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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/20/19 in Posts

  1. Every year some fucking asshole comes along to besmirch Kate and replace her charm. Every fucking year. She stays. You can leave though
    13 points
  2. This is your most hypocritical take yet and that's saying something. Posting in non-CR boards is hiding out? Pretty sure hiding out is what y'all do in the CR: attacking anyone with a conservative viewpoint and calling anyone that doesn't champion the SJW narrative a racist moron. The boards outside of politics are where issues are actually discussed with multiple perspectives and reasoning on both sides. Obviously there's a lot of bullshit outside the CR, and there are some decent threads within the CR, but by and large this is kind of how this site operates.
    11 points
  3. I don’t know man, there’s a lot of really dumb shit running through these servers.
    11 points
  4. Dang. I had no idea you were such an internet tough guy. I bet you would tear that imaginary guy a new one. You guys are something else. Your hero brags about grabbing pussy, associates with a convicted pedophile and his apologist lawyer, conspires with the Russians, denigrates and attempts to destroy democracy and the free press, and this is what you find the time to complain about? Excuse me if I don’t take you seriously for some odd reason.
    9 points
  5. Listen, lets ignore for a second that there is a real good shot that most of the regular posters on the recruiting board are around 40 or older. That aside...why the fuck would you propose messing with something that is clearly working? Whats your next suggestion, we bench Ehlinger for Jared Wiley?
    9 points
  6. That's the thing, we are NOT all on the same team. Any R that's truly for America has left the party...raises hand. Those who are left would MUCH rather join arms with Russians who also hate browns, gays etc. So your point sounds great until you break down what exactly is going on. Not saying deport them, but sure as hell don't coddle them and give some 'yay team' BS...that won't play.
    8 points
  7. The big butt people have gotten more and more strident in imposing their chonky beauty standards on the recruiting board lately.
    8 points
  8. This. I was a solid R until the tea party infested the national party with the right wing social issues. They’ve now gone all in for a racist misogynistic con man. Fuck em.
    7 points
  9. The Republican governor of the State of Texas told the Texas State Guard to monitor (checks notes) THE UNITED STATES MILITARY IN TEXAS, because of nutbar conspiracy theories about Jade Helm and Bluebell trucks for carrying dead bodies and prison trains and Wal-Mart jails. Because Obama had a secret plot to take over America! (Pretty good plan. Step 1 -- wake up, and realize Texas is part of America. Step 2 -- see Step 1). The fucking GOVERNOR OF THE STATE jumped on board the unhinged nutbar train. Yeah, there was no Obama derangement. Nope, none at all.
    7 points
  10. I never paid kevin a dime. I did pay my lawyer a bunch of money though.
    7 points
  11. He was lied to repeatedly by his lawyers about how the lawsuit would go. He thought that I was going to have to come up with the money the day the trial was over or something. He also was never explained the bankruptcy laws in Texas, which are somewhat good for the little man. So he won his judgement, I declared bankruptcy and it all went away. I was out the fees I paid my lawyer, and an unbelievable amount of time and effort, but got a nice stint in my heart to fix the problem caused by the stress of the case. He realized he didn't win, and the only ones that really won are the lawyers. Kevin is a smart and good businessman, but he is the greediest person I know. His greed caused him to be convinced his lawyers were telling the truth when they said there was no way I would get out of paying this. Pretty much every lawyer I've talked to has told me the firm he hired is a bunch of dicks and would not put it past them to lie to Kevin. Any lawyer with a shred of ethics would have told Kevin that yes, he'll probably win, but you won't end up winning anything as Bob is pretty much judgement proof in Texas. I'm sure Kevin had to be told that by at least one lawyer, but kept asking till he found one that would not tell him that.
    7 points
  12. Well, let's see. First the Earth cooled. And then the dinosaurs came, but they got too big and fat, so they all died and they turned into oil. And then the Arabs came and they bought Mercedes Benzes. And Prince Charles started wearing all of Lady Di's clothes. I couldn't believe it
    7 points
  13. You and your 159 posts obviously weren't around in spring 2018, when everyone started posting pics of people other than Kate and we lost Leal immediately thereafter. Momentum is not a figment, just because you can't see it, you David Hume-ass motherfucker.
