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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/25/2021 in all areas

  1. Gator Bowl not refunding goober fans’ money, saying they bought tickets to see the “event” not to see a team.
    44 points
  2. My sister got me some golf balls for Christmas. She intended to get orange ones but accidently ordered red. I laughed when I opened them, she was confused. I then reminded her that I am colorblind and once I hit one of these red balls onto the geen grass, I'll never see it again. No bitching here, it was hilarious.
    22 points
  3. Merry Christmas, you surly bastards. Y’all have made these past few weeks a helluva lot of fun. May God bless you with peace, love, and Longhorn success. And happy holidays to all you non-Christmas surly bastards as well. Mazel Tov, As Salaam Alaikum, etc.
    18 points
  4. Remember when I asked y'all to help me create a Texas-sourced cocktail and some of y'all mentioned using sotol as a base? My friend Michael Parker has invented the Trace of Texas cocktail, using Texas-sourced ingredients. I know that cucumber in a cocktail sounds weird but we have served them to about 30 different people and every single person loved it. It is now available at Opal Divine's in Austin but it will soon be available at bars around the state, the goal being that, in 10 years, you'll be able to walk into a bar in Beaumont, order a Trace of Texas, and the bartender will know how to make it. The recipes are below. I decided to go with Desert Door sotol because the sotol plant is native to Texas, because it is wild harvested from a ranch near Dryden (i.e. it's not farmed) and because they're committed to sustainability. By the way, the Desert Door distillery, which is in Driftwood near the Salt Lick, is very, very nice. Like many new ventures Desert Door had some issues with quality control at the very beginning but those have been ironed out. Backstory: I was at my favorite bar in Austin, Opal Divine's, on a typically warm Austin day. Michael Parker, the owner of Opals, has been my bartender for about 30 years. I told Michael that I'd like something refreshing but that I was feeling "margarita-ed out." I added that, being that I am Traces of Texas, it would be great if the cocktail was made with Texas-sourced ingredients. Michael thought for a few minutes and came up with this, which we call the Trace of Texas and it is delicious. In all honesty, I'm not even that big of a cucumber fan and but I love this cocktail. It's drinkable, refreshing, and it doesn't feel like it's weighing me down. While I was drinking the first-ever Trace of Texas cocktail, Michael said "I know that you are frequently down on the border and that your friends down there can be a bit rowdier than folks here in Austin. I wonder what would happen if we spiced it up a little bit." That's when Michael created what we call the "Trace of Texas/Border Style," which takes the basic Trace of Texas cocktail, adds a bit of jalapeno and is rimmed with Tajin seasoning, which can be purchased pretty much anywhere, including HEB and online. All I can say is that Michael is a magician, and I think that if you make yourself a Trace of Texas, you'll agree. There are two versions of the Trace of Texas cocktail, regular and border style. Both are easy to make. Trace of Texas 1.5 oz Desert Door Original Texas Sotol .5 oz Paula’s Texas Grapefruit Liqueur 1 oz Fresh Pressed Texas Ruby Red Grapefruit Juice 1 teaspoon (1/6 oz) Wholesome Sweeteners Raw Agave Nectar 1 Slice cucumber In a mixing glass muddle the cucumber slice with grapefruit juice and agave nectar Add Desert Door Original Texas Sotol, Paula’s Texas Grapefruit Liqueur and ice, cap and shake vigorously. Strain into an old-fashioned glass over new ice. Garnish with a grapefruit or orange slice cut into a star shape! Trace of Texas (Border Style) 1.5 oz Desert Door Original Texas Sotol .5 oz Paula’s Texas Grapefruit Liqueur 1 oz Fresh Pressed Texas Ruby Red Grapefruit Juice 1 teaspoon (1/6 oz) Wholesome Sweeteners Raw Agave Nectar 1 Slice cucumber 1 Slice jalapeño, de-seeded Tajin seasoning for rimming the glass 2 Dashes Bad Dog Barcraft Fire and Damnation Bitters (optional) In a mixing glass muddle the cucumber slice and jalapeño with grapefruit juice and agave nectar Add Desert Door Original Texas Sotol, Paula’s Texas Grapefruit Liqueur and ice, cap and shake vigorously. Strain into an old-fashioned glass rimmed with Tajin seasoning over new ice and top with two dashes of Bar Dog Barcraft Fire and Damnation orange bitters, if desired. Garnish with a grapefruit or orange slice cut into a star shape!
