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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/14/20 in all areas

  1. hey all you cool cats and kittens.... I just successfully defended my dissertation at Nebraska (via zoom of course), and I'm now Dr. Pancho! I will be drinking the rest of the day, which has actually will be just like a normal Tuesday since quarantine.
    52 points
  2. The SEC may not have anyone left to schedule out of conference.
    18 points
  3. Wait, you mean a Frenchman bailed out of a dangerous, stressful, scary situation ? Noooo waaaaaaaaaay !!!
    16 points
  4. Plenty o' jokes but let's get another update in: Chicago will definitely withstand the surge at this point and this time...this time? Yes, as in if when we slowly remove shelter at home orders there will likely be some bump, if done properly, it won't overwhelm the hospital systems here. We are seeing things break down along demographic lines. NW has literally a couple hundred beds open. UofC down south is pretty damn packed. We had seen this in NYC and Detroit and it's fairly obvious here too now. We need antibody testing, we all know it. Right now states have not credentialed these tests at many labs and the FDA has not either. I don't know all those details/laws but I do know that those tests are NOT adding to our positive totals right now and there's a significant amount of 'unofficial' antibody testing kicking up around the country. NW is losing 150M a month. Mayo stating total losses over 2B expected from C19. Losing all the electives is a major kick to the balls. NW and some other hospitals will meet with Pritzker soon to slowly open back up elective procedures/surgicenters etc. Hopefully dentists and others can open in some capacity May 1 as well. The reality is if the healthcare system in an area has capacity, we should slowly open up and closely monitor (testing!) to see how we are faring. That's how you open up the economy the quickest and safest way. What France and some others may do by committing to a hard lockdown well into summer does not make medical or financial sense to me. Stay healthy, Surly.
    16 points
  5. Yeah, almost every president of my lifetime has backed down at some point on the international stage. Nixon didn't end the Vietnam War with honor. Ford??? Carter didn't get the hostages rescued by the crashed helicopters. Reagan retreated and pulled the Marines out of Beirut. Daddy Bush allowed Saddam to slaughter the Shiites and Kurds after promising we would help. Clinton...I can't think of anything especially cowardly on a foreign policy front, but I'm sure there's something. Shrub...he just fucked up absolutely everything and destabilized the entire Middle East. Obama, yeah, said there was a red line and didn't follow up because Russia got involved and he didn't want a wider war. But Trump has taken it to another level: Trump stabbed the Kurds in the back Trump has kowtowed to Putin Trump played footsie with Kim Trump allowed Erdogan's thugs to beat up American citizens on American Soil Trump gave to go ahead to MBS to chop up a journalist working for an American newspaper. Trump has worked three solid years to tear us up from inside by torching our foundational principles and the institutions that support them. There's no fucking comparison on making us look weak.
    15 points
  6. Belated update for 4/14: So what ended up needing tweaking were the functions controlling the progressions from infection to recovery/fatality. From a practical standpoint, I'm not sure if that was the correct thing to change, but it ended up making the best fit to the data we have. I was using a median of about 17 days from symptom onset to death with a spread of 4-32 days. This was based off a handful of ILI/pneumonia studies. Now it's a median of 11 days and the spread is only 8-14 days. Not sure if that's as realistic as before, but I'm just trying to go where the data points for now. Large chart on right: The adjusted baseline, Goal Scenario, and a data-responsive tracking version. Top-left: Same, blown up to a 4-week period and set to a standard scale. Note the scale is in thousands (25 = 25,000 new cases). Bottom-left: The rate this thing is spreading in 10-day, 5-day, and daily trends (blue). These trends are the only remnant from the old-model. I said I was going to keep them, but I might switch - undecided. I like using these because they are roughly equivalent to the exponential growth of cases reported, so kind of intuitive in that sense. They don't appear to be sacrificing much accuracy for now. The Goal Scenario is based on these values being ~0.10, so looking good if not too good. Red is the IFR used by the model. ***Lot's of arbitrary assumptions go into the value shown and it could be off by several factors when this all said and done. The trend is what is more important here.*** So we are tracking downward currently - is it sustainable? I don't know, but I don't think so. I don't know if it is desirable either. The goal scenario allows for the majority of people who will eventually get this anyway to be through it by July. The tracking scenario is leaves 98% of the susceptible population still susceptible through the fall, and I worry about dealing with this in multiple strung-out waves rather than just churning through it over the rest of spring and summer (albeit at a level acceptable to healthcare facilities). Friday's projection: 744,221 total cases, 26,521 daily cases, 29,485 total deaths
    14 points
  7. wife talking to 10th grader neighbor- Oh you're in FFA? neighbor kid- yes maam. I raised a pig wife- Oh do you know so-and-so? me- does he know a girl that's a junior in college now and went to a different high school? wife- she raised a pig too neighbor kid- no maam I don't
    12 points
  8. Infections and people exhibiting symptoms requiring medical attention at two different things...hell, your own post earlier said most people with the virus were asymptomatic They've tested less than 0.6% of the population The News 5 article you posted states that as of publication they had 5 confirmed cases...and that it would level off in late April or early May...it's been 33 days and they now have almost 7,000. 33 divided by 6 equals 5.5...5 to the 5.5th power is 6,987..so not too far off. For the love of God, stop trying to do math