    7 points
  14. Which recruit is that? - @Katfid54 probably
    7 points
  15. What a pointless, futile and petty lawsuit. Fuck that dumbass.
    7 points
  16. 7 points
  17. 6 points
  18. Will you two fat weirdos please quit talking about fucking in the recruiting thread.
    6 points
  19. You hate to see a guy who is obviously so down on his luck face such a crippling further setback.
    6 points
  20. If any candidate runs on a platform of deporting all republicans, they have my vote.
    6 points
  21. ***Rant Alert*** The first thing you need to understand is that FPI and S&P+ along with many other statistical models don't necessarily take account of what actually happened. They take data inputs than simulate what the model says SHOULD have happened. IOW, they value simulation over reality. How else can one explain the utter stupidity of their rankings at the end of the 2018 season, after all the results were in? At that point, S&P+ ranked Texas as the #35 team in the country, 21 spots behind Washington with the same record and a weaker SOS, 20 spots behind 9-4 Pedo State and 15 spots behind 7-6 S Carolina. It's a model so grotesque that it ranked 5-7 Ole Miss one spot below 10-4 Texas. To top it off, the same "model" rated 2017 Texas higher than 2018 Texas. Those fools need to pull their heads out of their spreadsheets and look around at reality. FPI, while still moronic looks like Deep Blue compared to the dumpster fire of S&P+. They ranked Texas as the #19 team at the end of the 2018 season. How on earth they think the #19 team could split with their #5 team and utterly dominate their #3 team is a mystery but whatever. One thing that computers can't do is recognize that the Texas team that destroyed Georgia in the Sugar Bowl was not at all the same team that lost to Maryland to open the season. Humans can see that, which is why the coaches and sports writers both had Texas at #9.
    6 points
  22. Big butts are awesome. It is known. But none of this shit matters. Kate is the recruiting board's mascot. Period. End of story.
    6 points
  23. This thread reinforces my life decision to avoid the politics board.
    6 points
  24. Summary of EJ's latest periscope: - He's about to have a business meeting before going to Las Vegas next week. Looking forward to seeing Savell Smalls, Sam Adams II, Kelee Ringo, and other Texas OOS targets in action. He'll be posting updates from Pylon Las Vegas 7v7 on his Twitter. - 2020 DB board: Kelee Ringo, Fred Davis, Lathan Ransom are at the top of the OOS board. In-state, Texas really likes Joshua Eaton and Ryan Watts. Chris Thompson is still a huge priority. So is Bryson Washington. - Big update on Zach Evans; Texas is still very high on his list. He'll visit again soon. Likes Alabama and Clemson as well. Right now Texas is still in very good shape. Said he likes our O-line class. Chad Lindberg joined the periscope and asked for more info on Evans, EJ told him to subscribe to Horns247. - EJ covers whoever Texas recruits, not limited to Dallas-area. - UT's next commit might be Alfred Collins, Joshua Eaton, Ryan Watts, or Kelvontay Dixon. Good spot for Chad as well, but he'll decide later. Stanford visit looms large. - Chances of landing Bryce Young are unknown. One of EJ's favourites in the class, he hopes UT will pursue him. - Too early to predict where the class finishes. Texas can finish in the top 3 again if everything falls right. - McCoy leaving USC has some impact with guys like Justin Flowe (same 7v7 team). Helps with Kendall Milton/Johnny Wilson as well. - RJ Proctor; Texas wants to see how things go with Parker Braun/Jonah Jackson first before pursuing him hard. - Texas still in a good spot with Vernon Broughton, Oklahoma and A&M are in the mix as well. - Don't know anything about the Booker kid from Westfield. Doesn't know if Zach will enroll early. - There are some off-field questions with Lorando Johnson, but he's a tremendous talent. Would take a risk on him. McGlothern's recruitment is a whirlwind, Mickens is more of a safety as is Jaylon Jones. Not many true CBs in Texas, UT likes both Eaton and Watts. - Justin Flowe also joined the periscope, EJ said