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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/12/22 in Posts

  1. 19 points
  2. can i be the first one to say what we're all thinking - @Js1 needs to stop spending so much time on this stupid website. he needs to be in front of a magic wall explaining to the masses what the fuck is happening, why, and where, and maybe how. at the very least, he needs to start an informational and influential twitter page that i can follow. how do we make this happen?
    19 points
  3. [emoji869][emoji1787]
    17 points
  4. My brother is the HC at Cushing and they won the first playoff game in school history last night. Had only been to the playoffs two times in the history of the program before he took over five years ago and he's gotten them playoff bound in four of five years. Got second in district this year behind Carlisle and beat one of the top 2a programs year in and year out in the state in district in Tenaha also.
    16 points
  5. 15 points
  6. Citizens should choose their political representatives. Politicians should not choose their voters. Simple as.
    14 points
  7. Ain’t seeing my family or hers for thanksgiving, we are taking my boys on a week long road trip from San Fransisco through wine country and through the redwoods, then over to the coast, turn around and go back down to Mendocino and back to SF. Best part is no one is in the forests then so they are quiet, peaceful, and remote as they are intended to be. Thanksgiving day over looking the coastal cliffs, couple of B&B type suites to lay around after a morning hike and then fixed menu for a traditional thanksgiving at a farm to table restaurant around the corner. No bullshit, no politics, just gratitude and love. I’ll see my family for Christmas they don’t get to fuck up my favorite holiday, thanksgiving.
    14 points
  8. “Fruit stripes gum lasts longer than a&ms cfp hopes”
    13 points
  9. *Watches SCOTUS steal an election for the GOP in 2000* ”This to me sure looks like mass Democrat voter fraud!” @Azbadlands, do your shoes have Velcro on them?
    13 points
  10. Despite the absolute shit sandwich we put out there this game we were down 10-3 and had just forced a 3 and out and we’re set up to get the ball in good field position in the 3Q. Despite somehow not getting called for roughing the punter in the 1Q and then miraculously getting called for “running into” instead of a personal foul in the 2Q we decided to go for the block AGAIN. Predictably this led to the back breaking TD. We have some stupid motherfuckers making decisions for this football team.
    12 points
  11. Let’s all promise each other right now we won’t overreact here, ok?
    12 points
  12. I'm mother fuckin hollering!
    12 points
  13. In the year of our Lord 2022, we can feed a machine a map of our state and the total population and tell it to draw U.S. congressional districts. And by feeding it the right additional criteria, it will do it better and more equitably than any group of people.
    12 points
  14. I hear it’s a vision issue with achane. he doesn’t see himself playing college football anymore.
    12 points
  15. How bout we start with non-partisan redistricting, universal registration, voting holiday, and unrestricted mail-in voting?
    11 points
  16. By going 3-and-out every drive?
    11 points
  17. Never had this happen before but I solved the problem. Point had a stall and flat cooked right through. No way to cook both without ruining the flat. Had to do brisket surgery mid cook. Need to crank the temp for the burnt ends now. Flat is jiggling like Beyonces booty and probing with no effort. Dis gon be good.
    11 points
  18. Dear Jesus, please don’t let this be me in the 3rd quarter tomorrow evening… or at any point really. I pray Texas plays a complete game tomorrow! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    11 points
  19. Is that the ABV or the O/U of their win total this season?
    11 points
  20. Motha. Fucka. Let's Fucking Go! LEGGO!
    10 points
  21. pretty incredible that America recognized the threat that was of packing state SOS's with election deniers and that we effectively stymied the GQP's plan to steal the next election. can't believe we pulled that part off (or kept them from pulling it off)
    10 points
  22. Aggy cease and desist order inbound.
    10 points
  23. Now that good ol’Billdo is telling them that Achane isn’t opting out, we know for sure he’s opting out. I’m betting he’s telling Fisher he’ll play against LSU if it is to become bowl eligible.
    10 points
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