    10 points
  9. How DARE you compare Trump to Gene Fucking Hackman.
    10 points
  10. The lord works in mysterious ways.......Not in this case....but sometimes he does.
    10 points
  11. Negged for making an astonishing poor comparison. In that worst of moments, Obama faces the press (not a weakling move), doesn't blame a Republican (not a weakling move), actually knows what he's talking about (not a dumbass move). I could go on about eloquence. I could make a comparison about world wide respect which has long gone. Hell, this president was still relevant on the world stage up until his last moment in office. That's not weakness. There is no comparison to any president that can make Trump look anything but weak and hopelessly stupid. His dithering over covid may surpass W Bush's Iraq invasion as the worst policy in 50 years. You're holding up a picture of Charlize Theron without makeup and haggard and comparing it to a picture of a baboon's horrifying ass and saying, "I don't know, Charlize is looking pretty bad here." No! Shut up! Burn that picture of the hemorrhoids, ya blind fuck!
    9 points
  12. Trump’s thoughts on other literature and films: “I love Citizen Kane. It’s a nice story about a poor kid who grows up to be rich and happy.” ”Moby Dick is my favorite book about commercial fishing.” ”1984 was a great book and it really appealed to me because I always admired my big brother, too.” ”The Breakfast Club was a great film about what doctors tell me is the most important meal of the day.” ”That Icarus guy probably would’ve made it if he used Krazy Glue instead of wax.”
    9 points
  13. Just checked...they haven't even tested 100k. They've tested about 65,000 with 6,900 positives...so extrapolate that rate (or a quarter of that) to the population of Ohio and let me know what you get.
    9 points
  14. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    9 points
  15. Social distancing could absolutely cause that kind of decrease. What the fuck do you think we are doing it for? Nobody wants to spend this much time with their wife on purpose. If done perfectly correctly, which to be fair hardly anyone is doing, it can cause new infections to be exactly zero. I live in Queens and ride the subway every day on a normal workday. My chances of infection absent shelter in place approached 100%. Now they are less than 1%. But even the dumbasses that are still going about their business semi normally while mostly maintaining a 6 foot distance between themselves have a significantly reduced chance of infection because most others are sheltering in place. The affect would be even more pronounced in Ohio where they don't still need to use mass transit and they can effectively get new transmissions to near zero if they take extra care when at the grocery store and stay home otherwise. Just avoiding the workplace, church, restaurants, and other gathering places is really all it takes to drastically reduce spread.
    8 points
  16. No, but I live in 2020.
    7 points
  17. Shit - it's probably gonna bounce now.
    7 points
  18. In a world awash in shame, this is particularly bitter to be a part of. We sent an army into the field with no armor. With few weapons. The leaders thumbed their nuts and looked at economic figures while these brave souls inhaled plague because they chose a life where you help people. Just another round of callous, shameful acts that amount to passive cruelty. Hey, that's our brand! Brisket called it. Let the little Mexicans shiver in cages. Separate small children from their families. Lump the people who harvest our crops with criminals. Shrug off a murder and dismemberment at the Saudi Embassy in Turkey. Jam a knife into the backs of our Kurdish allies whose female fighters we haled short months before. You got a ship full of sick people? Citizens? Fuck that! Don't bring 'em here, it'll ruin the numbers. Now we get to watch caregivers suffer and many die while Presidente Naranja brags that we didn't even lose a million people. Yuge success! And we're a republic, so we all get to share the blame for inhuman policies. My profound apologies to the healthcare workers. You are the only ones living this plague. The rest of us don't even see it. I'm not as rich as Johnny Sack, but I have been tipping store clerks and restaurant workers who have to face the public everyday. A couple of dollars here and there. Maybe $50 all month. Seems like a small contribution.
    7 points
  19. few things in life surpass good catfish
    7 points
  20. People think "stay ready" is about arming yourself, but it's actually about always having taco meat on hand. Makeshift double-decker with refrieds, tortilla chips, cheese, Huy Fong chili garlic sauce, and a drizzle of homemade ranch.
    7 points
  21. Yes, little Miss Christian Woman, it becomes real to you when it happens to you, and you can see it. Had your father and his community employed empathy and sense, you wouldn't have required the board to the side of your head to get the picture. Had you actually realized you're the same as all those people going to hell, you may have generated a little real sympathy. Had you not bent over for Caesar to give him everything, you might actually possess a personal philosophy based on some solid concepts like loving all your brothers and helping them as you would have them help you. This is a "first they came for the Jews..." lesson, my friend. Your church scoffed at a very real general threat until they were consumed by it. I don't wish horrible illness and death on the congregation or even her now dead father. I am full of scorn for their self-centered certainty and callousness. Fuck you. You took a short break from destroying the republic to have a plague fest. Fucking morons. You voted face-eating leopard. You embraced a plague to show your loyalty to same. Fucking malign idiots. The translation from Greek must be wrong. It's not the meek who inherit the earth; it's the mentally weak. Again, for emphasis and to vent: Fuck You!