he hopes to see him in Vegas. - Some random FB guy from Ohio State is apparently flaming EJ now. - Johnny WIlson has legitimate interest in Texas and should visit soon. Will also make an OV. Mehringer doing a great job recruiting him. Similar to Collin Johnson. - Won't be at the UA Dallas camp, but will be at the Dallas opening. - Down year in-state at LB. Scott was offered but they need to find OOS guys. Flowe obviously at the top of the board. They had White on campus, may eventually pick up an offer. But Flowe and Smalls are the two main priorities. - Lindberg will commit before his senior season, no exact timeline. No timeline for Flowe either. Floyd and McCoy are helping out in the latter's recruitment but he must make it to campus. - Something about BBQ in Dallas, tuned it out. - Smalls got off to a good start with Orlando and Carrington, good relationships. Still think he'll make a visit. He's a pure pass-rusher, same mold as Joseph Ossai but bigger. Would do very well in the Big 12. - Thinks Texas will get a couple of five-stars, same as in 2019 and 2018. Wilson, Evans, Ringo all realistic options. Still thinks Demas is in play but a flip chance is low. Talked to him over the weekend. - Good WR named Collin Sullivan from Round Rock. Great in 7v7, runs good routes with strong hands. Mid-to-high 3-star guy, Texas has shown a bit of interest. - Apparently EJ disagrees with his wife re: his hairstyle choices. - Elias Ricks will be in Vegas this weekend, Texas will keep working on him despite the LSU commitment. - Would have Broughton as a top 5 player in the state, alongside Evans, JaQuinden Jackson, Demas, and Chris Thompson. - Something about breakfast at Norma's? IDK. - Loves Tyler Owens, thinks he was the steal of the class. Special talent, athletic freak, etc. etc. - Dorbah and Broughton don't really know each other, no way to know if they want to play together. - Texas didn't offer Branard Wright because they like longer D-linemen. Not a scheme fit. Same reasoning with Bryant, who chose LSU after blOU backed off a bit. - Chances of getting Damien George depend on Zach Evans. Strong chance they end up playing together. Damien really likes Texas, as does Zach. - 70% chance Texas gets both Chad Lindberg and Damien George. - Preston George really liked his Texas visit, he's one of the best 2021 prospect overall. - 50/50 with Troy Omeire between Texas and A&M. Lot hinges on his March 9th visit here. - JaQuinden Jackson will wait until the UA AA game to commit. Won't commit early. Not sure when he'll get back to Texas. But he wants to do it soon, maybe this month. - Doesn't know much about the 2021 class, too early. Loves Preston Stone, Tunmise Adeleye, Jake Garcia (CA QB). Demetrius Davis is a very good player, but Stone is special. Closest thing to Johnny Manziel in a while. Offer list is amazing as well. Preston hasn't talked about A&M at all. Not worried about the level of competition he plays. - O-line class is off to a great start. Couple more will jump on board. - blOU is the favourite for Jahari Rodgers. Medium/high chances for Kelee Ringo. 2021 O-line class, Texas is in the mix for Donovan Jackson/Fatheree/Hayden/whatever. - Tried to give Taylor Hamm a hug this weekend. It didn't end up working out. - Will Bru McCoy start this season? Has the potential to do so if he's cleared. Texas had McGlothern on campus this weekend so they still push for him.
    6 points
  25. You know what? Fuck this. Fuck it hard. I know you’re joking, but that kind of sentiment is exactly the opposite of how we should approach this national crisis (which is what the Trump era is). We aren’t going to salvage this country by succumbing to our worst tribal instincts and becoming the blue flavor of what we hate most about the Red Team. I agree with almost nothing the modern GOP stands for. But Republicans are Americans and human beings and we’re all ultimately on the same team. Demonizing the other side will do nothing but make matters worse, cause violence, and lead us ever farther away from our cherished American values. You’re either in this for all Americans, or you’re just as bad as the Trumpist assholes on the other side.