    17 points
  5. Gift to myself. Les Paul Classic plain top in honeyburst finish. Bought it off of Reverb and expecting it by the end of the month.
    17 points
  6. My whole family has convened on the BIL's patio for a relative I've never met to perform a fire dancing routine.
    15 points
  7. Me to brother: Cardinals and Colts tonight should be good. Dad to everyone: I haven’t watched pro football since that guy took a knee. Few minutes later…. Me to brother: Played any golf lately? Dad interrupts: You know Titleist won’t let you buy balls with “Let’s Go Brandon” printed on them? Everyone: silence
    13 points
  8. I grew up wanting to be either a paleontologist or a NatGeo wildlife photographer. I did my PhD in paleobiology, work as a biology professor, and do wildlife photography in Yellowstone and Glacier on my weekends and school breaks. Living the dream.
    12 points
  9. That man is a gift from God. No matter what team you pulled for, you were a Barry Sanders fan.
    12 points
  10. Sounds like he’s getting an early morning wake up soon
    10 points
  11. So, it's my "extended" family, sort-of. The events occur last night. My GF has daughter that's married with two kids. Nice family. SIL ("John" for purposes of this post) is from Rancho Santa Fe...his folks have some dough. So, John's Mom decides to take John, his wife, and his two kids to see a live production of "Grinch" at the Old Globe in San Diego. For those that aren't familiar, The Old Globe is a pretty cool venue that does a ton of stuff that ends up on Broadway. Anyway, she springs for front-row seats. Hires two limos. One for John, wife, and kids, and another for herself and John's Dad. John and family are about 35 miles N of the venue, so it's a fairly long limo ride. Each limo is stocked with nice champagne, shrimp cocktails, chocolates, etc. Everybody dressed in their Sunday best. So they get there, arrange for the limo drivers to return at a set time, and go in. But, they don't get in, because the $1600 worth of tickets that she bought are fakes, and it's a full house with no room anywhere. John's mom is so upset...loses her shit, feels like an idiot, is crying, etc. (She's a super-lovely woman, not crazy as far as I can tell). Anyway, in her upset-ness, she slips on the wet sidewalk and faceplants. 911 is called, and she's taken away in an ambulance. Ambulance won't let John's dad go because COVID, so they get an uber. Ambulance takes her to a ghetto ER full of homeless, stabbing victims, etc. John's wife is calling the limo driver to get a ride back home and he's not answering. Wife and kids have to get an expensive uber home, and John, once he sees that Mom is stable, catches another expensive uber home so he can get his car and come back to drive Mom and Dad home. Mom has a concussion, and her face is bruised and bloodied. Merry Christmas everyone!
    10 points
  12. Wrong vibe for this thread as everything has been aces for us. Just the 2 of us so we ate, drank and made merry. On the sad side, this was our first xmas since our dog and oldest cat passed so it was rough not seeing them cuddle up together by the tree. It was even tougher not having a dog to give a prime rib bone to after smoking it last night. And we got the greatest gift we could have received this morning. The MIL announced she's selling the ranch (already has a very interested buyer with cash in hand). We FaceTime'd with her this morning & she was absolutely glowing with happiness over how much her life is about to improve. On top of her announcing it, my BIL called me (3 sheets to the wind) to tell me how he basically told our wives' brother that if he attempted any bullshit to change their mom's mind things would get very ugly for him. It was a Festivus miracle.
