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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/21/2020 in all areas

  1. Maybe, but what the fake tix sales did was completely fool the Trump campaign. Had the campaign been able to the predict the actual attendance, they would have taken steps to mitigate the optics. They would not have set up an overflow stage. They would have closed off the balcony for security reasons. They might have even restricted the capacity, claiming it was needed to reduce outbreak concerns. Instead they ran full speed into this embarrassment.
    30 points
  2. I don't need anything, except this lamp, and this maga hat.
    24 points
  3. I just found out a little bit ago that my 48 year old niece was killed in a car accident in Bandera this morning. She was my first niece so she was very special to me. I remember how excited I was going to be an uncle. That's big time stuff you know? Seems our family has taken a lot of hits the last year or two. Hell here's one more... thanks
    22 points
  4. Maybe. But rally turnout never meant shit. Trump got 144,000 votes in Tulsa County in 2016. He will also win Tulsa County and Oklahoma in a landslide in 2020. Hell, he could kill Barry Switzer and disband OU football and they'd still vote for him. Although if he did that, I might vote for him too.
    15 points
  5. Pre-Rally Post-Rally
    14 points
  6. Last night is a pretty good indicator that Trump can't win a legitimate election. OK is as pro-Trump an area as you can get, and not even 7000 people showed up to his big kick-off circle jerk. Even with all of the russian interference in 2016, he still lost the popular vote by 3 million. Since that time, he has lost some voters and energized entire demographics who historically don't turn out at the polls to vote his fat ass out of office. He is not even trying to lure in new voters by advancing new policy ideas, he's just rehashing the same greatest hits to pacify the hardcore morons in this country that will never abandon ship on the SS Shitstain. He's a joke and well over 50% of the eligible electorate realizes that. He can't leverage the Hillary "boogeyman" anymore because everyone now has 4 years of evidence that nobody could possibly be a more incompetent president than Trump. We should just do away with the rest of the traditional campaign cycle (rallies, debates, polling, etc....) and turn our attention to the GOP's efforts to rig the election and depress voter turnout, and the Dems attempts to ensure the election is held fairly. That's the only suspense remaining in this charade. Can the GOP steal the election (again).
    13 points
  7. They could at least let him use Free Fallin
    13 points
  8. 12 points
  9. Listen I may be a 50-something Gen-Xer, but...
    12 points
  10. The relentless mocking. The Lincoln project and similar ad campaigns. The multi-pronged social media assaults. The comedians becoming huge hits just reading his own words. All of these. They are torture to a narcissist. They are driving him mad. Good. It’s what we have to do, continue to do, and even step up to the next level. Torture the evil fucking narcissist to death. Take him to the brink, then shove him over it. He needs to hear the crowd cursing his name in his sleep. He needs to see mocking crowds and billboards wherever he goes. There is no escape. He is hated, he is loathed, and we are everywhere. If he wants a moment’s peace, he only needs to do one thing: GTFO of our house. Don’t let up. Don’t think he can be beaten easily. The GOP has shown that they aren’t above anything to keep power. We have to bulldoze all the fucking way past the goal line and out of the back of the end zone. Don’t just aim to win; aim to punish, aim to humiliate. God I hate the man. And every moment of his pain and suffering - after he has cruelly inflicted so much, for the simple masturbatory pleasure of approval of the worst among us - brings me real joy. Keep it up. Visit his own cruelty upon him. Forever.
    11 points
  11. And it’s Zoomers not Millennials that trolled the tickets. Zoomers are going to be the generation that helps Gen X turn this ship around and save us all. Millennials will be posting on Medium about it.
    11 points
  12. I love that no one brought up that Perroni feels the need to make crystal ball picks based partially on placating his subscriber base when he delivers bad news. “To counter the grimes pick, I’ll make yet another Aggie CB pick 2 years out which i might have to have to change, like I had to with Grimes, but you’ll shit the fuck up right now which is all I really want...so heres this shiny object!”
    10 points
  13. Stop. When did Gen Xers. Ever believe in trickle down economics or vote for vote for the Bushes? Gen X has a pretty firm 5-10pt Democratic preference and always has, in large part because of a rejection of what happened to our parents during the Reagan administration and the experience of losing our pensions early in our careers. Go back to MySpace, Tom.
    10 points
  14. Some are more informative than others...
    10 points
  15. “The Emptysburg address.” That made me chuckle.
    10 points
  16. My friend who is a nurse posted this at one point which I thought was awesome and sadly very accurate.
    9 points
  17. "You're drinking beer already? It's Father's Day, not your birthday."
    9 points
  18. Took the boy fishing yesterday for a bit. He landed this beauty, along with a couple others. It was a good day.
    9 points
  19. That image of him Charlie Brown walking off Marine One is exactly the early morning Father's Day present I needed. That may be petty but I really don't care. He deserves every terrible, embarrassing thing that happens to him. 120,000 dead and he's making testing rollback "jokes". Yesterday showed that his base is shrinking more and more and only the diehards made it out because the rest knew it was f'ing stupid to be at an indoor rally. Sure, he'll explain away the low turnout as Antifa, BLM, and others. But it has to sting him that his base abandoned him at the first of their great reopening rallies.