    5 points
  26. The borkage continues.
    5 points
  27. Part of me would be amused if JJ just finishes the troll job. Music plays, something scrolls and we pick up the action immediately where we left off. The Falcon is flying along in space. Rey, Finn and CGI Leia are all in a deep conversation about the Resistance’s next move. SUDDENLY the hyperdrive gives out on the Falcon for the last time and in a flash a First Order ship is on them and blows them all to hell with a turbo laser barrage. Roll credits The audience sitting there in stunned silence as credits end. All of a sudden we see Kylo Ren standing there shirtless in a towel outside a First Order bathroom. “You’re still here? It’s over, we won, go home....go” Steps back into the bathroom Screen goes black.
    5 points
  28. The interview where Tucker lost his shit at that Dutch historian who was at Davos just got released. He is 100% bitchmade
    5 points
  29. I am ready for the EJ article explaining that Evans, Milton and now Robinson have all talked and could see playing together at Texas.
    5 points
  30. Well that pretty much confirms that last night's NYT article is exactly on point.
    5 points
  31. Totally minor but totally indicative: Sitting in my study just now working before the kids get up. Ms CL comes charging in to say goodbye before heading to the gym. Back door slams and every fucking light is on downstairs. I get up and make a circle through the living room and kitchen and dining room turning off lights then head back to my study. Literally as soon as my ass hits the chair, I hear the back door open and a flurry of footsteps. Kitchen light on, living room light on, dining room light on. She digs through her purse, finds whatever she's looking for (pretty sure it was her keys) then WHOOOOSH out the back door again with the lights all on a second time. Goddamit.
    5 points
  32. I remember when we signed our 2017 class and satya melodramatically declared the Texas brand dead. lulz. You went off on all this bullshit about how old current recruits were when VY played, A&M in the SEC, etc. One year later, we signed the #3 class in the nation, including landing 10 of the top 13 players in-state (not to mention we passed on one of the 3 we didn’t get because he could barely crack 5 seconds in the 40 as a safety). Two years later, we signed the #3 class in the nation once again and utilized the Texas brand all over the country in doing so.
    5 points
  33. Overall, the outlook on this class looks extremely bright right about now. I think 2020 will be the class where we see Herman’s ideally strategy come into play. Land what would be a top 10 class nationally with just the in-state guys and cherrypick 5-6 elite national guys to push the class into top 3-4 in the nation. Imagine what our 2019 class would’ve been like if we had hit on even just Leal, Richardson, Bragg, and say maybe Garrett Wilson. That would’ve been a Bama-level class right there. Herman winning 10 games and the Sugar Bowl last year was absolutely huge and were seeing the payoff now. He’s gonna be able to lock up the core of a top 5 class before we even play a game in 2019. Herman’s building a monster and if we can a lack of depth and some talent disparities at certain spots to get to another 10 win season in 2019, then this program will be in playoff contention year in and year out for the foreseeable future. The difference in talent/experience between the 2019 roster that has the 2016 class that’s been depleted by attrition as seniors and the #25 2017 class as juniors compared to the 2020 roster, which will have a Senior Ehlinger along with the #3 2018 class as juniors, the #3 2019 class as sophomores, and wherever we finish in 2020, will be massive. If most of these guys pan out, the 2020 roster could be our most talented overall roster since 2005.
    5 points
  34. by saying “right wingers” you’re implying a lot of these posters are politically motivated. they’re not. they simply aren’t asshat misanthropes racked with self-loathing, white guilt, and hatred for their fellow man. that must be a hell of a burden to bear, and while I hate your posts, I do feel sorry for you.
    5 points
  35. Gotta give it to EJ - outsourcing his Periscope summarization to India was a great move.
    5 points
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