    9 points
  13. Ok so my Borderline personality disorder ex has a contribution. Daughter is with me and mine today. We spent yesterday holed up in a bayou off Sabine lake, catching reds and then made it home for my stepbro and sis in laws annual Christmas eve. Today is all day with my parents and family. Daughter gets a text from her mom. She has prepaid for brunch in Houston, reservations at 1. Today. Just in case her plans change. Daughter texts her back "how nice. As my plans have been set for a year now, I will be over that way sometime after 5, if I still decide to come."
    9 points
  14. started wrapping the presents and wife brought out the presents she was hiding. Among them was Grand theft auto. For a 12 year old.
    9 points
  15. My father can’t help but say shit that comes across insulting to my wife. My wife is like a hunter, searching for any hint of an insult. Working 90 seconds of walking through the door, he said something she took as criticizing her stirring the queso. She walked off in a huff, and is now pouting in the living room while he chats with my daughter in the kitchen. I get to enjoy a tense evening, then she’ll unload on me after he leaves, maybe even suggest that they spend Christmas in separate rooms tomorrow. There ain’t enough booze for this.
    9 points
  16. Good, experienced, upperclassmen O line, especially tackles are not in the portal for the exact same reason y'all are rubbing your pussies about how we took a bunch of HS Oline. O line take time to develop, so upperclassmen o linemen in the portal are spares that got beat by younger guys, why would we take more mediocre upperclassmen when we already have plenty on campus now.
    8 points
  17. After last night, it's clear that I really have been living in a bubble. A family member of mine, before saying things like "good to see you" or "merry Christmas " went right into "is Texas ever going to recover from this?" "You probably need a new coach" ... that was when I was reminded that the greatest things that ever happen at gomer are other people's misfortune, specifically Texas. I'm usually prepared for things like that, but work and covid, amongst other things, I had forgotten how shitty their fandom is. So yes, I hope he bought multiple tickets and can't sell them for shit. All in all, this past season was a zero burger for everyone not named Bama, Michigan, Georgia or Cincy.
    8 points
  18. Roasted pork knuckle with dark beer gravy, sweet and sour garlicky bacon green beans, sweet potato pecan savory casserole. Merry Christmas ya filthy animals.
    8 points
  19. When I was a kid I wanted to be an artist. Ended up being a firefighter and doing sports photography, writing and interviews on the side. Life's actually a lot better than I planned.
    8 points
  20. Wife: Put on a Christmas movie, can we watch Fiddler on the Roof and now she is yelling at me for laughing
    7 points
  21. Cross posting here. This is my first Christmas with weed. (Edibles.). I’ve a slow easy high for three days now, including today. 10mg mid morning and I’m chill but functional rest of the day. Family bullshit hasn’t mattered. Did hot yoga this morning while high. Unexpectedly best Christmas ever.
    7 points
  22. Merry Suspicious Christmas, Watch dudes!
    7 points
  23. Die Hard 2021 is kind of a bummer.
    7 points
  24. Resting for a bit on the smoker with the lid open
    6 points
  25. Someone’s happy with her Christmas present
    6 points
  26. Roasted goose, Knödel, Blaukraut, Erdinger Weißbier.
    6 points
  27. Merry Christmas to you and yours, everyone.
    6 points
  28. The only thing I ever wanted to do was be a fighter pilot. I passed my flight exam on my 16th birthday (back when you could get your pilot’s license at 16) and went and passed my driving test the next day. I managed to get an appointment from Bill Archer and was accepted to the Air Force Academy. I ended up turning it down to go to UT (my backup school) with my first ex to get an accounting degree. I hate to say I ragret not going because then I wouldn’t have my kids, but I think about it a lot, especially as I get older.
    6 points
  29. I gotta lotta problems with you people! Stop crying and fight your father! Happy holidays.
    6 points
  30. 6 points
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