    7 points
  22. I know people understandably just want to get Trump out and don't care if Joe barely wins the EC, but let's aim a bit higher here. There's a real opportunity to rally everyone behind Joe (and down ballot Dems). Biden can win Arizona. And Wisconsin. And Michigan and Pennsylvania. And Florida. And Nevada. And North Carolina. The goal should be to blow Trump out of the fucking water in November.
    7 points
  23. market is not bull. market is not bear. market =
    7 points
  24. Been all cleared to leave self isolation. started with loss of smell and taste, developed into fatigue with muscle aches and chills. Fevers started on day 3 , daily temps up to 104.5. Had 5 days of that nonsense then fevers gone. Never had chest pain or SOB. That 5 day stretch was rough and wouldn’t wish that on anyone. Hang in there everyone.
    7 points
  25. Yes, the antibody test is a prick of the finger. And that can be done via a home kit. They have home kits for diabetics. The lack of movement on all fronts on testing is a fucking embarrassment.
    6 points
  26. Have you considered that it’s already priced in?
    6 points
  27. 2 Abraham begat Isaac; and Isaac begat Jacob; and Jacob begat Judas and his brethren; 3 And Judas begat Phares and Zara of Thamar; and Phares begat Esrom; and Esrom begat Aram; 4 And Aram begat Aminadab; and Aminadab begat Naasson; and Naasson begat Salmon; 5 And Salmon begat Booz of Rachab; and Booz begat Obed of Ruth; and Obed begat Jesse; 6 And Jesse begat David the king; and David the king begat Solomon of her that had been the wife of Urias; 7 And Solomon begat Roboam; and Roboam begat Abia; and Abia begat Asa; 8 And Asa begat Josaphat; and Josaphat begat Joram; and Joram begat Ozias; 9 And Ozias begat Joatham; and Joatham begat Achaz; and Achaz begat Ezekias; 10 And Ezekias begat Manasses; and Manasses begat Amon; and Amon begat Josias; 11 And Josias begat Jechonias and his brethren, about the time they were carried away to Babylon: 12 And after they were brought to Babylon, Jechonias begat Salathiel; and Salathiel begat Zorobabel; 13 And Zorobabel begat Abiud; and Abiud begat Eliakim; and Eliakim begat Azor; 14 And Azor begat Sadoc; and Sadoc begat Achim; and Achim begat Eliud; 15 And Eliud begat Eleazar; and Eleazar begat Matthan; and Matthan begat Jacob; 16 And Jacob begat Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ.
    6 points
  28. So fucking stupid and reactionary and pointless. The whole gotdamn reason WHO was bending to China is because we already cut funding and left positions unfilled and allowed them to fill the vacuum. As much as Americans don’t want to hear it and what this virus has made quite clear, other countries CAN fuck us up and withdrawing our seat at the table doesn’t fix it. It makes it fucking worse.
    6 points
  29. Grown, adult males who voluntarily choose to go by the name Robbie are almost without fail serial killers or some other kind of emotional deviant.
    6 points
  30. No shit. My girlfriend is not happy at all about all the time I'm spending with my wife.
    6 points
  31. Watching a Discovery channel show last night about otters and Bison. 7yo: What do Otters eat? Me: Fish mainly, but they can also eat frogs, turtles, etc. 7yo: What do bison eat? Wife: meat Me: tommyleejones.jpg
    6 points
  32. according to my technical analysis, we have formed a classic Longhorn pattern recovery
    6 points
  33. We have a young-earth creationist on the panel who is trying to balance the economy against the worst public health crisis in a hundred years? That seems normal. I like this line:
    6 points
  34. Haven't posted in here in a bit. Been busy cooking like crazy during the pandemic and expanding my skill set. Read the Noma book on fermentation so made some kraut and kimchi. Working on black garlic and looking to dive into vinegars and garum. But I was gifted some pork trotters at the farmers market so had to make some tonkotsu ramen. Luckily I had most everything required for it in stock to go all in on it. See hand saw? Yeah, 4 of these legs had to be cut up. My jerking arm is still sore. But anyways, boiled these for 20 hours with garlic, mushrooms, leeks, ginger, onion, chicken bones, some pork belly until the broth was thick and milky (heh). Didn't have noodles so decided to make some. Never made pasta but thought I'd give it a shot. They actually turned out better than expected and ready to make more for stir frys. I had some more pork belly so made pork chashu Marinated some eggs in the left over chashu liquid, threw some mushrooms, kimchi, green onion, garlic, and bok choy and came out with this: Overall very happy with it. Other shit I've made lately: Cheeze-its, cause why the fuck not? Jerk chicken with coconut rice and black beans Pork, sage, and broccoli rabe pasta Pork tenderloin wrapped in ham and stuffed with kale, pecans, garlic and rosemary
    6 points
  35. Amazon is not very popular these days. Too many people ordering now...
    5 points
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