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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/14/19 in all areas

  1. 11 points
  2. 98% of aggy gives the rest of them a bad name.
    10 points
  3. Roach put in a Texas CB for Ringo.
    9 points
  4. Bring it on, you fat fucking pussy.
    9 points
  5. Ok. Think I figured it out.
    9 points
  6. He might have gotten one or two from the women yesterday.
    9 points
  7. Can we stop arguing about "socialism" and "capitalism", for fucks sake. Until someone starts advocating government ownership of the means of production, we're talking about policies that lie somewhere on a spectrum between unfettered, free-market capitalism, which doesn't exist and hasn't existed in the US, ever, and pure socialism, which doesn't exist anywhere anyone wants to live. Calling one or the other "socialism" or "capitalism" is meaningless drivel designed to polarize and trying to argue it pro or con as one or the other is even worse. AOC promotes socialistic policies, not socialism, as far as I can tell. Bernie same. Maybe y'all are privy to some agenda I'm not. The GOP, to the extent it promotes anything other than soundbites, promotes capitalistic policies that are just a masque for selling out to big business interests that give them money (a lot of Dems are guilty of this too, of course). /end rant
    8 points
  8. High five to my fellow None/Atheist/Agnostics for making our segment look smart
    8 points
  9. futureman and EJ Holland are from Dallas. I rest my case.
    8 points
  10. @Katfid54, we found your sock
    8 points
  11. Guys who’ve rooted shamelessly the past three years alone for players who: punched a girl in the face, threw a girl down a flight of stairs, and got arrested twice for domestic violence talking about character and respect for women is pretty damn rich. Go fuck yourselves, Sooners.
    7 points
    7 points
  13. Just wanted to say fuck Ted Cruz and his fake ass support of the Constitution. As they say, "everything's bigger in Texas”, he's about as big of a fraud as you can get.
    7 points
  14. Does it change the fact that the piece of shit is out of the White House? Yes? Ok done.
    7 points
  15. Yeah, I mean, a president hasn't won the general election without carrying his home state since *checks notes* the last fucking election.
    7 points
  16. Maybe if he raped his wife it would get you excited enough to take a shit on the Constitution.
    6 points
  17. X-posting from College Admission Scandal. Didn’t want anybody to miss it! SIAP
    6 points
  18. Again....imagine if Obama said shit like this. This shit is unacceptable. Completely. 100%. It is incompatible with a functioning Republic. It is OPPOSED to it. The President of the United States is in active and direct opposition to a functioning government and a dissenting public, so much so that he threatens force against them. This is banana republic bullshit, and today's GOP is fine with it. Completely fine with it. The party is working in perfect concert to undermine the foundational principles and mechanisms of a functioning country. If an outside party was doing and saying what they were, we'd rightly brand them as an enemy force. But to the GOP supporters, it's very cool. What's a little threat of using the instruments of the state and de facto militias to threaten political violence on your opponents? No big deal.
    6 points
  19. Goddamnit this will never not piss me off. It was hot as hell and this bullshit following the absolute bullshit holding call on a DT who was 5 yards off the LOS absolutely cost us the game. I'm not generally one to blame the refs but these calls were egregious and I want to say we had at least 2 TDs called back earlier in the game. But that ref bumping into Charlie and then flagging him for it makes me ragey.
    6 points
  20. In that case @Katfid54 Have another!
    6 points
  21. 1 is bad. 89 is also bad. Perhaps even equally so. Both sides man.
    6 points
  22. My "ilk" recognize a certain pattern of criminal behavior that seems to permeate Republican administrations. During your and my lifetimes, 1 individual from a Democratic administration was convicted of a crime, compared to 89 from Republican ones. EXECUTIVE BRANCH CRIMINAL ACTIVITIES BY PRESIDENTIAL ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION PARTY YEARS IN OFFICE CRIMINAL INDICTMENTS CRIMINAL CONVICTIONS PRISON SENTENCES BARACK OBAMA Democratic 8 0 0 0 GEORGE W. BUSH Republican 8 16 16 9 BILL CLINTON Democratic 8 2 1 1 GEORGE H. W. BUSH Republican 4 1 1 1 RONALD REAGAN Republican 8 26 16 8 JIMMY CARTER Democratic 4 1 0 0 GERALD FORD Republican 2.4 1 1 1 RICHARD NIXON Republican 5.6 76 55 15
    6 points
  23. It's because Herman is MENSA and knows that people from Houston are smarter, better-looking and more athletic than people from Dallas. It's just science.