    9 points
  20. It's not going to be stopped in the US by anything we do. Our leadership has failed us and turned wearing a mask in to a political issue. The virus will either burn itself out or there will be a vaccine, but it's going to keep going until that happens. Thousands of people will have needlessly died before that happens though.
    9 points
  21. There is room for discussion between “errbody gon’ die!” and “errbody gon’ be fine!” Try to hit that sweet spot.
    9 points
  22. Not mad or upset with you, but this is my first full day off after six nights straight and I've been, uh, imbibing since I woke up. Healthcare Heroes is the term our hospital administration refers to and publicizes us as to skirt our requests for better PPE, hazard pay, better communication, employee testing, et al. Why try to actually take care of your people? It's enough when you can virtue signal by having a sign up on a skywalk that says "Heroes Work Here" and give out a few shirts that say "Healthcare Hero" on them for nurse's week, rendering them unwearable in public. Heroes by definition can go without essential tools. It's part of what makes them heroic. Then the public sees this and wants to help (which is great!) So they send food to the hospital from local restaurants and help feed us, or lots of cards and candy (also great!). Admin sees all of this happening and then wonders what we have to complain about. I'm not a hero, and I don't know any nurse, APRN, or doctor who would refer to themselves as such. A lot of the time lately it feels like we're martyrs. I keep showing up because (a) helping other people is the only thing that gives me meaning in life; (b) I like getting a paycheck; and © I care too much about the amazing people I work with to let them shoulder this burden alone. We have lost over fifteen nurses just on my home unit since May. That is devastating to an ICU, and we're not even the COVID ICU (though who knows how much longer that will last). The majority of them left because of administrative inflexibility on helping us protect our loved ones from ourselves and their refusal to rehire or retain anyone who wanted to go help in the initial hotspots. The nursing administration at one of my hospitals stopped the weekly Q&A sessions they would have for staff shortly after COVID started in earnest because they didn't like the questions we asked and they didn't like the attitude with which we asked them. Nor have any administrators volunteered to help out on some shifts. These people all have active nursing licenses in the State of Texas . It is a requirement of their jobs. There is so much they could do to help, even without taking direct care of patients. But they don't. When the PPE situation was at its worst (and it's still not great. Better, but not great), we asked them if they would go into COVID room wearing the gear they were telling us was safe and protective enough to wear. I'll give you one guess as to how many took us up on that challenge. We are just another line item expense to them. Show me a nurse that goes into administration and I'll show you a fucking sellout.
    8 points
  23. What a useless conversation. Generations don't uniformly align within themselves let alone with eact other. Being proud of your own generation or scornful of another merely divides. Take people as individuals or judge them by groups they join not the year they were born. I'll again quote Sergeant Hartman on race and apply it to generations. You are all equally worthless.
    8 points
  24. Sounds like 300k fraudulent votes to me.
    8 points
  25. He still looked awkward as shit drinking from that glass. It literally looks like he practiced over and over to get it right. He still leans forward super awkwardly and makes a weird motion. The guy has major problems. The fact that we are discussing his water drinking motions versus how our governments is planning to attack a pandemic is pathetic (and we are discussing it because he chooses to act out a 5 minute skit on it). This is the leader of the nation. If you vote for this clown in 2020 you deserve to be in hell.
    8 points
  26. You okay? You seem upset. Did you really get that mad about a tongue in cheek reference to the meme that GenX/GenZ are aligned against the two annoying larger generations?
    8 points
  27. people didn't come because he's losing steam and even some of his supporters are still tethered enough to reality to understand how bad of an idea it would be to go the trump people thought it was going to be a smashing success because of the tik tok zoomers and also their complete incompetence the trump people tore down the outside stage in broad daylight rather than shamefully at night or coming up with some other thing to do to make the optics better because of their incompetence really, I think we're seeing how shallow the pool of competence is that's left surrounding Trump. It's kinda funny watching the competent republicans dunk on him with the Lincoln videos. It's scary to think about while it's funny at a hate rally it's the same thing that's going on at the top level of the people running our country. Trump is at 3/4 empty stadium and they were planning for massive overflow. LOL. There's a deadly pandemic happening on there is no capable leadership and 120,000 Americans are dead and there is no end in sight - not LOL. I just hope that they remain this incompetent as they try and steal the election.
    8 points
  28. The Lincoln Project won’t stop until he snaps.
    7 points
  29. Can you include some Pringle’s in your next grocery run? Thanks.
    7 points
  30. The real truth is that the Gen Xers like you, the Millenials like me, and the Gen Zers all need to be aligned. The cancer continues to be the majority of the boomers. We’ve all suffered at various times because of those fuck sticks.
    7 points
  31. 1. Mannequins are not known for suicides 2. Mannequins are not know for public suicides 3. Mannequins do not commit suicide by hanging 4. These were murders
    7 points
  32. A bunch of 15 year-old Ewoks just took down the Death Star.
    7 points
  33. Also at a church that survived the 1921 massacre.
    7 points
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