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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/19/20 in Posts

  1. edit is done cbs should be rolling in soon
    26 points
  2. They ? The store you just looted ? The family owned business now in ruins ? The corner drugstore that people in neighborhood relied on for their shopping ? The Nike shoe store ? CVS Pharmacy ? Starbucks ? Yeah, no sorry try again. You can try to spin looting all you'd like. It's still theft, and violent destruction.
    15 points
  3. Anyone who can watch that immigration piece and think “fuck these people, they’re animals” deserves all the bad things.
    13 points
  4. Look, I love you guys but I don't have an hour in the middle of the day to listen to a story about why she thought it was S. We have a remote control shock collar for the dogs. Wife went on a walk with one of the dogs and decided to take it off and put it in her pocket. She then put the remote in her other pocket and in the process of putting it in her pocket accidentally hit the shock button and shocked herself.
    12 points
  5. 12 points
  6. My FIL is dying. Diagnosed last August. Inoperable liver cancer. He did a 3 month stint of oral chemo, hated the side effects (shitting himself...more than his usual once a week) and decided 78 isn't too bad if he makes it. Lifelong smoker & alcoholic who was never gonna change. My wife has been the smart "rock." After their dad was diagnosed, she worked with her mother, brother & sister to work out the logistics. She's the one who asked the tough, important questions while others asked about songs to be played at services. She brought everyone to the table. At her last visit to her parents pre-covid in January, she asked her dad if there was anything else she could do to make him comfortable. His response was "vote for Trump." She told me she cried the entire 2 1/2 hour drive home. Not that she was surprised--he's farther right than Atilla the Hun--but because in that moment he cared more about that fucking despicable asshole being re-elected than coming to terms with his daughter.
    12 points
  7. Oh God there's a Houston one now. I assume it will be like the fromdallas version except smarter, better looking, and bearing kickass Vietnamese food.
    11 points
  8. So does the Klan. So do actual fucking Nazis. And he appreciates ALL of their support. He plays to it, and he counts on it. If you support Trump, when you pull up to the table, you are sitting next to other welcome and adored supporters....like fucking Klansmen and goddamned fucking nazis. Fuck all of you Trump supporting pieces of shit all the way to fucking hell.
    11 points
  9. It's difficult for most right-thinking people to understand his relationship with dishonesty because it's just so foreign and contrary to everything we've been taught through socialization and much of what our innate instincts dictate. Everyone else has a default motivation to ensure internal consistency among their lies because getting caught lying is bad, and being perceived as a liar is bad. But not Donald Trump. For one thing, he truly doesn't care about avoiding plainly obvious self-impeachment. As a result of the perfect storm of his station of birth, his personality disorder(s) and his shitty parents who enabled and nurtured The World's Most Dangerous Moron, he's never had to care about such things. For his entire life, he's been given all of the wrong reinforcement and none of the correct punishment. And if you explained it to him in whatever way would actually penetrate his thick skull and tiny reptilian brain, he would undoubtedly lust for the kind of ego stroke that comes with the opportunity, ability, and circumstance to lie *without any care whatsoever for the consequences* to the entire world, from his phone, while on the toilet. His Presidency (and now, the state of the union) is the malevolent equivalent of a million monkeys with a million typewriters and a million years.
    11 points
  10. The numbers aren't down this year. GR Horn's interpretation is (unsurprisingly) misleading. The article is about convention viewership numbers on the big 3 traditional networks being down. If you add in people watching online and on cable news, the numbers watching are up. According to GR Horn's article, 47.5 M watched this year. 36.4 M watched last time.
    11 points
  11. 10 points
  12. We are talking about a school that covered up Joe Mixon hospitalizing a girl breaking her jaw. They had the fucking Norman DA's office doing everything they could to keep the video from coming to light and succeeded until he finished his last season. Again, so he could play fucking football. That is a recent example of dozens that flat out illustrate beyond doubt that OU does not give a shit about anything else OTHER than winning at all costs. So yes, I think it's a pretty fair bet that OU, located in one of the reddest states in the nation (and a state that hasn't been hit too hard by COVID) is pushing to move the season to the Spring for some sort of competitive advantage purposes rather than actual COVID concerns.
    10 points
  13. Rattler must really fucking suck.
    10 points
  14. Cancel culture for me but not for thee.
    10 points
  15. This right here is the truth. I would also add, anybody that is even considering voting for Trump at this point is a lost cause. If after the last 4 years you can still consider voting for that shit bag then you have no moral conscience or maybe you are just a complete idiot. Either way they are too horrible/dumb to reason with.
    10 points
  16. Well I know I'm shocked that Anastasis responded to a shithead like John Bolton by pointing out problems with the Democrats.