    6 points
  24. 8 months ago, he was "too left for Texas" but now all the "conservatives" are out of the woodwork to praise him. They ain't going to vote for him. Stop deluding yourselves into thinking he's going to get some massive unhappy GOP vote. They'll vote for Trump, bitch about it, say they really voted for Gary Johnson, and then defend Trump.
    6 points
  25. Ah, yes, I love the old "why is Mueller taking so long for a political investigation into nothing" battle cry. TIL "forever" = 1 year. You must have been pissed when they investigated Clinton for four "forevers" and spent all that tax money only to find no crimes. Two "forevers" so far for Mueller and all he's come away with are a bunch of lousy indictments, charges, guilty pleas and prison sentences.
    6 points
  26. We are legion, bitch.
    6 points
  27. A guy who thinks circumstantial evidence is inadmissible in court should probably not be calling other people morons.
    5 points
  28. Speaking as a Christian... Set the wayback machine to about... oh, 8 centuries ago. A Franciscan Friar, William of Rubruck, is sent by the Pope to meet this Mongolian "Great Khan" that had been terrorizing all of Asia and Eastern Europe, because some Nestorian Christian ambassadors from the Mongol Empire had essentially told them that the Great Khan was ready to convert to Christianity. In reality, the ambassadors were letting the Great Khan's tolerance of all religions mislead them into thinking this way. And in reality, the Friar was sent as a spy. The Great Khan, Möngke, already knew -- the Mongolians had the best, fastest communications system in the world at the time -- that the Friar had been sent as a spy, already knew Christian teachings well, and already knew very well all about the King who'd sent him. After teasing him relentlessly for a long time after the long journey, in his final audience with the Friar he said, "You Christians have commandments, but you do not follow them. When our Shamans tell us to do something, we do it." And then, sent him home. Christianity of today -- like then -- needs to be practiced more than defended. No Christian can see any OP's "examples" and say that this is an attack on Christianity. You should see -- as I do -- that these characters are villains, pure and simple. It's attacking hypocrisy, greed, lust, rape -- all the things that God Himself commanded us not to do, and yet not only do we do these things, we defend and support those who do. Look at the Catholic Church hiding child rapists; look at American Evangelicals defending Donald Trump. If your heart is right with God, then you would see these so-called "Christians" in the media as the villains they are. They are not merely villains to Hollywood, they are villains to Christ. So, in short, get off yer high horse and stop defending this behavior. Stop supporting people who rape and tear apart families and cheat on their wives and brag about it. My God... someone actually had the President sign their Bible. Can you not see how twisted and perverse that is? This man... signing the Word of God? A book he hasn't bothered to read and wouldn't follow even if he did?
    5 points
  29. Just a precautionary safety measure for the health of the offensive players.
    5 points
  30. What you have to understand is, we cannot take any action to put out this fire until we first take real action on long-term fire prevention. Said the fireman watching someone's house burn down while he warmed up his speech on the importance of smoke detectors and having a fire extinguisher handy. Sasse is fucking trash and needs to go in the history books in the chapter with the rest of the fucking treasonous weasels.
    5 points
  31. protip: due to combo pricing being inconsistent, it's cheaper to add a meat patty and jalapenos to a #5 than it is to add jalapenos, bacon and cheese to a #2, or to add bacon and a meat to a #4.
    5 points
  32. In high school, I had three serious knee injuries (innumerable sprains) and two surgeries back when those were a bigger deal. It was the era of no physical therapy. The surgery was performed using sharp rocks and kite string. Anyways, the last injury was the worst. After surgery, I awoke in my hospital room with Dad and the surgeon standing sadly over me. I knew what they were going to say. I was a promising lineman of that era- quick and big. That was likely over. As they edged into telling me, I raised a hand from my still partially anesthetized being. "I don't want to do this anymore. It's not fun." I meant the injuries. I hadn't even made it to the first game of the season two years in a row. I imagine all the work that these guys put in all year only to be deprived of the fun part is pretty demoralizing. I don't know how elective Hudson's choice was, but I'll be damned if I'd tolerate anyone calling him soft for his decision.
    5 points
  33. This must be why we lost to Maryland. They literally killed kids in training. Playing us must have been like an afternoon in the Bahamas.
    5 points
  34. Something that folks seem to be missing is that Beto gets the wife crowd hot and bothered (well, to be fair, folks have acknowledged that). And the dividend for that is...husbands are gonna get a Beto Booty dividend as long as he’s running a strong campaign/wins the nomination. Support Beto, and get some.
    5 points
  35. Degabriel Floyd did the same thing last year if I'm not mistaken.
    5 points
  36. 5 points
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