteriorates into a diabetic crisis and dies didn’t die WITH COVID. They died from diabetes BECAUSE of COVID. The very real kidney patient and the hypothetical diabetic would not have died if they didn’t get COVID. People are dying WITH COVID. People are dying FROM COVID. People are dying BECAUSE of COVID. To lump the third group with the first is dishonest.
    8 points
  24. 2 weeks ago, watching my kid hen peck on his keyboard Me: Son, you really need to practice your typing using the home row. You'll never type fast typing with 2 fingers. Him: I try to type fast but I have trouble with my D's. Me: Show me Him: *Opens google search window, furiously types 'deez nuts' followed by uncontrollable laughter Me: ......damnit Fast forward to Monday Me: You score some good loot at school exchanging valentines? Him: Yeah, I got a bunch of different type of candies. Me: Oh yeah, what kind of candies did you get? Him: Candies nuts fit in your mouth *uncontrollable laughter* GOT EEEM! Me:
    8 points
  25. The chair is against the wall. The chair is against the wall. John has a long mustache.
    7 points
  26. 7 points
  27. I feel like she's missing the more profitable angles here
    7 points
  28. How much for the Switch? Game cartridges included?
    7 points
  29. It’s fascinating that most of the hardcore right wingers on this site seem like raging alcoholic pricks. I can’t imagine what it’s like to sit down to dinner at their houses while Fox News is on the tube. Probably go through a lot of glasses and dishes. Family pet hiding under the couch every time a fist slams on the table when Tucker shows them his O face.
    7 points
  30. You do realize you live in a country and state that has no qualms at all about seizing assets well before anyone is ever convicted of a crime, right?
    7 points
  31. Please shut the fuck up about the election. We went damn near 20 pages into this thread and you come in and bring up Trump and the election twice in an hour. Fuckwads like you always go I don't want to CR it but I'm gonna CR it anyways.
    6 points
  32. Look I don't want to set up unreasonable expectations for this season or anything BUT WE ARE AWESOME AND WILL DESTROY EVERYONE!!!!1111 But, you know, don't overreact or anything after the first series.
    6 points
  33. If I have a vote, I would vote for nah please.
    6 points
  34. Is this the legitimate political discourse I’ve been hearing about?
    6 points
  35. 6 points
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