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    Walden Ponderer

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/20/2020 in Posts

  1. Stop it. Stop it now. Fuck each and every one of you.
    17 points
  2. It matters to me. A lot. As other posters have correctly said, you make that motherfucker pardon him. Make him sign his name and be held accountable in the general and the annals of history, assuming he doesn't burn all the books. And personally, I'd love to see a Judge and members of the judiciary basically tell him to fuck off and that some people in this world aren't corrupt as fuck. So yeah, it matters
    17 points
  3. ^From page 1^. You contradicted yourself and began back pedaling because you got lit the fuck up for bringing a bunch of bullshit into this thread that didn't belong.
    17 points
  4. 16 points
  5. Interior border patrol checkpoints are bullshit
    15 points
  6. You can see in this section without Hugo bad teammate and the other circle jerking Bukkake douchebags your stupid statements don’t garner the same love. Go back to fantasy world with everyone I don’t like is Hitler mentality
    12 points
  7. Her: Rebeca's in the hospital. Me: Oh no, what happened? Her: Her husband was in a bike accident. He broke a rib and hurt his wrist. Me: Is she OK? Why is she there? Her: [sigh, like 'I just told you'] Her husband is there! Me: Well don't say someone is in the hospital if, nevermind. ... I mean, you could've just said her husband was in, nevermind.
    11 points
  8. Cloak room morons don’t do well outside of the echo chamber...
    9 points
  9. Can I lay into this blithering idiot here, or do I need to save that for CR? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    7 points
  10. I hope Garrett loses his house. Lying bitchass POS aggy. And how was that not assault? Complete dipshit belongs in prison. And cut out the CR bullshit, you idiots. Go over to that board if you're going to be a mindless red/blue drone. There, that's better.
    7 points
  11. God this article is so fucking stupid. I'm sure the numbers are factual, but I'd love to see his net worth up against literally every member of the house and senate laid bare, and I'd bet heavy he's in damn near the lowest tier, even compared to many dipshits new to politics and in their early 40's. And now they're writing this, acting like an 80 year old man with a net worth of 2.5 million dollars is some kind of amazing achievement, or scandalous secret? And that's his net worth, not his fucking paper worth. He's 80 years old, guess what, that's enough time to fucking pay off and keep 2-3 homes without extending yourself. And lets not ignore the fact that most of that wealth came extremely late in life. What was his net worth 10 years ago? I'm hardly a Bernie Bro, and I get that there are so many people with less privilege in this world, but the guy was relatively poor most of his life as a public servant. Living to 80 and having a net worth of a couple million dollars is so far from this guy being in a privileged class it's absurd. He's finished his life well by writing. Articles like this are fucking disingenuous and do nothing but stoke problems.
    7 points
  12. I don't think too many on corporate boards are really relied on for any particular expertise, rather, their sort of general wisdom as to running a corporation. It only matters in the most general sense that one board member is a lawyer and another a CPA/CFO type, and another an engineer. They can and do get advice on specific issues from management and shareholders/groups. In that regard, a "labor" background is as valid a qualification as any other. They don't put "quants" on corporate boards and ask them to do research, for fucks sake. Or have the lawyers actually represent the company. Or the engineers reviewing product designs. Not sure the "labor" board members actually have to come from labor in that they used to run a press brake or work an assembly line. They are nominated by labor. I think it's an interesting and valid idea. One thing that is generally true of corporate board members: they are in the "c-suite" at some other corporation. That gives them a degree of tunnel vision. And, worst case, a bias in favor of protecting enrichment of the c-suite at most costs.
    7 points
  13. Yeah, Doug from the warehouse needs to review the P&L and talk to our shareholders.
    7 points
  14. Guitar cuckolding is some sad, sad shit.
    6 points
  15. I thought it would be insensitive to ask at a time like this. I mean, Rebeca's in the hospital!
    6 points
  16. Instead of legalizing it, taxing it, and giving the money to the state to waste lets spend it productively on incarcerating a large amount of people and let the potential tax revenue go to drug cartels who will obviously spend it to the benefit of society
    6 points
  17. 6 points
  18. Pounding my fist on the table as I weep tears of rage just thinking about investors having their shares diluted.
    6 points
  19. Just a little background on me: I'm an old (50) and think that we, collectively as a society, have become soft. I spent 11 years in the Marine Corps. That doesn't mean that I'm a badass or anything like that. It just means that I'm a bit different and have a view of our society that quite a few on here would probably think is archaic. I keep my political opinions to myself unless I am in my own home. That being said, there is no justification for punching a kid. Whether the kid has mental issues or not, there is no justification for a grown man to punch a kid in the face the way he did. That kid was handcuffed with his hands behind his back. Okay, so the kid spit blood at deputy badass. Punching the kid in the face is not going to alter what happened. It's not going to stop the kid from doing it again. It's not going to make the kid better. Now, what may have prevented it in the first place, is if the grown men in the situation had any compassion for a human being that is obviously in a bad place. Our society really sucks.