    10 points
  17. 9 points
  18. 9 points
  19. Bro, listen if you dont realize that these young kids have been affected by events 60-200 years before their birth, then you are part of the problem and need to check your privilege, if they want a gucci purse for their struggles of slow wifi or over priced iphones so be it
    9 points
  20. So ou really cares about it's athletes and want to pull out huh? Too bad they didn't feel the same way with female students who may encounter the Joe Mixon's of the world on campus.
    9 points
  21. Had to block my mom--she sent me something with the headline about Shariah Law following another with the N word in it. Just finally said, f'k it. We're not really communicating so these aren't really conversations we're having, so why have them? I don't need to know that you're an a'hole troll. I'll send a card on important dates and if anyone asks, she got the exact relationship she cultivated. Congrats or something.
    9 points
  22. few other notes that I got, but this really isn't anything new if you've been paying attn: - Conner is solid AF, makes our other solid commits seem fair-weathered (they're solid) - Milroe was gone with or without Ewers on board - Brocks (fuck them) were all burnt orange until dad's feelings were hurt (not clear exactly why). Dad was pretty set on making bama happen - Ish has been most vocal behind the scenes - Bowman is not going anywhere... - '20 note: TO had bag$$ dropped off by aggy, but Texas refused to play the game/match it. So he committed to aggy and ended up budging to UT (aka "we're not playing that game, but we will get you in a position/exposure to make millions")
    8 points
  23. McClellan was the most important recruit for Texas last year. If he commits to us we don’t get Bijan, if he doesn’t ratfuck OU they get some other 5 star RB. Mensa Tom strikes again.
    8 points
  24. Logistical nightmare for SEC schools. Figure out prorating of signing bonuses, deferred roster bonuses, agent commissions .... ... and the uncles. Oh, lord, the uncles.
    8 points
  25. I'd like to issue a preemptive "Fuck you" to anyone bitching about Hillary speaking tonight. Edit: Looks like I was a little late.
    8 points
  26. If that happens, they should give Okafor an office in Moncrief and name him Lineman Emeritus.
    8 points
  27. How a cardiologist may have saved the college football season Full: Snippet:
    8 points
  28. It's insane how much shit they hate. I pop over to Texags every once in a while to see how they react to events, and there was a thread on the rolling blackouts in California with replies like... suck it leftists....you get what you vote for.....stew in it....etc Imagine a thread on a San Diego State message board laughing at all the Magas suffering after hurricane Harvey hit. These people are a disease
    8 points
  29. You forgot to mention all of these shithead surveyors flaunting their wealth all over town.
    8 points
  30. hell yes. the perfect gif for my season predictions. admittedly, between the world burning down and my belief that the college football season would never be played i'm a bit behind in my understanding of how we will win the national championship this year, but rest assured that information is coming soon.
    8 points
  31. I think Carl might be my favorite comeback story. Came on to the scene as Urkel, leaving as Stefan.
    7 points
  32. The speed with which you have ascended to worst poster on Surly is truly outstanding.
    7 points
  33. What exactly are you fussing about? Is it nap time? Do you need to go potty?
    7 points
  34. And a 7th year should be invaluable for Ghirmai to learn to snap the football ...
    7 points
  35. It means our glizzy gettin spray fuccboi.
    7 points
  36. Going after the local NBA jersey sponsor in a swing state is a look, for sure.
    7 points
  37. Is there anything in blowu’s institutional dna that would lead you to believe they value anything above football? Just one example over the last 50 years where someone in charge said, “you know, this will have an adverse effect on the football team, but it’s the right thing to do.”
    7 points
  38. Call her up and tell her you're not accepting the covid excuse because it's a liberal hoax. No written records so you can deny it later.
    7 points
  39. 1.) B1G and PAC canceled fall football 2.) NCAA has said that it isn't safe to play sports in the fall and therefore won't sponsor any championships 3.) 170,000 + ppl have died of a pandemic that continues to kill >1000 ppl / day in the US 4.) Schools are shutting down in class learning due to COVID clusters popping up after [looks at watch] less than a week of being on campus And YOUR takeaway is that OU doesn't want to play football because their qb is shittier than they thought? I mean, who's braindead here?
    7 points
  40. Knowing Carl’s real complaint is that there aren’t enough fat white girls on campus really makes these posts much more entertaining. Seriously this recruiting thing is not for you.
    7 points
  41. “Ossai is a first round draft pick” “I think he’s a second round draft pick” “Fuck you! You’re wrong. I’m right. He’s a first round draft pick!” Suck a bag of first round dicks! He’s a second round draft pick!” Super cool debate dudes!
    7 points
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