    6 points
  20. Oh, OK. You serve on multiple corporate boards and spend your days posting on Surly all day long about how great Bernie Sanders is. At least act like a good troll and try and be believable.
    6 points
  21. I have served on a board and think it’s at least worth looking at and no it wouldn’t be “sally from payroll” on the board and if she voted like a dumbass she would get outvoted anyway. I don’t know how it would be implemented exactly but to just dismiss it because you apparently think labor is dumb is elitist and ignorant.
    6 points
  22. Our friends on Diamond Princess tested negative twice today after a faulty positive test. They fly back to Ontario tomorrow.
    6 points
  23. Impeach him again. IDGAF
    5 points
  24. "Her husband was in a bike accident." "Oh. Over on 14th?" "Yeah...how did you know?" "Fucker blew through a stop sign over on 12th, it was my duty to follow him for 2 blocks and then hit him"
    5 points
  25. Lurk a lot, not much to post other than liking other peoples' stuff. Although my wife got a notion about a month ago to learn to play bass (my son plays), so there might be some new equipment in the future. Kinda disconcerting to come home in the evening and see hear a middle-aged woman playing Nirvana bass lines upstairs. 😂
    5 points
  26. I've got a 1952 ES-175 I inherited from my wife's grandfather. It's in fantastic shape except one fret has come unglued at one end. I need to take it in and get it worked.
    5 points
  27. Holy shit at just generalizing all boards as the same. I’m sure the talent level at NW Medicine is the same as BT’s church. 😂
    5 points
  28. Yeah they just ask if everyone in the vehicle is a citizen and they take you at your word for it. My mother-in-law is a citizen but one would understandably suspect otherwise if you looked at her and listened to her really thick accent. Regarding this story, I can only state what I already have countless times before: this shouldn’t even be a crime, so here’s a big “fuck you” to anyone who thinks society benefitted by the arrests.
    5 points
  29. 5 points
  30. Has it yet been alleged that the agents used the n-word on Mister Robinson?
    5 points
  31. This really isn't a fair comparison. The degree of Bloomberg's wealth is unimaginable for most people - certainly it is to me. If Bernie's figure was correct that Bloomberg's wealth is equal to the bottom 125,000,000 Americans combined, there is absolutely something wrong with our system. According to Forbes, this is the net worth of each of the candidates that was on the stage last night: https://www.businessinsider.com/estimated-net-worth-wealth-2020-democratic-presidential-candidates-2019-4 Look, I buy into the argument that -- to a degree -- that too high of a taxation can discourage work or investment, but I also understand that the accumulation of too much wealth is a danger to our overall democracy. Hence, Bloomberg coming out the gate and spending $500,000,000 in just ten weeks in ad spending and suddenly skyrocketing up the polls with very little effort, and his winning the nomination would demonstrate to me, you, and the general public that our entire sociopolitical and economic system is completely rigged. Historically, that leads to a crowds-with-pitchfork situation.
    5 points
  32. There it is. Somewhere along the line back during the Cold War, we became fighters for capitalism more than for freedom. We conflated (or were helped to confuse? I really don't know.) market economy with liberty. Nobody is threatening the market economy. Some people want to contain the power and greed of capitalists. Just favoring a market economy does not make you a capitalist. Hit the link. The meatheads at the MAGA rallies would all claim to be capitalists. They're not. They are cheerleaders for the capitalists who rob them. I've never used the word capitalist as I have in this post. OMG! It sounds Marxist! Burn him! One can distrust the GOP capitalists without being a communist. It would be hilarious watching the peons worship and defend the wealthy elite at the cost of the republic if it weren't so fucking tragic. Still funny if you can detach yourself, but it's hard to detach yourself from the decline of your republic which actually did stand for some good things much of the time. Now, not so much. The flesh and blood supporters of this disaster are traitors to our stated values even if they're too stupid or partisan to see it. Getting rid of Trump won't be nearly enough to stop this malign plague.
    5 points
  33. Exactly! And since I love McDonalds hamburgers I’m here to announce that I’m voting for Ronald McDonald for President.
    5 points
  34. Camar Wheaton keeps dropping down like Peter Bean at a crack house. That’s an unfortunate parallel. Valai and Drayton need to set up shop in Cypress and kneecap anyone they see from Georgia and the SEC in the parking lot. They can probably convince Giles to go along and carry Valai on his back like Master Blaster, theres like 5 wing places in area right off the freeway.
    5 points
  35. Him being a cloak room idiot doesn't justify you being a cloak room idiot.
    5 points
  36. Just wanted to say: I hit my target weight. Actually hit it a couple weeks ago. Finally below 170 since... before the millennium? Not sure. Been a while. All my pants are baggy.
    5 points
  37. Picture and last name are in alignment.
    5 points
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